Jun 23, 2015, 11:33:09 AM (9 years ago)

Improved diagnostics: pmflxr and pmflxs are now
the true vertical profiles of liquid and solid
convective precipitation (previously they where
merely diagnosed through a test on temperature).
The convective scheme internal variable for ice
precipitation is Vprecipi.

1 edited


  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phylmd/cv3a_uncompress.F90

    r2259 r2306  
    33                           precip, cbmf, plcl, plfc, wbeff, sig, w0, ptop2, &
    44                           ft, fq, fu, fv, ftra,  &
    5                            sigd, ma, mip, vprecip, upwd, dnwd, dnwd0, &
     5                           sigd, ma, mip, vprecip, vprecipi, upwd, dnwd, dnwd0, &
    66                           qcondc, wd, cape, cin, &
    77                           tvp, &
    1717                           precip1, cbmf1, plcl1, plfc1, wbeff1, sig1, w01, ptop21, &
    1818                           ft1, fq1, fu1, fv1, ftra1, &
    19                            sigd1, ma1, mip1, vprecip1, upwd1, dnwd1, dnwd01, &
     19                           sigd1, ma1, mip1, vprecip1, vprecipi1, upwd1, dnwd1, dnwd01, &
    2020                           qcondc1, wd1, cape1, cin1, &
    2121                           tvp1, &
    5757  REAL, DIMENSION (nloc, nd), INTENT (IN)            :: ma, mip
    5858  REAL, DIMENSION (nloc, nd+1), INTENT (IN)          :: vprecip
     59  REAL, DIMENSION (nloc, nd+1), INTENT (IN)          :: vprecipi
    5960  REAL, DIMENSION (nloc, nd), INTENT (IN)            :: upwd, dnwd, dnwd0
    6061  REAL, DIMENSION (nloc, nd), INTENT (IN)            :: qcondc
    9192  REAL, DIMENSION (len, nd), INTENT (OUT)            :: ma1, mip1
    9293  REAL, DIMENSION (len, nd+1), INTENT (OUT)          :: vprecip1
     94  REAL, DIMENSION (len, nd+1), INTENT (OUT)          :: vprecipi1
    9395  REAL, DIMENSION (len, nd), INTENT (OUT)            :: upwd1, dnwd1, dnwd01
    9496  REAL, DIMENSION (len, nd), INTENT (OUT)            :: qcondc1
    155157        mip1(idcum(i), k) = mip(i, k)
    156158        vprecip1(idcum(i), k) = vprecip(i, k)
     159        vprecipi1(idcum(i), k) = vprecipi(i, k)
    157160        upwd1(idcum(i), k) = upwd(i, k)
    158161        dnwd1(idcum(i), k) = dnwd(i, k)
    255258      mip1(:, 1:nl+1) = mip(:, 1:nl+1)
    256259      vprecip1(:, 1:nl+1) = vprecip(:, 1:nl+1)
     260      vprecipi1(:, 1:nl+1) = vprecipi(:, 1:nl+1)
    257261      upwd1(:, 1:nl+1) = upwd(:, 1:nl+1)
    258262      dnwd1(:, 1:nl+1) = dnwd(:, 1:nl+1)
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