Changeset 3096 for LMDZ6

Dec 1, 2017, 7:10:09 PM (7 years ago)

Adding variables for the CMIP6 Data Request v18

1 edited


  • LMDZ6/trunk/DefLists/CMIP6_ping_atmos.xml

    r3095 r3096  
    6060   <field id="CMIP6_cldicemxrat"   field_ref="dummy_XYA"        /> <!-- P3 (1.0) cloud_ice_mixing_ratio : Cloud ice mixing ratio -->
    6161   <field id="CMIP6_cldnci"        field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P1 (m-3) number_concentration_of_ice_crystals_in_air_at_ice_cloud_top : Concentration 'as seen from space' over ice-cloud portion of grid cell.  This is the value from uppermost model layer with ice cloud or, if available, it is the sum over all ice cloud tops, no matter where they occur, as long as they are seen from the top of the atmosphere. Weight by total ice cloud top fraction (as seen from TOA) of each time sample when computing monthly mean. -->
    62    <field id="CMIP6_cldncl"        field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P1 (m-3) number_concentration_of_cloud_liquid_water_particles_in_air_at_liquid_water_cloud_top : Droplets are liquid only.  Report concentration 'as seen from space' over liquid cloudy portion of grid cell.  This is the value from uppermost model layer with liquid cloud or, if available, it is better to sum over all liquid cloud tops, no matter where they occur, as long as they are seen from the top of the atmosphere. Weight by total liquid cloud top fraction of  (as seen from TOA) each time sample when computing monthly mean. -->
     62   <field id="CMIP6_cldncl"        field_ref="cldncl"         /> <!-- P1 (m-3) number_concentration_of_cloud_liquid_water_particles_in_air_at_liquid_water_cloud_top : Droplets are liquid only.  Report concentration 'as seen from space' over liquid cloudy portion of grid cell.  This is the value from uppermost model layer with liquid cloud or, if available, it is better to sum over all liquid cloud tops, no matter where they occur, as long as they are seen from the top of the atmosphere. Weight by total liquid cloud top fraction of  (as seen from TOA) each time sample when computing monthly mean. -->
    6363   <field id="CMIP6_cldnvi"        field_ref="cldnvi"           /> <!-- P1 (m-2) atmosphere_number_content_of_cloud_droplets : Droplets are liquid only.  Values are weighted by liquid cloud fraction in each layer when vertically integrating, and for monthly means the samples are weighted by total liquid cloud fraction (as seen from TOA). -->
    6464   <field id="CMIP6_cldwatmxrat"   field_ref="dummy_XYA"        /> <!-- P2 (1.0) cloud_liquid_water_mixing_ratio : Cloud water mixing ratio -->
    114114   <field id="CMIP6_hfdsl"         field_ref="bils"> bils*fract_ter </field> <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_downward_heat_flux_in_air : Downward Heat Flux at Land Surface -->
    115115   <field id="CMIP6_hfdsnb"        field_ref="dummy_not_provided"         /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) missing : Heat flux from snow into the ice or land under the snow. -->
    116    <field id="CMIP6_hfls"          field_ref="flat"             /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_upward_latent_heat_flux : Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux -->
     116   <field id="CMIP6_hfls"          field_ref="flat"> flat*(-1) </field>      <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_upward_latent_heat_flux : Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux -->
    117117   <field id="CMIP6_hfmlt"         field_ref="dummy_not_provided"         /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_snow_and_ice_melt_heat_flux : Energy consumed or released during liquid/solid phase changes. -->
    118118   <field id="CMIP6_hfrs"          field_ref="dummy_not_provided"         /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) temperature_flux_due_to_rainfall_expressed_as_heat_flux_onto_snow_and_ice : Heat transferred to a snow cover by rain.. -->
    119119   <field id="CMIP6_hfsbl"         field_ref="dummy_not_provided"         /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_snow_and_ice_sublimation_heat_flux : Energy consumed or released during vapor/solid phase changes. -->
    120    <field id="CMIP6_hfss"          field_ref="sens"             /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux : Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux -->
     120   <field id="CMIP6_hfss"          field_ref="sens" sens*(-1) </field>      <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux : Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux -->
    121121   <field id="CMIP6_hur"           field_ref="rhum"              /> <!-- P1 (%) relative_humidity : The relative humidity with respect to liquid water for T> 0 C, and with respect to ice for T<0 C. -->
    122122   <field id="CMIP6_hurs"          field_ref="rh2m"             /> <!-- P1 (%) relative_humidity : The relative humidity with respect to liquid water for T> 0 C, and with respect to ice for T<0 C. -->
    168168   <field id="CMIP6_od550so4so"    field_ref="dummy_not_provided"         /> <!-- P1 (1.0) missing : Balkanski - LSCE -->
    169169   <field id="CMIP6_od865dust"     field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P1 (1.0) atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_dust_ambient_aerosol_particles : Balkanski - LSCE -->
    170    <field id="CMIP6_parasolRefl_sea" field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P1 (1.0) toa_bidirectional_reflectance : Simulated reflectance from PARASOL as seen at the top of the atmosphere for 5 solar zenith angles. Valid only over ocean and for one viewing direction (viewing zenith angle of 30 degrees and relative azimuth angle 320 degrees). -->
     170   <field id="CMIP6_parasolRefl_sea" field_ref="parasolRefl" parasolRefl*fract_oce </field> <!-- P1 (1.0) toa_bidirectional_reflectance : Simulated reflectance from PARASOL as seen at the top of the atmosphere for 5 solar zenith angles. Valid only over ocean and for one viewing direction (viewing zenith angle of 30 degrees and relative azimuth angle 320 degrees). -->
    171171   <field id="CMIP6_pctisccp"      field_ref="ctpisccp"         /> <!-- P1 (Pa) air_pressure_at_cloud_top : ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure. Time-means are weighted by the ISCCP Total Cloud Fraction {:cltisccp} - see -->
    172172   <field id="CMIP6_pfull"         field_ref="pres"             /> <!-- P1 (Pa) air_pressure : Air pressure on model levels -->
    314314   <field id="CMIP6_tntscp"        field_ref="dummy_XYA"        /> <!-- P1 (K s-1) tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_clouds_and_precipitation : Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Stratiform Clouds and Precipitation -->
    315315   <field id="CMIP6_tntscpbl"      field_ref="tntscpbl"        /> <!-- P1 (K s-1) tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_cloud_and_precipitation_and_boundary_layer_mixing : Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Stratiform Cloud and Precipitation and Boundary Layer Mixing (to be specified only in  models which do not separate cloud, precipitation and boundary layer terms.  Includes all boundary layer terms including diffusive ones.) -->
    316    <field id="CMIP6_tr"            field_ref="dummy_XY"         /> <!-- P1 (K) surface_temperature : Effective radiative surface temperature, averaged over the grid cell -->
     316   <field id="CMIP6_tr"            field_ref="tsol"         /> <!-- P1 (K) surface_temperature : Effective radiative surface temperature, averaged over the grid cell -->
    317317   <field id="CMIP6_ts"            field_ref="tsol"             /> <!-- P1 (K) surface_temperature : Temperature of the lower boundary of the atmosphere -->
    318318   <field id="CMIP6_tsns"          field_ref="dummy_not_provided"         /> <!-- P1 (K) surface_temperature : Temperature of the snow surface as it interacts with the atmosphere, averaged over a grid cell. -->
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