source: LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/ecrad/radiation_save.F90 @ 4687

Last change on this file since 4687 was 4489, checked in by lguez, 19 months ago

Merge LMDZ_ECRad branch back into trunk!

File size: 43.3 KB
1! radiation_save.F90 - Save data to NetCDF files
3! (C) Copyright 2014- ECMWF.
5! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
6! which can be obtained at
8! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities
9! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation
10! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
12! Author:  Robin Hogan
13! Email:
15! Modifications
16!   2017-04-22  R. Hogan  Adapt for new way of describing longwave properties
17!   2019-01-02  R. Hogan  Only save cloud properties if do_clouds==.true.
19module radiation_save
21  use parkind1, only : jprb
23  implicit none
25  ! Two available subroutines: save final fluxes and save intermediate
26  ! radiative properties
27  public :: save_fluxes, save_radiative_properties, save_inputs
31  !---------------------------------------------------------------------
32  ! Save fluxes in "flux" to NetCDF file_name, plus pressure from the
33  ! thermodynamics object
34  subroutine save_fluxes(file_name, config, thermodynamics, flux, &
35       &                 iverbose, is_hdf5_file, experiment_name, &
36       &                 is_double_precision)
38    use yomhook,                  only : lhook, dr_hook
40    use easy_netcdf
42    use radiation_io,             only : nulout
43    use radiation_config,         only : config_type, IGasModelMonochromatic
44    use radiation_thermodynamics, only : thermodynamics_type
45    use radiation_flux,           only : flux_type
47    character(len=*),           intent(in) :: file_name
48    type(config_type),          intent(in) :: config
49    type(thermodynamics_type),  intent(in) :: thermodynamics
50    type(flux_type),            intent(in) :: flux
51    integer,          optional, intent(in) :: iverbose
52    logical,          optional, intent(in) :: is_hdf5_file
53    logical,          optional, intent(in) :: is_double_precision
54    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: experiment_name
56    type(netcdf_file)                      :: out_file
57    integer                                :: ncol, n_lev_plus1
58    character(5), parameter                :: default_lw_units_str = 'W m-2'
59    character(5)                           :: lw_units_str
60    integer                                :: i_local_verbose
62    real(jprb) :: hook_handle
64    if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_save:save_fluxes',0,hook_handle)
66    if (present(iverbose)) then
67      i_local_verbose = iverbose
68    else
69      i_local_verbose = config%iverbose
70    end if
72    ! Work out array dimensions
73    if (config%do_sw) then
74      ncol = size(flux%sw_up,1)
75      n_lev_plus1 = size(flux%sw_up,2)
76    elseif (config%do_lw) then
77      ncol = size(flux%lw_up,1)
78      n_lev_plus1 = size(flux%lw_up,2)
79    else
80      if (i_local_verbose >= 1) then
81        write(nulout,'(a,a,a)') 'Warning: neither longwave nor shortwave computed so ', &
82             &                  file_name,' not written'
83      end if
84      return
85    end if
87    if (config%i_gas_model == IGasModelMonochromatic &
88         .and. config%mono_lw_wavelength > 0.0_jprb) then
89      lw_units_str = 'W m-3'
90    else
91      lw_units_str = default_lw_units_str
92    end if
94    ! Open the file
95    call out_file%create(trim(file_name), iverbose=i_local_verbose, is_hdf5_file=is_hdf5_file)
97    ! Variables stored internally with column varying fastest, but in
98    ! output file column varies most slowly so need to transpose
99    call out_file%transpose_matrices(.true.)
101    ! Set default precision for file, if specified
102    if (present(is_double_precision)) then
103      call out_file%double_precision(is_double_precision)
104    end if
106    ! Spectral fluxes in memory are dimensioned (nband,ncol,nlev), but
107    ! are reoriented in the output file to be (nband,nlev,ncol), where
108    ! the convention here is first dimension varying fastest
109    call out_file%permute_3d_arrays( (/ 1, 3, 2 /) )
111    ! Define dimensions
112    call out_file%define_dimension("column", ncol)
113    call out_file%define_dimension("half_level", n_lev_plus1)
115    if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then
116      if (config%do_lw) then
117        call out_file%define_dimension("band_lw", config%n_spec_lw)
118      end if
119      if (config%do_sw) then
120        call out_file%define_dimension("band_sw", config%n_spec_sw)
121      end if
122    else if (config%do_surface_sw_spectral_flux) then
123      if (config%do_sw) then
124        call out_file%define_dimension("band_sw", config%n_bands_sw)
125      end if
126    end if
128    if (config%do_lw .and. config%do_canopy_fluxes_lw) then
129      call out_file%define_dimension("canopy_band_lw", &
130           &  size(flux%lw_dn_surf_canopy, 1))
131    end if
132    if (config%do_sw .and. config%do_canopy_fluxes_sw) then
133      call out_file%define_dimension("canopy_band_sw", &
134           &  size(flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_canopy, 1))
135    end if
137    ! Put global attributes
138    call out_file%put_global_attributes( &
139         &   title_str="Radiative flux profiles from the ecRad offline radiation model", &
140         &   references_str="Hogan, R. J., and A. Bozzo, 2018: A flexible and efficient radiation " &
141         &   //"scheme for the ECMWF model. J. Adv. Modeling Earth Sys., 10, 1990–2008", &
142         &   source_str="ecRad offline radiation model")
144    ! Save "experiment" global attribute if present and not empty
145    if (present(experiment_name)) then
146      if (experiment_name /= " ") then
147        call out_file%put_global_attribute("experiment", experiment_name)
148      end if
149    end if
151    ! Define variables
152    call out_file%define_variable("pressure_hl", &
153         &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
154         &   units_str="Pa", long_name="Pressure", &
155         &   standard_name="air_pressure")
157    if (config%do_lw) then
158      call out_file%define_variable("flux_up_lw", &
159           &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
160           &   units_str=lw_units_str, long_name="Upwelling longwave flux", &
161           &   standard_name="upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air")
162      call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_lw", &
163           &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
164           &   units_str=lw_units_str, long_name="Downwelling longwave flux", &
165           &   standard_name="downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air")
166      if (config%do_clear) then
167        call out_file%define_variable("flux_up_lw_clear", &
168             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
169             &   units_str=lw_units_str, &
170             &   long_name="Upwelling clear-sky longwave flux")
171        call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_lw_clear", &
172             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
173             &   units_str=lw_units_str, &
174             &   long_name="Downwelling clear-sky longwave flux")
175      end if
177      if (config%do_lw_derivatives) then
178        call out_file%define_variable("lw_derivative", &
179             &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
180             &  units_str="1", &
181             &  long_name="Derivative of upwelling LW flux w.r.t. surface value")
182      end if
184      if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then
185        call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_up_lw", &
186             &   dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", &
187             &   dim1_name="band_lw", units_str=lw_units_str, &
188             &   long_name="Spectral upwelling longwave flux")
189        call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_lw", &
190             &   dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", &
191             &   dim1_name="band_lw", units_str=lw_units_str, &
192             &   long_name="Spectral downwelling longwave flux")
193        if (config%do_clear) then
194          call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_up_lw_clear", &
195               &   dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", &
196               &   dim1_name="band_lw", units_str=lw_units_str, &
197               &   long_name="Spectral upwelling clear-sky longwave flux")
198          call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_lw_clear", &
199               &   dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", &
200               &   dim1_name="band_lw", units_str=lw_units_str, &
201               &   long_name="Spectral downwelling clear-sky longwave flux")
202        end if
203      end if
205      if (config%do_canopy_fluxes_lw) then
206        call out_file%define_variable("canopy_flux_dn_lw_surf", &
207             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="canopy_band_lw", units_str=lw_units_str, &
208             &   long_name="Surface downwelling longwave flux in canopy bands")
209      end if
211    end if
213    if (config%do_sw) then
214      call out_file%define_variable("flux_up_sw", &
215           &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
216           &   units_str="W m-2", long_name="Upwelling shortwave flux", &
217           &   standard_name="upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air")
218      call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_sw", &
219           &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
220           &   units_str="W m-2", long_name="Downwelling shortwave flux", &
221           &   standard_name="downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air")
222      if (config%do_sw_direct) then
223        call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_direct_sw", &
224             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
225             &   units_str="W m-2", &
226             &   long_name="Downwelling direct shortwave flux")
227      end if
228      if (config%do_clear) then
229        call out_file%define_variable("flux_up_sw_clear", &
230             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
231             &   units_str="W m-2", &
232             &   long_name="Upwelling clear-sky shortwave flux")
233        call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_sw_clear", &
234             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
235             &   units_str="W m-2", &
236             &   long_name="Downwelling clear-sky shortwave flux")
237        if (config%do_sw_direct) then
238          call out_file%define_variable("flux_dn_direct_sw_clear", &
239               &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
240               &   units_str="W m-2", &
241               &   long_name="Downwelling clear-sky direct shortwave flux")
242        end if
243      end if
245      if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then
246        call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_up_sw", &
247             &   dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", &
248             &   dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", &
249             &   long_name="Spectral upwelling shortwave flux")
250        call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_sw", &
251             &   dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", &
252             &   dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", &
253             &   long_name="Spectral downwelling shortwave flux")
254        if (config%do_sw_direct) then
255          call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw", &
256               &   dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", &
257               &   dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", &
258               &   long_name="Spectral downwelling direct shortwave flux")
259        end if
260        if (config%do_clear) then
261          call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_up_sw_clear", &
262               &   dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", &
263               &   dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", &
264               &   long_name="Spectral upwelling clear-sky shortwave flux")
265          call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_sw_clear", &
266               &   dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", &
267               &   dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", &
268               &   long_name="Spectral downwelling clear-sky shortwave flux")
269          if (config%do_sw_direct) then
270            call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw_clear", &
271                 &   dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", &
272                 &   dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", &
273                 &   long_name="Spectral downwelling clear-sky direct shortwave flux")
274          end if
275        end if
276      else if (config%do_surface_sw_spectral_flux) then
277        call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_sw_surf", &
278             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", &
279             &   long_name="Spectral downwelling shortwave flux at surface")
280        call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw_surf", &
281             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", &
282             &   long_name="Spectral downwelling direct shortwave flux at surface")
283        if (config%do_clear) then
284          call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_sw_surf_clear", &
285               &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", &
286               &   long_name="Spectral downwelling clear-sky shortwave flux at surface")
287          call out_file%define_variable("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw_surf_clear", &
288               &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="band_sw", units_str="W m-2", &
289               &   long_name="Spectral downwelling clear-sky direct shortwave flux at surface")
290        end if
291      end if
293      if (config%do_canopy_fluxes_sw) then
294        call out_file%define_variable("canopy_flux_dn_diffuse_sw_surf", &
295             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="canopy_band_sw", units_str="W m-2", &
296             &   long_name="Surface downwelling diffuse shortwave flux in canopy bands")
297        call out_file%define_variable("canopy_flux_dn_direct_sw_surf", &
298             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="canopy_band_sw", units_str="W m-2", &
299             &   long_name="Surface downwelling direct shortwave flux in canopy bands")
300      end if
302    end if
304    if (config%do_lw .and. config%do_clouds) then
305      call out_file%define_variable("cloud_cover_lw", &
306           &  dim1_name="column", units_str="1", &
307           &  long_name="Total cloud cover diagnosed by longwave solver", &
308           &  standard_name="cloud_area_fraction")
309    end if
310    if (config%do_sw .and. config%do_clouds) then
311      call out_file%define_variable("cloud_cover_sw", &
312           &  dim1_name="column", units_str="1", &
313           &  long_name="Total cloud cover diagnosed by shortwave solver", &
314           &  standard_name="cloud_area_fraction")
315    end if
317    ! Write variables
319    call out_file%put("pressure_hl", thermodynamics%pressure_hl)
321    if (config%do_lw) then
322      call out_file%put("flux_up_lw", flux%lw_up)
323      call out_file%put("flux_dn_lw", flux%lw_dn)
324      if (config%do_clear) then
325        call out_file%put("flux_up_lw_clear", flux%lw_up_clear)
326        call out_file%put("flux_dn_lw_clear", flux%lw_dn_clear)
327      end if
329      if (config%do_lw_derivatives) then
330        call out_file%put("lw_derivative", flux%lw_derivatives)
331      end if
333      if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then
334        call out_file%put("spectral_flux_up_lw", flux%lw_up_band)
335        call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_lw", flux%lw_dn_band)
336        if (config%do_clear) then
337          call out_file%put("spectral_flux_up_lw_clear", flux%lw_up_clear_band)
338          call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_lw_clear", flux%lw_dn_clear_band)
339        end if
340      end if
342      if (config%do_canopy_fluxes_lw) then
343        call out_file%put("canopy_flux_dn_lw_surf", flux%lw_dn_surf_canopy, &
344             &            do_transp = .false.)
345      end if
347    end if
349    if (config%do_sw) then
350      call out_file%put("flux_up_sw", flux%sw_up)
351      call out_file%put("flux_dn_sw", flux%sw_dn)
352      if (config%do_sw_direct) then
353        call out_file%put("flux_dn_direct_sw", flux%sw_dn_direct)
354      end if
355      if (config%do_clear) then
356        call out_file%put("flux_up_sw_clear", flux%sw_up_clear)
357        call out_file%put("flux_dn_sw_clear", flux%sw_dn_clear)
358        if (config%do_sw_direct) then
359          call out_file%put("flux_dn_direct_sw_clear", flux%sw_dn_direct_clear)
360        end if
361      end if
363      if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then
364        call out_file%put("spectral_flux_up_sw", flux%sw_up_band)
365        call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_sw", flux%sw_dn_band)
366        if (config%do_sw_direct) then
367          call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw", &
368               &   flux%sw_dn_direct_band)
369        end if
370        if (config%do_clear) then
371          call out_file%put("spectral_flux_up_sw_clear", flux%sw_up_clear_band)
372          call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_sw_clear", flux%sw_dn_clear_band)
373          if (config%do_sw_direct) then
374            call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw_clear", &
375                 &   flux%sw_dn_direct_clear_band)
376          end if
377        end if
378      else if (config%do_surface_sw_spectral_flux) then
379        call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_sw_surf", flux%sw_dn_surf_band, &
380               &   do_transp=.false.)
381        call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw_surf", flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_band, &
382               &   do_transp=.false.)
383        if (config%do_clear) then
384          call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_sw_surf_clear", flux%sw_dn_surf_clear_band, &
385               &   do_transp=.false.)
386          call out_file%put("spectral_flux_dn_direct_sw_surf_clear", &
387               &            flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_clear_band, do_transp=.false.)
388        end if
389      end if
391      if (config%do_canopy_fluxes_sw) then
392        call out_file%put("canopy_flux_dn_diffuse_sw_surf", flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_canopy, &
393             &            do_transp = .false.)
394        call out_file%put("canopy_flux_dn_direct_sw_surf",  flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_canopy, &
395             &            do_transp = .false.)
396      end if
398    end if
400    if (config%do_lw .and. config%do_clouds) then
401      call out_file%put("cloud_cover_lw", flux%cloud_cover_lw)
402    end if
403    if (config%do_sw .and. config%do_clouds) then
404      call out_file%put("cloud_cover_sw", flux%cloud_cover_sw)
405    end if
407    ! Close file
408    call out_file%close()
410    if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_save:save_fluxes',1,hook_handle)
412  end subroutine save_fluxes
415  !---------------------------------------------------------------------
416  ! Save intermediate radiative properties, specifically the
417  ! scattering and absorption properties at each g-point/band
418  subroutine save_radiative_properties(file_name, nlev, &
419       &  istartcol, iendcol, &
420       &  config, single_level, thermodynamics, cloud, &
421       &  planck_hl, lw_emission, lw_albedo, &
422       &  sw_albedo_direct, sw_albedo_diffuse, &
423       &  incoming_sw, &
424       &  od_lw, ssa_lw, g_lw, &
425       &  od_sw, ssa_sw, g_sw, &
426       &  od_lw_cloud, ssa_lw_cloud, g_lw_cloud, &
427       &  od_sw_cloud, ssa_sw_cloud, g_sw_cloud)
429    use radiation_config,        only : config_type
430    use radiation_single_level,  only : single_level_type
431    use radiation_thermodynamics,only : thermodynamics_type
432    use radiation_cloud,         only : cloud_type
433    use easy_netcdf
435    character(len=*),         intent(in) :: file_name
436    type(config_type),        intent(in) :: config
437    type(single_level_type),  intent(in) :: single_level
438    type(thermodynamics_type),intent(in) :: thermodynamics
439    type(cloud_type),         intent(in) :: cloud
441    integer, intent(in) :: nlev, istartcol, iendcol
443    ! Input variables, as defined in radiation_interface.F90
445    ! Layer optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor of
446    ! gases and aerosols at each shortwave g-point
447    real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_sw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: od_sw, ssa_sw, g_sw
449   ! Layer optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor of
450    ! hydrometeors in each shortwave band
451    real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_bands_sw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol)   :: &
452         &  od_sw_cloud, ssa_sw_cloud, g_sw_cloud
454    ! Direct and diffuse surface albedo, and the incoming shortwave
455    ! flux into a plane perpendicular to the incoming radiation at
456    ! top-of-atmosphere in each of the shortwave g-points
457    real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_sw,istartcol:iendcol) &
458         &  :: sw_albedo_direct, sw_albedo_diffuse, incoming_sw
460    ! Layer optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor of
461    ! gases and aerosols at each longwave g-point, where the latter
462    ! two variables are only defined if aerosol longwave scattering is
463    ! enabled (otherwise both are treated as zero).
464    real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_lw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: od_lw
465    real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_lw_if_scattering,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: &
466         &  ssa_lw, g_lw
468    ! Layer optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor of
469    ! hydrometeors in each longwave band, where the latter two
470    ! variables are only defined if hydrometeor longwave scattering is
471    ! enabled (otherwise both are treated as zero).
472    real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_bands_lw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: od_lw_cloud
473    real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_bands_lw_if_scattering,nlev,istartcol:iendcol) :: &
474         &  ssa_lw_cloud, g_lw_cloud
476    ! The Planck function (emitted flux from a black body) at half
477    ! levels and at the surface at each longwave g-point
478    real(jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_lw,nlev+1,istartcol:iendcol) :: planck_hl
480    ! Emission (Planck*emissivity) and albedo (1-emissivity) at the
481    ! surface at each longwave g-point
482    real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_lw, istartcol:iendcol) :: lw_emission, lw_albedo
484    integer :: n_col_local ! Number of columns from istartcol to iendcol
486    ! Object for output NetCDF file
487    type(netcdf_file) :: out_file
489    n_col_local = iendcol + 1 - istartcol
491    ! Alas the NetCDF library is not thread-safe for writing, so we
492    ! must write radiative-property files serially
496    ! Open the file
497    call out_file%create(trim(file_name), iverbose=config%iverbose)
499    ! Configure matrix and 3D-array orientation
500    call out_file%transpose_matrices(.true.)
502    ! Sometimes the Planck function values are very large or small
503    ! even if the fluxes are within a manageable range
504    call out_file%double_precision(.true.)
506    ! Define dimensions
507    !    call out_file%define_dimension("column", n_col_local)
508    call out_file%define_dimension("column", 0) ! "Unlimited" dimension
509    call out_file%define_dimension("level", nlev)
510    call out_file%define_dimension("half_level", nlev+1)
511    if (config%do_clouds) then
512      call out_file%define_dimension("level_interface", nlev-1)
513    end if
515    if (config%do_lw) then
516      call out_file%define_dimension("gpoint_lw", config%n_g_lw)
517      if (config%do_clouds) then
518        call out_file%define_dimension("band_lw", config%n_bands_lw)
519      end if
520    end if
521    if (config%do_sw) then
522      call out_file%define_dimension("gpoint_sw", config%n_g_sw)
523      if (config%do_clouds) then
524        call out_file%define_dimension("band_sw", config%n_bands_sw)
525      end if
526    end if
528    ! Put global attributes
529    call out_file%put_global_attributes( &
530         &   title_str="Spectral radiative properties from the ecRad offline radiation model", &
531         &   references_str="Hogan, R. J., and A. Bozzo, 2018: A flexible and efficient radiation " &
532         &   //"scheme for the ECMWF model. J. Adv. Modeling Earth Sys., 10, 1990–2008", &
533         &   source_str="ecRad offline radiation model")
535    ! Define variables
536    call out_file%define_variable("pressure_hl", &
537         &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
538         &  units_str="Pa", long_name="Pressure on half-levels")
540    if (allocated(thermodynamics%h2o_sat_liq) .and. config%use_aerosols) then
541      call out_file%define_variable("q_sat_liquid", &
542           &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", &
543           &  units_str="kg kg-1", long_name="Specific humidity at liquid saturation")
544    end if
546    if (config%do_sw) then
547      call out_file%define_variable("cos_solar_zenith_angle", &
548           &  dim1_name="column", units_str="1", &
549           &  long_name="Cosine of the solar zenith angle")
550    end if
552    if (config%do_clouds) then
553      call out_file%define_variable("cloud_fraction", &
554           &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", &
555           &  units_str="1", long_name="Cloud fraction")
556      call out_file%define_variable("overlap_param", &
557           &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level_interface", &
558           &  units_str="1", long_name="Cloud overlap parameter")
559    end if
561    if (config%do_lw) then
562      call out_file%define_variable("planck_hl", &
563           &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="half_level", dim1_name="gpoint_lw", &
564           &  units_str="W m-2", long_name="Planck function on half-levels")
565      call out_file%define_variable("lw_emission", &
566           &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="gpoint_lw", &
567           &  units_str="W m-2", long_name="Longwave surface emission")
568      call out_file%define_variable("lw_emissivity", &
569           &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="gpoint_lw", &
570           &  units_str="1", long_name="Surface longwave emissivity")
572      call out_file%define_variable("od_lw", &
573           &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="gpoint_lw", &
574           &  units_str="1", long_name="Clear-sky longwave optical depth")
575      if (config%do_lw_aerosol_scattering) then
576        call out_file%define_variable("ssa_lw", &
577           &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="gpoint_lw", &
578           &  units_str="1", long_name="Clear-sky longwave single scattering albedo")
579        call out_file%define_variable("asymmetry_lw", &
580           &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="gpoint_lw", &
581           &  units_str="1", long_name="Clear-sky longwave asymmetry factor")
582      end if
584      if (config%do_clouds) then
585        call out_file%define_variable("od_lw_cloud", &
586             &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="band_lw", &
587             &  units_str="1", long_name="In-cloud longwave optical depth")
588        if (config%do_lw_cloud_scattering) then
589          call out_file%define_variable("ssa_lw_cloud", &
590               &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="band_lw", &
591               &  units_str="1", long_name="Cloud longwave single scattering albedo")
592          call out_file%define_variable("asymmetry_lw_cloud", &
593               &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="band_lw", &
594               &  units_str="1", long_name="Cloud longwave asymmetry factor")
595        end if
596      end if ! do_clouds
597    end if ! do_lw
599    if (config%do_sw) then
600      call out_file%define_variable("incoming_sw", &
601           &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="gpoint_sw", &
602           &  units_str="W m-2", long_name="Incoming shortwave flux at top-of-atmosphere in direction of sun")
604      call out_file%define_variable("sw_albedo", &
605           &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="gpoint_sw", &
606           &  units_str="1", long_name="Surface shortwave albedo to diffuse radiation")
607      call out_file%define_variable("sw_albedo_direct", &
608           &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="gpoint_sw", &
609           &  units_str="1", long_name="Surface shortwave albedo to direct radiation")
611      call out_file%define_variable("od_sw", &
612           &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="gpoint_sw", &
613           &  units_str="1", long_name="Clear-sky shortwave optical depth")
614      call out_file%define_variable("ssa_sw", &
615           &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="gpoint_sw", &
616           &  units_str="1", long_name="Clear-sky shortwave single scattering albedo")
617      call out_file%define_variable("asymmetry_sw", &
618           &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="gpoint_sw", &
619           &  units_str="1", long_name="Clear-sky shortwave asymmetry factor")
621      if (config%do_clouds) then
622        call out_file%define_variable("od_sw_cloud", &
623             &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="band_sw", &
624             &  units_str="1", long_name="In-cloud shortwave optical depth")
625        call out_file%define_variable("ssa_sw_cloud", &
626             &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="band_sw", &
627             &  units_str="1", long_name="Cloud shortwave single scattering albedo")
628        call out_file%define_variable("asymmetry_sw_cloud", &
629             &  dim3_name="column", dim2_name="level", dim1_name="band_sw", &
630             &  units_str="1", long_name="Cloud shortwave asymmetry factor")
631      end if
632    end if
634    if (config%do_clouds) then
635      if (allocated(cloud%fractional_std)) then
636        call out_file%define_variable("fractional_std", &
637             &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", units_str="1", &
638             &  long_name="Fractional standard deviation of cloud optical depth")
639      end if
640      if (allocated(cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size)) then
641        call out_file%define_variable("inv_cloud_effective_size", &
642             &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", units_str="m-1", &
643             &  long_name="Inverse of cloud effective horizontal size")
644      end if
645      if (allocated(cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size)) then
646        call out_file%define_variable("inv_inhom_effective_size", &
647             &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", units_str="m-1", &
648             &  long_name="Inverse of cloud inhomogeneity effective horizontal size")
649      end if
650   end if
652    ! Write variables
653    call out_file%put("pressure_hl", thermodynamics%pressure_hl(istartcol:iendcol,:))
655    if (allocated(thermodynamics%h2o_sat_liq) .and. config%use_aerosols) then
656      call out_file%put("q_sat_liquid", thermodynamics%h2o_sat_liq(istartcol:iendcol,:))
657    end if
659    if (config%do_clouds) then
660      call out_file%put("cloud_fraction", cloud%fraction(istartcol:iendcol,:))
661      call out_file%put("overlap_param", cloud%overlap_param(istartcol:iendcol,:))
662    end if
664    if (config%do_sw) then
665      call out_file%put("cos_solar_zenith_angle", single_level%cos_sza(istartcol:iendcol))
666      call out_file%put("sw_albedo", sw_albedo_diffuse, do_transp=.false.)
667      call out_file%put("sw_albedo_direct", sw_albedo_direct, do_transp=.false.)
668    end if
670    if (config%do_lw) then
671      call out_file%put("lw_emissivity", 1.0_jprb - lw_albedo, do_transp=.false.)
672      call out_file%put("planck_hl", planck_hl)
673      call out_file%put("lw_emission", lw_emission, do_transp=.false.)
675      call out_file%put("od_lw", od_lw)
676      if (config%do_lw_aerosol_scattering) then
677        call out_file%put("ssa_lw", ssa_lw)
678        call out_file%put("asymmetry_lw", g_lw)
679      end if
681      if (config%do_clouds) then
682        call out_file%put("od_lw_cloud", od_lw_cloud)
683        if (config%do_lw_cloud_scattering) then
684          call out_file%put("ssa_lw_cloud", ssa_lw_cloud)
685          call out_file%put("asymmetry_lw_cloud", g_lw_cloud)
686        end if
687      end if
688    end if
690    if (config%do_sw) then
691      call out_file%put("incoming_sw", incoming_sw, do_transp=.false.)
693      call out_file%put("od_sw", od_sw)
694      call out_file%put("ssa_sw", ssa_sw)
695      call out_file%put("asymmetry_sw", g_sw)
697      if (config%do_clouds) then
698        call out_file%put("od_sw_cloud", od_sw_cloud)
699        call out_file%put("ssa_sw_cloud", ssa_sw_cloud)
700        call out_file%put("asymmetry_sw_cloud", g_sw_cloud)
701      end if
702    end if
704    if (config%do_clouds) then
705      if (allocated(cloud%fractional_std)) then
706        call out_file%put("fractional_std", cloud%fractional_std(istartcol:iendcol,:))
707      end if
708      if (allocated(cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size)) then
709        call out_file%put("inv_cloud_effective_size", cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size(istartcol:iendcol,:))
710      end if
711      if (allocated(cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size)) then
712        call out_file%put("inv_inhom_effective_size", cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size(istartcol:iendcol,:))
713      end if
714    end if
716    ! Close the file
717    call out_file%close()
721  end subroutine save_radiative_properties
724  !---------------------------------------------------------------------
725  ! Save inputs to the radiation scheme
726  subroutine save_inputs(file_name, config, single_level, thermodynamics, &
727       &                 gas, cloud, aerosol, lat, lon, iverbose)
728    use yomhook,                  only : lhook, dr_hook
730    use radiation_config,         only : config_type
731    use radiation_single_level,   only : single_level_type
732    use radiation_thermodynamics, only : thermodynamics_type
733    use radiation_gas
734    use radiation_cloud,          only : cloud_type
735    use radiation_aerosol,        only : aerosol_type
736    use easy_netcdf
738    character(len=*),             intent(in)   :: file_name
739    type(config_type),            intent(in)   :: config
740    type(single_level_type),      intent(in)   :: single_level
741    type(thermodynamics_type),    intent(in)   :: thermodynamics
742    type(gas_type),               intent(inout):: gas
743    type(cloud_type),             intent(in)   :: cloud
744    type(aerosol_type), optional, intent(in)   :: aerosol
745    real(jprb),         optional, intent(in)   :: lat(:), lon(:)
746    integer,            optional, intent(in)   :: iverbose
748    real(jprb), allocatable :: mixing_ratio(:,:)
749    real(jprb), allocatable :: aerosol_mmr(:,:,:)
750    real(jprb), allocatable :: seed(:)
751    integer       :: i_local_verbose
752    integer       :: ncol, nlev
753    integer       :: jgas
754    character(32) :: var_name, long_name
756    ! Object for output NetCDF file
757    type(netcdf_file) :: out_file
759    logical :: do_aerosol
761    real(jprb) :: hook_handle
763    if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_save:save_inputs',0,hook_handle)
765    if (present(iverbose)) then
766      i_local_verbose = iverbose
767    else
768      i_local_verbose = config%iverbose
769    end if
771    ! Work out array dimensions
772    ncol = size(thermodynamics%pressure_hl,1)
773    nlev = size(thermodynamics%pressure_hl,2)
774    nlev = nlev - 1
776    do_aerosol = config%use_aerosols .and. present(aerosol)
778    ! Open the file
779    call out_file%create(trim(file_name), iverbose=i_local_verbose)
781    ! Variables stored internally with column varying fastest, but in
782    ! output file column varies most slowly so need to transpose
783    call out_file%transpose_matrices(.true.)
785    ! In the case of aerosols we convert dimensions (ncol,nlev,ntype)
786    ! in memory to (nlev,ntype,ncol) in file (in both cases the first
787    ! dimension varying fastest).
788    call out_file%permute_3d_arrays( (/ 2, 3, 1 /) ) ! For aerosols
790    ! Define dimensions
791    call out_file%define_dimension("column",     ncol)
792    call out_file%define_dimension("level",      nlev)
793    call out_file%define_dimension("half_level", nlev+1)
794    if (allocated(cloud%overlap_param)) then
795      call out_file%define_dimension("level_interface", nlev-1)
796    end if
797    call out_file%define_dimension("sw_albedo_band", &
798         &                         size(single_level%sw_albedo,2))
799    call out_file%define_dimension("lw_emissivity_band", &
800         &                         size(single_level%lw_emissivity,2))
802    if (do_aerosol) then
803      call out_file%define_dimension("aerosol_type", size(aerosol%mixing_ratio,3))
804    end if
806    ! Put global attributes
807    call out_file%put_global_attributes( &
808         &   title_str="Input profiles to the ecRad offline radiation model", &
809         &   references_str="Hogan, R. J., and A. Bozzo, 2018: A flexible and efficient radiation " &
810         &   //"scheme for the ECMWF model. J. Adv. Modeling Earth Sys., 10, 1990–2008", &
811         &   source_str="ecRad offline radiation model")
813    ! Define single-level variables
814    call out_file%define_variable("solar_irradiance", &
815         &   units_str="W m-2", long_name="Solar irradiance at Earth's orbit")
816    if (present(lat)) then
817      call out_file%define_variable("lat", &
818           &   dim1_name="column", units_str="degrees_north", long_name="Latitude")
819    end if
820    if (present(lon)) then
821      call out_file%define_variable("lon", &
822           &   dim1_name="column", units_str="degrees_east", long_name="Longitude")
823    end if
824    call out_file%define_variable("skin_temperature", &
825         &   dim1_name="column", units_str="K", long_name="Skin_temperature")
826    if (config%do_sw) then
827      call out_file%define_variable("cos_solar_zenith_angle", &
828           &   dim1_name="column", units_str="1", &
829           &   long_name="Cosine of the solar zenith angle")
830    end if
832    if (allocated(single_level%sw_albedo_direct)) then
833      call out_file%define_variable("sw_albedo", &
834           &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="sw_albedo_band", &
835           &   units_str="1", long_name="Shortwave surface albedo to diffuse radiation")
836            call out_file%define_variable("sw_albedo_direct", &
837           &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="sw_albedo_band", &
838           &   units_str="1", long_name="Shortwave surface albedo to direct radiation")
839    else
840      call out_file%define_variable("sw_albedo", &
841           &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="sw_albedo_band", &
842           &   units_str="1", long_name="Shortwave surface albedo")
844    end if
845    call out_file%define_variable("lw_emissivity", &
846         &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="lw_emissivity_band", &
847         &   units_str="1", long_name="Longwave surface emissivity")
849    if (allocated(single_level%iseed)) then
850      call out_file%define_variable("iseed", &
851           &   dim1_name="column", units_str="1", is_double=.true., &
852           &   long_name="Seed for random-number generator")
853    end if
855    ! Define thermodynamic variables on half levels
856    call out_file%define_variable("pressure_hl", &
857         &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
858         &   units_str="Pa", long_name="Pressure")
859    call out_file%define_variable("temperature_hl", &
860         &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="half_level", &
861         &   units_str="K", long_name="Temperature")
863    ! Define gas mixing ratios on full levels
864    call out_file%define_variable("q", &
865         &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", &
866         &   units_str="1", long_name="Specific humidity")
867    call out_file%define_variable("o3_mmr", &
868         &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", &
869         &   units_str="1", long_name="Ozone mass mixing ratio")
870    do jgas = 1,NMaxGases
871      if (gas%is_present(jgas) .and. jgas /= IH2O .and. jgas /= IO3) then
872        write(var_name,'(a,a)') trim(GasLowerCaseName(jgas)), '_vmr'
873        write(long_name,'(a,a)') trim(GasName(jgas)), ' volume mixing ratio'
874        call out_file%define_variable(trim(var_name), &
875             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", &
876             &   units_str="1", long_name=trim(long_name))
877      end if
878    end do
880    if (config%do_clouds) then
881      ! Define cloud variables on full levels
882      call out_file%define_variable("cloud_fraction", &
883           &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", &
884           &   units_str="1", long_name="Cloud fraction")
885      call out_file%define_variable("q_liquid", &
886           &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", &
887           &   units_str="1", long_name="Gridbox-mean liquid water mixing ratio")
888      call out_file%define_variable("q_ice", &
889           &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", &
890           &   units_str="1", long_name="Gridbox-mean ice water mixing ratio")
891      call out_file%define_variable("re_liquid", &
892           &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", &
893           &   units_str="m", long_name="Ice effective radius")
894      if (associated(cloud%re_ice)) then
895        call out_file%define_variable("re_ice", &
896             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", &
897             &   units_str="m", long_name="Ice effective radius")
898      end if
899      if (allocated(cloud%overlap_param)) then
900        call out_file%define_variable("overlap_param", &
901             &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level_interface", &
902             &  units_str="1", long_name="Cloud overlap parameter")
903      end if
904      if (allocated(cloud%fractional_std)) then
905        call out_file%define_variable("fractional_std", &
906             &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", units_str="1", &
907             &  long_name="Fractional standard deviation of cloud optical depth")
908      end if
909      if (allocated(cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size)) then
910        call out_file%define_variable("inv_cloud_effective_size", &
911             &   dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", units_str="m-1", &
912             &   long_name="Inverse of cloud effective horizontal size")
913      end if
914      if (allocated(cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size)) then
915        call out_file%define_variable("inv_inhom_effective_size", &
916             &  dim2_name="column", dim1_name="level", units_str="m-1", &
917             &  long_name="Inverse of cloud inhomogeneity effective horizontal size")
918      end if
919    end if ! do_clouds
921    ! Define aerosol mass mixing ratio
922    if (do_aerosol) then
923      call out_file%define_variable("aerosol_mmr", &
924           &   dim3_name="column", dim2_name="aerosol_type", &
925           &   dim1_name="level", units_str="kg kg-1", &
926           &   long_name="Aerosol mass mixing ratio")
927    end if
929    ! Write variables
930    call out_file%put("solar_irradiance", single_level%solar_irradiance)
931    if (present(lat)) then
932      call out_file%put("lat", lat)
933    end if
934    if (present(lon)) then
935      call out_file%put("lon", lon)
936    end if
937    call out_file%put("skin_temperature", single_level%skin_temperature)
938    if (config%do_sw) then
939      call out_file%put("cos_solar_zenith_angle", single_level%cos_sza)
940    end if
941    call out_file%put("sw_albedo", single_level%sw_albedo)
942    if (allocated(single_level%sw_albedo_direct)) then
943      call out_file%put("sw_albedo_direct", single_level%sw_albedo_direct)
944    end if
945    call out_file%put("lw_emissivity", single_level%lw_emissivity)
946    if (config%do_clouds .and. allocated(single_level%iseed)) then
947      allocate(seed(ncol))
948      seed = single_level%iseed
949      call out_file%put("iseed", seed)
950      deallocate(seed)
951    end if
953    call out_file%put("pressure_hl", thermodynamics%pressure_hl)
954    call out_file%put("temperature_hl", thermodynamics%temperature_hl)
956    allocate(mixing_ratio(ncol,nlev))
957    call gas%get(IH2O, IMassMixingRatio, mixing_ratio)
958    call out_file%put("q", mixing_ratio)
959    call gas%get(IO3, IMassMixingRatio, mixing_ratio)
960    call out_file%put("o3_mmr", mixing_ratio)
961    do jgas = 1,NMaxGases
962      if (gas%is_present(jgas) .and. jgas /= IH2O .and. jgas /= IO3) then
963        write(var_name,'(a,a)') trim(GasLowerCaseName(jgas)), '_vmr'
964        call gas%get(jgas, IVolumeMixingRatio, mixing_ratio)
965        call out_file%put(trim(var_name), mixing_ratio)
966      end if
967    end do
968    deallocate(mixing_ratio)
970    if (config%do_clouds) then
971      call out_file%put("cloud_fraction", cloud%fraction)
972      call out_file%put("q_liquid", cloud%q_liq)
973      call out_file%put("q_ice", cloud%q_ice)
974      call out_file%put("re_liquid", cloud%re_liq)
975      if (associated(cloud%re_ice)) then
976        call out_file%put("re_ice", cloud%re_ice)
977      end if
978      if (allocated(cloud%overlap_param)) then
979        call out_file%put("overlap_param", cloud%overlap_param)
980      end if
981      if (allocated(cloud%fractional_std)) then
982        call out_file%put("fractional_std", cloud%fractional_std)
983      end if
984      if (allocated(cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size)) then
985        call out_file%put("inv_cloud_effective_size", cloud%inv_cloud_effective_size)
986      end if
987      if (allocated(cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size)) then
988        call out_file%put("inv_inhom_effective_size", cloud%inv_inhom_effective_size)
989      end if
990    end if
992    if (do_aerosol) then
993      allocate(aerosol_mmr(ncol, nlev, size(aerosol%mixing_ratio,3)))
994      aerosol_mmr = 0.0_jprb
995      aerosol_mmr(:,aerosol%istartlev:aerosol%iendlev,:) = aerosol%mixing_ratio
996      call out_file%put("aerosol_mmr", aerosol_mmr)
997      deallocate(aerosol_mmr)
998    end if
1000    ! Close the file
1001    call out_file%close()
1003    if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_save:save_inputs',1,hook_handle)
1005  end subroutine save_inputs
1007end module radiation_save
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