1 | function [data, attribute] = load_nc_struct(nc_file, names); |
2 | % load_nc_struct -- Load NetCDF variables and attributes. |
3 | % |
4 | % [data, attribute] = load_nc_struct('nc_file') loads all variables of |
5 | % 'nc_file' into structure 'data' and all attributes into structure |
6 | % 'attribute', so variable 'X' could then be accessed using 'data.X' |
7 | % and attribute 'long_name' of 'X' could be accessed with |
8 | % 'attribute.X.long_name'. |
9 | |
10 | if nargin < 1, help(mfilename), return, end |
11 | |
12 | result = []; |
13 | if nargout > 0, data = []; attribute = []; end |
14 | |
15 | ncid = netcdf.open(nc_file, 'nowrite'); |
16 | if isempty(ncid), return, end |
17 | disp(['Loading ' nc_file]); |
18 | |
19 | if nargin < 2 |
20 | names = var_names(ncid); |
21 | end |
22 | |
23 | allnames = var_names(ncid); |
24 | |
25 | disp(['Variables:']); |
26 | for ii = 1:length(names) |
27 | if any(strcmp(names{ii},allnames)) |
28 | newname = names{ii}; |
29 | newname(find(newname == '-')) = '_'; |
30 | newname(find(newname == '.')) = '_'; |
31 | newname(find(newname == '@')) = '_'; |
32 | varid = netcdf.inqVarID(ncid, names{ii}); |
33 | |
34 | [varname, xtype,dimids,natts] = netcdf.inqVar(ncid, varid); |
35 | |
36 | [add_offset, scale_factor] = get_scaling(ncid, varid); |
37 | |
38 | if xtype == netcdf.getConstant('NC_FLOAT') | ~isempty(add_offset) | ~isempty(scale_factor) |
39 | missing_value = double(get_missing_value(ncid, varid)); |
40 | data.(newname) = double(netcdf.getVar(ncid, varid)); |
41 | else |
42 | missing_value = get_missing_value(ncid, varid); |
43 | data.(newname) = netcdf.getVar(ncid, varid); |
44 | end |
45 | |
46 | if ~isempty(missing_value) |
47 | data.(newname)(find(data.(newname) == missing_value)) = NaN; |
48 | end |
49 | |
50 | if ~isempty(scale_factor) |
51 | data.(newname) = data.(newname) .* scale_factor; |
52 | else |
53 | scale_factor = 1.0; |
54 | end |
55 | if ~isempty(add_offset) |
56 | data.(newname) = data.(newname) + add_offset; |
57 | else |
58 | add_offset = 0.0; |
59 | end |
60 | |
61 | if nargout > 1 |
62 | % Do attributes |
63 | for jj = 1:natts |
64 | % Check for underscore starting attribute name |
65 | attname = netcdf.inqAttName(ncid, varid, jj-1); |
66 | attname_mod = attname; |
67 | if strcmp(attname,'_FillValue') |
68 | attname_mod = 'FillValue_'; |
69 | elseif attname(1) == '_' |
70 | warning([newname '.' attname ' changed to ' names{ii} ':X' attname]); |
71 | attname = ['X' attname]; |
72 | end |
73 | eval(['attribute.' names{ii} '.' attname_mod ' = netcdf.getAtt(ncid, varid, attname);']); |
74 | end |
75 | end |
76 | |
77 | the_size = size(data.(newname)); |
78 | if the_size(end) == 1; |
79 | the_size = the_size(1:end-1); |
80 | end |
81 | |
82 | long_name = ''; |
83 | try |
84 | long_name = netcdf.getAtt(ncid, varid, 'long_name'); |
85 | long_name = clean_up_string(long_name); |
86 | long_name = ['"' long_name '"']; |
87 | end |
88 | units = ''; |
89 | try |
90 | units = netcdf.getAtt(ncid, varid, 'units'); |
91 | units = clean_up_string(units); |
92 | units = [' (' units ')']; |
93 | end |
94 | |
95 | names{ii} = newname; |
96 | |
97 | |
98 | size_str = num2str(the_size(1)); |
99 | for ii = 2:length(the_size); |
100 | size_str = [size_str ',' num2str(the_size(ii))]; |
101 | end |
102 | |
103 | newname = [newname ' (' size_str ')']; |
104 | |
105 | namefill = blanks(max(0,30-length(newname))); |
106 | |
107 | |
108 | if add_offset ~= 0.0 | scale_factor ~= 1.0 |
109 | scale_str = ' scaled'; |
110 | else |
111 | scale_str = ''; |
112 | end |
113 | disp([namefill newname ': ' long_name units scale_str]); |
114 | |
115 | end |
116 | end |
117 | |
118 | %if nargout > 1 |
119 | % Do global attributes |
120 | % disp('Global attributes:'); |
121 | % attnames = ncnames(att(f)); |
122 | %for ii = 1:length(attnames) |
123 | % if isempty(find(attnames{ii} == '/' | attnames{ii} == '-' | attnames{ii} == '+' | attnames{ii} == ' ') > 0) |
124 | % eval(['attr = f.' attnames{ii} '(:);']); |
125 | % if ischar(attr) |
126 | % attr = clean_up_string(attr); |
127 | % end |
128 | % eval(['attribute.global.' attnames{ii} ' = attr;']); |
129 | % namefill = blanks(max(0,14-length(attnames{ii}))); |
130 | % disp([namefill attnames{ii} ': ' num2str(attr)]); |
131 | % else |
132 | % disp(['Attribute name ' attnames{ii} ' incompatible with Matlab - not loaded.']) |
133 | % end |
134 | %end |
135 | %end |
136 | netcdf.close(ncid) |
137 | |
138 | function newstr = clean_up_string(oldstr) |
139 | newstr = num2str(oldstr); |
140 | if length(newstr) > 1 |
141 | if newstr(end-1) == '\' & newstr(end) == '0' |
142 | newstr = deblank(newstr(1:end-2)); |
143 | end |
144 | end |
145 | |
146 | function names = var_names(ncid) |
147 | [ndims,nvars,ngatts,unlimdimid] = netcdf.inq(ncid); |
148 | for ii = 0:nvars-1 |
149 | names{ii+1} = netcdf.inqVar(ncid, ii); |
150 | end |
151 | |
152 | function missing_value = get_missing_value(ncid, varid) |
153 | missing_value = []; |
154 | try |
155 | missing_value = netcdf.getAtt(ncid, varid, 'missing_value'); |
156 | catch exception |
157 | try |
158 | missing_value = netcdf.getAtt(ncid, varid, '_FillValue'); |
159 | end |
160 | end |
161 | |
162 | function [add_offset,scale_factor] = get_scaling(ncid, varid) |
163 | add_offset = []; |
164 | scale_factor = []; |
165 | try |
166 | add_offset = netcdf.getAtt(ncid, varid, 'add_offset'); |
167 | end |
168 | try |
169 | scale_factor = netcdf.getAtt(ncid, varid, 'scale_factor'); |
170 | end |