Oct 2, 2016, 6:55:08 PM (8 years ago)

I introduced flag_bc_internal_mixture for BC/sulphate internal mixture.
Only works for iflag_rrtm=y, NSW=6 and flag_aerosol=6 or aerosol_couple.
It has no impact at the moment as LUT for aerosol properties will have to
be changed. But the plumbing work is already done....

1 edited


  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phylmd/conf_phys_m.F90

    r2580 r2644  
    1919       ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_cdnc, aerosol_couple, &
    2020       flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, new_aod, &
    21        bl95_b0, bl95_b1,&
     21       flag_bc_internal_mixture, bl95_b0, bl95_b1,&
    2222       read_climoz, &
    2323       alp_offset)
    6464    ! ok_cdnc, ok cloud droplet number concentration
    6565    ! flag_aerosol_strat : flag pour les aerosols stratos
     66    ! flag_bc_internal_mixture : use BC internal mixture if true
    6667    ! bl95_b*: parameters in the formula to link CDNC to aerosol mass conc
    6768    !
    7778    INTEGER              :: flag_aerosol
    7879    INTEGER              :: flag_aerosol_strat
     80    LOGICAL              :: flag_bc_internal_mixture
    7981    LOGICAL              :: new_aod
    8082    REAL                 :: bl95_b0, bl95_b1
    9597    INTEGER, SAVE       :: flag_aerosol_omp
    9698    INTEGER, SAVE       :: flag_aerosol_strat_omp
     99    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp
    97100    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: new_aod_omp
    98101    REAL,SAVE           :: bl95_b0_omp, bl95_b1_omp
    398401    flag_aerosol_strat_omp = 0
    399402    CALL getin('flag_aerosol_strat',flag_aerosol_strat_omp)
     404    !
     405    !Config Key  = flag_bc_internal_mixture
     406    !Config Desc = state of mixture for BC aerosols
     407    ! - n = external mixture
     408    ! - y = internal mixture
     409    !Config Def  = n
     410    !Config Help = Used in physiq.F / aeropt
     411    !
     412    flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp = .false.
     413    CALL getin('flag_bc_internal_mixture',flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp)
    401415    ! Temporary variable for testing purpose!
    21362150    flag_aerosol=flag_aerosol_omp
    21372151    flag_aerosol_strat=flag_aerosol_strat_omp
     2152    flag_bc_internal_mixture=flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp
    21382153    new_aod=new_aod_omp
    21392154    aer_type = aer_type_omp
    23112326    IF (ok_aie .AND. .NOT. ok_cdnc) THEN
    23122327       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'ok_cdnc must be set to y if ok_aie is activated',1)
     2328    ENDIF
     2330    ! BC internal mixture is only possible with RRTM & NSW=6 & flag_aerosol=6 or aerosol_couple
     2331    IF (flag_bc_internal_mixture .AND. NSW.NE.6) THEN
     2332       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_bc_internal_mixture can only be activated with NSW=6',1)
     2333    ENDIF
     2334    IF (flag_bc_internal_mixture .AND. iflag_rrtm.NE.1) THEN
     2335       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_bc_internal_mixture can only be activated with RRTM',1)
     2336    ENDIF
     2337    IF (flag_bc_internal_mixture .AND. flag_aerosol.NE.6) THEN
     2338       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_bc_internal_mixture can only be activated with flag_aerosol=6',1)
    23132339    ENDIF
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