#include "conf_gcm.F90" ! ! $Id: 1DUTILS.h 4603 2023-07-03 17:42:11Z acozic $ ! ! ! SUBROUTINE conf_unicol ! #ifdef CPP_IOIPSL use IOIPSL #else ! if not using IOIPSL, we still need to use (a local version of) getin use ioipsl_getincom #endif USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout IMPLICIT NONE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Auteurs : A. Lahellec . ! ! Declarations : ! -------------- #include "compar1d.h" #include "flux_arp.h" #include "tsoilnudge.h" #include "fcg_gcssold.h" #include "fcg_racmo.h" ! ! ! local: ! ------ ! CHARACTER ch1*72,ch2*72,ch3*72,ch4*12 ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ......... Initilisation parametres du lmdz1D .......... ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialisations: ! ---------------- !Config Key = lunout !Config Desc = unite de fichier pour les impressions !Config Def = 6 !Config Help = unite de fichier pour les impressions !Config (defaut sortie standard = 6) lunout=6 ! CALL getin('lunout', lunout) IF (lunout /= 5 .and. lunout /= 6) THEN OPEN(lunout,FILE='lmdz.out') ENDIF !Config Key = prt_level !Config Desc = niveau d'impressions de debogage !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = Niveau d'impression pour le debogage !Config (0 = minimum d'impression) ! prt_level = 0 ! CALL getin('prt_level',prt_level) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Parametres de controle du run: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !Config Key = restart !Config Desc = on repart des startphy et start1dyn !Config Def = false !Config Help = les fichiers restart doivent etre renomme en start restart =.false. CALL getin('restart',restart) !Config Key = forcing_type !Config Desc = defines the way the SCM is forced: !Config Def = 0 !!Config Help = 0 ==> forcing_les = .true. ! initial profiles from file prof.inp.001 ! no forcing by LS convergence ; ! surface temperature imposed ; ! radiative cooling may be imposed (iflag_radia=0 in physiq.def) ! = 1 ==> forcing_radconv = .true. ! idem forcing_type = 0, but the imposed radiative cooling ! is set to 0 (hence, if iflag_radia=0 in physiq.def, ! then there is no radiative cooling at all) ! = 2 ==> forcing_toga = .true. ! initial profiles from TOGA-COARE IFA files ! LS convergence and SST imposed from TOGA-COARE IFA files ! = 3 ==> forcing_GCM2SCM = .true. ! initial profiles from the GCM output ! LS convergence imposed from the GCM output ! = 4 ==> forcing_twpi = .true. ! initial profiles from TWPICE nc files ! LS convergence and SST imposed from TWPICE nc files ! = 5 ==> forcing_rico = .true. ! initial profiles from RICO idealized ! LS convergence imposed from RICO (cst) ! = 6 ==> forcing_amma = .true. ! = 10 ==> forcing_case = .true. ! initial profiles from case.nc file ! = 40 ==> forcing_GCSSold = .true. ! initial profile from GCSS file ! LS convergence imposed from GCSS file ! = 50 ==> forcing_fire = .true. ! = 59 ==> forcing_sandu = .true. ! initial profiles from sanduref file: see prof.inp.001 ! SST varying with time and divergence constante: see ifa_sanduref.txt file ! Radiation has to be computed interactively ! = 60 ==> forcing_astex = .true. ! initial profiles from file: see prof.inp.001 ! SST,divergence,ug,vg,ufa,vfa varying with time : see ifa_astex.txt file ! Radiation has to be computed interactively ! = 61 ==> forcing_armcu = .true. ! initial profiles from file: see prof.inp.001 ! sensible and latent heat flux imposed: see ifa_arm_cu_1.txt ! large scale advective forcing & radiative tendencies applied below 1000m: see ifa_arm_cu_2.txt ! use geostrophic wind ug=10m/s vg=0m/s. Duration of the case 53100s ! Radiation to be switched off ! > 100 ==> forcing_case = .true. or forcing_case2 = .true. ! initial profiles from case.nc file ! forcing_type = 0 CALL getin('forcing_type',forcing_type) imp_fcg_gcssold = .false. ts_fcg_gcssold = .false. Tp_fcg_gcssold = .false. Tp_ini_gcssold = .false. xTurb_fcg_gcssold = .false. IF (forcing_type .eq.40) THEN CALL getin('imp_fcg',imp_fcg_gcssold) CALL getin('ts_fcg',ts_fcg_gcssold) CALL getin('tp_fcg',Tp_fcg_gcssold) CALL getin('tp_ini',Tp_ini_gcssold) CALL getin('turb_fcg',xTurb_fcg_gcssold) ENDIF !Parametres de forcage !Config Key = tend_t !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection de T !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection de T tend_t =0 CALL getin('tend_t',tend_t) !Config Key = tend_q !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection de q !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection de q tend_q =0 CALL getin('tend_q',tend_q) !Config Key = tend_u !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection de u !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection de u tend_u =0 CALL getin('tend_u',tend_u) !Config Key = tend_v !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection de v !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection de v tend_v =0 CALL getin('tend_v',tend_v) !Config Key = tend_w !Config Desc = forcage ou non par vitesse verticale !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par vitesse verticale tend_w =0 CALL getin('tend_w',tend_w) !Config Key = tend_rayo !Config Desc = forcage ou non par dtrad !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par dtrad tend_rayo =0 CALL getin('tend_rayo',tend_rayo) !Config Key = nudge_t !Config Desc = constante de nudging de T !Config Def = false !Config Help = constante de nudging de T nudge_t =0. CALL getin('nudge_t',nudge_t) !Config Key = nudge_q !Config Desc = constante de nudging de q !Config Def = false !Config Help = constante de nudging de q nudge_q =0. CALL getin('nudge_q',nudge_q) !Config Key = nudge_u !Config Desc = constante de nudging de u !Config Def = false !Config Help = constante de nudging de u nudge_u =0. CALL getin('nudge_u',nudge_u) !Config Key = nudge_v !Config Desc = constante de nudging de v !Config Def = false !Config Help = constante de nudging de v nudge_v =0. CALL getin('nudge_v',nudge_v) !Config Key = nudge_w !Config Desc = constante de nudging de w !Config Def = false !Config Help = constante de nudging de w nudge_w =0. CALL getin('nudge_w',nudge_w) !Config Key = iflag_nudge !Config Desc = atmospheric nudging ttype (decimal code) !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = 0 ==> no nudging ! If digit number n of iflag_nudge is set, then nudging of type n is on ! If digit number n of iflag_nudge is not set, then nudging of type n is off ! (digits are numbered from the right) iflag_nudge = 0 CALL getin('iflag_nudge',iflag_nudge) !Config Key = ok_flux_surf !Config Desc = forcage ou non par les flux de surface !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par les flux de surface ok_flux_surf =.false. CALL getin('ok_flux_surf',ok_flux_surf) !Config Key = ok_forc_tsurf !Config Desc = forcage ou non par la Ts !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par la Ts ok_forc_tsurf=.false. CALL getin('ok_forc_tsurf',ok_forc_tsurf) !Config Key = ok_prescr_ust !Config Desc = ustar impose ou non !Config Def = false !Config Help = ustar impose ou non ok_prescr_ust = .false. CALL getin('ok_prescr_ust',ok_prescr_ust) !Config Key = ok_prescr_beta !Config Desc = betaevap impose ou non !Config Def = false !Config Help = betaevap impose ou non ok_prescr_beta = .false. CALL getin('ok_prescr_beta',ok_prescr_beta) !Config Key = ok_old_disvert !Config Desc = utilisation de l ancien programme disvert0 (dans 1DUTILS.h) !Config Def = false !Config Help = utilisation de l ancien programme disvert0 (dans 1DUTILS.h) ok_old_disvert = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_old_disvert',ok_old_disvert) !Config Key = time_ini !Config Desc = meaningless in this case !Config Def = 0. !Config Help = tsurf = 0. CALL getin('time_ini',time_ini) !Config Key = rlat et rlon !Config Desc = latitude et longitude !Config Def = 0.0 0.0 !Config Help = fixe la position de la colonne xlat = 0. xlon = 0. CALL getin('rlat',xlat) CALL getin('rlon',xlon) !Config Key = airephy !Config Desc = Grid cell area !Config Def = 1.e11 !Config Help = airefi = 1.e11 CALL getin('airephy',airefi) !Config Key = nat_surf !Config Desc = surface type !Config Def = 0 (ocean) !Config Help = 0=ocean,1=land,2=glacier,3=banquise nat_surf = 0. CALL getin('nat_surf',nat_surf) !Config Key = tsurf !Config Desc = surface temperature !Config Def = 290. !Config Help = surface temperature tsurf = 290. CALL getin('tsurf',tsurf) !Config Key = psurf !Config Desc = surface pressure !Config Def = 102400. !Config Help = psurf = 102400. CALL getin('psurf',psurf) !Config Key = zsurf !Config Desc = surface altitude !Config Def = 0. !Config Help = zsurf = 0. CALL getin('zsurf',zsurf) ! EV pour accord avec format standard CALL getin('zorog',zsurf) !Config Key = rugos !Config Desc = coefficient de frottement !Config Def = 0.0001 !Config Help = calcul du Cdrag rugos = 0.0001 CALL getin('rugos',rugos) ! FH/2020/04/08/confinement: Pour le nouveau format standard, la rugosite s'appelle z0 CALL getin('z0',rugos) !Config Key = rugosh !Config Desc = coefficient de frottement !Config Def = rugos !Config Help = calcul du Cdrag rugosh = rugos CALL getin('rugosh',rugosh) !Config Key = snowmass !Config Desc = mass de neige de la surface en kg/m2 !Config Def = 0.0000 !Config Help = snowmass snowmass = 0.0000 CALL getin('snowmass',snowmass) !Config Key = wtsurf et wqsurf !Config Desc = ??? !Config Def = 0.0 0.0 !Config Help = wtsurf = 0.0 wqsurf = 0.0 CALL getin('wtsurf',wtsurf) CALL getin('wqsurf',wqsurf) !Config Key = albedo !Config Desc = albedo !Config Def = 0.09 !Config Help = albedo = 0.09 CALL getin('albedo',albedo) !Config Key = agesno !Config Desc = age de la neige !Config Def = 30.0 !Config Help = xagesno = 30.0 CALL getin('agesno',xagesno) !Config Key = restart_runoff !Config Desc = age de la neige !Config Def = 30.0 !Config Help = restart_runoff = 0.0 CALL getin('restart_runoff',restart_runoff) !Config Key = qsolinp !Config Desc = initial bucket water content (kg/m2) when land (5std) !Config Def = 30.0 !Config Help = qsolinp = 1. CALL getin('qsolinp',qsolinp) !Config Key = betaevap !Config Desc = beta for actual evaporation when prescribed !Config Def = 1.0 !Config Help = betaevap = 1. CALL getin('betaevap',betaevap) !Config Key = zpicinp !Config Desc = denivellation orographie !Config Def = 0. !Config Help = input brise zpicinp = 0. CALL getin('zpicinp',zpicinp) !Config key = nudge_tsoil !Config Desc = activation of soil temperature nudging !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ... nudge_tsoil=.FALSE. CALL getin('nudge_tsoil',nudge_tsoil) !Config key = isoil_nudge !Config Desc = level number where soil temperature is nudged !Config Def = 3 !Config Help = ... isoil_nudge=3 CALL getin('isoil_nudge',isoil_nudge) !Config key = Tsoil_nudge !Config Desc = target temperature for tsoil(isoil_nudge) !Config Def = 300. !Config Help = ... Tsoil_nudge=300. CALL getin('Tsoil_nudge',Tsoil_nudge) !Config key = tau_soil_nudge !Config Desc = nudging relaxation time for tsoil !Config Def = 3600. !Config Help = ... tau_soil_nudge=3600. CALL getin('tau_soil_nudge',tau_soil_nudge) !---------------------------------------------------------- ! Param??tres de for??age pour les forcages communs: ! Pour les forcages communs: ces entiers valent 0 ou 1 ! tadv= advection tempe, tadvv= adv tempe verticale, tadvh= adv tempe horizontale ! qadv= advection q, qadvv= adv q verticale, qadvh= adv q horizontale ! trad= 0 (rayonnement actif) ou 1 (prescrit par tend_rad) ou adv (prescir et contenu dans les tadv) ! forcages en omega, w, vent geostrophique ou ustar ! Parametres de nudging en u,v,t,q valent 0 ou 1 ou le temps de nudging !---------------------------------------------------------- !Config Key = tadv !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection totale de T !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection totale de T tadv =0 CALL getin('tadv',tadv) !Config Key = tadvv !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection verticale de T !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection verticale de T tadvv =0 CALL getin('tadvv',tadvv) !Config Key = tadvh !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection horizontale de T !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection horizontale de T tadvh =0 CALL getin('tadvh',tadvh) !Config Key = thadv !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection totale de Theta !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection totale de Theta thadv =0 CALL getin('thadv',thadv) !Config Key = thadvv !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection verticale de Theta !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection verticale de Theta thadvv =0 CALL getin('thadvv',thadvv) !Config Key = thadvh !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection horizontale de Theta !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection horizontale de Theta thadvh =0 CALL getin('thadvh',thadvh) !Config Key = qadv !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection totale de Q !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection totale de Q qadv =0 CALL getin('qadv',qadv) !Config Key = qadvv !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection verticale de Q !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection verticale de Q qadvv =0 CALL getin('qadvv',qadvv) !Config Key = qadvh !Config Desc = forcage ou non par advection horizontale de Q !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par advection horizontale de Q qadvh =0 CALL getin('qadvh',qadvh) !Config Key = trad !Config Desc = forcage ou non par tendance radiative !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par tendance radiative trad =0 CALL getin('trad',trad) !Config Key = forc_omega !Config Desc = forcage ou non par omega !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par omega forc_omega =0 CALL getin('forc_omega',forc_omega) !Config Key = forc_u !Config Desc = forcage ou non par u !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par u forc_u =0 CALL getin('forc_u',forc_u) !Config Key = forc_v !Config Desc = forcage ou non par v !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par v forc_v =0 CALL getin('forc_v',forc_v) !Config Key = forc_w !Config Desc = forcage ou non par w !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par w forc_w =0 CALL getin('forc_w',forc_w) !Config Key = forc_geo !Config Desc = forcage ou non par geo !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par geo forc_geo =0 CALL getin('forc_geo',forc_geo) ! Meme chose que ok_precr_ust !Config Key = forc_ustar !Config Desc = forcage ou non par ustar !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par ustar forc_ustar =0 CALL getin('forc_ustar',forc_ustar) IF (forc_ustar .EQ. 1) ok_prescr_ust=.true. !Config Key = nudging_u !Config Desc = forcage ou non par nudging sur u !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par nudging sur u nudging_u =0 CALL getin('nudging_u',nudging_u) !Config Key = nudging_v !Config Desc = forcage ou non par nudging sur v !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par nudging sur v nudging_v =0 CALL getin('nudging_v',nudging_v) !Config Key = nudging_w !Config Desc = forcage ou non par nudging sur w !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par nudging sur w nudging_w =0 CALL getin('nudging_w',nudging_w) ! RELIQUE ANCIENS FORMAT. ECRASE PAR LE SUIVANT !Config Key = nudging_q !Config Desc = forcage ou non par nudging sur q !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par nudging sur q nudging_qv =0 CALL getin('nudging_q',nudging_qv) CALL getin('nudging_qv',nudging_qv) p_nudging_u=11000. p_nudging_v=11000. p_nudging_t=11000. p_nudging_qv=11000. CALL getin('p_nudging_u',p_nudging_u) CALL getin('p_nudging_v',p_nudging_v) CALL getin('p_nudging_t',p_nudging_t) CALL getin('p_nudging_qv',p_nudging_qv) !Config Key = nudging_t !Config Desc = forcage ou non par nudging sur t !Config Def = false !Config Help = forcage ou non par nudging sur t nudging_t =0 CALL getin('nudging_t',nudging_t) write(lunout,*)' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' write(lunout,*)' Configuration des parametres du gcm1D: ' write(lunout,*)' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' write(lunout,*)' restart = ', restart write(lunout,*)' forcing_type = ', forcing_type write(lunout,*)' time_ini = ', time_ini write(lunout,*)' rlat = ', xlat write(lunout,*)' rlon = ', xlon write(lunout,*)' airephy = ', airefi write(lunout,*)' nat_surf = ', nat_surf write(lunout,*)' tsurf = ', tsurf write(lunout,*)' psurf = ', psurf write(lunout,*)' zsurf = ', zsurf write(lunout,*)' rugos = ', rugos write(lunout,*)' snowmass=', snowmass write(lunout,*)' wtsurf = ', wtsurf write(lunout,*)' wqsurf = ', wqsurf write(lunout,*)' albedo = ', albedo write(lunout,*)' xagesno = ', xagesno write(lunout,*)' restart_runoff = ', restart_runoff write(lunout,*)' qsolinp = ', qsolinp write(lunout,*)' zpicinp = ', zpicinp write(lunout,*)' nudge_tsoil = ', nudge_tsoil write(lunout,*)' isoil_nudge = ', isoil_nudge write(lunout,*)' Tsoil_nudge = ', Tsoil_nudge write(lunout,*)' tau_soil_nudge = ', tau_soil_nudge write(lunout,*)' tadv = ', tadv write(lunout,*)' tadvv = ', tadvv write(lunout,*)' tadvh = ', tadvh write(lunout,*)' thadv = ', thadv write(lunout,*)' thadvv = ', thadvv write(lunout,*)' thadvh = ', thadvh write(lunout,*)' qadv = ', qadv write(lunout,*)' qadvv = ', qadvv write(lunout,*)' qadvh = ', qadvh write(lunout,*)' trad = ', trad write(lunout,*)' forc_omega = ', forc_omega write(lunout,*)' forc_w = ', forc_w write(lunout,*)' forc_geo = ', forc_geo write(lunout,*)' forc_ustar = ', forc_ustar write(lunout,*)' nudging_u = ', nudging_u write(lunout,*)' nudging_v = ', nudging_v write(lunout,*)' nudging_t = ', nudging_t write(lunout,*)' nudging_qv = ', nudging_qv IF (forcing_type .eq.40) THEN write(lunout,*) '--- Forcing type GCSS Old --- with:' write(lunout,*)'imp_fcg',imp_fcg_gcssold write(lunout,*)'ts_fcg',ts_fcg_gcssold write(lunout,*)'tp_fcg',Tp_fcg_gcssold write(lunout,*)'tp_ini',Tp_ini_gcssold write(lunout,*)'xturb_fcg',xTurb_fcg_gcssold ENDIF write(lunout,*)' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' write(lunout,*) ! RETURN END ! ! $Id: dyn1deta0.F 1279 2010/07/30 A Lahellec$ ! ! SUBROUTINE dyn1deta0(fichnom,plev,play,phi,phis,presnivs, & & ucov,vcov,temp,q,omega2) USE dimphy USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE iophy USE phys_state_var_mod USE iostart USE write_field_phy USE infotrac use control_mod USE comconst_mod, ONLY: im, jm, lllm USE logic_mod, ONLY: fxyhypb, ysinus USE temps_mod, ONLY: annee_ref, day_ini, day_ref, itau_dyn IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================= ! Ecriture du fichier de redemarrage sous format NetCDF !======================================================= ! Declarations: ! ------------- include "dimensions.h" !!#include "control.h" include "netcdf.inc" ! Arguments: ! ---------- CHARACTER*(*) fichnom !Al1 plev tronque pour .nc mais plev(klev+1):=0 real :: plev(klon,klev+1),play (klon,klev),phi(klon,klev) real :: presnivs(klon,klev) real :: ucov(klon,klev),vcov(klon,klev),temp(klon,klev) real :: q(klon,klev,nqtot),omega2(klon,klev) ! real :: ug(klev),vg(klev),fcoriolis real :: phis(klon) ! Variables locales pour NetCDF: ! ------------------------------ INTEGER iq INTEGER length PARAMETER (length = 100) REAL tab_cntrl(length) ! tableau des parametres du run character*4 nmq(nqtot) character*12 modname character*80 abort_message LOGICAL found modname = 'dyn1deta0 : ' !! nmq(1)="vap" !! nmq(2)="cond" !! do iq=3,nqtot !! write(nmq(iq),'("tra",i1)') iq-2 !! enddo DO iq = 1,nqtot nmq(iq) = trim(tracers(iq)%name) ENDDO print*,'in dyn1deta0 ',fichnom,klon,klev,nqtot CALL open_startphy(fichnom) print*,'after open startphy ',fichnom,nmq ! ! Lecture des parametres de controle: ! CALL get_var("controle",tab_cntrl) im = tab_cntrl(1) jm = tab_cntrl(2) lllm = tab_cntrl(3) day_ref = tab_cntrl(4) annee_ref = tab_cntrl(5) ! rad = tab_cntrl(6) ! omeg = tab_cntrl(7) ! g = tab_cntrl(8) ! cpp = tab_cntrl(9) ! kappa = tab_cntrl(10) ! daysec = tab_cntrl(11) ! dtvr = tab_cntrl(12) ! etot0 = tab_cntrl(13) ! ptot0 = tab_cntrl(14) ! ztot0 = tab_cntrl(15) ! stot0 = tab_cntrl(16) ! ang0 = tab_cntrl(17) ! pa = tab_cntrl(18) ! preff = tab_cntrl(19) ! ! clon = tab_cntrl(20) ! clat = tab_cntrl(21) ! grossismx = tab_cntrl(22) ! grossismy = tab_cntrl(23) ! IF ( tab_cntrl(24).EQ.1. ) THEN fxyhypb =.true. ! dzoomx = tab_cntrl(25) ! dzoomy = tab_cntrl(26) ! taux = tab_cntrl(28) ! tauy = tab_cntrl(29) ELSE fxyhypb = .false. ysinus = .false. IF( tab_cntrl(27).EQ.1. ) ysinus =.true. ENDIF day_ini = tab_cntrl(30) itau_dyn = tab_cntrl(31) ! ................................................................. ! ! ! PRINT*,'rad,omeg,g,cpp,kappa',rad,omeg,g,cpp,kappa !Al1 Print*,'day_ref,annee_ref,day_ini,itau_dyn', & & day_ref,annee_ref,day_ini,itau_dyn ! Lecture des champs ! CALL get_field("play",play,found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, modname//'Le champ est absent' CALL get_field("phi",phi,found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, modname//'Le champ est absent' CALL get_field("phis",phis,found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, modname//'Le champ est absent' CALL get_field("presnivs",presnivs,found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, modname//'Le champ est absent' CALL get_field("ucov",ucov,found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, modname//'Le champ est absent' CALL get_field("vcov",vcov,found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, modname//'Le champ est absent' CALL get_field("temp",temp,found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, modname//'Le champ est absent' CALL get_field("omega2",omega2,found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, modname//'Le champ est absent' plev(1,klev+1)=0. CALL get_field("plev",plev(:,1:klev),found) IF (.NOT. found) PRINT*, modname//'Le champ est absent' Do iq=1,nqtot CALL get_field("q"//nmq(iq),q(:,:,iq),found) IF (.NOT.found)PRINT*, modname//'Le champ est absent' EndDo CALL close_startphy print*,' close startphy',fichnom,play(1,1),play(1,klev),temp(1,klev) ! RETURN END ! ! $Id: dyn1dredem.F 1279 2010/07/29 A Lahellec$ ! ! SUBROUTINE dyn1dredem(fichnom,plev,play,phi,phis,presnivs, & & ucov,vcov,temp,q,omega2) USE dimphy USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE phys_state_var_mod USE iostart USE infotrac use control_mod USE comconst_mod, ONLY: cpp, daysec, dtvr, g, kappa, omeg, rad USE logic_mod, ONLY: fxyhypb, ysinus USE temps_mod, ONLY: annee_ref,day_end,day_ref,itau_dyn,itaufin IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================= ! Ecriture du fichier de redemarrage sous format NetCDF !======================================================= ! Declarations: ! ------------- include "dimensions.h" !!#include "control.h" include "netcdf.inc" ! Arguments: ! ---------- CHARACTER*(*) fichnom !Al1 plev tronque pour .nc mais plev(klev+1):=0 real :: plev(klon,klev),play (klon,klev),phi(klon,klev) real :: presnivs(klon,klev) real :: ucov(klon,klev),vcov(klon,klev),temp(klon,klev) real :: q(klon,klev,nqtot) real :: omega2(klon,klev),rho(klon,klev+1) ! real :: ug(klev),vg(klev),fcoriolis real :: phis(klon) ! Variables locales pour NetCDF: ! ------------------------------ INTEGER nid INTEGER ierr INTEGER iq,l INTEGER length PARAMETER (length = 100) REAL tab_cntrl(length) ! tableau des parametres du run character*4 nmq(nqtot) character*20 modname character*80 abort_message ! INTEGER pass CALL open_restartphy(fichnom) print*,'redm1 ',fichnom,klon,klev,nqtot !! nmq(1)="vap" !! nmq(2)="cond" !! nmq(3)="tra1" !! nmq(4)="tra2" DO iq = 1,nqtot nmq(iq) = trim(tracers(iq)%name) ENDDO ! modname = 'dyn1dredem' ! ierr = NF_OPEN(fichnom, NF_WRITE, nid) ! IF (ierr .NE. NF_NOERR) THEN ! abort_message="Pb. d ouverture "//fichnom ! CALL abort_gcm('Modele 1D',abort_message,1) ! ENDIF DO l=1,length tab_cntrl(l) = 0. ENDDO tab_cntrl(1) = FLOAT(iim) tab_cntrl(2) = FLOAT(jjm) tab_cntrl(3) = FLOAT(llm) tab_cntrl(4) = FLOAT(day_ref) tab_cntrl(5) = FLOAT(annee_ref) tab_cntrl(6) = rad tab_cntrl(7) = omeg tab_cntrl(8) = g tab_cntrl(9) = cpp tab_cntrl(10) = kappa tab_cntrl(11) = daysec tab_cntrl(12) = dtvr ! tab_cntrl(13) = etot0 ! tab_cntrl(14) = ptot0 ! tab_cntrl(15) = ztot0 ! tab_cntrl(16) = stot0 ! tab_cntrl(17) = ang0 ! tab_cntrl(18) = pa ! tab_cntrl(19) = preff ! ! ..... parametres pour le zoom ...... ! tab_cntrl(20) = clon ! tab_cntrl(21) = clat ! tab_cntrl(22) = grossismx ! tab_cntrl(23) = grossismy ! IF ( fxyhypb ) THEN tab_cntrl(24) = 1. ! tab_cntrl(25) = dzoomx ! tab_cntrl(26) = dzoomy tab_cntrl(27) = 0. ! tab_cntrl(28) = taux ! tab_cntrl(29) = tauy ELSE tab_cntrl(24) = 0. ! tab_cntrl(25) = dzoomx ! tab_cntrl(26) = dzoomy tab_cntrl(27) = 0. tab_cntrl(28) = 0. tab_cntrl(29) = 0. IF( ysinus ) tab_cntrl(27) = 1. ENDIF !Al1 iday_end -> day_end tab_cntrl(30) = FLOAT(day_end) tab_cntrl(31) = FLOAT(itau_dyn + itaufin) ! DO pass=1,2 CALL put_var(pass,"controle","Param. de controle Dyn1D",tab_cntrl) ! ! Ecriture/extension de la coordonnee temps ! Ecriture des champs ! CALL put_field(pass,"plev","p interfaces sauf la nulle",plev) CALL put_field(pass,"play","",play) CALL put_field(pass,"phi","geopotentielle",phi) CALL put_field(pass,"phis","geopotentiell de surface",phis) CALL put_field(pass,"presnivs","",presnivs) CALL put_field(pass,"ucov","",ucov) CALL put_field(pass,"vcov","",vcov) CALL put_field(pass,"temp","",temp) CALL put_field(pass,"omega2","",omega2) Do iq=1,nqtot CALL put_field(pass,"q"//nmq(iq),"eau vap ou condens et traceurs", & & q(:,:,iq)) EndDo IF (pass==1) CALL enddef_restartphy IF (pass==2) CALL close_restartphy ENDDO ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE gr_fi_dyn(nfield,ngrid,im,jm,pfi,pdyn) IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================================= ! passage d'un champ de la grille scalaire a la grille physique !======================================================================= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! declarations: ! ------------- INTEGER im,jm,ngrid,nfield REAL pdyn(im,jm,nfield) REAL pfi(ngrid,nfield) INTEGER i,j,ifield,ig !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calcul: ! ------- DO ifield=1,nfield ! traitement des poles DO i=1,im pdyn(i,1,ifield)=pfi(1,ifield) pdyn(i,jm,ifield)=pfi(ngrid,ifield) ENDDO ! traitement des point normaux DO j=2,jm-1 ig=2+(j-2)*(im-1) CALL SCOPY(im-1,pfi(ig,ifield),1,pdyn(1,j,ifield),1) pdyn(im,j,ifield)=pdyn(1,j,ifield) ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE abort_gcm(modname, message, ierr) USE IOIPSL ! ! Stops the simulation cleanly, closing files and printing various ! comments ! ! Input: modname = name of calling program ! message = stuff to print ! ierr = severity of situation ( = 0 normal ) character(len=*) modname integer ierr character(len=*) message write(*,*) 'in abort_gcm' call histclo ! call histclo(2) ! call histclo(3) ! call histclo(4) ! call histclo(5) write(*,*) 'out of histclo' write(*,*) 'Stopping in ', modname write(*,*) 'Reason = ',message call getin_dump ! if (ierr .eq. 0) then write(*,*) 'Everything is cool' else write(*,*) 'Houston, we have a problem ', ierr endif STOP END REAL FUNCTION fq_sat(kelvin, millibar) ! IMPLICIT none !====================================================================== ! Autheur(s): Z.X. Li (LMD/CNRS) ! Objet: calculer la vapeur d'eau saturante (formule Centre Euro.) !====================================================================== ! Arguments: ! kelvin---input-R: temperature en Kelvin ! millibar--input-R: pression en mb ! ! fq_sat----output-R: vapeur d'eau saturante en kg/kg !====================================================================== ! REAL kelvin, millibar ! REAL r2es PARAMETER (r2es=611.14 *18.0153/28.9644) ! REAL r3les, r3ies, r3es PARAMETER (R3LES=17.269) PARAMETER (R3IES=21.875) ! REAL r4les, r4ies, r4es PARAMETER (R4LES=35.86) PARAMETER (R4IES=7.66) ! REAL rtt PARAMETER (rtt=273.16) ! REAL retv PARAMETER (retv=28.9644/18.0153 - 1.0) ! REAL zqsat REAL temp, pres ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! temp = kelvin pres = millibar * 100.0 ! write(*,*)'kelvin,millibar=',kelvin,millibar ! write(*,*)'temp,pres=',temp,pres ! IF (temp .LE. rtt) THEN r3es = r3ies r4es = r4ies ELSE r3es = r3les r4es = r4les ENDIF ! zqsat=r2es/pres * EXP ( r3es*(temp-rtt) / (temp-r4es) ) zqsat=MIN(0.5,ZQSAT) zqsat=zqsat/(1.-retv *zqsat) ! fq_sat = zqsat ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE gr_dyn_fi(nfield,im,jm,ngrid,pdyn,pfi) IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================================= ! passage d'un champ de la grille scalaire a la grille physique !======================================================================= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! declarations: ! ------------- INTEGER im,jm,ngrid,nfield REAL pdyn(im,jm,nfield) REAL pfi(ngrid,nfield) INTEGER j,ifield,ig !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calcul: ! ------- IF(ngrid.NE.2+(jm-2)*(im-1).AND.ngrid.NE.1) & & STOP 'probleme de dim' ! traitement des poles CALL SCOPY(nfield,pdyn,im*jm,pfi,ngrid) CALL SCOPY(nfield,pdyn(1,jm,1),im*jm,pfi(ngrid,1),ngrid) ! traitement des point normaux DO ifield=1,nfield DO j=2,jm-1 ig=2+(j-2)*(im-1) CALL SCOPY(im-1,pdyn(1,j,ifield),1,pfi(ig,ifield),1) ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE disvert0(pa,preff,ap,bp,dpres,presnivs,nivsigs,nivsig) ! Ancienne version disvert dont on a modifie nom pour utiliser ! le disvert de dyn3d (qui permet d'utiliser grille avec ab,bp imposes) ! (MPL 18092012) ! ! Auteur : P. Le Van . ! IMPLICIT NONE include "dimensions.h" include "paramet.h" ! !======================================================================= ! ! ! s = sigma ** kappa : coordonnee verticale ! dsig(l) : epaisseur de la couche l ds la coord. s ! sig(l) : sigma a l'interface des couches l et l-1 ! ds(l) : distance entre les couches l et l-1 en coord.s ! !======================================================================= ! REAL pa,preff REAL ap(llmp1),bp(llmp1),dpres(llm),nivsigs(llm),nivsig(llmp1) REAL presnivs(llm) ! ! declarations: ! ------------- ! REAL sig(llm+1),dsig(llm) ! INTEGER l REAL snorm REAL alpha,beta,gama,delta,deltaz,h INTEGER np,ierr REAL pi,x !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! pi=2.*ASIN(1.) OPEN(99,file='sigma.def',status='old',form='formatted', & & iostat=ierr) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! cas 1 on lit les options dans sigma.def: ! ---------------------------------------- IF (ierr.eq.0) THEN print*,'WARNING!!! on lit les options dans sigma.def' READ(99,*) deltaz READ(99,*) h READ(99,*) beta READ(99,*) gama READ(99,*) delta READ(99,*) np CLOSE(99) alpha=deltaz/(llm*h) ! DO 1 l = 1, llm dsig(l) = (alpha+(1.-alpha)*exp(-beta*(llm-l)))* & & ( (tanh(gama*l)/tanh(gama*llm))**np + & & (1.-l/FLOAT(llm))*delta ) 1 CONTINUE sig(1)=1. DO 101 l=1,llm-1 sig(l+1)=sig(l)*(1.-dsig(l))/(1.+dsig(l)) 101 CONTINUE sig(llm+1)=0. DO 2 l = 1, llm dsig(l) = sig(l)-sig(l+1) 2 CONTINUE ! ELSE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! cas 2 ancienne discretisation (LMD5...): ! ---------------------------------------- PRINT*,'WARNING!!! Ancienne discretisation verticale' h=7. snorm = 0. DO l = 1, llm x = 2.*asin(1.) * (FLOAT(l)-0.5) / float(llm+1) dsig(l) = 1.0 + 7.0 * SIN(x)**2 snorm = snorm + dsig(l) ENDDO snorm = 1./snorm DO l = 1, llm dsig(l) = dsig(l)*snorm ENDDO sig(llm+1) = 0. DO l = llm, 1, -1 sig(l) = sig(l+1) + dsig(l) ENDDO ENDIF DO l=1,llm nivsigs(l) = FLOAT(l) ENDDO DO l=1,llmp1 nivsig(l)= FLOAT(l) ENDDO ! ! .... Calculs de ap(l) et de bp(l) .... ! ......................................... ! ! ! ..... pa et preff sont lus sur les fichiers start par lectba ..... ! bp(llmp1) = 0. DO l = 1, llm !c !cc ap(l) = 0. !cc bp(l) = sig(l) bp(l) = EXP( 1. -1./( sig(l)*sig(l)) ) ap(l) = pa * ( sig(l) - bp(l) ) ! ENDDO ap(llmp1) = pa * ( sig(llmp1) - bp(llmp1) ) PRINT *,' BP ' PRINT *, bp PRINT *,' AP ' PRINT *, ap DO l = 1, llm dpres(l) = bp(l) - bp(l+1) presnivs(l) = 0.5 *( ap(l)+bp(l)*preff + ap(l+1)+bp(l+1)*preff ) ENDDO PRINT *,' PRESNIVS ' PRINT *,presnivs RETURN END !!====================================================================== ! SUBROUTINE read_tsurf1d(knon,sst_out) ! !! This subroutine specifies the surface temperature to be used in 1D simulations ! ! USE dimphy, ONLY : klon ! ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: knon ! nomber of points on compressed grid ! REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT) :: sst_out ! tsurf used to force the single-column model ! ! INTEGER :: i !! COMMON defined in lmdz1d.F: ! real ts_cur ! common /sst_forcing/ts_cur ! DO i = 1, knon ! sst_out(i) = ts_cur ! ENDDO ! ! END SUBROUTINE read_tsurf1d ! !=============================================================== subroutine advect_vert(llm,w,dt,q,plev) !=============================================================== ! Schema amont pour l'advection verticale en 1D ! w est la vitesse verticale dp/dt en Pa/s ! Traitement en volumes finis ! d / dt ( zm q ) = delta_z ( omega q ) ! d / dt ( zm ) = delta_z ( omega ) ! avec zm = delta_z ( p ) ! si * designe la valeur au pas de temps t+dt ! zm*(l) q*(l) - zm(l) q(l) = w(l+1) q(l+1) - w(l) q(l) ! zm*(l) -zm(l) = w(l+1) - w(l) ! avec w=omega * dt !--------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! arguments integer llm real w(llm+1),q(llm),plev(llm+1),dt ! local integer l real zwq(llm+1),zm(llm+1),zw(llm+1) real qold !--------------------------------------------------------------- do l=1,llm zw(l)=dt*w(l) zm(l)=plev(l)-plev(l+1) zwq(l)=q(l)*zw(l) enddo zwq(llm+1)=0. zw(llm+1)=0. do l=1,llm qold=q(l) q(l)=(q(l)*zm(l)+zwq(l+1)-zwq(l))/(zm(l)+zw(l+1)-zw(l)) print*,'ADV Q ',zm(l),zw(l),zwq(l),qold,q(l) enddo return end !=============================================================== SUBROUTINE advect_va(llm,omega,d_t_va,d_q_va,d_u_va,d_v_va, & & q,temp,u,v,play) !itlmd !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calcul de l'advection verticale (ascendance et subsidence) de ! temperature et d'humidite. Hypothese : ce qui rentre de l'exterieur ! a les memes caracteristiques que l'air de la colonne 1D (WTG) ou ! sans WTG rajouter une advection horizontale !---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none #include "YOMCST.h" ! argument integer llm real omega(llm+1),d_t_va(llm), d_q_va(llm,3) real d_u_va(llm), d_v_va(llm) real q(llm,3),temp(llm) real u(llm),v(llm) real play(llm) ! interne integer l real alpha,omgdown,omgup do l= 1,llm if(l.eq.1) then !si omgup pour la couche 1, alors tendance nulle omgdown=max(omega(2),0.0) alpha = rkappa*temp(l)*(1.+q(l,1)*rv/rd)/(play(l)*(1.+q(l,1))) d_t_va(l)= alpha*(omgdown)-omgdown*(temp(l)-temp(l+1)) & & /(play(l)-play(l+1)) d_q_va(l,:)= -omgdown*(q(l,:)-q(l+1,:))/(play(l)-play(l+1)) d_u_va(l)= -omgdown*(u(l)-u(l+1))/(play(l)-play(l+1)) d_v_va(l)= -omgdown*(v(l)-v(l+1))/(play(l)-play(l+1)) elseif(l.eq.llm) then omgup=min(omega(l),0.0) alpha = rkappa*temp(l)*(1.+q(l,1)*rv/rd)/(play(l)*(1.+q(l,1))) d_t_va(l)= alpha*(omgup)- & !bug? & omgup*(temp(l-1)-temp(l))/(play(l-1)-plev(l)) & omgup*(temp(l-1)-temp(l))/(play(l-1)-play(l)) d_q_va(l,:)= -omgup*(q(l-1,:)-q(l,:))/(play(l-1)-play(l)) d_u_va(l)= -omgup*(u(l-1)-u(l))/(play(l-1)-play(l)) d_v_va(l)= -omgup*(v(l-1)-v(l))/(play(l-1)-play(l)) else omgup=min(omega(l),0.0) omgdown=max(omega(l+1),0.0) alpha = rkappa*temp(l)*(1.+q(l,1)*rv/rd)/(play(l)*(1.+q(l,1))) d_t_va(l)= alpha*(omgup+omgdown)-omgdown*(temp(l)-temp(l+1)) & & /(play(l)-play(l+1))- & !bug? & omgup*(temp(l-1)-temp(l))/(play(l-1)-plev(l)) & omgup*(temp(l-1)-temp(l))/(play(l-1)-play(l)) ! print*, ' ??? ' d_q_va(l,:)= -omgdown*(q(l,:)-q(l+1,:)) & & /(play(l)-play(l+1))- & & omgup*(q(l-1,:)-q(l,:))/(play(l-1)-play(l)) d_u_va(l)= -omgdown*(u(l)-u(l+1)) & & /(play(l)-play(l+1))- & & omgup*(u(l-1)-u(l))/(play(l-1)-play(l)) d_v_va(l)= -omgdown*(v(l)-v(l+1)) & & /(play(l)-play(l+1))- & & omgup*(v(l-1)-v(l))/(play(l-1)-play(l)) endif enddo !fin itlmd return end ! SUBROUTINE lstendH(llm,omega,d_t_va,d_q_va,d_u_va,d_v_va, SUBROUTINE lstendH(llm,nqtot,omega,d_t_va,d_q_va, & & q,temp,u,v,play) !itlmd !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calcul de l'advection verticale (ascendance et subsidence) de ! temperature et d'humidite. Hypothese : ce qui rentre de l'exterieur ! a les memes caracteristiques que l'air de la colonne 1D (WTG) ou ! sans WTG rajouter une advection horizontale !---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none #include "YOMCST.h" ! argument integer llm,nqtot real omega(llm+1),d_t_va(llm), d_q_va(llm,nqtot) ! real d_u_va(llm), d_v_va(llm) real q(llm,nqtot),temp(llm) real u(llm),v(llm) real play(llm) real cor(llm) ! real dph(llm),dudp(llm),dvdp(llm),dqdp(llm),dtdp(llm) real dph(llm),dqdp(llm),dtdp(llm) ! interne integer k real omdn,omup ! dudp=0. ! dvdp=0. dqdp=0. dtdp=0. ! d_u_va=0. ! d_v_va=0. cor(:) = rkappa*temp*(1.+q(:,1)*rv/rd)/(play*(1.+q(:,1))) do k=2,llm-1 dph (k-1) = (play(k )- play(k-1 )) ! dudp (k-1) = (u (k )- u (k-1 ))/dph(k-1) ! dvdp (k-1) = (v (k )- v (k-1 ))/dph(k-1) dqdp (k-1) = (q (k,1)- q (k-1,1))/dph(k-1) dtdp (k-1) = (temp(k )- temp(k-1 ))/dph(k-1) enddo ! dudp ( llm ) = dudp ( llm-1 ) ! dvdp ( llm ) = dvdp ( llm-1 ) dqdp ( llm ) = dqdp ( llm-1 ) dtdp ( llm ) = dtdp ( llm-1 ) do k=2,llm-1 omdn=max(0.0,omega(k+1)) omup=min(0.0,omega( k )) ! d_u_va(k) = -omdn*dudp(k)-omup*dudp(k-1) ! d_v_va(k) = -omdn*dvdp(k)-omup*dvdp(k-1) d_q_va(k,1)= -omdn*dqdp(k)-omup*dqdp(k-1) d_t_va(k) = -omdn*dtdp(k)-omup*dtdp(k-1)+(omup+omdn)*cor(k) enddo omdn=max(0.0,omega( 2 )) omup=min(0.0,omega(llm)) ! d_u_va( 1 ) = -omdn*dudp( 1 ) ! d_u_va(llm) = -omup*dudp(llm) ! d_v_va( 1 ) = -omdn*dvdp( 1 ) ! d_v_va(llm) = -omup*dvdp(llm) d_q_va( 1 ,1) = -omdn*dqdp( 1 ) d_q_va(llm,1) = -omup*dqdp(llm) d_t_va( 1 ) = -omdn*dtdp( 1 )+omdn*cor( 1 ) d_t_va(llm) = -omup*dtdp(llm)!+omup*cor(llm) ! if(abs(rlat(1))>10.) then ! Calculate the tendency due agestrophic motions ! du_age = fcoriolis*(v-vg) ! dv_age = fcoriolis*(ug-u) ! endif ! call writefield_phy('d_t_va',d_t_va,llm) return end !====================================================================== ! Subroutines for nudging Subroutine Nudge_RHT_init (paprs,pplay,t,q,t_targ,rh_targ) ! ======================================================== USE dimphy implicit none ! ======================================================== REAL paprs(klon,klevp1) REAL pplay(klon,klev) ! ! Variables d'etat REAL t(klon,klev) REAL q(klon,klev) ! ! Profiles cible REAL t_targ(klon,klev) REAL rh_targ(klon,klev) ! INTEGER k,i REAL zx_qs ! Declaration des constantes et des fonctions thermodynamiques ! include "YOMCST.h" include "YOETHF.h" ! ! ---------------------------------------- ! Statement functions include "FCTTRE.h" ! ---------------------------------------- ! DO k = 1,klev DO i = 1,klon t_targ(i,k) = t(i,k) IF (t(i,k).LT.RTT) THEN zx_qs = qsats(t(i,k))/(pplay(i,k)) ELSE zx_qs = qsatl(t(i,k))/(pplay(i,k)) ENDIF rh_targ(i,k) = q(i,k)/zx_qs ENDDO ENDDO print *, 't_targ',t_targ print *, 'rh_targ',rh_targ ! ! RETURN END Subroutine Nudge_UV_init (paprs,pplay,u,v,u_targ,v_targ) ! ======================================================== USE dimphy implicit none ! ======================================================== REAL paprs(klon,klevp1) REAL pplay(klon,klev) ! ! Variables d'etat REAL u(klon,klev) REAL v(klon,klev) ! ! Profiles cible REAL u_targ(klon,klev) REAL v_targ(klon,klev) ! INTEGER k,i ! DO k = 1,klev DO i = 1,klon u_targ(i,k) = u(i,k) v_targ(i,k) = v(i,k) ENDDO ENDDO print *, 'u_targ',u_targ print *, 'v_targ',v_targ ! ! RETURN END Subroutine Nudge_RHT (dtime,paprs,pplay,t_targ,rh_targ,t,q, & & d_t,d_q) ! ======================================================== USE dimphy implicit none ! ======================================================== REAL dtime REAL paprs(klon,klevp1) REAL pplay(klon,klev) ! ! Variables d'etat REAL t(klon,klev) REAL q(klon,klev) ! ! Tendances REAL d_t(klon,klev) REAL d_q(klon,klev) ! ! Profiles cible REAL t_targ(klon,klev) REAL rh_targ(klon,klev) ! ! Temps de relaxation REAL tau !c DATA tau /3600./ !! DATA tau /5400./ DATA tau /1800./ ! INTEGER k,i REAL zx_qs, rh, tnew, d_rh, rhnew ! Declaration des constantes et des fonctions thermodynamiques ! include "YOMCST.h" include "YOETHF.h" ! ! ---------------------------------------- ! Statement functions include "FCTTRE.h" ! ---------------------------------------- ! print *,'dtime, tau ',dtime,tau print *, 't_targ',t_targ print *, 'rh_targ',rh_targ print *,'temp ',t print *,'hum ',q ! DO k = 1,klev DO i = 1,klon IF (paprs(i,1)-pplay(i,k) .GT. 10000.) THEN IF (t(i,k).LT.RTT) THEN zx_qs = qsats(t(i,k))/(pplay(i,k)) ELSE zx_qs = qsatl(t(i,k))/(pplay(i,k)) ENDIF rh = q(i,k)/zx_qs ! d_t(i,k) = d_t(i,k) + 1./tau*(t_targ(i,k)-t(i,k)) d_rh = 1./tau*(rh_targ(i,k)-rh) ! tnew = t(i,k)+d_t(i,k)*dtime !jyg< ! Formule pour q : ! d_q = (1/tau) [rh_targ*qsat(T_new) - q] ! ! Cette formule remplace d_q = (1/tau) [rh_targ - rh] qsat(T_new) ! qui n'etait pas correcte. ! IF (tnew.LT.RTT) THEN zx_qs = qsats(tnew)/(pplay(i,k)) ELSE zx_qs = qsatl(tnew)/(pplay(i,k)) ENDIF !! d_q(i,k) = d_q(i,k) + d_rh*zx_qs d_q(i,k) = d_q(i,k) + (1./tau)*(rh_targ(i,k)*zx_qs - q(i,k)) rhnew = (q(i,k)+d_q(i,k)*dtime)/zx_qs ! print *,' k,d_t,rh,d_rh,rhnew,d_q ', & k,d_t(i,k),rh,d_rh,rhnew,d_q(i,k) ENDIF ! ENDDO ENDDO ! RETURN END Subroutine Nudge_UV (dtime,paprs,pplay,u_targ,v_targ,u,v, & & d_u,d_v) ! ======================================================== USE dimphy implicit none ! ======================================================== REAL dtime REAL paprs(klon,klevp1) REAL pplay(klon,klev) ! ! Variables d'etat REAL u(klon,klev) REAL v(klon,klev) ! ! Tendances REAL d_u(klon,klev) REAL d_v(klon,klev) ! ! Profiles cible REAL u_targ(klon,klev) REAL v_targ(klon,klev) ! ! Temps de relaxation REAL tau !c DATA tau /3600./ ! DATA tau /5400./ DATA tau /43200./ ! INTEGER k,i ! !print *,'dtime, tau ',dtime,tau !print *, 'u_targ',u_targ !print *, 'v_targ',v_targ !print *,'zonal velocity ',u !print *,'meridional velocity ',v DO k = 1,klev DO i = 1,klon !CR: nudging everywhere ! IF (paprs(i,1)-pplay(i,k) .GT. 10000.) THEN ! d_u(i,k) = d_u(i,k) + 1./tau*(u_targ(i,k)-u(i,k)) d_v(i,k) = d_v(i,k) + 1./tau*(v_targ(i,k)-v(i,k)) ! ! print *,' k,u,d_u,v,d_v ', & ! k,u(i,k),d_u(i,k),v(i,k),d_v(i,k) ! ENDIF ! ENDDO ENDDO ! RETURN END !===================================================================== SUBROUTINE interp2_case_vertical(play,nlev_cas,plev_prof_cas & & ,t_prof_cas,th_prof_cas,thv_prof_cas,thl_prof_cas & & ,qv_prof_cas,ql_prof_cas,qi_prof_cas,u_prof_cas,v_prof_cas & & ,ug_prof_cas,vg_prof_cas,vitw_prof_cas,omega_prof_cas & & ,du_prof_cas,hu_prof_cas,vu_prof_cas,dv_prof_cas,hv_prof_cas,vv_prof_cas & & ,dt_prof_cas,ht_prof_cas,vt_prof_cas,dtrad_prof_cas,dq_prof_cas,hq_prof_cas,vq_prof_cas & & ,dth_prof_cas,hth_prof_cas,vth_prof_cas & ! & ,t_mod_cas,theta_mod_cas,thv_mod_cas,thl_mod_cas & & ,qv_mod_cas,ql_mod_cas,qi_mod_cas,u_mod_cas,v_mod_cas & & ,ug_mod_cas,vg_mod_cas,w_mod_cas,omega_mod_cas & & ,du_mod_cas,hu_mod_cas,vu_mod_cas,dv_mod_cas,hv_mod_cas,vv_mod_cas & & ,dt_mod_cas,ht_mod_cas,vt_mod_cas,dtrad_mod_cas,dq_mod_cas,hq_mod_cas,vq_mod_cas & & ,dth_mod_cas,hth_mod_cas,vth_mod_cas,mxcalc) implicit none #include "YOMCST.h" #include "dimensions.h" !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Vertical interpolation of generic case forcing data onto mod_casel levels !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer nlevmax parameter (nlevmax=41) integer nlev_cas,mxcalc ! real play(llm), plev_prof(nlevmax) ! real t_prof(nlevmax),q_prof(nlevmax) ! real u_prof(nlevmax),v_prof(nlevmax), w_prof(nlevmax) ! real ht_prof(nlevmax),vt_prof(nlevmax) ! real hq_prof(nlevmax),vq_prof(nlevmax) real play(llm), plev_prof_cas(nlev_cas) real t_prof_cas(nlev_cas),th_prof_cas(nlev_cas),thv_prof_cas(nlev_cas),thl_prof_cas(nlev_cas) real qv_prof_cas(nlev_cas),ql_prof_cas(nlev_cas),qi_prof_cas(nlev_cas) real u_prof_cas(nlev_cas),v_prof_cas(nlev_cas) real ug_prof_cas(nlev_cas),vg_prof_cas(nlev_cas), vitw_prof_cas(nlev_cas),omega_prof_cas(nlev_cas) real du_prof_cas(nlev_cas),hu_prof_cas(nlev_cas),vu_prof_cas(nlev_cas) real dv_prof_cas(nlev_cas),hv_prof_cas(nlev_cas),vv_prof_cas(nlev_cas) real dt_prof_cas(nlev_cas),ht_prof_cas(nlev_cas),vt_prof_cas(nlev_cas),dtrad_prof_cas(nlev_cas) real dth_prof_cas(nlev_cas),hth_prof_cas(nlev_cas),vth_prof_cas(nlev_cas) real dq_prof_cas(nlev_cas),hq_prof_cas(nlev_cas),vq_prof_cas(nlev_cas) real t_mod_cas(llm),theta_mod_cas(llm),thv_mod_cas(llm),thl_mod_cas(llm) real qv_mod_cas(llm),ql_mod_cas(llm),qi_mod_cas(llm) real u_mod_cas(llm),v_mod_cas(llm) real ug_mod_cas(llm),vg_mod_cas(llm), w_mod_cas(llm),omega_mod_cas(llm) real du_mod_cas(llm),hu_mod_cas(llm),vu_mod_cas(llm) real dv_mod_cas(llm),hv_mod_cas(llm),vv_mod_cas(llm) real dt_mod_cas(llm),ht_mod_cas(llm),vt_mod_cas(llm),dtrad_mod_cas(llm) real dth_mod_cas(llm),hth_mod_cas(llm),vth_mod_cas(llm) real dq_mod_cas(llm),hq_mod_cas(llm),vq_mod_cas(llm) integer l,k,k1,k2 real frac,frac1,frac2,fact ! do l = 1, llm ! print *,'debut interp2, play=',l,play(l) ! enddo ! do l = 1, nlev_cas ! print *,'debut interp2, plev_prof_cas=',l,play(l),plev_prof_cas(l) ! enddo do l = 1, llm if (play(l).ge.plev_prof_cas(nlev_cas)) then mxcalc=l ! print *,'debut interp2, mxcalc=',mxcalc k1=0 k2=0 if (play(l).le.plev_prof_cas(1)) then do k = 1, nlev_cas-1 if (play(l).le.plev_prof_cas(k).and. play(l).gt.plev_prof_cas(k+1)) then k1=k k2=k+1 endif enddo if (k1.eq.0 .or. k2.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'PB! k1, k2 = ',k1,k2 write(*,*) 'l,play(l) = ',l,play(l)/100 do k = 1, nlev_cas-1 write(*,*) 'k,plev_prof_cas(k) = ',k,plev_prof_cas(k)/100 enddo endif frac = (plev_prof_cas(k2)-play(l))/(plev_prof_cas(k2)-plev_prof_cas(k1)) t_mod_cas(l)= t_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(t_prof_cas(k2)-t_prof_cas(k1)) theta_mod_cas(l)= th_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(th_prof_cas(k2)-th_prof_cas(k1)) if(theta_mod_cas(l).NE.0) t_mod_cas(l)= theta_mod_cas(l)*(play(l)/100000.)**(RD/RCPD) thv_mod_cas(l)= thv_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(thv_prof_cas(k2)-thv_prof_cas(k1)) thl_mod_cas(l)= thl_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(thl_prof_cas(k2)-thl_prof_cas(k1)) qv_mod_cas(l)= qv_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(qv_prof_cas(k2)-qv_prof_cas(k1)) ql_mod_cas(l)= ql_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(ql_prof_cas(k2)-ql_prof_cas(k1)) qi_mod_cas(l)= qi_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(qi_prof_cas(k2)-qi_prof_cas(k1)) u_mod_cas(l)= u_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(u_prof_cas(k2)-u_prof_cas(k1)) v_mod_cas(l)= v_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(v_prof_cas(k2)-v_prof_cas(k1)) ug_mod_cas(l)= ug_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(ug_prof_cas(k2)-ug_prof_cas(k1)) vg_mod_cas(l)= vg_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(vg_prof_cas(k2)-vg_prof_cas(k1)) w_mod_cas(l)= vitw_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(vitw_prof_cas(k2)-vitw_prof_cas(k1)) omega_mod_cas(l)= omega_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(omega_prof_cas(k2)-omega_prof_cas(k1)) du_mod_cas(l)= du_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(du_prof_cas(k2)-du_prof_cas(k1)) hu_mod_cas(l)= hu_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(hu_prof_cas(k2)-hu_prof_cas(k1)) vu_mod_cas(l)= vu_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(vu_prof_cas(k2)-vu_prof_cas(k1)) dv_mod_cas(l)= dv_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(dv_prof_cas(k2)-dv_prof_cas(k1)) hv_mod_cas(l)= hv_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(hv_prof_cas(k2)-hv_prof_cas(k1)) vv_mod_cas(l)= vv_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(vv_prof_cas(k2)-vv_prof_cas(k1)) dt_mod_cas(l)= dt_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(dt_prof_cas(k2)-dt_prof_cas(k1)) ht_mod_cas(l)= ht_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(ht_prof_cas(k2)-ht_prof_cas(k1)) vt_mod_cas(l)= vt_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(vt_prof_cas(k2)-vt_prof_cas(k1)) dth_mod_cas(l)= dth_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(dth_prof_cas(k2)-dth_prof_cas(k1)) hth_mod_cas(l)= hth_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(hth_prof_cas(k2)-hth_prof_cas(k1)) vth_mod_cas(l)= vth_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(vth_prof_cas(k2)-vth_prof_cas(k1)) dq_mod_cas(l)= dq_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(dq_prof_cas(k2)-dq_prof_cas(k1)) hq_mod_cas(l)= hq_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(hq_prof_cas(k2)-hq_prof_cas(k1)) vq_mod_cas(l)= vq_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(vq_prof_cas(k2)-vq_prof_cas(k1)) dtrad_mod_cas(l)= dtrad_prof_cas(k2) - frac*(dtrad_prof_cas(k2)-dtrad_prof_cas(k1)) else !play>plev_prof_cas(1) k1=1 k2=2 print *,'interp2_vert, k1,k2=',plev_prof_cas(k1),plev_prof_cas(k2) frac1 = (play(l)-plev_prof_cas(k2))/(plev_prof_cas(k1)-plev_prof_cas(k2)) frac2 = (play(l)-plev_prof_cas(k1))/(plev_prof_cas(k1)-plev_prof_cas(k2)) t_mod_cas(l)= frac1*t_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*t_prof_cas(k2) theta_mod_cas(l)= frac1*th_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*th_prof_cas(k2) if(theta_mod_cas(l).NE.0) t_mod_cas(l)= theta_mod_cas(l)*(play(l)/100000.)**(RD/RCPD) thv_mod_cas(l)= frac1*thv_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*thv_prof_cas(k2) thl_mod_cas(l)= frac1*thl_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*thl_prof_cas(k2) qv_mod_cas(l)= frac1*qv_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*qv_prof_cas(k2) ql_mod_cas(l)= frac1*ql_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*ql_prof_cas(k2) qi_mod_cas(l)= frac1*qi_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*qi_prof_cas(k2) u_mod_cas(l)= frac1*u_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*u_prof_cas(k2) v_mod_cas(l)= frac1*v_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*v_prof_cas(k2) ug_mod_cas(l)= frac1*ug_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*ug_prof_cas(k2) vg_mod_cas(l)= frac1*vg_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*vg_prof_cas(k2) w_mod_cas(l)= frac1*vitw_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*vitw_prof_cas(k2) omega_mod_cas(l)= frac1*omega_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*omega_prof_cas(k2) du_mod_cas(l)= frac1*du_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*du_prof_cas(k2) hu_mod_cas(l)= frac1*hu_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*hu_prof_cas(k2) vu_mod_cas(l)= frac1*vu_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*vu_prof_cas(k2) dv_mod_cas(l)= frac1*dv_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*dv_prof_cas(k2) hv_mod_cas(l)= frac1*hv_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*hv_prof_cas(k2) vv_mod_cas(l)= frac1*vv_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*vv_prof_cas(k2) dt_mod_cas(l)= frac1*dt_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*dt_prof_cas(k2) ht_mod_cas(l)= frac1*ht_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*ht_prof_cas(k2) vt_mod_cas(l)= frac1*vt_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*vt_prof_cas(k2) dth_mod_cas(l)= frac1*dth_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*dth_prof_cas(k2) hth_mod_cas(l)= frac1*hth_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*hth_prof_cas(k2) vth_mod_cas(l)= frac1*vth_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*vth_prof_cas(k2) dq_mod_cas(l)= frac1*dq_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*dq_prof_cas(k2) hq_mod_cas(l)= frac1*hq_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*hq_prof_cas(k2) vq_mod_cas(l)= frac1*vq_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*vq_prof_cas(k2) dtrad_mod_cas(l)= frac1*dtrad_prof_cas(k1) - frac2*dtrad_prof_cas(k2) endif ! play.le.plev_prof_cas(1) else ! above max altitude of forcing file !jyg fact=20.*(plev_prof_cas(nlev_cas)-play(l))/plev_prof_cas(nlev_cas) !jyg fact = max(fact,0.) !jyg fact = exp(-fact) !jyg t_mod_cas(l)= t_prof_cas(nlev_cas) !jyg theta_mod_cas(l)= th_prof_cas(nlev_cas) !jyg thv_mod_cas(l)= thv_prof_cas(nlev_cas) !jyg thl_mod_cas(l)= thl_prof_cas(nlev_cas) !jyg qv_mod_cas(l)= qv_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg ql_mod_cas(l)= ql_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg qi_mod_cas(l)= qi_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg u_mod_cas(l)= u_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg v_mod_cas(l)= v_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg ug_mod_cas(l)= ug_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg vg_mod_cas(l)= vg_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg w_mod_cas(l)= 0.0 !jyg omega_mod_cas(l)= 0.0 !jyg du_mod_cas(l)= du_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact hu_mod_cas(l)= hu_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg vu_mod_cas(l)= vu_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg dv_mod_cas(l)= dv_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact hv_mod_cas(l)= hv_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg vv_mod_cas(l)= vv_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg dt_mod_cas(l)= dt_prof_cas(nlev_cas) ht_mod_cas(l)= ht_prof_cas(nlev_cas) !jyg vt_mod_cas(l)= vt_prof_cas(nlev_cas) !jyg dth_mod_cas(l)= dth_prof_cas(nlev_cas) hth_mod_cas(l)= hth_prof_cas(nlev_cas) !jyg vth_mod_cas(l)= vth_prof_cas(nlev_cas) !jyg dq_mod_cas(l)= dq_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact hq_mod_cas(l)= hq_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg vq_mod_cas(l)= vq_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg dtrad_mod_cas(l)= dtrad_prof_cas(nlev_cas)*fact !jyg endif ! play enddo ! l return end !*****************************************************************************