#!/usr/bin/env python3 """This script should be called by "diffdef.sh". It operates on different lines with common variables. Author: Lionel GUEZ""" import sys, os.path with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[1], "common_var")) as common_var1, \ open(os.path.join(sys.argv[2], "common_var")) as common_var2, \ open("common_lines", "a") as common_lines, \ open("uniq_val", "w") as uniq_val: uniq_val.write("Comparison of " + sys.argv[1] + " and " + sys.argv[2] + ":\n") # title line for line1, line2 in zip(common_var1, common_var2): i = line1.index("=") var_name = line1[:i] value1 = line1[i + 1:-1] value2 = line2[i + 1:-1] try: value1_num = float(value1) value2_num = float(value2) except ValueError: uniq_val.write(var_name + "=\t" + value1 + "\t" + value2 + "\n") else: if (value1_num, value2_num) == (0, 0) \ or abs(value2_num - value1_num) \ / max(abs(value1_num), abs(value2_num)) <= 1e-5: # These should not be integer values, write a formatted value: common_lines.write(var_name + "=" + str(value1_num) + "\n") else: # These could be integer values, write the original strings: uniq_val.write(var_name + "=\t" + value1 + "\t" + value2 + "\n")