Feb 10, 2015, 3:23:19 PM (10 years ago)

Expérience du tube de dentifrice: Ajout d'un terme de grande-échelle dans
la fermeture du schéma de convection. La fraction de la convergence
grande-échelle de masse au LFC ajoutée au flux de masse à la base calculé
par la fermeture en ALP est controlée par coef_clos_ls lu dans physiq.def
(valeur comprise entre 0 et 1, 0 par défaut).
Tube of toothpaste experiment: Additional large-scale term in the closure
formulation of the deep convection scheme. The fraction of the large-scale
convergence of mass at LFC additioned to the cloud-base mass-flux given by
the ALP closure is controlled by coef_clos_ls read in physiq.def (value
between 0 and 1, 0 by default).

1 edited


  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phylmd/conf_phys_m.F90

    r2179 r2201  
    132132    integer,SAVE :: iflag_coupl_omp,iflag_clos_omp,iflag_wake_omp
    133133    integer,SAVE :: iflag_cvl_sigd_omp
     134    REAL, SAVE :: coef_clos_ls_omp
    134135    REAL, SAVE :: supcrit1_omp, supcrit2_omp
    135136    INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_mix_omp
    13431344    iflag_clos_omp = 1
    13441345    call getin('iflag_clos',iflag_clos_omp)
     1346    !
     1347    !Config Key  = coef_clos_ls
     1348    !Config Desc = 
     1349    !Config Def  = 0
     1350    !Config Help =
     1351    !
     1352    coef_clos_ls_omp = 0.
     1353    call getin('coef_clos_ls',coef_clos_ls_omp)
    13451355    !
    13461356    !Config Key  = iflag_cvl_sigd
    19461956    iflag_clos = iflag_clos_omp
    19471957    iflag_wake = iflag_wake_omp
     1958    coef_clos_ls = coef_clos_ls_omp
    19481959    alp_offset = alp_offset_omp
    19491960    iflag_cvl_sigd = iflag_cvl_sigd_omp
    21352146    write(lunout,*)' iflag_thermals_closure = ', iflag_thermals_closure
    21362147    write(lunout,*)' iflag_clos = ', iflag_clos
     2148    write(lunout,*)' coef_clos_ls = ', coef_clos_ls
    21372149    write(lunout,*)' type_run = ',type_run
    21382150    write(lunout,*)' ok_cosp = ',ok_cosp
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