source: LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/ecrad/test/ifs/configCY47R3.nam @ 5272

Last change on this file since 5272 was 4773, checked in by idelkadi, 11 months ago
  • Update of Ecrad in LMDZ The same organization of the Ecrad offline version is retained in order to facilitate the updating of Ecrad in LMDZ and the comparison between online and offline results. version 1.6.1 of Ecrad (
  • Implementation of the double call of Ecrad in LMDZ

File size: 4.6 KB
1! Configuration namelists for ECRAD radiation code
3! The following namelist controls the behaviour of the driver routine,
4! including parallelization options and overriding numbers read from
5! the NetCDF input file
7! This version matches the configuration of ECMWF IFS Cycle 47R3 and
8! 48R1: compared to 47R1, cloud overlap has been changed to
9! exponential-random. Compared to configCY47R1.nam in this directory,
10! this file is also different in that it uses the Woodward (2001) dust
11! optical properties (compare the codes in the i_aerosol_type_map) but
12! in fact Woodward has been used in the operational IFS since at least
13! cycle 43R3 when ecRad was introduced.
16do_parallel              = true,   ! Use OpenMP parallelization?
17nblocksize               = 80,      ! Number of columns to process per thread
18do_save_inputs           = false,   ! Save inputs in ""?
19! Verbosity level: 0=none, 1=warning, 2=info, 3=progress, 4=detailed, 5=debug
20iverbose                = 2,
21istartcol               = 0,      ! Use full range of columns by default
22iendcol                 = 0,
23nrepeat                 = 1,
24cloud_separation_scale_toa = 14000.0,
25cloud_separation_scale_surface = 2500.0,
26cloud_separation_scale_power = 3.5,
27cloud_inhom_separation_factor = 0.75,
28!do_save_aerosol_optics = false,
29do_save_net_fluxes = false,
30do_write_double_precision = false,
33! The following namelist controls the behaviour of the SPARTACUS
34! radiation code
37do_sw                   = true,           ! Compute shortwave fluxes?
38do_lw                   = true,           ! Compute longwave fluxes?
39do_sw_direct            = true,           ! Compute direct downward shortwave fluxes?
40do_clear                = true,           ! Compute clear-sky fluxes?
41directory_name          = "../../data",      ! Location of configuration files
42use_general_cloud_optics = false,
43use_general_aerosol_optics = false,
44liquid_model_name       = "SOCRATES",     ! Liquid droplet scattering model
45ice_model_name          = "Fu-IFS",       ! Ice particle scattering model
46sw_solver_name          = "McICA",
47lw_solver_name          = "McICA",
48overlap_scheme_name     = "Exp-Ran",      ! Exp-Ran, Max-Ran or Exp-Exp
49cloud_fraction_threshold = 0.001e-3,      !
50do_lw_aerosol_scattering= false,          ! Aerosols scatter in the longwave?
51do_lw_cloud_scattering  = true,           ! Clouds scatter in the longwave?
52cloud_inhom_decorr_scaling = 0.5,         ! Ratio of overlap decorr len of inhomogeneities to boundaries
53use_beta_overlap        = false,
54use_vectorizable_generator = false,
55do_save_radiative_properties = false,     ! Save raw radiation properties in
56do_3d_effects           = false,          ! Represent 3D effects?
57sw_entrapment_name      = "Explicit",     ! Zero, Edge-only, Explicit, Non-fractal, Maximum are possible
58! Verbosity level: 0=none, 1=warning, 2=info, 3=progress, 4=detailed, 5=debug
59! Separate verbosity specified for setup and ordinary execution
60iverbose                = 1,
61iverbosesetup           = 2,
62use_aerosols            = true,           ! Include aerosols in radiation calculations?
63do_save_spectral_flux   = true,           ! Save spectral fluxes in output file?
64do_save_gpoint_flux     = false,           ! Save fluxes per g-point in output file?
65do_lw_derivatives       = true,            ! Hogan-Bozzo style derivatives for approx updates
66gas_model_name          = "RRTMG-IFS",     ! Gas model
67do_surface_sw_spectral_flux = false,
68do_fu_lw_ice_optics_bug = false,
69do_sw_delta_scaling_with_gases = false,
70do_canopy_fluxes_lw     = true,
71do_canopy_fluxes_sw     = true,
75do_nearest_spectral_sw_albedo = false,
76sw_albedo_wavelength_bound(1:5) = 0.25e-6, 0.44e-6, 0.69e-6, 1.19e-6, 2.38e-6,
77i_sw_albedo_index(1:6) = 1,2,3,4,5,6,
78do_nearest_spectral_lw_emiss = true,
79lw_emiss_wavelength_bound(1:2) = 8.0e-6, 13.0e-6,
80i_lw_emiss_index(1:3) = 1,2,1,
81do_weighted_surface_mapping = false, ! false=less accurate, but consistent with cycle 47r1
84!aerosol_optics_override_file_name = ''
85! 12 IFS aerosol classes stored in 1-3 Sea salt,
86! 4-6 Boucher desert dust, 7 hydrophilic organics, 8 hydrophobic
87! organics, 9&10 hydrophobic black carbon, 11 ammonium sulphate, 12
88! inactive SO2
89n_aerosol_types       = 12,              ! Aerosols are deactivated if this is zero
91! Indices to the aerosol optical properties in,
92! for each class, where negative numbers index hydrophilic aerosol
93! types and positive numbers index hydrophobic aerosol types
94i_aerosol_type_map = -1, -2, -3, 7, 8, 9, -4, 10, 11, 11, -5, 14,
95! Tegen types are rather more simple
96!i_aerosol_type_map = 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 4, 4, 6, 5,
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