1 | function out = flatten_sza(in, isza) |
2 | % Flatten the solar-zenith-angle and column dimensions |
3 | |
4 | if nargin < 2 |
5 | isza = 1:length(in.mu0); |
6 | end |
7 | nsza = length(isza); |
8 | |
9 | ncol = size(in.pressure_hl,2); |
10 | nz = size(in.pressure_hl,1); |
11 | |
12 | out.pressure_hl = in.pressure_hl(:,ceil([1:nsza*ncol]./nsza)); |
13 | if isfield(out,'temperature_hl') |
14 | out.temperature_hl = in.temperature_hl(:,ceil([1:nsza*ncol]./nsza)); |
15 | end |
16 | out.mu0 = repmat(in.mu0(isza), ncol, 1); |
17 | %out.reference_surface_mole_fraction = in.reference_surface_mole_fraction; |
18 | %out.mole_fraction_fl = in.mole_fraction_fl(:,:,ceil([1:nsza*ncol]./nsza)); |
19 | out.flux_up_sw = reshape(in.flux_up_sw(:,isza,:),[nz nsza*ncol]); |
20 | out.flux_dn_sw = reshape(in.flux_dn_sw(:,isza,:),[nz nsza*ncol]); |
21 | out.flux_dn_direct_sw = reshape(in.flux_dn_direct_sw(:,isza,:),[nz nsza*ncol]); |
22 | if isfield(in, 'band_flux_up_sw') |
23 | nband = size(in.band_flux_up_sw,1); |
24 | out.band_wavenumber1_sw = in.band_wavenumber1_sw; |
25 | out.band_wavenumber2_sw = in.band_wavenumber2_sw; |
26 | out.band_flux_up_sw = reshape(in.band_flux_up_sw(:,:,isza,:),[nband nz nsza*ncol]); |
27 | out.band_flux_dn_sw = reshape(in.band_flux_dn_sw(:,:,isza,:),[nband nz nsza*ncol]); |
28 | out.band_flux_dn_direct_sw = reshape(in.band_flux_dn_direct_sw(:,:,isza,:),[nband nz nsza*ncol]); |
29 | end |
30 | if isfield(in, 'spectral_flux_up_sw') |
31 | nspectral = size(in.spectral_flux_up_sw,1); |
32 | out.spectral_flux_up_sw = reshape(in.spectral_flux_up_sw(:,:,isza,:),[nspectral nz nsza*ncol]); |
33 | out.spectral_flux_dn_sw = reshape(in.spectral_flux_dn_sw(:,:,isza,:),[nspectral nz nsza*ncol]); |
34 | out.spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw = reshape(in.spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw(:,:,isza,:),[nspectral nz nsza*ncol]); |
35 | end |
36 | |
37 | |