Changeset 1686 for LMDZ5

Dec 5, 2012, 11:34:48 AM (12 years ago)
Ehouarn Millour

Some additional stuff for "phydev": add what is required to be potentialy able to load a "" and also add illustrative examples of writting outputs in the physics using IOIPSL.

2 added
3 edited


  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phydev/phyaqua.F

    r1671 r1686  
    3636! ...
    3737! ... and create a "" file
    38 !      CALL phyredem ("")
     38      CALL phyredem ("")
    4040      end
  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phydev/phys_state_var_mod.F90

    r1671 r1686  
    1919  use dimphy, only : klon
    21   ALLOCATE(rlat(klon),rlon(klon))
     21  if (.not.allocated(rlat)) then
     22    ALLOCATE(rlat(klon),rlon(klon))
     23  else
     24    write(*,*) "phys_state_var_init: warning, rlat already allocated"
     25  endif
    2327  END SUBROUTINE phys_state_var_init
  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phydev/physiq.F90

    r1671 r1686  
    1515      USE comgeomphy, only : rlatd
    1616      USE comcstphy, only : rg
     17      USE iophy, only : histbeg_phy,histwrite_phy
     18      USE ioipsl, only : getin,histvert,histdef,histend,ymds2ju
     19      USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, only : jj_nb
     20      USE phys_state_var_mod, only : phys_state_var_init
    1822      IMPLICIT none
    19 !======================================================================
    20 ! Objet: Moniteur general de la physique du modele
    21 !======================================================================
     23#include "dimensions.h"
     25      integer,parameter :: jjmp1=jjm+1-1/jjm
     26      integer,parameter :: iip1=iim+1
    23 !  Arguments:
     28! Routine argument:
    25 ! nlon----input-I-nombre de points horizontaux
    26 ! nlev----input-I-nombre de couches verticales, doit etre egale a klev
    27 ! debut---input-L-variable logique indiquant le premier passage
    28 ! lafin---input-L-variable logique indiquant le dernier passage
    29 ! jD_cur       -R-jour courant a l'appel de la physique (jour julien)
    30 ! jH_cur       -R-heure courante a l'appel de la physique (jour julien)
    31 ! pdtphys-input-R-pas d'integration pour la physique (seconde)
    32 ! paprs---input-R-pression pour chaque inter-couche (en Pa)
    33 ! pplay---input-R-pression pour le mileu de chaque couche (en Pa)
    34 ! pphi----input-R-geopotentiel de chaque couche (g z) (reference sol)
    35 ! pphis---input-R-geopotentiel du sol
    36 ! presnivs-input_R_pressions approximat. des milieux couches ( en PA)
    37 ! u-------input-R-vitesse dans la direction X (de O a E) en m/s
    38 ! v-------input-R-vitesse Y (de S a N) en m/s
    39 ! t-------input-R-temperature (K)
    40 ! qx------input-R-humidite specifique (kg/kg) et d'autres traceurs
    41 ! d_t_dyn-input-R-tendance dynamique pour "t" (K/s)
    42 ! d_q_dyn-input-R-tendance dynamique pour "q" (kg/kg/s)
    43 ! flxmass_w -input-R- flux de masse verticale
    44 ! d_u-----output-R-tendance physique de "u" (m/s/s)
    45 ! d_v-----output-R-tendance physique de "v" (m/s/s)
    46 ! d_t-----output-R-tendance physique de "t" (K/s)
    47 ! d_qx----output-R-tendance physique de "qx" (kg/kg/s)
    48 ! d_ps----output-R-tendance physique de la pression au sol
    49 !IM
    50 ! PVteta--output-R-vorticite potentielle a des thetas constantes
    51 !======================================================================
    52 #include "dimensions.h"
    53 !#include "comcstphy.h"
     30      integer,intent(in) :: nlon ! number of atmospheric colums
     31      integer,intent(in) :: nlev ! number of vertical levels (should be =klev)
     32      real,intent(in) :: jD_cur ! current day number (Julian day)
     33      real,intent(in) :: jH_cur ! current time of day (as fraction of day)
     34      logical,intent(in) :: debut ! signals first call to physics
     35      logical,intent(in) :: lafin ! signals last call to physics
     36      real,intent(in) :: pdtphys ! physics time step (s)
     37      real,intent(in) :: paprs(klon,klev+1) ! interlayer pressure (Pa)
     38      real,intent(in) :: pplay(klon,klev) ! mid-layer pressure (Pa)
     39      real,intent(in) :: pphi(klon,klev) ! geopotential at mid-layer
     40      real,intent(in) :: pphis(klon) ! surface geopotential
     41      real,intent(in) :: presnivs(klev) ! pseudo-pressure (Pa) of mid-layers
     42      integer,parameter :: longcles=20
     43      real,intent(in) :: clesphy0(longcles) ! Not used
     44      real,intent(in) :: u(klon,klev) ! eastward zonal wind (m/s)
     45      real,intent(in) :: v(klon,klev) ! northward meridional wind (m/s)
     46      real,intent(in) :: t(klon,klev) ! temperature (K)
     47      real,intent(in) :: qx(klon,klev,nqtot) ! tracers (.../kg_air)
     48      real,intent(in) :: flxmass_w(klon,klev) ! vertical mass flux
     49      real,intent(out) :: d_u(klon,klev) ! physics tendency on u (m/s/s)
     50      real,intent(out) :: d_v(klon,klev) ! physics tendency on v (m/s/s)
     51      real,intent(out) :: d_t(klon,klev) ! physics tendency on t (K/s)
     52      real,intent(out) :: d_qx(klon,klev,nqtot) ! physics tendency on tracers
     53      real,intent(out) :: d_ps(klon) ! physics tendency on surface pressure
     54      real,intent(in) :: dudyn(iim+1,jjmp1,klev) ! Not used
     55!FH! REAL PVteta(klon,nbteta)
     56!      REAL PVteta(klon,1)
     57      real,intent(in) :: PVteta(klon,3) ! Not used ; should match definition
     58                                        ! in calfis.F
    55       integer jjmp1
    56       parameter (jjmp1=jjm+1-1/jjm)
    57       integer iip1
    58       parameter (iip1=iim+1)
    60       INTEGER ivap          ! indice de traceurs pour vapeur d'eau
    61       PARAMETER (ivap=1)
    62       INTEGER iliq          ! indice de traceurs pour eau liquide
    63       PARAMETER (iliq=2)
    65 !
    66 !
    67 ! Variables argument:
    68 !
    69       INTEGER nlon
    70       INTEGER nlev
    71       REAL, intent(in):: jD_cur, jH_cur
    73       REAL pdtphys
    74       LOGICAL debut, lafin
    75       REAL paprs(klon,klev+1)
    76       REAL pplay(klon,klev)
    77       REAL pphi(klon,klev)
    78       REAL pphis(klon)
    79       REAL presnivs(klev)
    80       REAL znivsig(klev)
    81       real pir
    83       REAL u(klon,klev)
    84       REAL v(klon,klev)
    85       REAL t(klon,klev),theta(klon,klev)
    86       REAL qx(klon,klev,nqtot)
    87       REAL flxmass_w(klon,klev)
    88       REAL omega(klon,klev) ! vitesse verticale en Pa/s
    89       REAL d_u(klon,klev)
    90       REAL d_v(klon,klev)
    91       REAL d_t(klon,klev)
    92       REAL d_qx(klon,klev,nqtot)
    93       REAL d_ps(klon)
    94       real da(klon,klev),phi(klon,klev,klev),mp(klon,klev)
    95 !IM definition dynamique o_trac dans phys_output_open
    96 !      type(ctrl_out) :: o_trac(nqtot)
    97 !FH! REAL PVteta(klon,nbteta)
    98       REAL PVteta(klon,1)
    99       REAL dudyn(iim+1,jjmp1,klev)
    101     INTEGER        longcles
    102     PARAMETER    ( longcles = 20 )
     60integer,save :: itau=0 ! counter to count number of calls to physics
     61!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(itau)
    10462real :: temp_newton(klon,klev)
    105 integer k
     63integer :: k
    10664logical, save :: first=.true.
    10765!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first)
    109       REAL clesphy0( longcles      )
     67! For I/Os
     68integer :: itau0
     69real :: zjulian
     70real :: dtime
     71integer :: nhori ! horizontal coordinate ID
     72integer,save :: nid_hist ! output file ID
     73!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nid_hist)
     74integer :: zvertid ! vertical coordinate ID
     75integer,save :: iwrite_phys ! output every iwrite_phys physics step
     76!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iwrite_phys)
     77real :: t_ops ! frequency of the IOIPSL operations (eg average over...)
     78real :: t_wrt ! frequency of the IOIPSL outputs
    11180! initializations
    112 if (first) then
    113 ! ...
     81if (debut) then ! Things to do only for the first call to physics
     82! load initial conditions for physics (including the grid)
     83  call phys_state_var_init() ! some initializations, required before calling phyetat0
     84  call phyetat0("")
    115   first=.false.
    116 endif
     86! Initialize outputs:
     87  itau0=0
     88  iwrite_phys=1 !default: output every physics timestep
     89  call getin("iwrite_phys",iwrite_phys)
     90  t_ops=pdtphys*iwrite_phys ! frequency of the IOIPSL operation
     91  t_wrt=pdtphys*iwrite_phys ! frequency of the outputs in the file
     92  ! compute zjulian for annee0=1979 and month=1 dayref=1 and hour=0.0
     93  !CALL ymds2ju(annee0, month, dayref, hour, zjulian)
     94  call ymds2ju(1979, 1, 1, 0.0, zjulian)
     95  dtime=pdtphys
     96  call histbeg_phy("",itau0,zjulian,dtime,nhori,nid_hist)
     97!$OMP MASTER
     98  ! define vertical coordinate
     99  call histvert(nid_hist,"presnivs","Vertical levels","Pa",klev, &
     100                presnivs,zvertid,'down')
     101  ! define variables which will be written in "" file
     102  call histdef(nid_hist,'temperature','Atmospheric temperature','K', &
     103               iim,jj_nb,nhori,klev,1,klev,zvertid,32, &
     104               'inst(X)',t_ops,t_wrt)
     105  call histdef(nid_hist,'u','Eastward Zonal Wind','m/s', &
     106               iim,jj_nb,nhori,klev,1,klev,zvertid,32, &
     107               'inst(X)',t_ops,t_wrt)
     108  call histdef(nid_hist,'v','Northward Meridional Wind','m/s', &
     109               iim,jj_nb,nhori,klev,1,klev,zvertid,32, &
     110               'inst(X)',t_ops,t_wrt)
     111  call histdef(nid_hist,'ps','Surface Pressure','Pa', &
     112               iim,jj_nb,nhori,1,1,1,zvertid,32, &
     113               'inst(X)',t_ops,t_wrt)
     114  ! end definition sequence
     115  call histend(nid_hist)
     116!$OMP END MASTER
     117endif ! of if (debut)
     119! increment counter itau
    118122! set all tendencies to zero
    119 d_u(:,:)=0.
    120 d_v(:,:)=0.
    121 d_t(:,:)=0.
    122 d_qx(:,:,:)=0.
    123 d_ps(:)=0.
    125129! compute tendencies to return to the dynamics:
    126130! "friction" on the first layer
    127 d_u(:,1)=-u(:,1)/86400.
    128 ! newtonian rlaxation towards temp_newton()
     133! newtonian relaxation towards temp_newton()
    129134do k=1,klev
    130   temp_newton(:,k)=280.+cos(rlatd(:))*40.-pphi(:,k)/rg*6.e-3
    131   d_t(:,k)=(temp_newton(:,k)-t(:,k))/1.e5
     135  temp_newton(1:klon,k)=280.+cos(rlatd(1:klon))*40.-pphi(1:klon,k)/rg*6.e-3
     136  d_t(1:klon,k)=(temp_newton(1:klon,k)-t(1:klon,k))/1.e5
    135 print*,'COUCOU PHYDEV'
     140!print*,'PHYDEV: itau=',itau
     142! write some outputs:
     143if (modulo(itau,iwrite_phys)==0) then
     144  call histwrite_phy(nid_hist,.false.,"temperature",itau,t)
     145  call histwrite_phy(nid_hist,.false.,"u",itau,u)
     146  call histwrite_phy(nid_hist,.false.,"v",itau,v)
     147  call histwrite_phy(nid_hist,.false.,"ps",itau,paprs(:,1))
    137150! if lastcall, then it is time to write "" file
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