Changeset 2542 for LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/dynphy_lonlat
- Timestamp:
- Jun 6, 2016, 4:04:57 PM (9 years ago)
- Location:
- LMDZ5/branches/testing
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/LMDZ5/trunk merged: 2489-2527,2529-2532,2534-2541
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
r2533 r2542 29 29 ! Local variables: 30 30 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: modname="fine2coarse" 31 INTEGER :: mi, ni, ii, ji, mo, no, io, jo, nr(2), m1, n1, m2, n2, mx, my, nn 32 LOGICAL :: li, lo 33 REAL :: inc 31 INTEGER :: mi, ni, ii, ji, mo, no, io, jo, nr(2), m1,m2, n1,n2, mx,my, nn, i,j 32 LOGICAL :: li, lo, first=.TRUE. 33 REAL :: inc, cpa, spa, crlo(SIZE(x_i)) 34 REAL, SAVE :: pi, hpi 34 35 INTEGER, DIMENSION(SIZE(x_o),SIZE(y_o)) :: num_tot 35 36 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(x_o),SIZE(y_o)) :: found, mask 36 REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(x_ o),SIZE(y_o)) :: dist37 REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(x_i),SIZE(y_i)) :: dist 37 38 REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(x_o)) :: a, b 38 39 REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(y_o)) :: c, d 39 40 REAL, PARAMETER :: thresh=1.E-5 40 41 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 IF(first) THEN; pi=4.0*ATAN(1.0); hpi=pi/2.0; first=.FALSE.; END IF 41 43 mi=SIZE(x_i); ni=SIZE(y_i); mo=SIZE(x_o); no=SIZE(y_o) 42 44 m1=m1; m2=mo; mx=mo; IF(PRESENT(msk)) mx=SIZE(msk,1) … … 91 93 IF(found(io,jo)) CYCLE 92 94 ! IF(prt_level>=1) PRINT*, "Problem: point out of domain (i,j)=", io,jo 93 CALL dist_sphe(x_o(io),y_o(jo),x_i,y_i,dist(:,:)) 95 crlo(:)=COS(x_o(io)-x_i(:)) !--- COS of points 1 and 2 angle 96 cpa=COS(y_o(jo)); spa=SIN(y_o(jo)) 97 DO j=1,ni; dist(:,j)=ACOS(spa*SIN(y_i(j))+cpa*COS(y_i(j))*crlo(:)); END DO 94 98 nr=MINLOC(dist(:,:))!; IF(prt_level>=1) PRINT*, "Solution: ", nr 95 99 inc=1.0; IF(li) inc=d_i(nr(1),nr(2)) … … 252 256 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 253 257 254 255 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------256 !257 SUBROUTINE dist_sphe(rf_lon,rf_lat,rlon,rlat,distance)258 !259 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------260 ! Author: Laurent Li (december 30th 1996).261 ! Purpose: Compute min. distance (along big circle) between 2 points in radians.262 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------263 IMPLICIT NONE264 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------265 ! Arguments:266 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: rf_lon, rf_lat !--- Reference point coordinates (radians)267 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: rlon(:), rlat(:)!--- Points longitudes/latitudes (radians)268 REAL, INTENT(OUT):: distance(SIZE(rlon),SIZE(rlat)) !--- Distance (radians)269 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------270 ! Local variables:271 LOGICAL, SAVE :: first=.TRUE.272 REAL, SAVE :: pi, hpi273 REAL :: pa, pb, cpa, spa, crlo(SIZE(rlon))274 INTEGER :: i, j275 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------276 IF(first) THEN; pi=4.0*ATAN(1.0); hpi=pi/2.0; first=.FALSE.; END IF277 crlo(:)=COS(rf_lon-rlon(:)) !--- COS of points 1 and 2 angle278 pa=hpi-rf_lat !--- North Pole - Point 1 distance279 cpa=COS(pa); spa=SIN(pa)280 DO j=1,SIZE(rlat)281 pb=hpi-rlat(j) !--- North Pole - Point 2 distance282 distance(:,j)=ACOS(cpa*COS(pb)+spa*SIN(pb)*crlo(:))283 END DO284 285 END SUBROUTINE dist_sphe286 !287 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------288 289 258 END MODULE grid_atob_m 290 259 ! -
r2471 r2542 111 111 LOGICAL :: ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_cdnc, aerosol_couple 112 112 INTEGER :: flag_aerosol 113 LOGICAL:: flag_aerosol_strat113 INTEGER :: flag_aerosol_strat 114 114 LOGICAL :: new_aod 115 115 REAL :: bl95_b0, bl95_b1 -
r2435 r2542 60 60 ! * 11/2009: L. Guez (ozone day & night climatos, see etat0_netcdf.F90) 61 61 ! * 12/2009: D. Cugnet (f77->f90, calendars, files from coupled runs) 62 ! * 04/2016: D. Cugnet (12/14 recs SST/SIC files: cyclic/interannual runs) 62 63 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 64 #ifndef CPP_1D … … 339 340 INTEGER :: ndays_in ! number of days 340 341 !--- misc 341 INTEGER :: i, j, k, l 342 INTEGER :: i, j, k, l, ll ! loop counters 342 343 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: work(:,:) ! used for extrapolation 343 CHARACTER(LEN= 25) :: title! for messages344 CHARACTER(LEN=128):: title, mess ! for messages 344 345 LOGICAL :: extrp ! flag for extrapolation 345 346 REAL :: chmin, chmax … … 392 393 !--- Time (variable is not needed - it is rebuilt - but calendar is) 393 394 CALL ncerr(NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(ncid, dids(3), name=dnam, len=lmdep), fnam) 394 ALLOCATE(timeyear( lmdep))395 ALLOCATE(timeyear(MAX(lmdep,14))) 395 396 CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, dnam, varid), fnam) 396 397 cal_in=' ' … … 405 406 CALL msg(5,'var, calendar, dim: '//TRIM(dnam)//' '//TRIM(cal_in), lmdep) 406 407 407 !--- CONSTRUCTING THE INPUT TIME VECTOR FOR INTERPOLATION -------------------- 408 !--- Determining input file number of days, depending on calendar 408 !--- Determining input file number of days, depending on calendar 409 409 ndays_in=year_len(anneeref, cal_in) 410 410 411 !--- Time vector reconstruction (time vector from file is not trusted) 412 !--- If input records are not monthly, time sampling has to be constant ! 413 timeyear=mid_months(anneeref, cal_in, lmdep) 414 IF (lmdep /= 12) WRITE(lunout,*) 'Note : les fichiers de ', TRIM(mode), & 415 ' ne comportent pas 12, mais ', lmdep, ' enregistrements.' 411 !--- Rebuilding input time vector (field from input file might be unreliable) 412 IF(lmdep==12) THEN 413 timeyear=mid_month(anneeref, cal_in, ndays_in) 414 CALL msg(0,'Monthly periodic input file (perpetual run).') 415 ELSE IF(lmdep==14) THEN 416 timeyear=mid_month(anneeref, cal_in, ndays_in) 417 CALL msg(0,'Monthly 14-records input file (interannual run).') 418 ELSE IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN 419 timeyear=[(REAL(k)-0.5,k=1,ndays_in)] 420 CALL msg(0,'Daily input file (no time interpolation).') 421 ELSE 422 WRITE(mess,'(a,i3,a,i3,a)')'Mismatching input file: found',lmdep, & 423 ' records, 12/14/',ndays_in,' (periodic/interannual/daily) needed' 424 CALL abort_physic('mid_months',TRIM(mess),1) 425 END IF 416 426 417 427 !--- GETTING THE FIELD AND INTERPOLATING IT ---------------------------------- 418 ALLOCATE(champ(imdep, jmdep), champtime(iim, jjp1, lmdep))428 ALLOCATE(champ(imdep, jmdep), champtime(iim, jjp1, MAX(lmdep,14))) 419 429 IF(extrp) ALLOCATE(work(imdep, jmdep)) 420 430 CALL msg(5,'') … … 436 446 WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint=0.001 437 447 END IF 438 champtime(:, :, l)=champint 448 !--- Special case for periodic input file: index shifted 449 ll = l; IF(lmdep==12) ll = l + 1 450 champtime(:, :, ll)=champint 439 451 END DO 452 IF(lmdep==12) THEN 453 champtime(:,:, 1)=champtime(:,:,13) 454 champtime(:,:,14)=champtime(:,:, 2) 455 END IF 440 456 CALL ncerr(NF90_CLOSE(ncid), fnam) 441 457 … … 444 460 445 461 !--- TIME INTERPOLATION ------------------------------------------------------ 446 IF(prt_level>5) THEN 447 WRITE(lunout, *) 448 WRITE(lunout, *)'INTERPOLATION TEMPORELLE.' 449 WRITE(lunout, *)' Vecteur temps en entree: ', timeyear 450 WRITE(lunout, *)' Vecteur temps en sortie de 0 a ', ndays 451 END IF 452 453 ALLOCATE(yder(lmdep), champan(iip1, jjp1, ndays)) 454 skip = .false. 455 n_extrap = 0 456 DO j=1, jjp1 457 DO i=1, iim 458 yder = pchsp_95(timeyear, champtime(i, j, :), ibeg=2, iend=2, & 459 vc_beg=0., vc_end=0.) 460 CALL pchfe_95(timeyear, champtime(i, j, :), yder, skip, & 461 arth(0., real(ndays_in) / ndays, ndays), champan(i, j, :), ierr) 462 if (ierr < 0) stop 1 463 n_extrap = n_extrap + ierr 464 END DO 465 END DO 466 if (n_extrap /= 0) then 467 WRITE(lunout,*) "get_2Dfield pchfe_95: n_extrap = ", n_extrap 468 end if 462 IF(prt_level>0) THEN 463 IF(ndays/=ndays_in) THEN 464 WRITE(lunout, *) 465 WRITE(lunout,*)'DIFFERENTES LONGEURS D ANNEES:' 466 WRITE(lunout,*)' Dans le fichier d entree: ',ndays_in 467 WRITE(lunout,*)' Dans le fichier de sortie: ',ndays 468 END IF 469 IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN 470 WRITE(lunout, *) 471 WRITE(lunout, *)'PAS D INTERPOLATION TEMPORELLE.' 472 WRITE(lunout, *)' Fichier journalier en entree.' 473 ELSE 474 WRITE(lunout, *)'INTERPOLATION TEMPORELLE.' 475 WRITE(lunout, *)' Vecteur temps en entree: ', timeyear 476 WRITE(lunout, *)' Vecteur temps en sortie de 0 a ', ndays-1 477 END IF 478 END IF 479 ALLOCATE(yder(MAX(lmdep,14)), champan(iip1, jjp1, ndays)) 480 IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN 481 champan(1:iim,:,:)=champtime 482 ELSE 483 skip = .false. 484 n_extrap = 0 485 DO j=1, jjp1 486 DO i=1, iim 487 yder = pchsp_95(timeyear, champtime(i, j, :), ibeg=2, iend=2, & 488 vc_beg=0., vc_end=0.) 489 CALL pchfe_95(timeyear, champtime(i, j, :), yder, skip, & 490 arth(0., real(ndays_in) / ndays, ndays), champan(i, j, :), ierr) 491 if (ierr < 0) stop 1 492 n_extrap = n_extrap + ierr 493 END DO 494 END DO 495 IF(n_extrap /= 0) WRITE(lunout,*) "get_2Dfield pchfe_95: n_extrap = ", n_extrap 496 END IF 469 497 champan(iip1, :, :)=champan(1, :, :) 470 498 DEALLOCATE(yder, champtime, timeyear) … … 752 780 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 753 781 ! 754 FUNCTION mid_month s(y,cal_in,nm)782 FUNCTION mid_month(y,cal_in,ndays_out) 755 783 ! 756 784 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 758 786 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 759 787 ! Arguments: 760 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: y! year761 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: cal_in! calendar762 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nm ! months/yearnumber763 REAL, DIMENSION(nm) :: mid_months ! mid-monthtimes788 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: y ! year 789 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: cal_in ! calendar 790 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ndays_out ! days number 791 REAL, DIMENSION(14) :: mid_month ! mid-bins times 764 792 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 765 793 ! Local variables: 766 CHARACTER(LEN=99) :: mess ! error message 767 CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: cal_out ! calendar (for outputs) 768 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nm) :: mnth ! months lengths (days) 769 INTEGER :: m ! months counter 770 INTEGER :: nd ! number of days 771 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 772 nd=year_len(y,cal_in) 773 774 IF(nm==12) THEN 775 776 !--- Getting the input calendar to reset at the end of the function 777 CALL ioget_calendar(cal_out) 778 779 !--- Unlocking calendar and setting it to wanted one 780 CALL lock_calendar(.FALSE.); CALL ioconf_calendar(TRIM(cal_in)) 781 782 !--- Getting the length of each month 783 DO m=1,nm; mnth(m)=ioget_mon_len(y,m); END DO 794 CHARACTER(LEN=99) :: mess ! error message 795 CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: cal_out ! output calendar 796 INTEGER, DIMENSION(14) :: tlen ! months lengths (days) 797 INTEGER :: m ! months counter 798 INTEGER :: nd ! number of days 799 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800 !--- Save the input calendar to reset it at the end of the function 801 CALL ioget_calendar(cal_out) 802 803 !--- Unlock calendar and set it to "cal_in" 804 CALL lock_calendar(.FALSE.); CALL ioconf_calendar(TRIM(cal_in)) 805 806 !--- Get the length of each month 807 tlen(1 )=ioget_mon_len(y-1,12) 808 DO m=1,12; tlen(m+1)=ioget_mon_len(y,m); END DO 809 tlen(14)=ioget_mon_len(y+1, 1) 810 811 !--- Mid-bins times 812 mid_month(1)=-0.5*REAL(tlen(1)) 813 DO m=2,14; mid_month(m)=mid_month(m-1)+0.5*REAL(tlen(m-1)+tlen(m)); END DO 784 814 785 815 !--- Back to original calendar 786 CALL lock_calendar(.FALSE.); CALL ioconf_calendar(TRIM(cal_out)) 787 788 ELSE IF(MODULO(nd,nm)/=0) THEN 789 WRITE(mess,'(a,i3,a,i3,a)')'Unconsistent calendar: ',nd,' days/year, but ',& 790 nm,' months/year. Months number should divide days number.' 791 CALL abort_physic('mid_months',TRIM(mess),1) 792 793 ELSE 794 mnth=[(m,m=1,nm,nd/nm)] 795 END IF 796 797 !--- Mid-months times 798 mid_months(1)=0.5*REAL(mnth(1)) 799 DO k=2,nm 800 mid_months(k)=mid_months(k-1)+0.5*REAL(mnth(k-1)+mnth(k)) 801 END DO 802 803 END FUNCTION mid_months 816 CALL lock_calendar(.FALSE.); CALL ioconf_calendar(TRIM(cal_out)) 817 818 END FUNCTION mid_month 804 819 ! 805 820 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 863 878 ! 864 879 !******************************************************************************* 880
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