Changeset 2083 for LMDZ5

Jul 9, 2014, 4:43:31 PM (10 years ago)
Ehouarn Millour
  • Minor fix in dyn3dpar/leapfrog_p.F , should call geopot_p and not geopot
  • Added a sanity check in iniacademic
  • Added flag "resetvarc" to trigger a reset of initial values in sortvarc
  • Removed "sortvarc0" since the job can now be done with "resetvarc" and having set flag resertvarc to true.


1 deleted
10 edited


  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/dyn3d/conf_gcm.F

    r2019 r2083  
    150150      raz_date = 0
    151151      CALL getin('raz_date', raz_date)
     153!Config  Key  = resetvarc
     154!Config  Desc = Reinit des variables de controle
     155!Config  Def  = n
     156!Config  Help = Reinit des variables de controle
     157      resetvarc = .false.
     158      CALL getin('resetvarc',resetvarc)
    153160!Config  Key  = nday
  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/dyn3d/iniacademic.F90

    r2021 r2083  
    44SUBROUTINE iniacademic(vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps,phis,time_0)
    6   USE filtreg_mod
     6  USE filtreg_mod, ONLY: inifilr
    77  USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot
    88  USE control_mod, ONLY: day_step,planet_type
    99#ifdef CPP_IOIPSL
    10   USE IOIPSL
     10  USE IOIPSL, ONLY: getin
    1212  ! if not using IOIPSL, we still need to use (a local version of) getin
    13   USE ioipsl_getincom
     13  USE ioipsl_getincom, ONLY: getin
    1515  USE Write_Field
    4040  !   ----------
    42   real time_0
    44   !   variables dynamiques
    45   REAL vcov(ip1jm,llm),ucov(ip1jmp1,llm) ! vents covariants
    46   REAL teta(ip1jmp1,llm)                 ! temperature potentielle
    47   REAL q(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot)               ! champs advectes
    48   REAL ps(ip1jmp1)                       ! pression  au sol
    49   REAL masse(ip1jmp1,llm)                ! masse d'air
    50   REAL phis(ip1jmp1)                     ! geopotentiel au sol
     42  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: time_0
     44  !   fields
     45  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: vcov(ip1jm,llm) ! meridional covariant wind
     46  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: ucov(ip1jmp1,llm) ! zonal covariant wind
     47  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: teta(ip1jmp1,llm) ! potential temperature (K)
     48  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: q(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot) ! advected tracers (.../kg_of_air)
     49  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: ps(ip1jmp1) ! surface pressure (Pa)
     50  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: masse(ip1jmp1,llm) ! air mass in grid cell (kg)
     51  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: phis(ip1jmp1) ! surface geopotential
    5253  !   Local:
    7677  character(len=80) :: abort_message
     80  ! Sanity check: verify that options selected by user are not incompatible
     81  if ((iflag_phys==1).and.(read_start==.false.)) then
     82    write(lunout,*) trim(modname)," error: if read_start is set to ", &
     83    " false then iflag_phys should not be 1"
     84    write(lunout,*) "You most likely want an aquaplanet initialisation", &
     85    " (iflag_phys >= 100)"
     86    call abort_gcm(modname,"incompatible iflag_phys==1 and read_start==.false.",1)
     87  endif
    7889  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    7990  ! 1. Initializations for Earth-like case
  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/dyn3d_common/caldyn0.F

    r1945 r2083  
    66     $  phi,w,pbaru,pbarv,time )
     8      USE control_mod, ONLY: resetvarc
    89      IMPLICIT NONE
    8384      ENDDO
    85         CALL sortvarc0
     86      resetvarc=.true. ! force a recomputation of initial values in sortvarc
     87      CALL sortvarc
    8688     $ ( itau,ucov,teta,ps,masse,pk,phis,vorpot,phi,bern,dp,time,vcov )
  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/dyn3d_common/control_mod.F90

    r1952 r2083  
    12   REAL    :: periodav, starttime
    13   INTEGER :: nday,day_step,iperiod,iapp_tracvl,nsplit_phys
    14   INTEGER :: iconser,iecri,dissip_period,iphysiq,iecrimoy
    15   INTEGER :: dayref,anneeref, raz_date, ip_ebil_dyn
    16   LOGICAL :: offline
    17   CHARACTER (len=4)  :: config_inca
    18   CHARACTER (len=10) :: planet_type ! planet type ('earth','mars',...)
    19   LOGICAL output_grads_dyn ! output dynamics diagnostics in
    20                            ! binary grads file 'dyn.dat' (y/n)
    21   LOGICAL ok_dynzon  ! output zonal transports in file
    22   LOGICAL ok_dyn_ins ! output instantaneous values of fields
    23                      ! in the dynamics in NetCDF files dyn_hist*nc
    24   LOGICAL ok_dyn_ave ! output averaged values of fields in the dynamics
    25                      ! in NetCDF files dyn_hist*
     12  REAL,SAVE :: periodav
     13  REAL,SAVE :: starttime
     14  INTEGER,SAVE :: nday ! # of days to run
     15  INTEGER,SAVE :: day_step ! # of dynamical time steps per day
     16  INTEGER,SAVE :: iperiod ! make a Matsuno step before avery iperiod-1 LF steps
     17  INTEGER,SAVE :: iapp_tracvl ! apply (cumulated) traceur advection every
     18                              ! iapp_tracvl dynamical steps
     19  INTEGER,SAVE :: nsplit_phys ! number of sub-cycle steps in call to physics
     20  INTEGER,SAVE :: iconser
     21  INTEGER,SAVE :: iecri
     22  INTEGER,SAVE :: dissip_period ! apply dissipation every dissip_period
     23                                ! dynamical step
     24  INTEGER,SAVE :: iphysiq ! call physics every iphysiq dynamical steps
     25  INTEGER,SAVE :: iecrimoy
     26  INTEGER,SAVE :: dayref
     27  INTEGER,SAVE :: anneeref ! reference year #
     28  INTEGER,SAVE :: raz_date
     29  INTEGER,SAVE :: ip_ebil_dyn
     30  LOGICAL,SAVE :: offline
     31  CHARACTER(len=4),SAVE :: config_inca
     32  CHARACTER(len=10),SAVE :: planet_type ! planet type ('earth','mars',...)
     33  LOGICAL,SAVE :: output_grads_dyn ! output dynamics diagnostics in
     34                                   ! binary grads file 'dyn.dat' (y/n)
     35  LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_dynzon  ! output zonal transports in file
     36  LOGICAL,SAVE ::  ok_dyn_ins ! output instantaneous values of fields
     37                              ! in the dynamics in NetCDF files dyn_hist*nc
     38  LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_dyn_ave ! output averaged values of fields in the dynamics
     39                             ! in NetCDF files dyn_hist*
     40  LOGICAL,SAVE :: resetvarc  ! allows to reset the variables in sortvarc
    2742END MODULE
  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/dyn3d_common/sortvarc.F

    r1952 r2083  
    55     $(itau,ucov,teta,ps,masse,pk,phis,vorpot,phi,bern,dp,time ,
    66     $ vcov )
     8      USE control_mod, ONLY: resetvarc
    79      IMPLICIT NONE
    2225c   -------------
    24 #include "dimensions.h"
    25 #include "paramet.h"
    26 #include "comconst.h"
    27 #include "comvert.h"
    28 #include "comgeom.h"
    29 #include "ener.h"
    30 #include "logic.h"
    31 #include "temps.h"
     27      INCLUDE "dimensions.h"
     28      INCLUDE "paramet.h"
     29      INCLUDE "comconst.h"
     30      INCLUDE "comvert.h"
     31      INCLUDE "comgeom.h"
     32      INCLUDE "ener.h"
     33      INCLUDE "logic.h"
     34      INCLUDE "temps.h"
     35      INCLUDE "iniprint.h"
    3337c   Arguments:
    3438c   ----------
    36       INTEGER itau
    37       REAL ucov(ip1jmp1,llm),teta(ip1jmp1,llm),masse(ip1jmp1,llm)
    38       REAL vcov(ip1jm,llm)
    39       REAL ps(ip1jmp1),phis(ip1jmp1)
    40       REAL vorpot(ip1jm,llm)
    41       REAL phi(ip1jmp1,llm),bern(ip1jmp1,llm)
    42       REAL dp(ip1jmp1)
    43       REAL time
    44       REAL pk(ip1jmp1,llm)
     40      INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: itau
     41      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: ucov(ip1jmp1,llm)
     42      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: teta(ip1jmp1,llm)
     43      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: masse(ip1jmp1,llm)
     44      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: vcov(ip1jm,llm)
     45      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: ps(ip1jmp1)
     46      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: phis(ip1jmp1)
     47      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: vorpot(ip1jm,llm)
     48      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: phi(ip1jmp1,llm)
     49      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: bern(ip1jmp1,llm)
     50      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: dp(ip1jmp1)
     51      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: time
     52      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pk(ip1jmp1,llm)
    4654c   Local:
    5159      REAL cosphi(ip1jm),omegcosp(ip1jm)
    5260      REAL dtvrs1j,rjour,heure,radsg,radomeg
    53       REAL rday, massebxy(ip1jm,llm)
     61      REAL massebxy(ip1jm,llm)
    5462      INTEGER  l, ij, imjmp1
    5664      REAL       SSUM
     65      LOGICAL,SAVE :: firstcal=.true.
     66      CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER :: modname="sortvarc"
     69! Ehouarn: when no initialization fields from file, resetvarc should be
     70!          set to false
     71       if (firstcal) then
     72         if (.not.read_start) then
     73           resetvarc=.true.
     74         endif
     75       endif
    6077       dtvrs1j   = dtvr/daysec
    115132     *               cosphi(ij)
    116133          ENDDO
    117           angl(l) = radsg *
     134          angl(l) = rad *
    118135     s    (SSUM(ip1jm-iip1,ge(iip2),1)-SSUM(jjm-1,ge(iip2),iip1))
    119136      ENDDO
    129146      ang   = SSUM(     llm,  angl, 1 )
    131 c      rday = REAL(INT ( day_ini + time ))
    132 c
    133        rday = REAL(INT(time-jD_ref-jH_ref))
    134       IF(ptot0.eq.0.)  THEN
    135          PRINT 3500, itau, rday, heure,time
    136          PRINT*,'WARNING!!! On recalcule les valeurs initiales de :'
    137          PRINT*,'ptot,rmsdpdt,etot,ztot,stot,rmsv,ang'
    138          PRINT *, ptot,rmsdpdt,etot,ztot,stot,rmsv,ang
     148      IF (firstcal.and.resetvarc) then
     149         WRITE(lunout,3500) itau, rjour, heure, time
     150         WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),
     151     &     ' WARNING!!! Recomputing initial values of : '
     152         WRITE(lunout,*) 'ptot,rmsdpdt,etot,ztot,stot,rmsv,ang'
     153         WRITE(lunout,*) ptot,rmsdpdt,etot,ztot,stot,rmsv,ang
    139154         etot0 = etot
    140155         ptot0 = ptot
    144159      END IF
    146       etot= etot/etot0
     161      ! compute relative changes in etot,... (except if 'reference' values
     162      ! are zero, which can happen when using iniacademic)
     163      if ( then
     164        etot= etot/etot0
     165      else
     166        etot=1.
     167      endif
    147168      rmsv= SQRT(rmsv/ptot)
    148       ptot= ptot/ptot0
    149       ztot= ztot/ztot0
    150       stot= stot/stot0
    151       ang = ang /ang0
    154       PRINT 3500, itau, rday, heure, time
    155       PRINT 4000, ptot,rmsdpdt,etot,ztot,stot,rmsv,ang
    157       RETURN
     169      if ( then
     170        ptot= ptot/ptot0
     171      else
     172        ptot=1.
     173      endif
     174      if ( then
     175        ztot= ztot/ztot0
     176      else
     177        ztot=1.
     178      endif
     179      if ( then
     180        stot= stot/stot0
     181      else
     182        stot=1.
     183      endif
     184      if ( then
     185        ang = ang /ang0
     186      else
     187        ang=1.
     188      endif
     190      firstcal = .false.
     192      WRITE(lunout,3500) itau, rjour, heure, time
     193      WRITE(lunout,4000) ptot,rmsdpdt,etot,ztot,stot,rmsv,ang
    1591953500   FORMAT(10("*"),4x,'pas',i7,5x,'jour',f9.0,'heure',f5.1,4x
  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/dyn3dmem/conf_gcm.F

    r1984 r2083  
    177177      raz_date = 0
    178178      CALL getin('raz_date', raz_date)
     180!Config  Key  = resetvarc
     181!Config  Desc = Reinit des variables de controle
     182!Config  Def  = n
     183!Config  Help = Reinit des variables de controle
     184      resetvarc = .false.
     185      CALL getin('resetvarc',resetvarc)
    180187!Config  Key  = nday
  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/dyn3dmem/iniacademic_loc.F90

    r2021 r2083  
    44SUBROUTINE iniacademic_loc(vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps,phis,time_0)
     6  USE filtreg_mod, ONLY: inifilr
    67  use exner_hyb_m, only: exner_hyb
    78  use exner_milieu_m, only: exner_milieu
    8   USE filtreg_mod
    99  USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot
    1010  USE control_mod, ONLY: day_step,planet_type
    11   USE parallel_lmdz
     11  USE parallel_lmdz, ONLY: ijb_u, ije_u, ijb_v, ije_v
    1212#ifdef CPP_IOIPSL
    13   USE IOIPSL
     13  USE IOIPSL, ONLY: getin
    1515  ! if not using IOIPSL, we still need to use (a local version of) getin
    16   USE ioipsl_getincom
     16  USE ioipsl_getincom, ONLY: getin
    1818  USE Write_Field
    4141  !   ----------
    43   real time_0
    45   !   variables dynamiques
    46   REAL vcov(ijb_v:ije_v,llm),ucov(ijb_u:ije_u,llm) ! vents covariants
    47   REAL teta(ijb_u:ije_u,llm)                 ! temperature potentielle
    48   REAL q(ijb_u:ije_u,llm,nqtot)               ! champs advectes
    49   REAL ps(ijb_u:ije_u)                       ! pression  au sol
    50   REAL masse(ijb_u:ije_u,llm)                ! masse d'air
    51   REAL phis(ijb_u:ije_u)                     ! geopotentiel au sol
     43  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: time_0
     45  !   fields
     46  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: vcov(ijb_v:ije_v,llm) ! meridional covariant wind
     47  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: ucov(ijb_u:ije_u,llm) ! zonal covariant wind
     48  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: teta(ijb_u:ije_u,llm) ! potential temperature (K)
     49  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: q(ijb_u:ije_u,llm,nqtot) ! advected tracers (.../kg_of_air)
     50  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: ps(ijb_u:ije_u) ! surface pressure (Pa)
     51  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: masse(ijb_u:ije_u,llm) ! air mass in grid cell (kg)
     52  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: phis(ijb_u:ije_u) ! surface geopotential
    5354  !   Local:
    8081  character(len=80) :: abort_message
     83  ! Sanity check: verify that options selected by user are not incompatible
     84  if ((iflag_phys==1).and.(read_start==.false.)) then
     85    write(lunout,*) trim(modname)," error: if read_start is set to ", &
     86    " false then iflag_phys should not be 1"
     87    write(lunout,*) "You most likely want an aquaplanet initialisation", &
     88    " (iflag_phys >= 100)"
     89    call abort_gcm(modname,"incompatible iflag_phys==1 and read_start==.false.",1)
     90  endif
    8292  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    8393  ! 1. Initializations for Earth-like case
  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/dyn3dpar/conf_gcm.F

    r1984 r2083  
    176176      raz_date = 0
    177177      CALL getin('raz_date', raz_date)
     179!Config  Key  = resetvarc
     180!Config  Desc = Reinit des variables de controle
     181!Config  Def  = n
     182!Config  Help = Reinit des variables de controle
     183      resetvarc = .false.
     184      CALL getin('resetvarc',resetvarc)
    179186!Config  Key  = nday
  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/dyn3dpar/iniacademic.F90

    r2021 r2083  
    44SUBROUTINE iniacademic(vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps,phis,time_0)
    6   use exner_hyb_m, only: exner_hyb
    7   use exner_milieu_m, only: exner_milieu
    8   USE filtreg_mod
     6  USE filtreg_mod, ONLY: inifilr
    97  USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot
    108  USE control_mod, ONLY: day_step,planet_type
    119#ifdef CPP_IOIPSL
    12   USE IOIPSL
     10  USE IOIPSL, ONLY: getin
    1412  ! if not using IOIPSL, we still need to use (a local version of) getin
    15   USE ioipsl_getincom
     13  USE ioipsl_getincom, ONLY: getin
    1715  USE Write_Field
     16  use exner_hyb_m, only: exner_hyb
     17  use exner_milieu_m, only: exner_milieu
    1919  !   Author:    Frederic Hourdin      original: 15/01/93
    4040  !   ----------
    42   real time_0
    44   !   variables dynamiques
    45   REAL vcov(ip1jm,llm),ucov(ip1jmp1,llm) ! vents covariants
    46   REAL teta(ip1jmp1,llm)                 ! temperature potentielle
    47   REAL q(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot)               ! champs advectes
    48   REAL ps(ip1jmp1)                       ! pression  au sol
    49   REAL masse(ip1jmp1,llm)                ! masse d'air
    50   REAL phis(ip1jmp1)                     ! geopotentiel au sol
     42  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: time_0
     44  !   fields
     45  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: vcov(ip1jm,llm) ! meridional covariant wind
     46  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: ucov(ip1jmp1,llm) ! zonal covariant wind
     47  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: teta(ip1jmp1,llm) ! potential temperature (K)
     48  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: q(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot) ! advected tracers (.../kg_of_air)
     49  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: ps(ip1jmp1) ! surface pressure (Pa)
     50  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: masse(ip1jmp1,llm) ! air mass in grid cell (kg)
     51  REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: phis(ip1jmp1) ! surface geopotential
    5253  !   Local:
    7677  character(len=80) :: abort_message
     80  ! Sanity check: verify that options selected by user are not incompatible
     81  if ((iflag_phys==1).and.(read_start==.false.)) then
     82    write(lunout,*) trim(modname)," error: if read_start is set to ", &
     83    " false then iflag_phys should not be 1"
     84    write(lunout,*) "You most likely want an aquaplanet initialisation", &
     85    " (iflag_phys >= 100)"
     86    call abort_gcm(modname,"incompatible iflag_phys==1 and read_start==.false.",1)
     87  endif
    7889  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    7990  ! 1. Initializations for Earth-like case
    224235        CALL pression ( ip1jmp1, ap, bp, ps, p       )
    225236        if (pressure_exner) then
    226           CALL exner_hyb( ip1jmp1, ps, p, pks, pk )
     237          CALL exner_hyb( ip1jmp1, ps, p, pks, pk)
    227238        else
    228239          call exner_milieu(ip1jmp1,ps,p,pks,pk)
  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/dyn3dpar/leapfrog_p.F

    r2039 r2083  
    717717           CALL exner_milieu_p( ip1jmp1, ps, p, pks, pk, pkf )
    718718         endif
     719c$OMP BARRIER
    719720! Appel a geopot ajoute le 2014/05/08 pour garantir la convergence numerique
    720721! avec dyn3dmem
    721       CALL geopot  ( ip1jmp1, teta  , pk , pks,  phis  , phi   )
    722 c$OMP BARRIER
     722      CALL geopot_p  ( ip1jmp1, teta  , pk , pks,  phis  , phi   )
    723724           jD_cur = jD_ref + day_ini - day_ref
    724725     $        + itau/day_step
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.