Nov 17, 2009, 2:00:14 PM (15 years ago)

1) Reactivated ability to read ozone (that was deactivated because of
dependency on version of IOIPSL). Added ability to read a pressure
coordinate in Pa in "regr_lat_time_climoz".

2) Added the ability to read a second ozone climatology, corresponding to
daylight ozone:

-- "read_climoz" is now an integer variable, instead of a logical

-- Added argument "read_climoz" to "phys_state_var_init",
"phys_output_open" and "regr_lat_time_climoz".

-- Created new variable "ozone_daylight" for "hist*.nc" output files.

-- Added a third dimension to variable "wo" in module
"phys_state_var_mod" and variable "POZON" in "radlwsw": index 1 for
average day-night ozone, index 2 for daylight ozone.

-- Added a fourth dimension to variables "o3_in", "o3_regr_lat" and
"o3_out" in "regr_lat_time_climoz": index 1 for average day-night
ozone, index 2 for daylight ozone.

-- In "physiq", moved call to "conf_phys" before call to
"phys_state_var_init". Thus, "conf_phys" is now inside the block "if
(first)" instead of "IF (debut)". There were definitions of "bl95_b0"
and "bl95_b1" that were useless because the variables were overwritten
by "conf_phys". Removed those definitions.

-- In "radlwsw", we pass the average day-night ozone to "LW_LMDAR4"
and the daylight ozone, if we have it, to "SW_LMDAR4" or
"SW_AEROAR4". If we do not have a specific field for daylight ozone
then "SW_LMDAR4" or "SW_AEROAR4" just get the average day-night ozone.

-- "regr_lat_time_climoz" now manages latitudes where the input ozone
field is missing at all levels (polar night).

-- Encapsulated "radlwsw" in a module.

3) Modifications to make sequential and parallel versions of
"create_etat0_limit" almost identical:

-- In "dyn3dpar/create_etat0_limit.F". No need to call
"phys_state_var_init", removed "use phys_state_var_mod" statement. No
need for "clesphys.h", removed "include" statement.

-- In "dyn3dpar/etat0_netcdf.F". Added argument "tau_ratqs" in call to
"conf_phys" (this bug was already corrected in "dyn3d"). Moved call to
"inifilr" after call to "infotrac_init" (as in "dyn3d").

4) Other peripheral modifications:

-- Added procedures "nf95_get_att" and "nf95_def_var_scalar" in
NetCDF95 interface. Overloaded "nf95_put_var" with three more
procedures: "nf95_put_var_FourByteReal", "nf95_put_var_FourByteInt",

-- Overloaded "regr1_step_av" with one more procedure:
"regr14_step_av". Overloaded "regr3_lint" with one more procedure:

-- Corrected call to "Init_Phys_lmdz" in "dyn3d/create_etat0_limit.F":
the last argument should be an array, not a scalar.

-- Encapsulated "conf_phys" in a module.

-- Splitted module "regr_pr" into "regr_pr_av_m" and "regr_pr_int_m".

5) Tests:

This revision was compared to revision 1259, with optimization options
"debug" and "dev", parallelization options "none", "mpi", "omp" and
"mpi_omp", 1 and 2 MPI processes, 1 and 2 OpenMP threads, with the
compiler "FORTRAN90/SX Version 2.0 for SX-8". Both programs
"create_etat0_limit" and "gcm" were tested. In all cases,
parallelization does not change the results. With "read_climoz = 0" in
the ".def" files, the results of revision 1259 and of this revision
are the same.

1 edited


  • LMDZ4/branches/LMDZ4-dev/libf/bibio/regr1_step_av_m.F90

    r1157 r1263  
    1717     ! The difference between the procedures is the rank of the first argument.
    19      module procedure regr11_step_av, regr12_step_av, regr13_step_av
     19     module procedure regr11_step_av, regr12_step_av, regr13_step_av, &
     20          regr14_step_av
    2021  end interface
    203204  end function regr13_step_av
     206  !********************************************
     208  function regr14_step_av(vs, xs, xt) result(vt)
     210    ! "vs" has rank 4.
     212    use assert_eq_m, only: assert_eq
     213    use assert_m, only: assert
     214    use interpolation, only: locate
     216    real, intent(in):: vs(:, :, :, :) ! values of steps on the source grid
     217    ! (Step "is" is between "xs(is)" and "xs(is + 1)".)
     219    real, intent(in):: xs(:)
     220    ! (edges of steps on the source grid, in strictly increasing order)
     222    real, intent(in):: xt(:)
     223    ! (edges of cells of the target grid, in strictly increasing order)
     225    real vt(size(xt) - 1, size(vs, 2), size(vs, 3), size(vs, 4))
     226    ! (average values on the target grid)
     227    ! (Cell "it" is between "xt(it)" and "xt(it + 1)".)
     229    ! Variables local to the procedure:
     230    integer is, it, ns, nt
     231    real left_edge
     233    !---------------------------------------------
     235    ns = assert_eq(size(vs, 1), size(xs) - 1, "regr14_step_av ns")
     236    nt = size(xt) - 1
     238    ! Quick check on sort order:
     239    call assert(xs(1) < xs(2), "regr14_step_av xs bad order")
     240    call assert(xt(1) < xt(2), "regr14_step_av xt bad order")
     242    call assert(xs(1) <= xt(1) .and. xt(nt + 1) <= xs(ns + 1), &
     243         "regr14_step_av extrapolation")
     245    is = locate(xs, xt(1)) ! 1 <= is <= ns, because we forbid extrapolation
     246    do it = 1, nt
     247       ! 1 <= is <= ns
     248       ! xs(is) <= xt(it) < xs(is + 1)
     249       ! Compute "vt(it, :, :, :)":
     250       left_edge = xt(it)
     251       vt(it, :, :, :) = 0.
     252       do while (xs(is + 1) < xt(it + 1))
     253          ! 1 <= is <= ns - 1
     254          vt(it, :, :, :) = vt(it, :, :, :) + (xs(is + 1) - left_edge) &
     255               * vs(is, :, :, :)
     256          is = is + 1
     257          left_edge = xs(is)
     258       end do
     259       ! 1 <= is <= ns
     260       vt(it, :, :, :) = (vt(it, :, :, :) + (xt(it + 1) - left_edge) &
     261            * vs(is, :, :, :)) / (xt(it + 1) - xt(it))
     262       if (xs(is + 1) == xt(it + 1)) is = is + 1
     263       ! 1 <= is <= ns .or. it == nt
     264    end do
     266  end function regr14_step_av
    205268end module regr1_step_av_m
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