make_sso routine to compute subfgrid scale orography parameters from a spherical harmonics method Requirements: - SPHEREPACK library - FFTW ? - ifortran - netcdf - an adequate environment defined in make_sso.env Options: ./make_sso -i -v -res -m -f -t Where: : input file name : height variable name : number of distinct longitude points of output grid (iim) : number of distinct latitude points of output grid (jjm+1) : can be: 1. a mask file ( 2. "noro": computed with grid_noro default: 3. "spec": computed internally : filtering width: ffac*Do (Do:output resol.) : transition width: Di+tfac*(Do-Di) (Di: input resol.) Note that latitudes grid contains both poles. Example to compile then run make_sso from a high-resolution file to a 180x90 horizontal grid. ./compile ./make_sso -i $file -res 180 91 -v z Output file is make_sso_180x91_${file}