Changeset 1956

Jan 31, 2014, 1:42:35 PM (11 years ago)

Correcting bad spacing left over from fixed source form.

1 edited


  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phylmd/physiq.F90

    r1955 r1956  
    15771577  !
    15781578  if (read_climoz >= 1) then
    1579      !        Ozone from a file
    1580      !        Update required ozone index:
    1581      ro3i = int((days_elapsed + jh_cur - jh_1jan) &
    1582           / ioget_year_len(year_cur) * 360.) + 1
     1579     ! Ozone from a file
     1580     ! Update required ozone index:
     1581     ro3i = int((days_elapsed + jh_cur - jh_1jan) / ioget_year_len(year_cur) &
     1582          * 360.) + 1
    15831583     if (ro3i == 361) ro3i = 360
    1584      !        (This should never occur, except perhaps because of roundup
    1585      !        error. See documentation.)
     1584     ! (This should never occur, except perhaps because of roundup
     1585     ! error. See documentation.)
    15861586     if (ro3i /= co3i) then
    1587         !           Update ozone field:
     1587        ! Update ozone field:
    15881588        if (read_climoz == 1) then
    15891589           call regr_pr_av(ncid_climoz, (/"tro3"/), julien=ro3i, &
    15901590                press_in_edg=press_climoz, paprs=paprs, v3=wo)
    15911591        else
    1592            !              read_climoz == 2
    1593            call regr_pr_av(ncid_climoz, &
    1594                 (/"tro3         ", "tro3_daylight"/), &
    1595                 julien=ro3i, press_in_edg=press_climoz, paprs=paprs, &
    1596                 v3=wo)
     1592           ! read_climoz == 2
     1593           call regr_pr_av(ncid_climoz, (/"tro3         ", "tro3_daylight"/), &
     1594                julien=ro3i, press_in_edg=press_climoz, paprs=paprs, v3=wo)
    15971595        end if
    1598         !           Convert from mole fraction of ozone to column density of ozone in a
    1599         !           cell, in kDU:
    1600         forall (l = 1: read_climoz) wo(:, :, l) = wo(:, :, l) &
    1601              * rmo3 / rmd * zmasse / dobson_u / 1e3
    1602         !           (By regridding ozone values for LMDZ only once every 360th of
    1603         !           year, we have already neglected the variation of pressure in one
    1604         !           360th of year. So do not recompute "wo" at each time step even if
    1605         !           "zmasse" changes a little.)
     1596        ! Convert from mole fraction of ozone to column density of ozone in a
     1597        ! cell, in kDU:
     1598        forall (l = 1: read_climoz) wo(:, :, l) = wo(:, :, l) * rmo3 / rmd &
     1599             * zmasse / dobson_u / 1e3
     1600        ! (By regridding ozone values for LMDZ only once every 360th of
     1601        ! year, we have already neglected the variation of pressure in one
     1602        ! 360th of year. So do not recompute "wo" at each time step even if
     1603        ! "zmasse" changes a little.)
    16061604        co3i = ro3i
    16071605     end if
    16081606  ELSEIF (MOD(itap-1,lmt_pas) == 0) THEN
    1609      !        Once per day, update ozone from Royer:
     1607     ! Once per day, update ozone from Royer:
    16111609     IF (solarlong0<-999.) then
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