Changeset 2183 for LMDZ5/trunk/libf

Jan 20, 2015, 10:55:33 AM (10 years ago)

-This line, and those below, will be ignored--

M phylmd/phys_output_ctrlout_mod.F90
M phylmd/rrtm/readaerosolstrato_rrtm.F90

2 edited


  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phylmd/phys_output_ctrlout_mod.F90

    r2159 r2183  
    797797    'sollwai', 'LW-AIE at SFR', 'W/m2', (/ ('', i=1, 9) /))
    799   type(ctrl_out),save,dimension(naero_tot) :: o_tausumaero =                           &
    800     (/ ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(1),      &
    801       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(1),"1", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),    &
    802        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(2),      &
    803       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"2", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),    &
    804        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(3),      &
    805       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"3", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),    &
    806        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(4),      &
    807       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"4", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),    &
    808        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(5),      &
    809       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"5", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),    &
    810        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(6),      &
    811       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"6", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),    &
    812        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(7),      &
    813       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"7", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),    &
    814        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(8),      &
    815       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"8", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),    &
    816        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(9),      &
    817       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"9", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),    &
    818        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(10),     &
    819       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"10", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),   &
    820        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(11),     &
    821       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"11", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),   &
    822        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(12),     &
    823       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"12", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),   &
    824        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(13),     &
    825       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"13", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),   &
    826        ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(14),     &
    827       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"14", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /))   /)
     800  TYPE(ctrl_out),SAVE,DIMENSION(naero_tot) :: o_tausumaero =                              &
     801       (/ ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(1),     &
     802       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(1),"1", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),     &
     803       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(2),        &
     804       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(2),"2", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),     &
     805       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(3),        &
     806       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(3),"3", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),     &
     807       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(4),        &
     808       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(4),"4", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),     &
     809       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(5),        &
     810       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(5),"5", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),     &
     811       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(6),        &
     812       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(6),"6", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),     &
     813       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(7),        &
     814       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(7),"7", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),     &
     815       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(8),        &
     816       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(8),"8", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),     &
     817       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(9),        &
     818       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(9),"9", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),     &
     819       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(10),       &
     820       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(10),"10", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),   &
     821       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(11),       &
     822       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(11),"11", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),   &
     823       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(12),       &
     824       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(12),"12", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),   &
     825       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(13),       &
     826       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(13),"13", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)),   &
     827       ctrl_out((/ 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'OD550_'//name_aero_tau(14),       &
     828       "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm "//name_aero_tau(14),"14", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)) /)
  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phylmd/rrtm/readaerosolstrato_rrtm.F90

    r2152 r2183  
    4545    real, allocatable:: tauaerstrat_mois(:, :, :)
    4646    real, allocatable:: tauaerstrat_mois_glo(:, :)
    47     real, allocatable:: tauaerstrat_mois_glo_bands(:,:,:)
    4948    real, allocatable:: sum_tau_aer_strat(:)
    8180    IF (.not.ALLOCATED(sum_tau_aer_strat)) ALLOCATE(sum_tau_aer_strat(klon))
     82    IF (debut.OR.mth_cur.NE.mth_pre) THEN
    8384    IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
    85     IF (debut.OR.mth_cur.NE.mth_pre) THEN
    8786    IF (nbands_sw_rrtm.NE.6) THEN
    130129    ALLOCATE(tauaerstrat_mois(n_lon, n_lat, n_lev))
    131130    ALLOCATE(tauaerstrat_mois_glo(klon_glo, n_lev))
    132     ALLOCATE(tauaerstrat_mois_glo_bands(klon_glo, n_lev,nbands_sw_rrtm))
    134132!--reading stratospheric AOD at 550 nm
    170168    DO k=1, klev
    171169    tausum_aero(:,wave,id_STRAT_phy)=tausum_aero(:,wave,id_STRAT_phy)+ &
    172     tau_aer_strat(:,k)*alpha_sw_strat_wave(wave)/alpha_sw_strat_wave(2)
     170       tau_aer_strat(:,k)*alpha_sw_strat_wave(wave)/alpha_sw_strat_wave(2)
    173171    ENDDO
    174172    ENDDO
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