Changeset 3098 for LMDZ6/trunk/libf

Dec 3, 2017, 4:08:33 PM (7 years ago)

Cosmetic changes to the routine

1 edited


  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/StratAer/micphy_tstep.F90

    r3094 r3098  
    2525  ! local variables in coagulation routine
    2626  INTEGER, PARAMETER        :: nbtstep=4  ! Max number of time steps in microphysics per time step in physics
    27   INTEGER                   :: it,ilon,ilev,IK,count_tstep
     27  INTEGER                   :: it,ilon,ilev,count_tstep
    2828  REAL                      :: rhoa !H2SO4 number density [molecules/cm3]
    2929  REAL                      :: ntot !total number of molecules in the critical cluster (ntot>4)
    4343  REAL H2SO4_sat(nbtr_bin)
    45   DO IK=1,nbtr_bin
    46     Vbin(IK)=4.0*RPI*((mdw(IK)/2.)**3)/3.0
     45  DO it=1,nbtr_bin
     46    Vbin(it)=4.0*RPI*((mdw(it)/2.)**3)/3.0
    4747  ENDDO
    9595             & RRSI,Vbin,FL,ASO4,DNDR)
    9696      ! consider only condensation (positive FL)
    97       DO IK=1,nbtr_bin
    98         FL(IK)=MAX(FL(IK),0.)
     97      DO it=1,nbtr_bin
     98        FL(it)=MAX(FL(it),0.)
    9999      ENDDO
    100100      ! compute total H2SO4 cond flux for all particles
    101101      cond_evap_rate=0.0
    102       DO IK=1, nbtr_bin
    103         cond_evap_rate=cond_evap_rate+tr_seri(ilon,ilev,IK+nbtr_sulgas)*FL(IK)*mH2SO4mol
     102      DO it=1, nbtr_bin
     103        cond_evap_rate=cond_evap_rate+tr_seri(ilon,ilev,it+nbtr_sulgas)*FL(it)*mH2SO4mol
    104104      ENDDO
    105105      ! determine appropriate time step
    131131           & RRSI,Vbin,FL,ASO4,DNDR)
    132132    ! limit evaporation (negative FL) over one physics time step to H2SO4 content of the droplet
    133     DO IK=1,nbtr_bin
    134       FL(IK)=MAX(FL(IK)*pdtphys,0.-ASO4(IK))/pdtphys
     133    DO it=1,nbtr_bin
     134      FL(it)=MAX(FL(it)*pdtphys,0.-ASO4(it))/pdtphys
    135135      ! consider only evap (negative FL)
    136       FL(IK)=MIN(FL(IK),0.)
     136      FL(it)=MIN(FL(it),0.)
    137137    ENDDO
    138138    ! compute total H2SO4 evap flux for all particles
    139139    evap_rate=0.0
    140     DO IK=1, nbtr_bin
    141       evap_rate=evap_rate+tr_seri(ilon,ilev,IK+nbtr_sulgas)*FL(IK)*mH2SO4mol
     140    DO it=1, nbtr_bin
     141      evap_rate=evap_rate+tr_seri(ilon,ilev,it+nbtr_sulgas)*FL(it)*mH2SO4mol
    142142    ENDDO
    143143    ! update H2SO4 concentration after evap
    158158    DO ilon=1, klon
    159159    DO ilev=1, klev   
    160     DO IK=1, nbtr
    161       IF (tr_seri(ilon,ilev,IK).LT.0.0) THEN
    162         PRINT *, 'micphy_tstep: negative concentration', tr_seri(ilon,ilev,IK), ilon, ilev, IK
     160    DO it=1, nbtr
     161      IF (tr_seri(ilon,ilev,it).LT.0.0) THEN
     162        PRINT *, 'micphy_tstep: negative concentration', tr_seri(ilon,ilev,it), ilon, ilev, it
    163163      ENDIF
    164164    ENDDO
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