Jul 22, 2015, 4:14:51 PM (9 years ago)

New parameterization of gravity wave drag due to front/jet systems, by

  1. de la Camara and F. Lott. The new Camara-Lott parameterization

replaces the Hines parameterization so it is activated if not ok_hines
and ok_gwd_rando.

Also changed distribution of phase speeds in FLOTT_GWD_rando, from
uniform to Gaussian. Bug fix in sugwd_strato. Bug fix in the arguments
of the call to add_phys_tend for methane oxydation.

For the new Camara-Lott parameterization, we need to compute relative
vorticity in calfis and pass it as a new argument "rot" to
physiq. Interpolation of relative vorticity to the physics grid is not
optimal for now: it is not weighted by cell areas.

Alvaro de la Camara, Fran\c{}cois Lott

1 added

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