Changeset 2045 for LMDZ5

May 18, 2014, 2:25:39 PM (10 years ago)

Modification de la nouvelle discretisation verticale pour l'option
Inclusion d'une version strato_correct qui correige une erreur dans strato

Modified verticale discretisation vertical for stratospheric versions.
The new version can be controled by parameter in .def files :
! Al the parameter are given in km assuming a given scalehigh

vert_scale=7. ! scale hight
vert_dzmin=0.02 ! width of first layer
vert_dzlow=1. ! dz in the low atmosphere
vert_z0low=8. ! height at which resolution recches dzlow
vert_dzmid=3. ! dz in the mid atmsophere
vert_z0mid=70. ! height at which resolution recches dzmid
vert_h_mid=20. ! width of the transition
vert_dzhig=11. ! dz in the high atmsophere
vert_z0hig=80. ! height at which resolution recches dz
vert_h_hig=20. ! width of the transition

1 edited


  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/dyn3d_common/disvert.F90

    r2040 r2045  
    4343  INTEGER l, unit
    4444  REAL dsigmin
     45  REAL vert_scale,vert_dzmin,vert_dzlow,vert_z0low,vert_dzmid,vert_z0mid,vert_h_mid,vert_dzhig,vert_z0hig,vert_h_hig
    4547  REAL alpha, beta, deltaz
    4648  REAL x
    154156     ap(1)=0.
    155157     ap(2: llm + 1) = pa * (sig(2: llm + 1) - bp(2: llm + 1))
    156   CASE("strato_custom")
     158  case("strato_correct")
     160! Fredho 2014/05/18, Saint-Louis du Senegal
     161! Cette version de la discretisation strato est corrige au niveau
     162! du passage des sig aux ap, bp
     163! la version precedente donne un coude dans l'epaisseur des couches
     164! vers la tropopause
     168     DO l = 1, llm
     169        x = 2*asin(1.) * (l - 0.5) / (llm + 1)
     170        dsig(l) =(dsigmin + 7. * SIN(x)**2) &
     171             *(0.5*(1.-tanh(1.*(x-asin(1.))/asin(1.))))**2
     172     ENDDO
     173     dsig = dsig / sum(dsig)
     174     sig0(llm+1) = 0.
     175     DO l = llm, 1, -1
     176        sig0(l) = sig0(l+1) + dsig(l)
     177     ENDDO
     178     sig=racinesig(sig0)
     180     bp(1)=1.
     181     bp(2:llm)=EXP(1.-1./sig(2: llm)**2)
     182     bp(llmp1)=0.
     184     ap(1)=0.
     185     ap(2:llm)=pa*(sig(2:llm)-bp(2:llm))
     186     ap(llm+1)=0.
     188  CASE("strato_custom0")
     190! Version Transitoire
    157191    ! custumize strato distribution with specific alpha & beta values and function
    158192    ! depending on llm (experimental and temporary)!
    198232    ENDIF ! of IF (llm==55.OR.llm==63) ...
    200235    ! Build sigma distribution
    201236    sig0=EXP(-zz(:)/scaleheight)
    202237    sig0(llm+1)=0.
    203     sig=ridders(sig0)
     238!    sig=ridders(sig0)
     239    sig=racinesig(sig0)
    205241    ! Compute ap() and bp()
     242    bp(1)=1.
     243    bp(2:llm)=EXP(1.-1./sig(2:llm)**2)
     244    bp(llm+1)=0.
     245    ap=pa*(sig-bp)
     247  CASE("strato_custom")
     249! David Cugnet, François Lott, Lionel Guez, Ehouoarn Millour, Fredho
     250! 2014/05
     251! custumize strato distribution
     252! Al the parameter are given in km assuming a given scalehigh
     253    vert_scale=7.     ! scale hight
     254    vert_dzmin=0.02   ! width of first layer
     255    vert_dzlow=1.     ! dz in the low atmosphere
     256    vert_z0low=8.     ! height at which resolution recches dzlow
     257    vert_dzmid=3.     ! dz in the mid atmsophere
     258    vert_z0mid=70.    ! height at which resolution recches dzmid
     259    vert_h_mid=20.    ! width of the transition
     260    vert_dzhig=11.    ! dz in the high atmsophere
     261    vert_z0hig=80.    ! height at which resolution recches dz
     262    vert_h_hig=20.    ! width of the transition
     265    call getin('vert_scale',vert_scale)
     266    call getin('vert_dzmin',vert_dzmin)
     267    call getin('vert_dzlow',vert_dzlow)
     268    call getin('vert_z0low',vert_z0low)
     269    CALL getin('vert_dzmid',vert_dzmid)
     270    CALL getin('vert_z0mid',vert_z0mid)
     271    call getin('vert_h_mid',vert_h_mid)
     272    call getin('vert_dzhig',vert_dzhig)
     273    call getin('vert_z0hig',vert_z0hig)
     274    call getin('vert_h_hig',vert_h_hig)
     276    scaleheight=vert_scale ! for consistency with further computations
     277    ! Build geometrical distribution
     278    zz(1)=0.
     279    DO l=1,llm
     280       z=zz(l)
     281       zz(l+1)=zz(l)+vert_dzmin+vert_dzlow*TANH(z/vert_z0low)+                &
     282&      (vert_dzmid-vert_dzlow)* &
     283&           (TANH((z-vert_z0mid)/vert_h_mid)-TANH((-vert_z0mid)/vert_h_mid)) &
     284&     +(vert_dzhig-vert_dzmid-vert_dzlow)*                                  &
     285&           (TANH((z-vert_z0hig)/vert_h_hig)-TANH((-vert_z0hig)/vert_h_hig))
     286    ENDDO
     290! Comment added Fredho 2014/05/18, Saint-Louis, Senegal
     291! From approximate z to ap, bp, so that p=ap+bp*p0 and p/p0=exp(-z/H)
     292! sig0 is p/p0
     293! sig is an intermediate distribution introduce to estimate bp
     294! 1.   sig0=exp(-z/H)
     295! 2.   inversion of sig0=(1-pa/p0)*sig+(1-pa/p0)*exp(1-1/sig**2)
     296! 3.   bp=exp(1-1/sig**2)
     297! 4.   ap deduced from  the combination of 2 and 3 so that sig0=ap/p0+bp
     300    sig0=EXP(-zz(:)/vert_scale)
     301    sig0(llm+1)=0.
     302    sig=racinesig(sig0)
    206303    bp(1)=1.
    207304    bp(2:llm)=EXP(1.-1./sig(2:llm)**2)
    304401END FUNCTION ridders
     403FUNCTION racinesig(sig) RESULT(sg)
     408! Fredho 2014/05/18
     409! Purpose: Search for s solving (Pa/Preff)*sg+(1-Pa/Preff)*EXP(1-1./sg**2)=s
     410! Notes:   Uses Newton Raphson search
     412! Arguments:
     413  REAL, INTENT(IN)  :: sig(:)
     414  REAL              :: sg(SIZE(sig))
     416! Local variables:
     417  INTEGER :: it, ns, maxit
     418  REAL :: c1, c2, x1, x2, x3, x4, f1, f2, f3, f4, s, xx, distrib
     420  ns=SIZE(sig); maxit=100
     421  c1=Pa/Preff; c2=1.-c1
     422  DO l=2,ns-1
     423    sg(l)=sig(l)
     424    DO it=1,maxit
     425       f1=exp(1-1./sg(l)**2)*(1.-c1)
     426       sg(l)=sg(l)-(c1*sg(l)+f1-sig(l))/(c1+2*f1*sg(l)**(-3))
     427    ENDDO
     428!   print*,'SSSSIG ',sig(l),sg(l),c1*sg(l)+exp(1-1./sg(l)**2)*(1.-c1)
     429  ENDDO
     430  sg(1)=1.; sg(ns)=0.
     432END FUNCTION racinesig
    306437END SUBROUTINE disvert
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