source: LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/conf_phys_m.F90 @ 4063

Last change on this file since 4063 was 4062, checked in by oboucher, 3 years ago

more keys for plane effects to avoid pb on outputs

  • Property copyright set to
    Name of program: LMDZ
    Creation date: 1984
    Version: LMDZ5
    License: CeCILL version 2
    Holder: Laboratoire de m\'et\'eorologie dynamique, CNRS, UMR 8539
    See the license file in the root directory
File size: 96.1 KB
2! $Id: conf_phys.F90 1668 2012-10-12 10:47:37Z idelkadi $
6MODULE conf_phys_m
12  SUBROUTINE conf_phys(ok_journe, ok_mensuel, ok_instan, ok_hf, &
13       ok_LES,&
14       callstats,&
15       solarlong0,seuil_inversion, &
16       fact_cldcon, facttemps,ok_newmicro,iflag_radia,&
17       iflag_cld_th, &
18       iflag_ratqs,ratqsbas,ratqshaut,tau_ratqs, &
19       ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_alw, ok_cdnc, ok_volcan, flag_volc_surfstrat, aerosol_couple, &
20       chemistry_couple, flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, flag_aer_feedback, &
21       flag_bc_internal_mixture, bl95_b0, bl95_b1,&
22       read_climoz, &
23       alp_offset)
26    USE surface_data
27    USE phys_cal_mod
28    USE carbon_cycle_mod,  ONLY: carbon_cycle_tr, carbon_cycle_cpl, carbon_cycle_rad, level_coupling_esm
29    USE carbon_cycle_mod,  ONLY: read_fco2_ocean_cor,var_fco2_ocean_cor
30    USE carbon_cycle_mod,  ONLY: read_fco2_land_cor,var_fco2_land_cor
31    USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: klon_glo
32    USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout
33    use config_ocean_skin_m, only: config_ocean_skin
34    USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY: phys_tstep
36    INCLUDE "conema3.h"
37    INCLUDE "fisrtilp.h"
38    INCLUDE "nuage.h"
41    INCLUDE "thermcell.h"
43    !IM : on inclut/initialise les taux de CH4, N2O, CFC11 et CFC12
44    INCLUDE "clesphys.h"
45    INCLUDE "compbl.h"
46    INCLUDE "comsoil.h"
48    !
49    ! Configuration de la "physique" de LMDZ a l'aide de la fonction
50    ! GETIN de IOIPSL
51    !
52    ! LF 05/2001
53    !
54    ! type_ocean:      type d'ocean (force, slab, couple)
55    ! version_ocean:   version d'ocean (opa8/nemo pour type_ocean=couple ou
56    !                                   sicOBS,sicINT,sicNO pour type_ocean=slab)
57    ! ok_veget:   type de modele de vegetation
58    ! ok_journe:  sorties journalieres
59    ! ok_hf:  sorties haute frequence
60    ! ok_mensuel: sorties mensuelles
61    ! ok_instan:  sorties instantanees
62    ! ok_ade, ok_aie: apply or not aerosol direct and indirect effects
63    ! ok_alw: activate aerosol LW effect
64    ! ok_cdnc, ok cloud droplet number concentration
65    ! flag_aerosol_strat : flag pour les aerosols stratos
66    ! flag_bc_internal_mixture : use BC internal mixture if true
67    ! bl95_b*: parameters in the formula to link CDNC to aerosol mass conc
68    ! ok_volcan: activate volcanic diags (SW heat & LW cool rate, SW & LW flux)
69    ! flag_volc_surfstrat: VolMIP flag, activate forcing surface cooling rate (=1), strato heating rate (=2) or nothing (=0, default)
70    !
72    ! Sortie:
73    LOGICAL              :: ok_newmicro
74    INTEGER              :: iflag_radia
75    LOGICAL              :: ok_journe, ok_mensuel, ok_instan, ok_hf
76    LOGICAL              :: ok_LES
77    LOGICAL              :: callstats
78    LOGICAL              :: ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_alw, ok_cdnc, ok_volcan
79    LOGICAL              :: aerosol_couple, chemistry_couple
80    INTEGER              :: flag_aerosol
81    INTEGER              :: flag_aerosol_strat
82    INTEGER              :: flag_volc_surfstrat
83    LOGICAL              :: flag_aer_feedback
84    LOGICAL              :: flag_bc_internal_mixture
85    REAL                 :: bl95_b0, bl95_b1
86    REAL                 :: fact_cldcon, facttemps,ratqsbas,ratqshaut,tau_ratqs
87    INTEGER              :: iflag_cld_th
88    INTEGER              :: iflag_ratqs
90    CHARACTER (len = 6), SAVE  :: type_ocean_omp, version_ocean_omp, ocean_omp
91    CHARACTER (len = 10),SAVE  :: type_veget_omp
92    CHARACTER (len = 8), SAVE  :: aer_type_omp
93    INTEGER, SAVE       :: landice_opt_omp
94    INTEGER, SAVE       :: iflag_tsurf_inlandsis_omp,iflag_temp_inlandsis_omp
95    INTEGER, SAVE       :: iflag_albcalc_omp,iflag_z0m_snow_omp   
96    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: SnoMod_omp,BloMod_omp,ok_outfor_omp,ok_zsn_ii_omp
97    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: discret_xf_omp,opt_runoff_ac_omp 
98    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: is_ok_slush_omp,is_ok_z0h_rn_omp,is_ok_density_kotlyakov_omp
99    REAL, SAVE          :: prescribed_z0m_snow_omp,correc_alb_omp
100    REAL, SAVE          :: buf_sph_pol_omp,buf_siz_pol_omp
101    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: ok_newmicro_omp
102    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: ok_all_xml_omp
103    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: ok_lwoff_omp
104    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: ok_journe_omp, ok_mensuel_omp, ok_instan_omp, ok_hf_omp       
105    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: ok_LES_omp   
106    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: callstats_omp
107    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: ok_ade_omp, ok_aie_omp, ok_alw_omp, ok_cdnc_omp, ok_volcan_omp
108    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: aerosol_couple_omp, chemistry_couple_omp
109    INTEGER, SAVE       :: flag_aerosol_omp
110    INTEGER, SAVE       :: flag_aerosol_strat_omp
111    INTEGER, SAVE       :: flag_volc_surfstrat_omp
112    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: flag_aer_feedback_omp
113    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp
114    REAL,SAVE           :: bl95_b0_omp, bl95_b1_omp
115    REAL,SAVE           :: freq_ISCCP_omp, ecrit_ISCCP_omp
116    REAL,SAVE           :: freq_COSP_omp, freq_AIRS_omp
117    REAL,SAVE           :: fact_cldcon_omp, facttemps_omp,ratqsbas_omp
118    REAL,SAVE           :: tau_cld_cv_omp, coefw_cld_cv_omp
119    INTEGER, SAVE       :: iflag_cld_cv_omp
121    REAL, SAVE          :: ratqshaut_omp
122    REAL, SAVE          :: tau_ratqs_omp
123    REAL, SAVE          :: t_coupl_omp
124    INTEGER, SAVE       :: iflag_radia_omp
125    INTEGER, SAVE       :: iflag_rrtm_omp
126    INTEGER, SAVE       :: iflag_albedo_omp !albedo SB
127    LOGICAL, SAVE       :: ok_chlorophyll_omp ! albedo SB 
128    INTEGER, SAVE       :: NSW_omp
129    INTEGER, SAVE       :: iflag_cld_th_omp, ip_ebil_phy_omp
130    INTEGER, SAVE       :: iflag_ratqs_omp
132    REAL, SAVE          :: f_cdrag_ter_omp,f_cdrag_oce_omp
133    REAL, SAVE          :: f_rugoro_omp   , z0min_omp
134    REAL, SAVE          :: z0m_seaice_omp,z0h_seaice_omp
135    REAL, SAVE          :: min_wind_speed_omp,f_gust_wk_omp,f_gust_bl_omp,f_qsat_oce_omp, f_z0qh_oce_omp
136    INTEGER, SAVE       :: iflag_gusts_omp,iflag_z0_oce_omp
138    ! Local
139    REAL                 :: zzz
141    REAL :: seuil_inversion
142    REAL,SAVE :: seuil_inversion_omp
144    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_thermals_ed_omp,iflag_thermals_optflux_omp,iflag_thermals_closure_omp
145    REAL, SAVE :: fact_thermals_ed_dz_omp
146    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_thermals_omp,nsplit_thermals_omp
147    REAL,SAVE :: tau_thermals_omp,alp_bl_k_omp
148    ! nrlmd le 10/04/2012
149    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_trig_bl_omp,iflag_clos_bl_omp
150    INTEGER,SAVE :: tau_trig_shallow_omp,tau_trig_deep_omp
151    REAL,SAVE    :: s_trig_omp
152    ! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012
153    REAL :: alp_offset
154    REAL, SAVE :: alp_offset_omp
155    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_coupl_omp,iflag_clos_omp,iflag_wake_omp
156    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_cvl_sigd_omp
157    REAL, SAVE :: coef_clos_ls_omp
158    REAL, SAVE :: supcrit1_omp, supcrit2_omp
159    INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_mix_omp
160    INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_mix_adiab_omp
161    REAL, SAVE :: scut_omp, qqa1_omp, qqa2_omp, gammas_omp, Fmax_omp, alphas_omp
162    REAL, SAVE :: tmax_fonte_cv_omp
164    REAL,SAVE :: R_ecc_omp,R_peri_omp,R_incl_omp,solaire_omp
165    REAL,SAVE      :: solaire_omp_init
166    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_suntime_rrtm_omp
167    REAL,SAVE :: co2_ppm_omp, RCO2_omp, co2_ppm_per_omp, RCO2_per_omp
168    REAL,SAVE :: CH4_ppb_omp, RCH4_omp, CH4_ppb_per_omp, RCH4_per_omp
169    REAL,SAVE :: N2O_ppb_omp, RN2O_omp, N2O_ppb_per_omp, RN2O_per_omp
170    REAL,SAVE :: CFC11_ppt_omp,RCFC11_omp,CFC11_ppt_per_omp,RCFC11_per_omp
171    REAL,SAVE :: CFC12_ppt_omp,RCFC12_omp,CFC12_ppt_per_omp,RCFC12_per_omp
172    REAL,SAVE :: epmax_omp
173    REAL,SAVE :: coef_epmax_cape_omp
174    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_adj_ema_omp
175    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_clw_omp
176    REAL,SAVE :: cld_lc_lsc_omp,cld_lc_con_omp,cld_tau_lsc_omp,cld_tau_con_omp
177    REAL,SAVE :: ffallv_lsc_omp, ffallv_con_omp,coef_eva_omp
178    LOGICAL,SAVE :: reevap_ice_omp
179    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_pdf_omp
180    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_ice_thermo_omp
181    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_ice_sursat_omp
182    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_plane_h2o_omp, ok_plane_contrail_omp
183    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_t_glace_omp
184    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_cloudth_vert_omp
185    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_rain_incloud_vol_omp
186    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_vice_omp
187    REAL,SAVE :: rad_froid_omp, rad_chau1_omp, rad_chau2_omp
188    REAL,SAVE :: t_glace_min_omp, t_glace_max_omp
189    REAL,SAVE :: exposant_glace_omp
190    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_gammasat_omp, iflag_mpc_bl_omp
191    REAL,SAVE :: rei_min_omp, rei_max_omp
192    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_sic_omp, iflag_inertie_omp
193    REAL,SAVE :: inertie_sol_omp,inertie_sno_omp,inertie_sic_omp
194    REAL,SAVE :: inertie_lic_omp
195    REAL,SAVE :: qsol0_omp
196    REAL,SAVE :: evap0_omp
197    REAL,SAVE :: albsno0_omp
198    REAL      :: solarlong0
199    REAL,SAVE :: solarlong0_omp
200    INTEGER,SAVE :: top_height_omp,overlap_omp
201    REAL,SAVE :: cdmmax_omp,cdhmax_omp,ksta_omp,ksta_ter_omp,f_ri_cd_min_omp
202    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_kzmin_omp
203    REAL, SAVE   :: pbl_lmixmin_alpha_omp
204    REAL, SAVE ::  fmagic_omp, pmagic_omp
205    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_pbl_omp,lev_histhf_omp,lev_histday_omp,lev_histmth_omp
206    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_pbl_split_omp
208    INTEGER,SAVE :: ifl_pbltree_omp
209    REAL,SAVE :: Cd_frein_omp
211    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_order2_sollw_omp
212    INTEGER, SAVE :: lev_histins_omp, lev_histLES_omp
213    INTEGER, SAVE :: lev_histdayNMC_omp
214    INTEGER, SAVE :: levout_histNMC_omp(3)
215    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_histNMC_omp(3)
216    REAL, SAVE    :: freq_outNMC_omp(3), freq_calNMC_omp(3)
217    CHARACTER*4, SAVE :: type_run_omp
218    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_cosp_omp, ok_airs_omp
219    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_mensuelCOSP_omp,ok_journeCOSP_omp,ok_hfCOSP_omp
220    REAL, SAVE    :: lonmin_ins_omp, lonmax_ins_omp, latmin_ins_omp, latmax_ins_omp
221    REAL, SAVE    :: ecrit_hf_omp, ecrit_day_omp, ecrit_mth_omp, ecrit_reg_omp
222    REAL, SAVE    :: ecrit_ins_omp
223    REAL, SAVE    :: ecrit_LES_omp
224    REAL, SAVE    :: ecrit_tra_omp
225    REAL, SAVE    :: cvl_comp_threshold_omp
226    REAL, SAVE    :: cvl_sig2feed_omp
227    REAL, SAVE    :: cvl_corr_omp
228    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_lic_melt_omp
229    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_lic_cond_omp
230    !
231    INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_cycle_diurne_omp
232    LOGICAL, SAVE :: soil_model_omp,new_oliq_omp
233    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_orodr_omp, ok_orolf_omp, ok_limitvrai_omp
234    INTEGER, SAVE :: nbapp_rad_omp, iflag_con_omp
235    INTEGER, SAVE :: nbapp_cv_omp, nbapp_wk_omp
236    INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_ener_conserv_omp
237    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_conserv_q_omp
238    INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_fisrtilp_qsat_omp
239    INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_bergeron_omp
240    LOGICAL,SAVE  :: ok_strato_omp
241    LOGICAL,SAVE  :: ok_hines_omp, ok_gwd_rando_omp
242    REAL, SAVE    :: gwd_rando_ruwmax_omp, gwd_rando_sat_omp
243    REAL, SAVE    :: gwd_front_ruwmax_omp, gwd_front_sat_omp
244    REAL, SAVE    :: sso_gkdrag_omp,sso_grahil_omp,sso_grcrit_omp
245    REAL, SAVE    :: sso_gfrcri_omp,sso_gkwake_omp,sso_gklift_omp
246    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_qch4_omp
247    LOGICAL, SAVE :: carbon_cycle_tr_omp
248    LOGICAL, SAVE :: carbon_cycle_cpl_omp
249    LOGICAL, SAVE :: carbon_cycle_rad_omp
250    INTEGER, SAVE :: level_coupling_esm_omp
251    LOGICAL, SAVE :: read_fco2_ocean_cor_omp
252    REAL, SAVE    :: var_fco2_ocean_cor_omp
253    LOGICAL, SAVE :: read_fco2_land_cor_omp
254    REAL, SAVE    :: var_fco2_land_cor_omp
255    LOGICAL, SAVE :: adjust_tropopause_omp
256    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_daily_climoz_omp
257    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_new_lscp_omp
258    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_icefra_lscp_omp
260    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT):: read_climoz ! read ozone climatology, OpenMP shared
261    ! Allowed values are 0, 1 and 2
262    ! 0: do not read an ozone climatology
263    ! 1: read a single ozone climatology that will be used day and night
264    ! 2: read two ozone climatologies, the average day and night
265    ! climatology and the daylight climatology
267    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
269    print*,'CONFPHYS ENTREE'
270    !$OMP MASTER
271    !Config Key  = type_ocean
272    !Config Desc = Type d'ocean
273    !Config Def  = force
274    !Config Help = Type d'ocean utilise: force, slab,couple
275    !
276    type_ocean_omp = 'force '
277    CALL getin('type_ocean', type_ocean_omp)
278    !
279    !Config Key  = version_ocean
280    !Config Desc = Version d'ocean
281    !Config Def  = xxxxxx
282    !Config Help = Version d'ocean utilise: opa8/nemo/sicOBS/xxxxxx
283    !
284    version_ocean_omp = 'xxxxxx'
285    CALL getin('version_ocean', version_ocean_omp)
287    !Config Key  = OCEAN
288    !Config Desc = Old parameter name for type_ocean
289    !Config Def  = yyyyyy
290    !Config Help = This is only for testing purpose
291    !
292    ocean_omp = 'yyyyyy'
293    CALL getin('OCEAN', ocean_omp)
294    IF (ocean_omp /= 'yyyyyy') THEN
295       WRITE(lunout,*)'ERROR! Old variable name OCEAN used in parmeter file.'
296       WRITE(lunout,*)'Variable OCEAN has been replaced by the variable type_ocean.'
297       WRITE(lunout,*)'You have to update your parameter file physiq.def to succed running'
298       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','Variable OCEAN no longer existing, use variable name type_ocean',1)
299    ENDIF
301    !Config Key  = t_coupl
302    !Config Desc = Pas de temps du couplage atm/oce en sec.
303    !Config Def  = 86400
304    !Config Help = This is only for testing purpose
305    !
306    t_coupl_omp = 86400.
307    CALL getin('t_coupl', t_coupl_omp)
308    IF (t_coupl_omp == 0) THEN
309       WRITE(lunout,*)'ERROR! Timestep of coupling between atmosphere and ocean'
310       WRITE(lunout,*)'cannot be zero.'
311       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','t_coupl = 0.',1)
312    ENDIF
314    !
315    !Config Key  = ok_all_xml
316    !Config Desc = utiliser les xml pourles définitions des champs pour xios
317    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
318    !Config Help =
319    !
320    ok_all_xml_omp = .FALSE.
321    CALL getin('ok_all_xml', ok_all_xml_omp)
323    !
324    !Config Key  = ok_lwoff
325    !Config Desc = inhiber l effet radiatif LW des nuages
326    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
327    !Config Help =
328    !
329    ok_lwoff_omp = .FALSE.
330    CALL getin('ok_lwoff', ok_lwoff_omp)
331    !
333    !
334    !Config Key  = VEGET
335    !Config Desc = Type de modele de vegetation
336    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
337    !Config Help = Type de modele de vegetation utilise
338    !
339    type_veget_omp ='orchidee'
340    CALL getin('VEGET', type_veget_omp)
341    !
343    ! INLANDSIS
344    !==================================================================
345    ! Martin et Etienne
346    !Config Key  = landice_opt
347    !Config Desc = which landice snow model (BULK, or INLANDSIS)
348    !Config Def  = 0
349    landice_opt_omp = 0
350    CALL getin('landice_opt', landice_opt_omp)
351    ! Martin et Etienne
353    !Etienne
354    !Config Key  = iflag_temp_inlandsis
355    !Config Desc = which method to calculate temp within the soil in INLANDSIS
356    !Config Def  = 0
357    iflag_temp_inlandsis_omp = 0
358    CALL getin('iflag_temp_inlandsis', iflag_temp_inlandsis_omp)
360    !Etienne
361    !Config Key  = iflag_tsurf_inlandsis
362    !Config Desc = which method to calculate tsurf in INLANDSIS
363    !Config Def  = 0
364    iflag_tsurf_inlandsis_omp = 1
365    CALL getin('iflag_tsurf_inlandsis', iflag_tsurf_inlandsis_omp)
368    !Etienne
369    !Config Key  = iflag_albcalc
370    !Config Desc = method to calculate snow albedo in INLANDSIS
371    !Config Def  = 0
372    iflag_albcalc_omp = 0
373    CALL getin('iflag_albcalc', iflag_albcalc_omp)
376    !Etienne
377    !Config Key  = SnoMod
378    !Config Desc = activation of snow modules in inlandsis
379    !Config Def  = .TRUE.
380    SnoMod_omp = .TRUE.
381    CALL getin('SnoMod', SnoMod_omp)
383    !Etienne
384    !Config Key  = BloMod
385    !Config Desc = activation of blowing snow in inlandsis
386    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
387    BloMod_omp = .FALSE.
388    CALL getin('BloMod', BloMod_omp)
390    !Etienne
391    !Config Key  = ok_outfor
392    !Config Desc = activation of output ascii file in inlandsis
393    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
394    ok_outfor_omp = .FALSE.
395    CALL getin('ok_outfor', ok_outfor_omp)
398    !Etienne
399    !Config Key  = ok_sn_ii
400    !Config Desc = activation of ice/snow detection
401    !Config Def  = .TRUE.
402    ok_zsn_ii_omp = .TRUE.
403    CALL getin('ok_zsn_ii', ok_zsn_ii_omp)
406    !Etienne
407    !Config Key  = discret_xf
408    !Config Desc = snow discretization following XF
409    !Config Def  = .TRUE.
410    discret_xf_omp = .TRUE.
411    CALL getin('discret_xf', discret_xf_omp)
414    !Etienne
415    !Config Key  = is_ok_slush
416    !Config Desc = activation of the slush option
417    !Config Def  = .TRUE.
418    is_ok_slush_omp = .TRUE.
419    CALL getin('is_ok_slush', is_ok_slush_omp)
421    !Etienne
422    !Config Key  = opt_runoff_ac
423    !Config Desc = option runoff AC
424    !Config Def  = .TRUE.
425    opt_runoff_ac_omp = .TRUE.
426    CALL getin('opt_runoff_ac', opt_runoff_ac_omp)
428    !Etienne
429    !Config Key  = is_ok_z0h_rn
430    !Config Desc = z0h calculation following RN method
431    !Config Def  = .TRUE.
432    is_ok_z0h_rn_omp = .TRUE.
433    CALL getin('is_ok_z0h_rn', is_ok_z0h_rn_omp)
436    !Etienne
437    !Config Key  = is_ok_density_kotlyakov
438    !Config Desc = snow density calculation following kotlyakov
439    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
440    is_ok_density_kotlyakov_omp = .FALSE.
441    CALL getin('is_ok_density_kotlyakov', is_ok_density_kotlyakov_omp)
444    !Etienne
445    !Config Key  = prescribed_z0m_snow
446    !Config Desc = prescribed snow z0m
447    !Config Def  = 0.005
448    prescribed_z0m_snow_omp = 0.005
449    CALL getin('prescribed_z0m_snow', prescribed_z0m_snow_omp)
452    !Etienne
453    !Config Key  = iflag_z0m_snow
454    !Config Desc = method to calculate snow z0m
455    !Config Def  = 0
456    iflag_z0m_snow_omp = 0
457    CALL getin('iflag_z0m_snow', iflag_z0m_snow_omp)
460    !Etienne
461    !Config Key  = correc_alb
462    !Config Desc = correction term for albedo
463    !Config Def  = 1.01
464    correc_alb_omp=1.01
465    CALL getin('correc_alb', correc_alb_omp)
468    !Etienne
469    !Config Key  = buf_sph_pol
470    !Config Desc = sphericity of buffer layer in polar regions
471    !Config Def  = 99.
472    buf_sph_pol_omp=99.
473    CALL getin('buf_sph_pol', buf_sph_pol_omp)
475    !Etienne
476    !Config Key  = buf_siz_pol
477    !Config Desc = grain size of buffer layer in polar regions in e-4m
478    !Config Def  = 4.
479    buf_siz_pol_omp=4.
480    CALL getin('buf_siz_pol', buf_siz_pol_omp)
482    !==================================================================
484    !Config Key  = OK_journe
485    !Config Desc = Pour des sorties journalieres
486    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
487    !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histday contenant les sorties
488    !              journalieres
489    !
490    ok_journe_omp = .FALSE.
491    CALL getin('OK_journe', ok_journe_omp)
492    !
493    !Config Key  = ok_hf
494    !Config Desc = Pour des sorties haute frequence
495    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
496    !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histhf contenant les sorties
497    !              haute frequence ( 3h ou 6h)
498    !
499    ok_hf_omp = .FALSE.
500    CALL getin('ok_hf', ok_hf_omp)
501    !
502    !Config Key  = OK_mensuel
503    !Config Desc = Pour des sorties mensuelles
504    !Config Def  = .TRUE.
505    !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histmth contenant les sorties
506    !              mensuelles
507    !
508    ok_mensuel_omp = .TRUE.
509    CALL getin('OK_mensuel', ok_mensuel_omp)
510    !
511    !Config Key  = OK_instan
512    !Config Desc = Pour des sorties instantanees
513    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
514    !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histins contenant les sorties
515    !              instantanees
516    !
517    ok_instan_omp = .FALSE.
518    CALL getin('OK_instan', ok_instan_omp)
519    !
520    !Config Key  = ok_ade
521    !Config Desc = Aerosol direct effect or not?
522    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
523    !Config Help = Used in radlwsw.F
524    !
525    ok_ade_omp = .FALSE.
526    CALL getin('ok_ade', ok_ade_omp)
528    !Config Key  = ok_alw
529    !Config Desc = Aerosol longwave effect or not?
530    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
531    !Config Help = Used in radlwsw.F
532    !
533    ok_alw_omp = .FALSE.
534    CALL getin('ok_alw', ok_alw_omp)
536    !
537    !Config Key  = ok_aie
538    !Config Desc = Aerosol indirect effect or not?
539    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
540    !Config Help = Used in nuage.F and radlwsw.F
541    !
542    ok_aie_omp = .FALSE.
543    CALL getin('ok_aie', ok_aie_omp)
545    !
546    !Config Key  = ok_cdnc
547    !Config Desc = ok cloud droplet number concentration
548    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
549    !Config Help = Used in newmicro.F
550    !
551    ok_cdnc_omp = .FALSE.
552    CALL getin('ok_cdnc', ok_cdnc_omp)
554    !
555    !Config Key  = ok_volcan
556    !Config Desc = ok to generate volcanic diags
557    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
558    !Config Help = Used in radlwsw_m.F
559    !
560    ok_volcan_omp = .FALSE.
561    CALL getin('ok_volcan', ok_volcan_omp)
563    !
564    !Config Key  = flag_volc_surfstrat
565    !Config Desc = impose cooling rate at the surface (=1),
566    !              heating rate in the strato (=2), or nothing (=0)
567    !Config Def  = 0
568    !Config Help = Used in radlwsw_m.F
569    !
570    flag_volc_surfstrat_omp = 0 ! NL: SURFSTRAT
571    CALL getin('flag_volc_surfstrat', flag_volc_surfstrat_omp)
573    !
574    !Config Key  = aerosol_couple
575    !Config Desc = read aerosol in file or calcul by inca
576    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
577    !Config Help = Used in physiq.F
578    !
579    aerosol_couple_omp = .FALSE.
580    CALL getin('aerosol_couple',aerosol_couple_omp)
581    !
582    !Config Key  = chemistry_couple
583    !Config Desc = read O3 chemistry in file or calcul by inca
584    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
585    !Config Help = Used in physiq.F
586    !
587    chemistry_couple_omp = .FALSE.
588    CALL getin('chemistry_couple',chemistry_couple_omp)
589    !
590    !Config Key  = flag_aerosol
591    !Config Desc = which aerosol is use for coupled model
592    !Config Def  = 1
593    !Config Help = Used in physiq.F
594    !
595    ! - flag_aerosol=0 => no aerosol
596    ! - flag_aerosol=1 => so4 only (defaut)
597    ! - flag_aerosol=2 => bc  only
598    ! - flag_aerosol=3 => pom only
599    ! - flag_aerosol=4 => seasalt only
600    ! - flag_aerosol=5 => dust only
601    ! - flag_aerosol=6 => all aerosol
602    ! - flag_aerosol=7 => natural aerosol + MACv2SP
603    ! - (in this case should point to
605    flag_aerosol_omp = 0
606    CALL getin('flag_aerosol',flag_aerosol_omp)
608    !
609    !Config Key  = flag_bc_internal_mixture
610    !Config Desc = state of mixture for BC aerosols
611    ! - n = external mixture
612    ! - y = internal mixture
613    !Config Def  = n
614    !Config Help = Used in physiq.F / aeropt
615    !
616    flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp = .FALSE.
617    CALL getin('flag_bc_internal_mixture',flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp)
619    !
620    !Config Key  = aer_type
621    !Config Desc = Use a constant field for the aerosols
622    !Config Def  = scenario
623    !Config Help = Used in readaerosol.F90
624    !
625    aer_type_omp = 'scenario'
626    CALL getin('aer_type', aer_type_omp)
628    !
629    !Config Key  = bl95_b0
630    !Config Desc = Parameter in CDNC-maer link (Boucher&Lohmann 1995)
631    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
632    !Config Help = Used in nuage.F
633    !
634    bl95_b0_omp = 2.
635    CALL getin('bl95_b0', bl95_b0_omp)
637    !Config Key  = bl95_b1
638    !Config Desc = Parameter in CDNC-maer link (Boucher&Lohmann 1995)
639    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
640    !Config Help = Used in nuage.F
641    !
642    bl95_b1_omp = 0.2
643    CALL getin('bl95_b1', bl95_b1_omp)
645    !Config Key  = freq_ISCCP
646    !Config Desc = Frequence d'appel du simulateur ISCCP en secondes;
647    !              par defaut 10800, i.e. 3 heures
648    !Config Def  = 10800.
649    !Config Help = Used in ini_histISCCP.h
650    !
651    freq_ISCCP_omp = 10800.
652    CALL getin('freq_ISCCP', freq_ISCCP_omp)
653    !
654    !Config Key  = ecrit_ISCCP
655    !Config Desc = Frequence d'ecriture des resultats du simulateur ISCCP en nombre de jours;
656    !              par defaut 1., i.e. 1 jour
657    !Config Def  = 1.
658    !Config Help = Used in ini_histISCCP.h
659    !
660    !
661    ecrit_ISCCP_omp = 1.
662    CALL getin('ecrit_ISCCP', ecrit_ISCCP_omp)
664    !Config Key  = freq_COSP
665    !Config Desc = Frequence d'appel du simulateur COSP en secondes;
666    !              par defaut 10800, i.e. 3 heures
667    !Config Def  = 10800.
668    !Config Help = Used in ini_histdayCOSP.h
669    !
670    freq_COSP_omp = 10800.
671    CALL getin('freq_COSP', freq_COSP_omp)
673    !Config Key  = freq_AIRS
674    !Config Desc = Frequence d'appel du simulateur AIRS en secondes;
675    !              par defaut 10800, i.e. 3 heures
676    !Config Def  = 10800.
677    !Config Help = Used in ini_histdayAIRS.h
678    !
679    freq_AIRS_omp = 10800.
680    CALL getin('freq_AIRS', freq_AIRS_omp)
682    !
683    !Config Key  = ip_ebil_phy
684    !Config Desc = Niveau de sortie pour les diags bilan d'energie
685    !Config Def  = 0
686    !Config Help =
687    !               
688    ip_ebil_phy_omp = 0
689    CALL getin('ip_ebil_phy', ip_ebil_phy_omp)
690    IF (ip_ebil_phy_omp/=0) THEN
691       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','ip_ebil_phy_omp doit etre 0 sur cette version',1)
692    ENDIF
694    !
695    !Config Key  = seuil_inversion
696    !Config Desc = Seuil ur dTh pour le choix entre les schemas de CL
697    !Config Def  = -0.1
698    !Config Help =
699    !               
700    seuil_inversion_omp = -0.1
701    CALL getin('seuil_inversion', seuil_inversion_omp)
703    !
704    ! Constante solaire & Parametres orbitaux & taux gaz effet de serre BEG
705    !
706    !Config Key  = R_ecc
707    !Config Desc = Excentricite
708    !Config Def  = 0.016715
709    !Config Help =
710    !               
711    !valeur AMIP II
712    R_ecc_omp = 0.016715
713    CALL getin('R_ecc', R_ecc_omp)
714    !
715    !Config Key  = R_peri
716    !Config Desc = Equinoxe
717    !Config Def  =
718    !Config Help =
719    !               
720    !
721    !valeur AMIP II
722    R_peri_omp = 102.7
723    CALL getin('R_peri', R_peri_omp)
724    !
725    !Config Key  = R_incl
726    !Config Desc = Inclinaison
727    !Config Def  =
728    !Config Help =
729    !               
730    !
731    !valeur AMIP II
732    R_incl_omp = 23.441
733    CALL getin('R_incl', R_incl_omp)
734    !
735    !Config Key  = solaire
736    !Config Desc = Constante solaire en W/m2
737    !Config Def  = 1365.
738    !Config Help =
739    !               
740    !
741    !valeur AMIP II
742    solaire_omp = 1365.
743    solaire_omp_init = solaire_omp     !--we keep track of the default value
744    CALL getin('solaire', solaire_omp)
745    !
746    !Config Key  = co2_ppm
747    !Config Desc = concentration du gaz carbonique en ppmv
748    !Config Def  = 348.
749    !Config Help =
750    !               
751    !
752    !valeur AMIP II
753    co2_ppm_omp = 348.
754    CALL getin('co2_ppm', co2_ppm_omp)
755    !
756    !Config Key  = RCO2
757    !Config Desc = Concentration du CO2
758    !Config Def  = co2_ppm * 1.0e-06  * 44.011/28.97
759    !Config Def  = 348. * 1.0e-06  * 44.011/28.97
760    !Config Help =
761    !               
762    ! RCO2 = 5.286789092164308E-04
763    !ancienne valeur
764    RCO2_omp = co2_ppm_omp * 1.0e-06 * RMCO2 / RMD ! pour co2_ppm=348.
766    !  CALL getin('RCO2', RCO2)
767    !
768    !Config Key  = RCH4
769    !Config Desc = Concentration du CH4
770    !Config Def  = 1.65E-06* 16.043/28.97
771    !Config Help =
772    !               
773    !
774    !valeur AMIP II
775    !OK  RCH4 = 1.65E-06* 16.043/28.97
776    ! RCH4 = 9.137366240938903E-07
777    !
778    !ancienne valeur
779    ! RCH4 = 1.72E-06* 16.043/28.97
780    !OK CALL getin('RCH4', RCH4)
781    zzz = 1650.
782    CALL getin('CH4_ppb', zzz)
783    CH4_ppb_omp = zzz
784    RCH4_omp = CH4_ppb_omp * 1.0E-09 * RMCH4 / RMD
785    !
786    !Config Key  = RN2O
787    !Config Desc = Concentration du N2O
788    !Config Def  = 306.E-09* 44.013/28.97
789    !Config Help =
790    !               
791    !
792    !valeur AMIP II
793    !OK  RN2O = 306.E-09* 44.013/28.97
794    ! RN2O = 4.648939592682085E-07
795    !
796    !ancienne valeur
797    ! RN2O = 310.E-09* 44.013/28.97
798    !OK  CALL getin('RN2O', RN2O)
799    zzz=306.
800    CALL getin('N2O_ppb', zzz)
801    N2O_ppb_omp = zzz
802    RN2O_omp = N2O_ppb_omp * 1.0E-09 * RMN2O / RMD
803    !
804    !Config Key  = RCFC11
805    !Config Desc = Concentration du CFC11
806    !Config Def  = 280.E-12* 137.3686/28.97
807    !Config Help =
808    !               
809    !
810    !OK RCFC11 = 280.E-12* 137.3686/28.97
811    zzz = 280.
812    CALL getin('CFC11_ppt',zzz)
813    CFC11_ppt_omp = zzz
814    RCFC11_omp=CFC11_ppt_omp* 1.0E-12 * RMCFC11 / RMD
815    ! RCFC11 = 1.327690990680013E-09
816    !OK CALL getin('RCFC11', RCFC11)
817    !
818    !Config Key  = RCFC12
819    !Config Desc = Concentration du CFC12
820    !Config Def  = 484.E-12* 120.9140/28.97
821    !Config Help =
822    !               
823    !
824    !OK RCFC12 = 484.E-12* 120.9140/28.97
825    zzz = 484.
826    CALL getin('CFC12_ppt',zzz)
827    CFC12_ppt_omp = zzz
828    RCFC12_omp = CFC12_ppt_omp * 1.0E-12 * RMCFC12 / RMD
829    ! RCFC12 = 2.020102726958923E-09
830    !OK CALL getin('RCFC12', RCFC12)
832    !ajout CFMIP begin
833    !
834    !Config Key  = co2_ppm_per
835    !Config Desc = concentration du co2_ppm_per
836    !Config Def  = 348.
837    !Config Help =
838    !               
839    co2_ppm_per_omp = co2_ppm_omp
840    CALL getin('co2_ppm_per', co2_ppm_per_omp)
841    !
842    !Config Key  = RCO2_per
843    !Config Desc = Concentration du CO2_per
844    !Config Def  = co2_ppm_per * 1.0e-06  * 44.011/28.97
845    !Config Def  = 348. * 1.0e-06  * 44.011/28.97
846    !Config Help =
847    !               
848    RCO2_per_omp = co2_ppm_per_omp * 1.0e-06 * RMCO2 / RMD
850    !Config Key  = ok_4xCO2atm
851    !Config Desc = Calcul ou non effet radiatif 4xco2
852    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
853    !Config Help =
855    !Config Key  = RCH4_per
856    !Config Desc = Concentration du CH4_per
857    !Config Def  = 1.65E-06* 16.043/28.97
858    !Config Help =
859    !               
860    zzz = CH4_ppb_omp
861    CALL getin('CH4_ppb_per', zzz)
862    CH4_ppb_per_omp = zzz
863    RCH4_per_omp = CH4_ppb_per_omp * 1.0E-09 * RMCH4 / RMD
864    !
865    !Config Key  = RN2O_per
866    !Config Desc = Concentration du N2O_per
867    !Config Def  = 306.E-09* 44.013/28.97
868    !Config Help =
869    !               
870    zzz = N2O_ppb_omp
871    CALL getin('N2O_ppb_per', zzz)
872    N2O_ppb_per_omp = zzz
873    RN2O_per_omp = N2O_ppb_per_omp * 1.0E-09 * RMN2O / RMD
874    !
875    !Config Key  = RCFC11_per
876    !Config Desc = Concentration du CFC11_per
877    !Config Def  = 280.E-12* 137.3686/28.97
878    !Config Help =
879    !               
880    zzz = CFC11_ppt_omp
881    CALL getin('CFC11_ppt_per',zzz)
882    CFC11_ppt_per_omp = zzz
883    RCFC11_per_omp=CFC11_ppt_per_omp* 1.0E-12 * RMCFC11 / RMD
884    !
885    !Config Key  = RCFC12_per
886    !Config Desc = Concentration du CFC12_per
887    !Config Def  = 484.E-12* 120.9140/28.97
888    !Config Help =
889    !               
890    zzz = CFC12_ppt_omp
891    CALL getin('CFC12_ppt_per',zzz)
892    CFC12_ppt_per_omp = zzz
893    RCFC12_per_omp = CFC12_ppt_per_omp * 1.0E-12 * RMCFC12 / RMD
894    !ajout CFMIP end
896    !
897    ! FH 2008/05/09 On elimine toutes les clefs physiques dans la dynamique
898    ! Constantes precedemment dans dyn3d/conf_gcm
900    !Config  Key  = iflag_cycle_diurne
901    !Config  Desc = Cycle diurne
902    !Config  Def  = 1
903    !Config  Help = Cette option permet d'eteidre le cycle diurne.
904    !Config         Peut etre util pour accelerer le code !
905    iflag_cycle_diurne_omp = 1
906    CALL getin('iflag_cycle_diurne',iflag_cycle_diurne_omp)
908    !Config  Key  = soil_model
909    !Config  Desc = Modele de sol
910    !Config  Def  = y
911    !Config  Help = Choix du modele de sol (Thermique ?)
912    !Config         Option qui pourait un string afin de pouvoir
913    !Config         plus de choix ! Ou meme une liste d'options !
914    soil_model_omp = .TRUE.
915    CALL getin('soil_model',soil_model_omp)
917    !Config  Key  = new_oliq
918    !Config  Desc = Nouvelle eau liquide
919    !Config  Def  = y
920    !Config  Help = Permet de mettre en route la
921    !Config         nouvelle parametrisation de l'eau liquide !
922    new_oliq_omp = .TRUE.
923    CALL getin('new_oliq',new_oliq_omp)
925    !Config  Key  = ok_orodr
926    !Config  Desc = Orodr ???
927    !Config  Def  = y
928    !Config  Help = Y en a pas comprendre !
929    !Config         
930    ok_orodr_omp = .TRUE.
931    CALL getin('ok_orodr',ok_orodr_omp)
933    !Config  Key  =  ok_orolf
934    !Config  Desc = Orolf ??
935    !Config  Def  = y
936    !Config  Help = Connais pas !
937    ok_orolf_omp = .TRUE.
938    CALL getin('ok_orolf', ok_orolf_omp)
940    !Config  Key  = ok_limitvrai
941    !Config  Desc = Force la lecture de la bonne annee
942    !Config  Def  = n
943    !Config  Help = On peut forcer le modele a lire le
944    !Config         fichier SST de la bonne annee. C'est une tres bonne
945    !Config         idee, pourquoi ne pas mettre toujours a y ???
946    ok_limitvrai_omp = .FALSE.
947    CALL getin('ok_limitvrai',ok_limitvrai_omp)
949    !Config  Key  = nbapp_rad
950    !Config  Desc = Frequence d'appel au rayonnement
951    !Config  Def  = 12
952    !Config  Help = Nombre  d'appels des routines de rayonnements
953    !Config         par jour.
954    nbapp_rad_omp = 12
955    CALL getin('nbapp_rad',nbapp_rad_omp)
957    !Config  Key  = iflag_con
958    !Config  Desc = Flag de convection
959    !Config  Def  = 2
960    !Config  Help = Flag  pour la convection les options suivantes existent :
961    !Config         1 pour LMD,
962    !Config         2 pour Tiedtke,
963    !Config         3 pour CCM(NCAR) 
964    iflag_con_omp = 2
965    CALL getin('iflag_con',iflag_con_omp)
967    !Config  Key  = nbapp_cv
968    !Config  Desc = Frequence d'appel a la convection
969    !Config  Def  = 0
970    !Config  Help = Nombre  d'appels des routines de convection
971    !Config         par jour. Si =0, appel a chaque pas de temps physique.
972    nbapp_cv_omp = 0
973    CALL getin('nbapp_cv',nbapp_cv_omp)
975    !Config  Key  = nbapp_wk
976    !Config  Desc = Frequence d'appel aux wakes
977    !Config  Def  = 0
978    !Config  Help = Nombre  d'appels des routines de wakes
979    !Config         par jour. Si =0, appel a chaque pas de temps physique.
980    nbapp_wk_omp = 0
981    CALL getin('nbapp_wk',nbapp_wk_omp)
983    !Config  Key  = iflag_ener_conserv
984    !Config  Desc = Flag de convection
985    !Config  Def  = 1
986    !Config  Help = Flag  pour la convection les options suivantes existent :
987    !Config         -1 pour Kinetic energy correction
988    !Config         1  conservation kinetic and enthalpy
989    iflag_ener_conserv_omp = -1
990    CALL getin('iflag_ener_conserv',iflag_ener_conserv_omp)
992    !Config  Key  = ok_conserv_q
993    !Config  Desc = Switch des corrections de conservation de l'eau
994    !Config  Def  = y
995    !Config  Help = Switch des corrections de conservation de l'eau
996    !Config         y -> corrections activees
997    !Config         n -> conformite avec versions anterieures au 1/4/2014
998    ok_conserv_q_omp = .FALSE.
999    CALL getin('ok_conserv_q',ok_conserv_q_omp)
1001    !Config  Key  = iflag_fisrtilp_qsat
1002    !Config  Desc = Flag de fisrtilp
1003    !Config  Def  = 0
1004    !Config  Help = Flag  pour la pluie grande-échelle les options suivantes existent :
1005    !Config         >1 nb iterations pour converger dans le calcul de qsat
1006    iflag_fisrtilp_qsat_omp = 0
1007    CALL getin('iflag_fisrtilp_qsat',iflag_fisrtilp_qsat_omp)
1009    !Config  Key  = iflag_bergeron
1010    !Config  Desc = Flag de fisrtilp
1011    !Config  Def  = 0
1012    !Config  Help = Flag  pour la pluie grande-échelle les options suivantes existent :
1013    !Config         0 pas d effet Bergeron
1014    !Config         1 effet Bergeron pour T<0
1015    iflag_bergeron_omp = 0
1016    CALL getin('iflag_bergeron',iflag_bergeron_omp)
1018    !
1019    !
1020    !
1021    ! Constante solaire & Parametres orbitaux & taux gaz effet de serre END
1022    !
1023    ! KE
1024    !
1026    !Config key  = cvl_comp_threshold
1027    !Config Desc = maximum fraction of convective points enabling compression
1028    !Config Def  = 1.00
1029    !Config Help = fields are compressed when less than a fraction cvl_comp_threshold
1030    !Config Help = of the points is convective.
1031    cvl_comp_threshold_omp = 1.00
1032    CALL getin('cvl_comp_threshold', cvl_comp_threshold_omp)
1034    !Config key  = cvl_sig2feed
1035    !Config Desc = sigma coordinate at top of feeding layer
1036    !Config Def  = 0.97
1037    !Config Help = deep convection is fed by the layer extending from the surface (pressure ps)
1038    !Config Help = and cvl_sig2feed*ps.
1039    cvl_sig2feed_omp = 0.97
1040    CALL getin('cvl_sig2feed', cvl_sig2feed_omp)
1042    !Config key  = cvl_corr
1043    !Config Desc = Facteur multiplication des precip convectives dans KE
1044    !Config Def  = 1.00
1045    !Config Help = 1.02 pour un moderne ou un pre-ind. A ajuster pour un glaciaire
1046    cvl_corr_omp = 1.00
1047    CALL getin('cvl_corr', cvl_corr_omp)
1050    !Config Key  = epmax
1051    !Config Desc = Efficacite precip
1052    !Config Def  = 0.993
1053    !Config Help =
1054    !
1055    epmax_omp = .993
1056    CALL getin('epmax', epmax_omp)
1058    coef_epmax_cape_omp = 0.0   
1059    CALL getin('coef_epmax_cape', coef_epmax_cape_omp)       
1060    !
1061    !Config Key  = ok_adj_ema
1062    !Config Desc = 
1063    !Config Def  = FALSE
1064    !Config Help =
1065    !
1066    ok_adj_ema_omp = .FALSE.
1067    CALL getin('ok_adj_ema',ok_adj_ema_omp)
1068    !
1069    !Config Key  = iflag_clw
1070    !Config Desc = 
1071    !Config Def  = 0
1072    !Config Help =
1073    !
1074    iflag_clw_omp = 0
1075    CALL getin('iflag_clw',iflag_clw_omp)
1076    !
1077    !Config Key  = cld_lc_lsc
1078    !Config Desc = 
1079    !Config Def  = 2.6e-4
1080    !Config Help =
1081    !
1082    cld_lc_lsc_omp = 2.6e-4
1083    CALL getin('cld_lc_lsc',cld_lc_lsc_omp)
1084    !
1085    !Config Key  = cld_lc_con
1086    !Config Desc = 
1087    !Config Def  = 2.6e-4
1088    !Config Help =
1089    !
1090    cld_lc_con_omp = 2.6e-4
1091    CALL getin('cld_lc_con',cld_lc_con_omp)
1092    !
1093    !Config Key  = cld_tau_lsc
1094    !Config Desc = 
1095    !Config Def  = 3600.
1096    !Config Help =
1097    !
1098    cld_tau_lsc_omp = 3600.
1099    CALL getin('cld_tau_lsc',cld_tau_lsc_omp)
1100    !
1101    !Config Key  = cld_tau_con
1102    !Config Desc = 
1103    !Config Def  = 3600.
1104    !Config Help =
1105    !
1106    cld_tau_con_omp = 3600.
1107    CALL getin('cld_tau_con',cld_tau_con_omp)
1108    !
1109    !Config Key  = ffallv_lsc
1110    !Config Desc = 
1111    !Config Def  = 1.
1112    !Config Help =
1113    !
1114    ffallv_lsc_omp = 1.
1115    CALL getin('ffallv_lsc',ffallv_lsc_omp)
1116    !
1117    !Config Key  = ffallv_con
1118    !Config Desc = 
1119    !Config Def  = 1.
1120    !Config Help =
1121    !
1122    ffallv_con_omp = 1.
1123    CALL getin('ffallv_con',ffallv_con_omp)
1124    !
1125    !Config Key  = coef_eva
1126    !Config Desc = 
1127    !Config Def  = 2.e-5
1128    !Config Help =
1129    !
1130    coef_eva_omp = 2.e-5
1131    CALL getin('coef_eva',coef_eva_omp)
1132    !
1133    !Config Key  = reevap_ice
1134    !Config Desc = 
1135    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
1136    !Config Help =
1137    !
1138    reevap_ice_omp = .FALSE.
1139    CALL getin('reevap_ice',reevap_ice_omp)
1141    !Config Key  = iflag_ratqs
1142    !Config Desc =
1143    !Config Def  = 1
1144    !Config Help =
1145    !
1146    iflag_ratqs_omp = 1
1147    CALL getin('iflag_ratqs',iflag_ratqs_omp)
1149    !
1150    !Config Key  = iflag_radia
1151    !Config Desc = 
1152    !Config Def  = 1
1153    !Config Help =
1154    !
1155    iflag_radia_omp = 1
1156    CALL getin('iflag_radia',iflag_radia_omp)
1158    !
1159    !Config Key  = iflag_rrtm
1160    !Config Desc = 
1161    !Config Def  = 0
1162    !Config Help =
1163    !
1164    iflag_rrtm_omp = 0
1165    CALL getin('iflag_rrtm',iflag_rrtm_omp)
1167    !
1168    !Config Key  = NSW
1169    !Config Desc = 
1170    !Config Def  = 0
1171    !Config Help =
1172    !
1173    NSW_omp = 2
1174    CALL getin('NSW',NSW_omp)
1175    !albedo SB >>>
1176    iflag_albedo_omp = 0
1177    CALL getin('iflag_albedo',iflag_albedo_omp)
1179    ok_chlorophyll_omp=.FALSE.
1180    CALL getin('ok_chlorophyll',ok_chlorophyll_omp)
1181    !albedo SB <<<
1182    !
1183    !Config Key  = ok_sun_time
1184    !Config Desc = oui ou non variabilite solaire
1185    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
1186    !Config Help =
1187    !
1188    !
1189    !valeur AMIP II
1190    ok_suntime_rrtm_omp = .FALSE.
1191    IF (iflag_rrtm_omp==1) THEN
1192      CALL getin('ok_suntime_rrtm',ok_suntime_rrtm_omp)
1193    ENDIF
1195    !Config Key  = flag_aerosol_strat
1196    !Config Desc = use stratospheric aerosols 0, 1, 2
1197    ! - 0 = no stratospheric aerosols
1198    ! - 1 = stratospheric aerosols scaled from 550 nm AOD
1199    ! - 2 = stratospheric aerosol properties from CMIP6
1200    !Option 2 is only available with RRTM, this is tested later on
1201    !Config Def  = 0
1202    !Config Help = Used in physiq.F
1203    !
1204    flag_aerosol_strat_omp = 0
1205    CALL getin('flag_aerosol_strat',flag_aerosol_strat_omp)
1207    !Config Key  = flag_aer_feedback
1208    !Config Desc = (des)activate aerosol radiative feedback
1209    ! - F = no aerosol radiative feedback
1210    ! - T = aerosol radiative feedback
1211    !Config Def  = T
1212    !Config Help = Used in physiq.F
1213    !
1214    flag_aer_feedback_omp = .TRUE.
1215    IF (iflag_rrtm_omp==1) THEN
1216       CALL getin('flag_aer_feedback',flag_aer_feedback_omp)
1217    ENDIF
1219    !Config Key  = iflag_cld_th
1220    !Config Desc = 
1221    !Config Def  = 1
1222    !Config Help =
1223    !
1224    iflag_cld_th_omp = 1
1225    ! On lit deux fois avec l'ancien et le nouveau nom
1226    ! pour assurer une retrocompatiblite.
1227    ! A abandonner un jour
1228    CALL getin('iflag_cldcon',iflag_cld_th_omp)
1229    CALL getin('iflag_cld_th',iflag_cld_th_omp)
1230    iflag_cld_cv_omp = 0
1231    CALL getin('iflag_cld_cv',iflag_cld_cv_omp)
1233    !
1234    !Config Key  = tau_cld_cv
1235    !Config Desc =
1236    !Config Def  = 10.
1237    !Config Help =
1238    !
1239    tau_cld_cv_omp = 10.
1240    CALL getin('tau_cld_cv',tau_cld_cv_omp)
1242    !
1243    !Config Key  = coefw_cld_cv
1244    !Config Desc =
1245    !Config Def  = 0.1
1246    !Config Help =
1247    !
1248    coefw_cld_cv_omp = 0.1
1249    CALL getin('coefw_cld_cv',coefw_cld_cv_omp)
1254    !
1255    !Config Key  = iflag_pdf
1256    !Config Desc = 
1257    !Config Def  = 0
1258    !Config Help =
1259    !
1260    iflag_pdf_omp = 0
1261    CALL getin('iflag_pdf',iflag_pdf_omp)
1262    !
1263    !Config Key  = fact_cldcon
1264    !Config Desc = 
1265    !Config Def  = 0.375
1266    !Config Help =
1267    !
1268    fact_cldcon_omp = 0.375
1269    CALL getin('fact_cldcon',fact_cldcon_omp)
1271    !
1272    !Config Key  = facttemps
1273    !Config Desc = 
1274    !Config Def  = 1.e-4
1275    !Config Help =
1276    !
1277    facttemps_omp = 1.e-4
1278    CALL getin('facttemps',facttemps_omp)
1280    !
1281    !Config Key  = ok_newmicro
1282    !Config Desc = 
1283    !Config Def  = .TRUE.
1284    !Config Help =
1285    !
1286    ok_newmicro_omp = .TRUE.
1287    CALL getin('ok_newmicro',ok_newmicro_omp)
1288    !
1289    !Config Key  = ratqsbas
1290    !Config Desc = 
1291    !Config Def  = 0.01
1292    !Config Help =
1293    !
1294    ratqsbas_omp = 0.01
1295    CALL getin('ratqsbas',ratqsbas_omp)
1296    !
1297    !Config Key  = ratqshaut
1298    !Config Desc = 
1299    !Config Def  = 0.3
1300    !Config Help =
1301    !
1302    ratqshaut_omp = 0.3
1303    CALL getin('ratqshaut',ratqshaut_omp)
1305    !Config Key  = tau_ratqs
1306    !Config Desc = 
1307    !Config Def  = 1800.
1308    !Config Help =
1309    !
1310    tau_ratqs_omp = 1800.
1311    CALL getin('tau_ratqs',tau_ratqs_omp)
1313    !
1314    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1315    ! Longitude solaire pour le calcul de l'ensoleillement en degre
1316    ! si on veut imposer la saison. Sinon, solarlong0=-999.999
1317    !Config Key  = solarlong0
1318    !Config Desc = 
1319    !Config Def  = -999.999
1320    !Config Help =
1321    !
1322    solarlong0_omp = -999.999
1323    CALL getin('solarlong0',solarlong0_omp)
1324    !
1325    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1326    !  Valeur imposee pour configuration idealisees
1327    !Config Key  = qsol0 pour le bucket, evap0 pour aquaplanetes, albsno0
1328    ! Default value -1 to activate the full computation
1329    qsol0_omp = -1.
1330    CALL getin('qsol0',qsol0_omp)
1331    evap0_omp = -1.
1332    CALL getin('evap0',evap0_omp)
1333    albsno0_omp = -1.
1334    CALL getin('albsno0',albsno0_omp)
1335    !
1336    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1337    !
1338    !Config Key  = iflag_sic
1339    !Config Desc = 
1340    !Config Def  = 0
1341    !Config Help =
1342    !
1343    iflag_sic_omp = 0
1344    CALL getin('iflag_sic',iflag_sic_omp)
1345    !
1346    !Config Key  = iflag_inertie
1347    !Config Desc =
1348    !Config Def  = 0
1349    !Config Help =
1350    !
1351    iflag_inertie_omp = 0
1352    CALL getin('iflag_inertie',iflag_inertie_omp)
1353    !
1354    !Config Key  = inertie_sic
1355    !Config Desc = 
1356    !Config Def  = 2000.
1357    !Config Help =
1358    !
1359    inertie_sic_omp = 2000.
1360    CALL getin('inertie_sic',inertie_sic_omp)
1361    !
1362    !Config Key  = inertie_lic
1363    !Config Desc = 
1364    !Config Def  = 2000.
1365    !Config Help =
1366    !
1367    inertie_lic_omp = 2000.
1368    CALL getin('inertie_lic',inertie_lic_omp)
1369    !
1370    !Config Key  = inertie_sno
1371    !Config Desc = 
1372    !Config Def  = 2000.
1373    !Config Help =
1374    !
1375    inertie_sno_omp = 2000.
1376    CALL getin('inertie_sno',inertie_sno_omp)
1377    !
1378    !Config Key  = inertie_sol
1379    !Config Desc = 
1380    !Config Def  = 2000.
1381    !Config Help =
1382    !
1383    inertie_sol_omp = 2000.
1384    CALL getin('inertie_sol',inertie_sol_omp)
1386    !
1387    !Config Key  = rad_froid
1388    !Config Desc = 
1389    !Config Def  = 35.0
1390    !Config Help =
1391    !
1392    rad_froid_omp = 35.0
1393    CALL getin('rad_froid',rad_froid_omp)
1395    !
1396    !Config Key  = rad_chau1
1397    !Config Desc = 
1398    !Config Def  = 13.0
1399    !Config Help =
1400    !
1401    rad_chau1_omp = 13.0
1402    CALL getin('rad_chau1',rad_chau1_omp)
1404    !
1405    !Config Key  = rad_chau2
1406    !Config Desc = 
1407    !Config Def  = 9.0
1408    !Config Help =
1409    !
1410    rad_chau2_omp = 9.0
1411    CALL getin('rad_chau2',rad_chau2_omp)
1413    !
1414    !Config Key  = t_glace_min
1415    !Config Desc = 
1416    !Config Def  = 258.
1417    !Config Help =
1418    !
1419    t_glace_min_omp = 258.
1420    CALL getin('t_glace_min',t_glace_min_omp)
1422    !
1423    !Config Key  = t_glace_max
1424    !Config Desc = 
1425    !Config Def  = 273.13
1426    !Config Help =
1427    !
1428    t_glace_max_omp = 273.13
1429    CALL getin('t_glace_max',t_glace_max_omp)
1431    !
1432    !Config Key  = exposant_glace
1433    !Config Desc = 
1434    !Config Def  = 2.
1435    !Config Help =
1436    !
1437    exposant_glace_omp = 1.
1438    CALL getin('exposant_glace',exposant_glace_omp)
1440    !
1441    !Config Key  = iflag_gammasat
1442    !Config Desc = 
1443    !Config Def  = 0
1444    !Config Help =
1445    !
1446    iflag_gammasat_omp=0
1447    CALL getin('iflag_gammasat',iflag_gammasat_omp)
1450    !
1451    !Config Key  = iflag_mpc_bl
1452    !Config Desc =
1453    !Config Def  = 0
1454    !Config Help =
1455    !
1456    iflag_mpc_bl_omp=0
1457    CALL getin('iflag_mpc_bl',iflag_mpc_bl_omp)
1461    !
1462    !Config Key  = iflag_t_glace
1463    !Config Desc = 
1464    !Config Def  = 0
1465    !Config Help =
1466    !
1467    iflag_t_glace_omp = 0
1468    CALL getin('iflag_t_glace',iflag_t_glace_omp)
1470    !
1471    !Config Key  = iflag_cloudth_vert
1472    !Config Desc = 
1473    !Config Def  = 0
1474    !Config Help =
1475    !
1476    iflag_cloudth_vert_omp = 0
1477    CALL getin('iflag_cloudth_vert',iflag_cloudth_vert_omp)
1479    !
1480    !Config Key  = iflag_rain_incloud_vol
1481    !Config Desc = 
1482    !Config Def  = 0
1483    !Config Help =
1484    !
1485    iflag_rain_incloud_vol_omp = 0
1486    CALL getin('iflag_rain_incloud_vol',iflag_rain_incloud_vol_omp)
1488    !
1489    !Config Key  = iflag_vice
1490    !Config Desc = 
1491    !Config Def  = 0
1492    !Config Help =
1493    !
1494    iflag_vice_omp = 0
1495    CALL getin('iflag_vice',iflag_vice_omp)
1497    !
1498    !Config Key  = iflag_ice_thermo
1499    !Config Desc = 
1500    !Config Def  = 0
1501    !Config Help =
1502    !
1503    iflag_ice_thermo_omp = 0
1504    CALL getin('iflag_ice_thermo',iflag_ice_thermo_omp)
1506    !
1507    !Config Key  = ok_ice_sursat
1508    !Config Desc =
1509    !Config Def  = 0
1510    !Config Help =
1511    !
1512    ok_ice_sursat_omp = 0
1513    CALL getin('ok_ice_sursat',ok_ice_sursat_omp)
1515    !Config Key  = ok_plane_h2o
1516    !Config Desc =
1517    !Config Def  = 0
1518    !Config Help =
1519    !
1520    ok_plane_h2o_omp = .FALSE.
1521    CALL getin('ok_plane_h2o',ok_plane_h2o_omp)
1523    !Config Key  = ok_plane_contrail
1524    !Config Desc =
1525    !Config Def  = 0
1526    !Config Help =
1527    !
1528    ok_plane_contrail_omp = .FALSE.
1529    CALL getin('ok_plane_contrail',ok_plane_contrail_omp)
1531    !
1532    !Config Key  = rei_min
1533    !Config Desc = 
1534    !Config Def  = 3.5
1535    !Config Help =
1536    !
1537    rei_min_omp = 3.5
1538    CALL getin('rei_min',rei_min_omp)
1540    !
1541    !Config Key  = rei_max
1542    !Config Desc = 
1543    !Config Def  = 61.29
1544    !Config Help =
1545    !
1546    rei_max_omp = 61.29
1547    CALL getin('rei_max',rei_max_omp)
1549    !
1550    !Config Key  = top_height
1551    !Config Desc =
1552    !Config Def  = 3
1553    !Config Help =
1554    !
1555    top_height_omp = 3
1556    CALL getin('top_height',top_height_omp)
1558    !
1559    !Config Key  = overlap
1560    !Config Desc =
1561    !Config Def  = 3
1562    !Config Help =
1563    !
1564    overlap_omp = 3
1565    CALL getin('overlap',overlap_omp)
1567    !
1568    !Config Key  = cdmmax
1569    !Config Desc =
1570    !Config Def  = 1.3E-3
1571    !Config Help =
1572    !
1573    cdmmax_omp = 1.3E-3
1574    CALL getin('cdmmax',cdmmax_omp)
1576    !
1577    !Config Key  = cdhmax
1578    !Config Desc =
1579    !Config Def  = 1.1E-3
1580    !Config Help =
1581    !
1582    cdhmax_omp = 1.1E-3
1583    CALL getin('cdhmax',cdhmax_omp)
1585    !261103
1586    !
1587    !Config Key  = ksta
1588    !Config Desc =
1589    !Config Def  = 1.0e-10
1590    !Config Help =
1591    !
1592    ksta_omp = 1.0e-10
1593    CALL getin('ksta',ksta_omp)
1595    !
1596    !Config Key  = ksta_ter
1597    !Config Desc =
1598    !Config Def  = 1.0e-10
1599    !Config Help =
1600    !
1601    ksta_ter_omp = 1.0e-10
1602    CALL getin('ksta_ter',ksta_ter_omp)
1604    !Config Key  = f_ri_cd_min
1605    !Config Desc =
1606    !Config Def  = 0.1
1607    !Config Help =
1608    !
1609    f_ri_cd_min_omp = 0.1
1610    CALL getin('f_ri_cd_min',f_ri_cd_min_omp)
1612    !
1613    !Config Key  = ok_kzmin
1614    !Config Desc =
1615    !Config Def  = .TRUE.
1616    !Config Help =
1617    !
1618    ok_kzmin_omp = .TRUE.
1619    CALL getin('ok_kzmin',ok_kzmin_omp)
1621    pbl_lmixmin_alpha_omp=0.0
1622    CALL getin('pbl_lmixmin_alpha',pbl_lmixmin_alpha_omp)
1624    !
1625    !Config Key  = fmagic
1626    !Config Desc = additionnal multiplicator factor used for albedo
1627    !Config Def  = 1.
1628    !Config Help = additionnal multiplicator factor used in albedo.F
1629    !
1630    fmagic_omp = 1.
1631    CALL getin('fmagic',fmagic_omp)
1633    !
1634    !Config Key  = pmagic
1635    !Config Desc = additional factor used for albedo
1636    !Config Def  = 0.
1637    !Config Help = additional factor used in albedo.F
1638    !
1639    pmagic_omp = 0.
1640    CALL getin('pmagic',pmagic_omp)
1643    !Config Key = ok_lic_melt
1644    !Config Desc = Prise en compte de la fonte de la calotte dans le bilan d'eau
1645    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
1646    !Config Help = mettre a .FALSE. pour assurer la conservation en eau
1647    ok_lic_melt_omp = .FALSE.
1648    CALL getin('ok_lic_melt', ok_lic_melt_omp)
1651    !Config Key = ok_lic_cond
1652    !Config Desc = Prise en compte depot de vapeur d'eau sur la calotte dans le bilan d'eau
1653    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
1654    !Config Help = mettre a .TRUE. pour assurer la conservation en eau
1655    ok_lic_cond_omp = .FALSE.
1656    CALL getin('ok_lic_cond', ok_lic_cond_omp)
1658    !
1660    !
1662    !Config Key  = iflag_pbl
1663    !Config Desc =
1664    !Config Def  = 1
1665    !Config Help =
1666    !
1667    iflag_pbl_omp = 1
1668    CALL getin('iflag_pbl',iflag_pbl_omp)
1671    !Config Key  = ifl_pbltree
1672    !Config Desc = drag from trees 0 no activated
1673    !Config Def  = 0
1674    !Config Help =
1675    !
1676    ifl_pbltree_omp = 0
1677    CALL getin('ifl_pbltree',ifl_pbltree_omp)
1679    !Config Key  = Cd_frein
1680    !Config Desc = drag from trees
1681    !Config Def  = 7.5E-02 (valeur Masson mais fait planter avec des LAI eleves)
1682    !Config Help =
1683    !
1684    Cd_frein_omp = 7.5E-02
1685    CALL getin('Cd_frein',Cd_frein_omp)
1687    !
1688    !Config Key  = iflag_pbl_split
1689    !Config Desc = decimal flag: least signif digit = split vdf; next digit = split thermals
1690    !Config Def  = 0
1691    !Config Help = 0-> no splitting; 1-> vdf splitting; 10-> thermals splitting; 11-> full splitting
1692    !
1693    iflag_pbl_split_omp = 0
1694    call getin('iflag_pbl_split',iflag_pbl_split_omp)
1695    !
1696    !Config Key  = iflag_order2_sollw
1697    !Config Desc =
1698    !Config Def  = 0
1699    !Config Help =
1700    !
1701    iflag_order2_sollw_omp = 0
1702    CALL getin('iflag_order2_sollw',iflag_order2_sollw_omp)
1703    !
1704    !Config Key  = iflag_thermals
1705    !Config Desc =
1706    !Config Def  = 0
1707    !Config Help =
1708    !
1709    iflag_thermals_omp = 0
1710    CALL getin('iflag_thermals',iflag_thermals_omp)
1711    !
1712    !Config Key  = iflag_thermals_ed
1713    !Config Desc =
1714    !Config Def  = 0
1715    !Config Help =
1716    !
1717    fact_thermals_ed_dz_omp = 0.1
1719    CALL getin('fact_thermals_ed_dz',fact_thermals_ed_dz_omp)
1720    !
1721    !
1722    !Config Key  = iflag_thermals_ed
1723    !Config Desc =
1724    !Config Def  = 0
1725    !Config Help =
1726    !
1727    iflag_thermals_ed_omp = 0
1728    CALL getin('iflag_thermals_ed',iflag_thermals_ed_omp)
1729    !
1730    !
1731    !Config Key  = iflag_thermals_optflux
1732    !Config Desc =
1733    !Config Def  = 0
1734    !Config Help =
1735    !
1736    iflag_thermals_optflux_omp = 0
1737    CALL getin('iflag_thermals_optflux',iflag_thermals_optflux_omp)
1738    !
1739    !Config Key  = iflag_thermals_closure
1740    !Config Desc =
1741    !Config Def  = 0
1742    !Config Help =
1743    !
1744    iflag_thermals_closure_omp = 1
1745    CALL getin('iflag_thermals_closure',iflag_thermals_closure_omp)
1746    !
1747    !Config Key  = nsplit_thermals
1748    !Config Desc =
1749    !Config Def  = 1
1750    !Config Help =
1751    !
1752    nsplit_thermals_omp = 1
1753    CALL getin('nsplit_thermals',nsplit_thermals_omp)
1755    !Config Key  = alp_bl_k
1756    !Config Desc =
1757    !Config Def  = 0.
1758    !Config Help =
1759    !
1760    alp_bl_k_omp = 1.
1761    CALL getin('alp_bl_k',alp_bl_k_omp)
1763    ! nrlmd le 10/04/2012
1765    !Config Key  = iflag_trig_bl
1766    !Config Desc = 
1767    !Config Def  = 0
1768    !Config Help =
1769    !
1770    iflag_trig_bl_omp = 0
1771    CALL getin('iflag_trig_bl',iflag_trig_bl_omp)
1773    !Config Key  = s_trig_bl
1774    !Config Desc = 
1775    !Config Def  = 0
1776    !Config Help =
1777    !
1778    s_trig_omp = 2e7
1779    CALL getin('s_trig',s_trig_omp)
1781    !Config Key  = tau_trig_shallow
1782    !Config Desc = 
1783    !Config Def  = 0
1784    !Config Help =
1785    !
1786    tau_trig_shallow_omp = 600
1787    CALL getin('tau_trig_shallow',tau_trig_shallow_omp)
1789    !Config Key  = tau_trig_deep
1790    !Config Desc = 
1791    !Config Def  = 0
1792    !Config Help =
1793    !
1794    tau_trig_deep_omp = 1800
1795    CALL getin('tau_trig_deep',tau_trig_deep_omp)
1797    !Config Key  = iflag_clos_bl
1798    !Config Desc = 
1799    !Config Def  = 0
1800    !Config Help =
1801    !
1802    iflag_clos_bl_omp = 0
1803    CALL getin('iflag_clos_bl',iflag_clos_bl_omp)
1805    ! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012
1807    !
1808    !Config Key  = tau_thermals
1809    !Config Desc =
1810    !Config Def  = 0.
1811    !Config Help =
1812    !
1813    tau_thermals_omp = 0.
1814    CALL getin('tau_thermals',tau_thermals_omp)
1816    !
1817    !Config Key  = iflag_coupl
1818    !Config Desc =
1819    !Config Def  = 0
1820    !Config Help =
1821    !
1822    iflag_coupl_omp = 0
1823    CALL getin('iflag_coupl',iflag_coupl_omp)
1825    !
1826    !Config Key  = iflag_clos
1827    !Config Desc = 
1828    !Config Def  = 0
1829    !Config Help =
1830    !
1831    iflag_clos_omp = 1
1832    CALL getin('iflag_clos',iflag_clos_omp)
1833    !
1834    !Config Key  = coef_clos_ls
1835    !Config Desc = 
1836    !Config Def  = 0
1837    !Config Help =
1838    !
1839    coef_clos_ls_omp = 0.
1840    CALL getin('coef_clos_ls',coef_clos_ls_omp)
1842    !
1843    !Config Key  = iflag_cvl_sigd
1844    !Config Desc = 
1845    !Config Def  = 0
1846    !Config Help =
1847    !
1848    iflag_cvl_sigd_omp = 0
1849    CALL getin('iflag_cvl_sigd',iflag_cvl_sigd_omp)
1851    !Config Key  = iflag_wake
1852    !Config Desc = 
1853    !Config Def  = 0
1854    !Config Help =
1855    !
1856    iflag_wake_omp = 0
1857    CALL getin('iflag_wake',iflag_wake_omp)
1859    !Config Key  = alp_offset
1860    !Config Desc = 
1861    !Config Def  = 0
1862    !Config Help =
1863    !
1864    alp_offset_omp = 0.
1865    CALL getin('alp_offset',alp_offset_omp)
1867    !
1868    !Config Key  = lev_histhf
1869    !Config Desc =
1870    !Config Def  = 1
1871    !Config Help =
1872    !
1873    lev_histhf_omp = 1
1874    CALL getin('lev_histhf',lev_histhf_omp)
1876    !
1877    !Config Key  = lev_histday
1878    !Config Desc =
1879    !Config Def  = 1
1880    !Config Help =
1881    !
1882    lev_histday_omp = 1
1883    CALL getin('lev_histday',lev_histday_omp)
1885    !
1886    !Config Key  = lev_histmth
1887    !Config Desc =
1888    !Config Def  = 2
1889    !Config Help =
1890    !
1891    lev_histmth_omp = 2
1892    CALL getin('lev_histmth',lev_histmth_omp)
1893    !
1894    !Config Key  = lev_histins
1895    !Config Desc =
1896    !Config Def  = 1
1897    !Config Help =
1898    !
1899    lev_histins_omp = 1
1900    CALL getin('lev_histins',lev_histins_omp)
1901    !
1902    !Config Key  = lev_histLES
1903    !Config Desc =
1904    !Config Def  = 1
1905    !Config Help =
1906    !
1907    lev_histLES_omp = 1
1908    CALL getin('lev_histLES',lev_histLES_omp)
1909    !
1910    !Config Key  = lev_histdayNMC
1911    !Config Desc =
1912    !Config Def  = 8
1913    !Config Help =
1914    !
1915    lev_histdayNMC_omp = 8
1916    CALL getin('lev_histdayNMC',lev_histdayNMC_omp)
1917    !
1918    !Config Key  = levout_histNMC
1919    !Config Desc =
1920    !Config Def  = 5
1921    !Config Help =
1922    !
1923    levout_histNMC_omp(1) = 5
1924    levout_histNMC_omp(2) = 5
1925    levout_histNMC_omp(3) = 5
1926    CALL getin('levout_histNMC',levout_histNMC_omp)
1927    !
1928    !histNMC BEG
1929    !Config Key  = ok_histNMC
1930    !Config Desc = ok_histNMC(1) = frequence de sortie fichiers histmthNMC
1931    !Config Desc = ok_histNMC(2) = frequence de sortie fichiers histdayNMC
1932    !Config Desc = ok_histNMC(3) = frequence de sortie fichiers histhfNMC
1933    !Config Def  = n, n, n
1934    !Config Help =
1935    !
1936    ok_histNMC_omp(1) = .FALSE.
1937    ok_histNMC_omp(2) = .FALSE.
1938    ok_histNMC_omp(3) = .FALSE.
1939    CALL getin('ok_histNMC',ok_histNMC_omp)
1940    !
1941    !Config Key  = freq_outNMC
1942    !Config Desc = freq_outNMC(1) = frequence de sortie fichiers histmthNMC
1943    !Config Desc = freq_outNMC(2) = frequence de sortie fichiers histdayNMC
1944    !Config Desc = freq_outNMC(3) = frequence de sortie fichiers histhfNMC
1945    !Config Def  = 2592000., 86400., 21600. (1mois, 1jour, 6h)
1946    !Config Help =
1947    !
1948    freq_outNMC_omp(1) = mth_len
1949    freq_outNMC_omp(2) = 1.
1950    freq_outNMC_omp(3) = 1./4.
1951    CALL getin('freq_outNMC',freq_outNMC_omp)
1952    !
1953    !Config Key  = freq_calNMC
1954    !Config Desc = freq_calNMC(1) = frequence de calcul fichiers histmthNMC
1955    !Config Desc = freq_calNMC(2) = frequence de calcul fichiers histdayNMC
1956    !Config Desc = freq_calNMC(3) = frequence de calcul fichiers histhfNMC
1957    !Config Def  = phys_tstep
1958    !Config Help =
1959    !
1960    freq_calNMC_omp(1) = phys_tstep
1961    freq_calNMC_omp(2) = phys_tstep
1962    freq_calNMC_omp(3) = phys_tstep
1963    CALL getin('freq_calNMC',freq_calNMC_omp)
1964    !
1965    !Config Key  = type_run
1966    !Config Desc =
1967    !Config Def  = 'AMIP'/'CFMIP'  ou 'CLIM'/'ENSP'
1968    !Config Help =
1969    !
1970    type_run_omp = 'AMIP'
1971    CALL getin('type_run',type_run_omp)
1973    !
1974    !Config Key  = ok_cosp
1975    !Config Desc =
1976    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
1977    !Config Help =
1978    !
1979    ok_cosp_omp = .FALSE.
1980    CALL getin('ok_cosp',ok_cosp_omp)
1982    !
1983    !Config Key  = ok_airs
1984    !Config Desc =
1985    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
1986    !Config Help =
1987    !
1988    ok_airs_omp = .FALSE.
1989    CALL getin('ok_airs',ok_airs_omp)
1991    !
1992    !Config Key  = ok_mensuelCOSP
1993    !Config Desc =
1994    !Config Def  = .TRUE.
1995    !Config Help =
1996    !
1997    ok_mensuelCOSP_omp = .TRUE.
1998    CALL getin('ok_mensuelCOSP',ok_mensuelCOSP_omp)
2000    !
2001    !Config Key  = ok_journeCOSP
2002    !Config Desc =
2003    !Config Def  = .TRUE.
2004    !Config Help =
2005    !
2006    ok_journeCOSP_omp = .TRUE.
2007    CALL getin('ok_journeCOSP',ok_journeCOSP_omp)
2009    !
2010    !Config Key  = ok_hfCOSP
2011    !Config Desc =
2012    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
2013    !Config Help =
2014    !
2015    ok_hfCOSP_omp = .FALSE.
2016    CALL getin('ok_hfCOSP',ok_hfCOSP_omp)
2018    !
2019    ! coordonnees (lonmin_ins, lonmax_ins, latmin_ins, latmax_ins) pour la zone
2020    ! avec sorties instantannees tous les pas de temps de la physique => ""
2021    !
2022    !Config Key  = lonmin_ins
2023    !Config Desc = 100. 
2024    !Config Def  = longitude minimale sorties "bilKP_ins"
2025    !Config Help =
2026    !
2027    lonmin_ins_omp = 100.
2028    CALL getin('lonmin_ins',lonmin_ins_omp)
2029    !
2030    !Config Key  = lonmax_ins
2031    !Config Desc = 130.
2032    !Config Def  = longitude maximale sorties "bilKP_ins"
2033    !Config Help =
2034    !
2035    lonmax_ins_omp = 130.
2036    CALL getin('lonmax_ins',lonmax_ins_omp)
2037    !
2038    !Config Key  = latmin_ins
2039    !Config Desc = -20. 
2040    !Config Def  = latitude minimale sorties "bilKP_ins"
2041    !Config Help =
2042    !
2043    latmin_ins_omp = -20.
2044    CALL getin('latmin_ins',latmin_ins_omp)
2045    !
2046    !Config Key  = latmax_ins
2047    !Config Desc = 20.
2048    !Config Def  = latitude maximale sorties "bilKP_ins"
2049    !Config Help =
2050    !
2051    latmax_ins_omp = 20.
2052    CALL getin('latmax_ins',latmax_ins_omp)
2053    !
2054    !Config Key  = ecrit_hf
2055    !Config Desc =
2056    !Config Def  = 1./8. !toutes les 3h
2057    !Config Help =
2058    !
2059    ecrit_hf_omp = 1./8.
2060    CALL getin('ecrit_hf',ecrit_hf_omp)
2061    !
2062    !Config Key  = ecrit_ins
2063    !Config Desc =
2064    !Config Def  = 1./48. ! toutes les 1/2 h
2065    !Config Help =
2066    !
2067    ecrit_ins_omp = 1./48.
2068    CALL getin('ecrit_ins',ecrit_ins_omp)
2069    !
2070    !Config Key  = ecrit_day
2071    !Config Desc =
2072    !Config Def  = 1.0 !tous les jours
2073    !Config Help = nombre de jours pour ecriture fichier
2074    !
2075    ecrit_day_omp = 1.0
2076    CALL getin('ecrit_day',ecrit_day_omp)
2077    !
2078    !Config Key  = ecrit_mth
2079    !Config Desc =
2080    !Config Def  = 30. !tous les 30jours (1 fois par mois)
2081    !Config Help =
2082    !
2083    ecrit_mth_omp = 30.
2084    CALL getin('ecrit_mth',ecrit_mth_omp)
2085    !
2086    !Config Key  = ecrit_tra
2087    !Config Desc =
2088    !Config Def  = 30. !tous les 30jours (1 fois par mois)
2089    !Config Help =
2090    !
2091    ecrit_tra_omp = 0.
2092    CALL getin('ecrit_tra',ecrit_tra_omp)
2093    !
2094    !Config Key  = ecrit_reg
2095    !Config Desc =
2096    !Config Def  = 0.25  !4 fois par jour
2097    !Config Help =
2098    !
2099    ecrit_reg_omp = 0.25   !4 fois par jour
2100    CALL getin('ecrit_reg',ecrit_reg_omp)
2101    !
2102    !
2103    print*,'CONFPHYS OOK avant drag_ter'
2104    !
2106    !
2107    f_cdrag_ter_omp = 0.8
2108    CALL getin('f_cdrag_ter',f_cdrag_ter_omp)
2109    !
2110    f_cdrag_oce_omp = 0.8
2111    CALL getin('f_cdrag_oce',f_cdrag_oce_omp)
2112    !
2114    ! Gustiness flags
2115    f_z0qh_oce_omp = 1.
2116    CALL getin('f_z0qh_oce',f_z0qh_oce_omp)
2117    !
2118    f_qsat_oce_omp = 1.
2119    CALL getin('f_qsat_oce',f_qsat_oce_omp)
2120    !
2121    f_gust_bl_omp = 0.
2122    CALL getin('f_gust_bl',f_gust_bl_omp)
2123    !
2124    f_gust_wk_omp = 0.
2125    CALL getin('f_gust_wk',f_gust_wk_omp)
2126    !
2127    !Config Key  = iflag_z0_oce
2128    !Config Desc = 0 (z0h=z0m), 1 (diff. equ. for z0h and z0m), -1 (z0m=z0h=z0min)
2129    !Config Def  = 0   ! z0h = z0m
2130    !Config Help =
2131    !
2132    iflag_z0_oce_omp=0
2133    CALL getin('iflag_z0_oce',iflag_z0_oce_omp)
2134    !
2135    iflag_gusts_omp=0
2136    CALL getin('iflag_gusts',iflag_gusts_omp)
2137    !
2138    min_wind_speed_omp = 1.
2139    CALL getin('min_wind_speed',min_wind_speed_omp)
2141    z0m_seaice_omp = 0.002 ; CALL getin('z0m_seaice',z0m_seaice_omp)
2142    z0h_seaice_omp = 0.002 ; CALL getin('z0h_seaice',z0h_seaice_omp)
2144    f_rugoro_omp = 0.
2145    CALL getin('f_rugoro',f_rugoro_omp)
2147    z0min_omp = 0.000015
2148    CALL getin('z0min',z0min_omp)
2152    !
2153    !Config Key  = supcrit1
2154    !Config Desc =
2155    !Config Def  = .540
2156    !Config Help =
2157    !
2158    supcrit1_omp = .540
2159    CALL getin('supcrit1',supcrit1_omp)
2161    !
2162    !Config Key  = supcrit2
2163    !Config Desc =
2164    !Config Def  = .600
2165    !Config Help =
2166    !
2167    supcrit2_omp = .600
2168    CALL getin('supcrit2',supcrit2_omp)
2170    !
2172    ! iflag_mix: 0=OLD,
2173    !            1=NEW (JYG),           
2174    !            2=NEW + conv. depth inhib. by tropos. dryness
2175    ! '2' is NOT operationnal and should not be used.
2176    !
2177    !Config Key  = iflag_mix
2178    !Config Desc =
2179    !Config Def  = 1
2180    !Config Help =
2181    !
2182    iflag_mix_omp = 1
2183    CALL getin('iflag_mix',iflag_mix_omp)
2187    ! iflag_mix_adiab: 0=OLD,
2188    !                  1=NEW (CR),           
2189    !           
2190    !
2191    !Config Key  = iflag_mix_adiab
2192    !Config Desc =
2193    !Config Def  = 1
2194    !Config Help =
2195    !
2196    iflag_mix_adiab_omp = 0
2197    CALL getin('iflag_mix_adiab',iflag_mix_adiab_omp)
2199    !
2200    !Config Key  = scut
2201    !Config Desc =
2202    !Config Def  = 0.95
2203    !Config Help =
2204    !
2205    scut_omp = 0.95
2206    CALL getin('scut',scut_omp)
2208    !
2209    !Config Key  = qqa1
2210    !Config Desc =
2211    !Config Def  = 1.0
2212    !Config Help =
2213    !
2214    qqa1_omp = 1.0
2215    CALL getin('qqa1',qqa1_omp)
2217    !
2218    !Config Key  = qqa2
2219    !Config Desc =
2220    !Config Def  = 0.0
2221    !Config Help =
2222    !
2223    qqa2_omp = 0.0
2224    CALL getin('qqa2',qqa2_omp)
2226    !
2227    !Config Key  = gammas
2228    !Config Desc =
2229    !Config Def  = 0.05
2230    !Config Help =
2231    !
2232    gammas_omp = 0.05
2233    CALL getin('gammas',gammas_omp)
2235    !
2236    !Config Key  = Fmax
2237    !Config Desc =
2238    !Config Def  = 0.65
2239    !Config Help =
2240    !
2241    Fmax_omp = 0.65
2242    CALL getin('Fmax',Fmax_omp)
2244    !
2245    !Config Key  = tmax_fonte_cv
2246    !Config Desc =
2247    !Config Def  = 275.15
2248    !Config Help =
2249    !
2250    tmax_fonte_cv_omp = 275.15
2251    CALL getin('tmax_fonte_cv',tmax_fonte_cv_omp)
2253    !
2254    !Config Key  = alphas 
2255    !Config Desc =
2256    !Config Def  = -5.
2257    !Config Help =
2258    !
2259    alphas_omp = -5.
2260    CALL getin('alphas',alphas_omp)
2262    !Config key = ok_strato
2263    !Config  Desc = activation de la version strato
2264    !Config  Def  = .FALSE.
2265    !Config  Help = active la version stratosph\'erique de LMDZ de F. Lott
2266    !               Et la sponge layer (Runs Stratospheriques)
2268    ok_strato_omp=.FALSE.
2269    CALL getin('ok_strato',ok_strato_omp)
2271    !Config  key = ok_hines
2272    !Config  Desc = activation de la parametrisation de hines
2273    !Config  Def  = .FALSE.
2274    !Config  Help = Clefs controlant la parametrization de Hines
2276    ok_hines_omp=.FALSE.
2277    CALL getin('ok_hines',ok_hines_omp)
2279    !  Parametres pour les ondes de gravite
2280    ! 
2281    !  Subgrid Scale Orography (Lott Miller (1997), Lott (1999))
2283    sso_gkdrag_omp = merge(0.1875, 0.2, ok_strato_omp)
2284    CALL getin('sso_gkdrag', sso_gkdrag_omp)
2286    sso_grahil_omp=merge(0.1,1.,ok_strato_omp)
2287    CALL getin('sso_grahil', sso_grahil_omp)
2289    sso_grcrit_omp =merge(1.,0.01,ok_strato_omp)
2290    CALL getin('sso_grcrit', sso_grcrit_omp)
2292    sso_gfrcri_omp = 1.
2293    CALL getin('sso_gfrcri', sso_gfrcri_omp)
2295    sso_gkwake_omp = 0.50
2296    CALL getin('sso_gkwake', sso_gkwake_omp)
2298    sso_gklift_omp = merge(0.25,0.50,ok_strato_omp)
2299    CALL getin('sso_gklift', sso_gklift_omp)
2301    ! Random gravity waves:
2303    ok_gwd_rando_omp = .FALSE.
2304    IF ( klon_glo == 1 ) THEN
2305       print*,'La parametrisation des ondes de gravites non orographiques'
2306       print*,'ne fonctionne pas en 1D'
2307    ELSE
2308       CALL getin('ok_gwd_rando', ok_gwd_rando_omp)
2309    ENDIF
2311    gwd_rando_ruwmax_omp = 2.00
2312    CALL getin('gwd_rando_ruwmax', gwd_rando_ruwmax_omp)
2314    gwd_rando_sat_omp = 0.25
2315    CALL getin('gwd_rando_sat', gwd_rando_sat_omp)
2317    gwd_front_ruwmax_omp = 2.50
2318    CALL getin('gwd_front_ruwmax', gwd_front_ruwmax_omp)
2320    gwd_front_sat_omp = 0.60
2321    CALL getin('gwd_front_sat', gwd_front_sat_omp)
2324    !Config  key = ok_qch4
2325    !Config  Desc = activation de la parametrisation du methane
2326    !Config  Def  = .FALSE.
2327    !Config  Help = Clef controlant l'activation de la parametrisation
2328    !               de l'humidite due a oxydation+photolyse du methane strato
2330    ok_qch4_omp=.FALSE.
2331    CALL getin('ok_qch4',ok_qch4_omp)
2333    !Config Key  = OK_LES                                               
2334    !Config Desc = Pour des sorties LES                                 
2335    !Config Def  = .FALSE.                                             
2336    !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histLES contenant les sorties 
2337    !              LES                                                 
2338    !                                                                   
2339    ok_LES_omp = .FALSE.                                             
2340    CALL getin('OK_LES', ok_LES_omp)                                 
2342    !Config Key  = callstats                                               
2343    !Config Desc = Pour des sorties callstats                                 
2344    !Config Def  = .FALSE.                                             
2345    !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier stats contenant les sorties 
2346    !              stats                                                 
2347    !                                                                   
2348    callstats_omp = .FALSE.                                             
2349    CALL getin('callstats', callstats_omp)                                 
2350    !
2351    !Config Key  = ecrit_LES
2352    !Config Desc = Frequence d'ecriture des resultats du LES en nombre de jours;
2353    !              par defaut 1., i.e. 1 jour
2354    !Config Def  = 1./8.
2355    !Config Help = ...
2356    !
2357    !
2358    adjust_tropopause = .FALSE.
2359    CALL getin('adjust_tropopause', adjust_tropopause_omp)
2360    !
2361    !Config Key  = adjust_tropopause
2362    !Config Desc = Adjust the ozone field from the climoz file by stretching its
2363    !              tropopause so that it matches the one of LMDZ.
2364    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
2365    !Config Help = Ensure tropospheric ozone column conservation.
2366    !
2367    !
2368    ok_daily_climoz = .FALSE.
2369    CALL getin('ok_daily_climoz', ok_daily_climoz_omp)
2370    !
2371    !Config Key  = ok_daily_climoz
2372    !Config Desc = Interpolate in time the ozone forcings within ce0l.
2373    !              .TRUE. if backward compatibility is needed.
2374    !Config Def  = .TRUE.
2375    !Config Help = .FALSE. ensure much fewer (no calendar dependency)
2376    !  and lighter monthly climoz files, inetrpolated in time at gcm run time.
2378    ok_new_lscp_omp = .FALSE.
2379    CALL getin('ok_new_lscp', ok_new_lscp_omp)
2380    !
2381    !Config Key  = ok_new_lscp_omp
2382    !Config Desc = new cloud scheme ith ice and mixed phase (Etienne and JB)
2383    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
2384    !Config Help = ...
2388    ok_icefra_lscp_omp = .FALSE.
2389    CALL getin('ok_icefra_lscp', ok_icefra_lscp_omp)
2390    !
2391    !Config Key  = ok_icefra_lscp_omp
2392    !Config Desc = ice fraction in radiation from lscp
2393    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
2394    !Config Help = ...
2399    ecrit_LES_omp = 1./8.
2400    CALL getin('ecrit_LES', ecrit_LES_omp)
2401    !
2402    read_climoz = 0 ! default value
2403    CALL getin('read_climoz', read_climoz)
2405    carbon_cycle_tr_omp=.FALSE.
2406    CALL getin('carbon_cycle_tr',carbon_cycle_tr_omp)
2408    carbon_cycle_cpl_omp=.FALSE.
2409    CALL getin('carbon_cycle_cpl',carbon_cycle_cpl_omp)
2411    carbon_cycle_rad_omp=.FALSE.
2412    CALL getin('carbon_cycle_rad',carbon_cycle_rad_omp)
2414    read_fco2_ocean_cor_omp=.FALSE.
2415    CALL getin('read_fco2_ocean_cor',read_fco2_ocean_cor_omp)
2417    var_fco2_ocean_cor_omp=0. ! default value
2418    CALL getin('var_fco2_ocean_cor',var_fco2_ocean_cor_omp)
2420    read_fco2_land_cor_omp=.FALSE.
2421    CALL getin('read_fco2_land_cor',read_fco2_land_cor_omp)
2423    var_fco2_land_cor_omp=0. ! default value
2424    CALL getin('var_fco2_land_cor',var_fco2_land_cor_omp)
2426    ! level_coupling_esm : level of coupling of the biogeochemical fields between LMDZ, ORCHIDEE and NEMO
2427    ! Definitions of level_coupling_esm in physiq.def
2428    ! level_coupling_esm = 0  ! No field exchange between LMDZ and ORCHIDEE models
2429    !                         ! No field exchange between LMDZ and NEMO
2430    ! level_coupling_esm = 1  ! Field exchange between LMDZ and ORCHIDEE models
2431    !                         ! No field exchange between LMDZ and NEMO models
2432    ! level_coupling_esm = 2  ! No field exchange between LMDZ and ORCHIDEE models
2433    !                         ! Field exchange between LMDZ and NEMO models
2434    ! level_coupling_esm = 3  ! Field exchange between LMDZ and ORCHIDEE models
2435    !                         ! Field exchange between LMDZ and NEMO models
2436    level_coupling_esm_omp=0 ! default value
2437    CALL getin('level_coupling_esm',level_coupling_esm_omp)
2439    !$OMP END MASTER
2440    !$OMP BARRIER
2442    R_ecc = R_ecc_omp
2443    R_peri = R_peri_omp
2444    R_incl = R_incl_omp
2445    solaire = solaire_omp
2446    ok_suntime_rrtm = ok_suntime_rrtm_omp
2447    co2_ppm = co2_ppm_omp
2448    RCO2 = RCO2_omp
2449    CH4_ppb = CH4_ppb_omp
2450    RCH4 = RCH4_omp
2451    N2O_ppb = N2O_ppb_omp
2452    RN2O = RN2O_omp
2453    CFC11_ppt = CFC11_ppt_omp
2454    RCFC11 = RCFC11_omp
2455    CFC12_ppt = CFC12_ppt_omp
2456    RCFC12 = RCFC12_omp
2457    RCO2_act = RCO2
2458    RCH4_act = RCH4
2459    RN2O_act = RN2O
2460    RCFC11_act = RCFC11
2461    RCFC12_act = RCFC12
2462    RCO2_per = RCO2_per_omp
2463    RCH4_per = RCH4_per_omp
2464    RN2O_per = RN2O_per_omp
2465    RCFC11_per = RCFC11_per_omp
2466    RCFC12_per = RCFC12_per_omp
2468    iflag_cycle_diurne = iflag_cycle_diurne_omp
2469    soil_model = soil_model_omp
2470    new_oliq = new_oliq_omp
2471    ok_orodr = ok_orodr_omp
2472    ok_orolf = ok_orolf_omp
2473    ok_limitvrai = ok_limitvrai_omp
2474    nbapp_rad = nbapp_rad_omp
2475    iflag_con = iflag_con_omp
2476    nbapp_cv = nbapp_cv_omp
2477    nbapp_wk = nbapp_wk_omp
2478    iflag_ener_conserv = iflag_ener_conserv_omp
2479    ok_conserv_q = ok_conserv_q_omp
2480    iflag_fisrtilp_qsat = iflag_fisrtilp_qsat_omp
2481    iflag_bergeron = iflag_bergeron_omp
2483    epmax = epmax_omp
2484    coef_epmax_cape = coef_epmax_cape_omp
2485    ok_adj_ema = ok_adj_ema_omp
2486    iflag_clw = iflag_clw_omp
2487    cld_lc_lsc = cld_lc_lsc_omp
2488    cld_lc_con = cld_lc_con_omp
2489    cld_tau_lsc = cld_tau_lsc_omp
2490    cld_tau_con = cld_tau_con_omp
2491    ffallv_lsc = ffallv_lsc_omp
2492    ffallv_con = ffallv_con_omp
2493    coef_eva = coef_eva_omp
2494    reevap_ice = reevap_ice_omp
2495    iflag_pdf = iflag_pdf_omp
2496    solarlong0 = solarlong0_omp
2497    qsol0 = qsol0_omp
2498    evap0 = evap0_omp
2499    albsno0 = albsno0_omp
2500    iflag_sic = iflag_sic_omp
2501    iflag_inertie = iflag_inertie_omp
2502    inertie_sol = inertie_sol_omp
2503    inertie_sic = inertie_sic_omp
2504    inertie_lic = inertie_lic_omp
2505    inertie_sno = inertie_sno_omp
2506    rad_froid = rad_froid_omp
2507    rad_chau1 = rad_chau1_omp
2508    rad_chau2 = rad_chau2_omp
2509    t_glace_min = t_glace_min_omp
2510    t_glace_max = t_glace_max_omp
2511    exposant_glace = exposant_glace_omp
2512    iflag_gammasat=iflag_gammasat_omp
2513    iflag_mpc_bl=iflag_mpc_bl_omp
2514    iflag_t_glace = iflag_t_glace_omp
2515    iflag_cloudth_vert=iflag_cloudth_vert_omp
2516    iflag_rain_incloud_vol=iflag_rain_incloud_vol_omp
2517    iflag_vice=iflag_vice_omp
2518    iflag_ice_thermo = iflag_ice_thermo_omp
2519    ok_ice_sursat = ok_ice_sursat_omp
2520    ok_plane_h2o = ok_plane_h2o_omp
2521    ok_plane_contrail = ok_plane_contrail_omp
2522    rei_min = rei_min_omp
2523    rei_max = rei_max_omp
2524    top_height = top_height_omp
2525    overlap = overlap_omp
2526    cdmmax = cdmmax_omp
2527    cdhmax = cdhmax_omp
2528    ksta = ksta_omp
2529    ksta_ter = ksta_ter_omp
2530    f_ri_cd_min = f_ri_cd_min_omp
2531    ok_kzmin = ok_kzmin_omp
2532    pbl_lmixmin_alpha=pbl_lmixmin_alpha_omp
2533    fmagic = fmagic_omp
2534    pmagic = pmagic_omp
2535    iflag_pbl = iflag_pbl_omp
2536    iflag_pbl_split = iflag_pbl_split_omp
2538    ifl_pbltree = ifl_pbltree_omp
2539    Cd_frein    =Cd_frein_omp
2540    iflag_order2_sollw = iflag_order2_sollw_omp
2541    lev_histhf = lev_histhf_omp
2542    lev_histday = lev_histday_omp
2543    lev_histmth = lev_histmth_omp
2544    lev_histins = lev_histins_omp
2545    lev_histLES = lev_histLES_omp
2546    lev_histdayNMC = lev_histdayNMC_omp
2547    levout_histNMC = levout_histNMC_omp
2548    ok_histNMC(:) = ok_histNMC_omp(:)
2549    freq_outNMC(:) = freq_outNMC_omp(:)
2550    freq_calNMC(:) = freq_calNMC_omp(:)
2552    type_ocean = type_ocean_omp
2553    version_ocean = version_ocean_omp
2554    t_coupl = t_coupl_omp
2556    ok_veget=.TRUE.
2557    type_veget=type_veget_omp
2558    IF (type_veget=='n' .or. type_veget=='bucket' .or. type_veget=='betaclim') THEN
2559       ok_veget=.FALSE.
2560    ENDIF
2561    ! INLANDSIS
2562    !=================================================
2563    landice_opt = landice_opt_omp
2564    iflag_tsurf_inlandsis = iflag_tsurf_inlandsis_omp
2565    iflag_temp_inlandsis = iflag_temp_inlandsis_omp
2566    iflag_albcalc = iflag_albcalc_omp
2567    SnoMod=SnoMod_omp
2568    BloMod=BloMod_omp
2569    ok_outfor=ok_outfor_omp
2570    is_ok_slush=is_ok_slush_omp
2571    opt_runoff_ac=opt_runoff_ac_omp
2572    is_ok_z0h_rn=is_ok_z0h_rn_omp
2573    is_ok_density_kotlyakov=is_ok_density_kotlyakov_omp
2574    prescribed_z0m_snow=prescribed_z0m_snow_omp
2575    correc_alb=correc_alb_omp
2576    iflag_z0m_snow=iflag_z0m_snow_omp
2577    ok_zsn_ii=ok_zsn_ii_omp
2578    discret_xf=discret_xf_omp
2579    buf_sph_pol=buf_sph_pol_omp
2580    buf_siz_pol=buf_siz_pol_omp
2581    !=================================================
2582    ok_all_xml = ok_all_xml_omp
2583    ok_lwoff = ok_lwoff_omp
2584    ok_newmicro = ok_newmicro_omp
2585    ok_journe = ok_journe_omp
2586    ok_hf = ok_hf_omp
2587    ok_mensuel = ok_mensuel_omp
2588    ok_instan = ok_instan_omp
2589    freq_ISCCP = freq_ISCCP_omp
2590    ecrit_ISCCP = ecrit_ISCCP_omp
2591    freq_COSP = freq_COSP_omp
2592    freq_AIRS = freq_AIRS_omp
2593    ok_ade = ok_ade_omp
2594    ok_aie = ok_aie_omp
2595    ok_alw = ok_alw_omp
2596    ok_cdnc = ok_cdnc_omp
2597    ok_volcan = ok_volcan_omp
2598    flag_volc_surfstrat = flag_volc_surfstrat_omp
2599    aerosol_couple = aerosol_couple_omp
2600    chemistry_couple = chemistry_couple_omp
2601    flag_aerosol = flag_aerosol_omp
2602    flag_aerosol_strat = flag_aerosol_strat_omp
2603    flag_aer_feedback = flag_aer_feedback_omp
2604    flag_bc_internal_mixture=flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp
2605    aer_type = aer_type_omp
2606    bl95_b0 = bl95_b0_omp
2607    bl95_b1 = bl95_b1_omp
2608    fact_cldcon = fact_cldcon_omp
2609    facttemps = facttemps_omp
2610    ratqsbas = ratqsbas_omp
2611    ratqshaut = ratqshaut_omp
2612    tau_ratqs = tau_ratqs_omp
2614    iflag_radia = iflag_radia_omp
2615    iflag_rrtm = iflag_rrtm_omp
2616    iflag_albedo = iflag_albedo_omp
2617    ok_chlorophyll = ok_chlorophyll_omp
2618    NSW = NSW_omp
2619    iflag_cld_th = iflag_cld_th_omp
2620    iflag_cld_cv = iflag_cld_cv_omp
2621    tau_cld_cv = tau_cld_cv_omp
2622    coefw_cld_cv = coefw_cld_cv_omp
2623    iflag_ratqs = iflag_ratqs_omp
2624    ip_ebil_phy = ip_ebil_phy_omp
2625    iflag_thermals = iflag_thermals_omp
2626    iflag_thermals_ed = iflag_thermals_ed_omp
2627    fact_thermals_ed_dz = fact_thermals_ed_dz_omp
2628    iflag_thermals_optflux = iflag_thermals_optflux_omp
2629    iflag_thermals_closure = iflag_thermals_closure_omp
2630    nsplit_thermals = nsplit_thermals_omp
2631    tau_thermals = tau_thermals_omp
2632    alp_bl_k = alp_bl_k_omp
2633    ! nrlmd le 10/04/2012
2634    iflag_trig_bl = iflag_trig_bl_omp
2635    s_trig = s_trig_omp
2636    tau_trig_shallow = tau_trig_shallow_omp
2637    tau_trig_deep = tau_trig_deep_omp
2638    iflag_clos_bl = iflag_clos_bl_omp
2639    ! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012
2640    iflag_coupl = iflag_coupl_omp
2641    iflag_clos = iflag_clos_omp
2642    iflag_wake = iflag_wake_omp
2643    coef_clos_ls = coef_clos_ls_omp
2644    alp_offset = alp_offset_omp
2645    iflag_cvl_sigd = iflag_cvl_sigd_omp
2646    type_run = type_run_omp
2647    ok_cosp = ok_cosp_omp
2648    ok_airs = ok_airs_omp
2650    ok_mensuelCOSP = ok_mensuelCOSP_omp
2651    ok_journeCOSP = ok_journeCOSP_omp
2652    ok_hfCOSP = ok_hfCOSP_omp
2653    seuil_inversion=seuil_inversion_omp
2654    lonmin_ins = lonmin_ins_omp
2655    lonmax_ins = lonmax_ins_omp
2656    latmin_ins = latmin_ins_omp
2657    latmax_ins = latmax_ins_omp
2658    ecrit_hf   = ecrit_hf_omp
2659    ecrit_ins   = ecrit_ins_omp
2660    ecrit_day = ecrit_day_omp
2661    ecrit_mth = ecrit_mth_omp
2662    ecrit_tra = ecrit_tra_omp
2663    ecrit_reg = ecrit_reg_omp
2664    cvl_comp_threshold = cvl_comp_threshold_omp
2665    cvl_sig2feed = cvl_sig2feed_omp
2666    cvl_corr = cvl_corr_omp
2667    ok_lic_melt = ok_lic_melt_omp
2668    ok_lic_cond = ok_lic_cond_omp
2669    f_cdrag_ter=f_cdrag_ter_omp
2670    f_cdrag_oce=f_cdrag_oce_omp
2672    f_gust_wk=f_gust_wk_omp
2673    f_gust_bl=f_gust_bl_omp
2674    f_qsat_oce=f_qsat_oce_omp
2675    f_z0qh_oce=f_z0qh_oce_omp
2676    min_wind_speed=min_wind_speed_omp
2677    iflag_gusts=iflag_gusts_omp
2678    iflag_z0_oce=iflag_z0_oce_omp
2680    z0m_seaice=z0m_seaice_omp
2681    z0h_seaice=z0h_seaice_omp
2683    f_rugoro=f_rugoro_omp
2685    z0min=z0min_omp
2686    supcrit1 = supcrit1_omp
2687    supcrit2 = supcrit2_omp
2688    iflag_mix = iflag_mix_omp
2689    iflag_mix_adiab = iflag_mix_adiab_omp
2690    scut = scut_omp
2691    qqa1 = qqa1_omp
2692    qqa2 = qqa2_omp
2693    gammas = gammas_omp
2694    Fmax = Fmax_omp
2695    tmax_fonte_cv = tmax_fonte_cv_omp
2696    alphas = alphas_omp
2698    gkdrag=sso_gkdrag_omp
2699    grahilo=sso_grahil_omp
2700    grcrit=sso_grcrit_omp
2701    gfrcrit=sso_gfrcri_omp
2702    gkwake=sso_gkwake_omp
2703    gklift=sso_gklift_omp
2705    ok_strato = ok_strato_omp
2706    ok_hines = ok_hines_omp
2707    ok_gwd_rando = ok_gwd_rando_omp
2708    gwd_rando_ruwmax = gwd_rando_ruwmax_omp
2709    gwd_rando_sat = gwd_rando_sat_omp
2710    gwd_front_ruwmax = gwd_front_ruwmax_omp
2711    gwd_front_sat = gwd_front_sat_omp
2712    ok_qch4 = ok_qch4_omp
2713    ok_LES = ok_LES_omp
2714    callstats = callstats_omp
2715    ecrit_LES = ecrit_LES_omp
2716    adjust_tropopause = adjust_tropopause_omp
2717    ok_daily_climoz = ok_daily_climoz_omp
2718    carbon_cycle_tr = carbon_cycle_tr_omp
2719    carbon_cycle_cpl = carbon_cycle_cpl_omp
2720    carbon_cycle_rad = carbon_cycle_rad_omp
2721    level_coupling_esm = level_coupling_esm_omp
2722    ok_new_lscp = ok_new_lscp_omp
2723    ok_icefra_lscp=ok_icefra_lscp_omp
2724    read_fco2_ocean_cor = read_fco2_ocean_cor_omp
2725    var_fco2_ocean_cor = var_fco2_ocean_cor_omp
2726    read_fco2_land_cor = read_fco2_land_cor_omp
2727    var_fco2_land_cor = var_fco2_land_cor_omp
2729    ! Test of coherence between type_ocean and version_ocean
2730    IF (type_ocean=='couple' .AND. (version_ocean/='opa8' .AND. version_ocean/='nemo') ) THEN
2731       WRITE(lunout,*)' ERROR version_ocean=',version_ocean,' not valid in coupled configuration'
2732       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','version_ocean not valid',1)
2733    ENDIF
2735    IF (type_ocean=='slab' .AND. version_ocean=='xxxxxx') THEN
2736       version_ocean='sicOBS'
2737    ELSE IF (type_ocean=='slab' .AND. version_ocean/='sicOBS' &
2738         .AND. version_ocean/='sicINT' .AND. version_ocean/='sicNO') THEN
2739       WRITE(lunout,*)' ERROR version_ocean=',version_ocean,' not valid with slab ocean'
2740       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','version_ocean not valid',1)
2741    ENDIF
2743    !--test on radiative scheme
2744    IF (iflag_rrtm .EQ. 0) THEN
2745      IF (NSW.NE.2) THEN
2746        WRITE(lunout,*) ' ERROR iflag_rrtm=0 and NSW<>2 not possible'
2747        CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','choice NSW not valid',1)
2748      ENDIF
2749    ELSE IF (iflag_rrtm .EQ. 1) THEN
2750      IF (NSW.NE.2.AND.NSW.NE.4.AND.NSW.NE.6) THEN
2751        WRITE(lunout,*) ' ERROR iflag_rrtm=1 and NSW<>2,4,6 not possible'
2752        CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','choice NSW not valid',1)
2753      ENDIF
2754   ELSE IF (iflag_rrtm .EQ. 2) THEN
2755      IF (NSW.NE.2.AND.NSW.NE.4.AND.NSW.NE.6) THEN
2756        WRITE(lunout,*) ' ERROR iflag_rrtm=1 and NSW<>2,4,6 not possible'
2757        CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','choice NSW not valid',1)
2758      ENDIF
2759    ELSE
2760       WRITE(lunout,*) ' ERROR iflag_rrtm<>0,1'
2761       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','choice iflag_rrtm not valid',1)
2762    ENDIF
2763    !--here we test that solaire has not been changed if ok_suntime_rrtm is activated
2764!    IF (ok_suntime_rrtm.AND.ABS(solaire-solaire_omp_init).GT.1.E-7) THEN
2765!       WRITE(lunout,*) ' ERROR ok_suntime_rrtm=y and solaire is provided in def file'
2766!       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','ok_suntime_rrtm=y and solaire is provided',1)
2767!    ENDIF
2768#ifdef CPP_StratAer
2769    IF (iflag_rrtm .NE. 1) THEN
2770       WRITE(lunout,*) ' ERROR iflag_rrtm<>1 but StratAer activated'
2771       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','iflag_rrtm not valid for StratAer',1)
2772    ENDIF
2773    IF (NSW .NE. 6) THEN
2774       WRITE(lunout,*) ' ERROR NSW<>6 but StratAer activated'
2775       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','NSW not valid for StratAer',1)
2776    ENDIF
2779    !--test on ocean surface albedo
2780    IF (iflag_albedo.LT.0.OR.iflag_albedo.GT.2) THEN
2781       WRITE(lunout,*) ' ERROR iflag_albedo<>0,1'
2782       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','choice iflag_albedo not valid',1)
2783    ENDIF
2785    ! Flag_aerosol cannot be set to zero if aerosol direct effect (ade) or aerosol indirect effect (aie) are activated
2786    IF (ok_ade .OR. ok_aie) THEN
2787       IF ( flag_aerosol .EQ. 0 ) THEN
2788          CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','flag_aerosol=0 not compatible avec ok_ade ou ok_aie=.TRUE.',1)
2789       ENDIF
2790    ENDIF
2792    ! Flag_aerosol cannot be set to zero if we are in coupled mode for aerosol
2793    IF (aerosol_couple .AND. flag_aerosol .EQ. 0 ) THEN
2794       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_aerosol cannot be to zero if aerosol_couple=y ', 1)
2795    ENDIF
2797    ! Read_climoz needs to be set zero if we are in couple mode for chemistry
2798    IF (chemistry_couple .AND. read_climoz .ne. 0) THEN
2799       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'read_climoz need to be to zero if chemistry_couple=y ', 1)
2800    ENDIF
2802    ! flag_aerosol need to be different to zero if ok_cdnc is activated
2803    IF (ok_cdnc .AND. flag_aerosol .EQ. 0) THEN
2804       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_aerosol cannot be to zero if ok_cdnc is activated ', 1)
2805    ENDIF
2807    ! ok_cdnc must be set to y if ok_aie is activated
2808    IF (ok_aie .AND. .NOT. ok_cdnc) THEN
2809       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'ok_cdnc must be set to y if ok_aie is activated',1)
2810    ENDIF
2812    ! flag_aerosol=7 => MACv2SP climatology
2813    IF (flag_aerosol.EQ.7.AND. iflag_rrtm.NE.1) THEN
2814       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_aerosol=7 (MACv2SP) can only be activated with RRTM',1)
2815    ENDIF
2816    IF (flag_aerosol.EQ.7.AND. NSW.NE.6) THEN
2817       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_aerosol=7 (MACv2SP) can only be activated with NSW=6',1)
2818    ENDIF
2820    ! BC internal mixture is only possible with RRTM & NSW=6 & flag_aerosol=6 or aerosol_couple
2821    IF (flag_bc_internal_mixture .AND. NSW.NE.6) THEN
2822       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_bc_internal_mixture can only be activated with NSW=6',1)
2823    ENDIF
2824    IF (flag_bc_internal_mixture .AND. iflag_rrtm.NE.1) THEN
2825       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_bc_internal_mixture can only be activated with RRTM',1)
2826    ENDIF
2827    IF (flag_bc_internal_mixture .AND. flag_aerosol.NE.6) THEN
2828       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_bc_internal_mixture can only be activated with flag_aerosol=6',1)
2829    ENDIF
2831    ! test sur flag_volc_surfstrat
2832    IF (flag_volc_surfstrat.LT.0.OR.flag_volc_surfstrat.GT.2) THEN
2833       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_volc_surfstrat can only be 0 1 or 2',1)
2834    ENDIF
2835    IF ((.NOT.ok_volcan.OR..NOT.ok_ade.OR..NOT.ok_aie).AND.flag_volc_surfstrat.GT.0) THEN
2836       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_volcan need to be activated if flag_volc_surfstrat is 1 or 2',1)
2837    ENDIF
2839    ! Test on carbon cycle
2840    IF (carbon_cycle_tr .AND. .NOT. carbon_cycle_cpl) THEN
2841       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'carbon_cycle_cpl has to be TRUE if carbon_cycle_tr is on',1)
2842    ENDIF
2843    IF (carbon_cycle_rad .AND. .NOT. carbon_cycle_cpl) THEN
2844       CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'carbon_cycle_cpl has to be TRUE if carbon_cycle_rad is on',1)
2845    ENDIF
2847    ! ORCHIDEE must be activated for ifl_pbltree=1
2848    IF (.NOT. ok_veget .AND. ifl_pbltree==1) THEN
2849       WRITE(lunout,*)'Warning: ORCHIDEE must be activated for ifl_pbltree=1'
2850       WRITE(lunout,*)'ifl_pbltree is now changed to zero'
2851       ifl_pbltree=0
2852    ENDIF
2854    !$OMP MASTER
2856    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ##############################################'
2857    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Configuration des parametres de la physique: '
2858    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Type ocean = ', type_ocean
2859    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Version ocean = ', version_ocean
2860    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Config veget = ', ok_veget,type_veget
2861    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Snow model landice : landice_opt = ', landice_opt
2862    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Config xml pour XIOS : ok_all_xml = ', ok_all_xml
2863    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Sortie journaliere = ', ok_journe
2864    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Sortie haute frequence = ', ok_hf
2865    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Sortie mensuelle = ', ok_mensuel
2866    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Sortie instantanee = ', ok_instan
2867    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Frequence appel simulateur ISCCP, freq_ISCCP =', freq_ISCCP
2868    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Frequence appel simulateur ISCCP, ecrit_ISCCP =', ecrit_ISCCP
2869    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Frequence appel simulateur COSP, freq_COSP =', freq_COSP
2870    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Frequence appel simulateur AIRS, freq_AIRS =', freq_AIRS
2871    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Sortie bilan d''energie, ip_ebil_phy =', ip_ebil_phy
2872    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Excentricite = ',R_ecc
2873    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Equinoxe = ',R_peri
2874    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Inclinaison =',R_incl
2875    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Constante solaire =',solaire
2876    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_suntime_rrtm =',ok_suntime_rrtm
2877    WRITE(lunout,*) ' co2_ppm =',co2_ppm
2878    WRITE(lunout,*) ' RCO2_act = ',RCO2_act
2879    WRITE(lunout,*) ' CH4_ppb =',CH4_ppb,' RCH4_act = ',RCH4_act
2880    WRITE(lunout,*) ' N2O_ppb =',N2O_ppb,' RN2O_act=  ',RN2O_act
2881    WRITE(lunout,*) ' CFC11_ppt=',CFC11_ppt,' RCFC11_act=  ',RCFC11_act
2882    WRITE(lunout,*) ' CFC12_ppt=',CFC12_ppt,' RCFC12_act=  ',RCFC12_act
2883    WRITE(lunout,*) ' RCO2_per = ',RCO2_per,' RCH4_per = ', RCH4_per
2884    WRITE(lunout,*) ' RN2O_per = ',RN2O_per,' RCFC11_per = ', RCFC11_per
2885    WRITE(lunout,*) ' RCFC12_per = ',RCFC12_per
2886    WRITE(lunout,*) ' cvl_comp_threshold=', cvl_comp_threshold
2887    WRITE(lunout,*) ' cvl_sig2feed=', cvl_sig2feed
2888    WRITE(lunout,*) ' cvl_corr=', cvl_corr
2889    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_lic_melt=', ok_lic_melt
2890    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_lic_cond=', ok_lic_cond
2891    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_cycle_diurne=',iflag_cycle_diurne
2892    WRITE(lunout,*) ' soil_model=',soil_model
2893    WRITE(lunout,*) ' new_oliq=',new_oliq
2894    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_orodr=',ok_orodr
2895    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_orolf=',ok_orolf
2896    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_limitvrai=',ok_limitvrai
2897    WRITE(lunout,*) ' nbapp_rad=',nbapp_rad
2898    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_con=',iflag_con
2899    WRITE(lunout,*) ' nbapp_cv=',nbapp_cv
2900    WRITE(lunout,*) ' nbapp_wk=',nbapp_wk
2901    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_ener_conserv=',iflag_ener_conserv
2902    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_conserv_q=',ok_conserv_q
2903    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_fisrtilp_qsat=',iflag_fisrtilp_qsat
2904    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_bergeron=',iflag_bergeron
2905    WRITE(lunout,*) ' epmax = ', epmax
2906    WRITE(lunout,*) ' coef_epmax_cape = ', coef_epmax_cape
2907    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_adj_ema = ', ok_adj_ema
2908    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_clw = ', iflag_clw
2909    WRITE(lunout,*) ' cld_lc_lsc = ', cld_lc_lsc
2910    WRITE(lunout,*) ' cld_lc_con = ', cld_lc_con
2911    WRITE(lunout,*) ' cld_tau_lsc = ', cld_tau_lsc
2912    WRITE(lunout,*) ' cld_tau_con = ', cld_tau_con
2913    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ffallv_lsc = ', ffallv_lsc
2914    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ffallv_con = ', ffallv_con
2915    WRITE(lunout,*) ' coef_eva = ', coef_eva
2916    WRITE(lunout,*) ' reevap_ice = ', reevap_ice
2917    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_pdf = ', iflag_pdf
2918    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_cld_th = ', iflag_cld_th
2919    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_cld_cv = ', iflag_cld_cv
2920    WRITE(lunout,*) ' tau_cld_cv = ', tau_cld_cv
2921    WRITE(lunout,*) ' coefw_cld_cv = ', coefw_cld_cv
2922    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_radia = ', iflag_radia
2923    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_rrtm = ', iflag_rrtm
2924    WRITE(lunout,*) ' NSW = ', NSW
2925    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_albedo = ', iflag_albedo !albedo SB
2926    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_chlorophyll =',ok_chlorophyll ! albedo SB
2927    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_ratqs = ', iflag_ratqs
2928    WRITE(lunout,*) ' seuil_inversion = ', seuil_inversion
2929    WRITE(lunout,*) ' fact_cldcon = ', fact_cldcon
2930    WRITE(lunout,*) ' facttemps = ', facttemps
2931    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_newmicro = ',ok_newmicro
2932    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ratqsbas = ',ratqsbas
2933    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ratqshaut = ',ratqshaut
2934    WRITE(lunout,*) ' tau_ratqs = ',tau_ratqs
2935    WRITE(lunout,*) ' top_height = ',top_height
2936    WRITE(lunout,*) ' rad_froid = ',rad_froid
2937    WRITE(lunout,*) ' rad_chau1 = ',rad_chau1
2938    WRITE(lunout,*) ' rad_chau2 = ',rad_chau2
2939    WRITE(lunout,*) ' t_glace_min = ',t_glace_min
2940    WRITE(lunout,*) ' t_glace_max = ',t_glace_max
2941    WRITE(lunout,*) ' exposant_glace = ',exposant_glace
2942    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_gammasat = ',iflag_gammasat
2943    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_mpc_bl = ',iflag_mpc_bl
2944    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_t_glace = ',iflag_t_glace
2945    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_cloudth_vert = ',iflag_cloudth_vert
2946    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_rain_incloud_vol = ',iflag_rain_incloud_vol
2947    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_vice = ',iflag_vice
2948    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_ice_thermo = ',iflag_ice_thermo
2949    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_ice_sursat = ',ok_ice_sursat
2950    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_plane_h2o = ',ok_plane_h2o
2951    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_plane_contrail = ',ok_plane_contrail
2952    WRITE(lunout,*) ' rei_min = ',rei_min
2953    WRITE(lunout,*) ' rei_max = ',rei_max
2954    WRITE(lunout,*) ' overlap = ',overlap
2955    WRITE(lunout,*) ' cdmmax = ',cdmmax
2956    WRITE(lunout,*) ' cdhmax = ',cdhmax
2957    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ksta = ',ksta
2958    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ksta_ter = ',ksta_ter
2959    WRITE(lunout,*) ' f_ri_cd_min = ',f_ri_cd_min
2960    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_kzmin = ',ok_kzmin
2961    WRITE(lunout,*) ' pbl_lmixmin_alpha = ',pbl_lmixmin_alpha
2962    WRITE(lunout,*) ' fmagic = ',fmagic
2963    WRITE(lunout,*) ' pmagic = ',pmagic
2964    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_ade = ',ok_ade
2965    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_volcan = ',ok_volcan
2966    WRITE(lunout,*) ' flag_volc_surfstrat = ',flag_volc_surfstrat
2967    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_aie = ',ok_aie
2968    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_alw = ',ok_alw
2969    WRITE(lunout,*) ' aerosol_couple = ', aerosol_couple
2970    WRITE(lunout,*) ' chemistry_couple = ', chemistry_couple
2971    WRITE(lunout,*) ' flag_aerosol = ', flag_aerosol
2972    WRITE(lunout,*) ' flag_aerosol_strat= ', flag_aerosol_strat
2973    WRITE(lunout,*) ' flag_aer_feedback= ', flag_aer_feedback
2974    WRITE(lunout,*) ' aer_type = ',aer_type
2975    WRITE(lunout,*) ' bl95_b0 = ',bl95_b0
2976    WRITE(lunout,*) ' bl95_b1 = ',bl95_b1
2977    WRITE(lunout,*) ' lev_histhf = ',lev_histhf
2978    WRITE(lunout,*) ' lev_histday = ',lev_histday
2979    WRITE(lunout,*) ' lev_histmth = ',lev_histmth
2980    WRITE(lunout,*) ' lev_histins = ',lev_histins
2981    WRITE(lunout,*) ' lev_histLES = ',lev_histLES
2982    WRITE(lunout,*) ' lev_histdayNMC = ',lev_histdayNMC
2983    WRITE(lunout,*) ' levout_histNMC = ',levout_histNMC
2984    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_histNMC = ',ok_histNMC
2985    WRITE(lunout,*) ' freq_outNMC = ',freq_outNMC
2986    WRITE(lunout,*) ' freq_calNMC = ',freq_calNMC
2987    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_pbl = ', iflag_pbl
2989    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ifl_pbltree = ', ifl_pbltree
2990    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Cd_frein = ', Cd_frein
2991    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_pbl_split = ', iflag_pbl_split
2992    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_order2_sollw = ', iflag_order2_sollw
2993    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_thermals = ', iflag_thermals
2994    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_thermals_ed = ', iflag_thermals_ed
2995    WRITE(lunout,*) ' fact_thermals_ed_dz = ', fact_thermals_ed_dz
2996    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_thermals_optflux = ', iflag_thermals_optflux
2997    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_thermals_closure = ', iflag_thermals_closure
2998    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_clos = ', iflag_clos
2999    WRITE(lunout,*) ' coef_clos_ls = ', coef_clos_ls
3000    WRITE(lunout,*) ' type_run = ',type_run
3001    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_cosp = ',ok_cosp
3002    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_airs = ',ok_airs
3004    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_mensuelCOSP = ',ok_mensuelCOSP
3005    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_journeCOSP = ',ok_journeCOSP
3006    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_hfCOSP =',ok_hfCOSP
3007    WRITE(lunout,*) ' solarlong0 = ', solarlong0
3008    WRITE(lunout,*) ' qsol0 = ', qsol0
3009    WRITE(lunout,*) ' evap0 = ', evap0
3010    WRITE(lunout,*) ' albsno0 = ', albsno0
3011    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_sic = ', iflag_sic
3012    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_inertie = ', iflag_inertie
3013    WRITE(lunout,*) ' inertie_sol = ', inertie_sol
3014    WRITE(lunout,*) ' inertie_sic = ', inertie_sic
3015    WRITE(lunout,*) ' inertie_lic = ', inertie_lic
3016    WRITE(lunout,*) ' inertie_sno = ', inertie_sno
3017    WRITE(lunout,*) ' f_cdrag_ter = ',f_cdrag_ter
3018    WRITE(lunout,*) ' f_cdrag_oce = ',f_cdrag_oce
3019    WRITE(lunout,*) ' f_rugoro = ',f_rugoro
3020    WRITE(lunout,*) ' z0min = ',z0min
3021    WRITE(lunout,*) ' supcrit1 = ', supcrit1
3022    WRITE(lunout,*) ' supcrit2 = ', supcrit2
3023    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_mix = ', iflag_mix
3024    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_mix_adiab = ', iflag_mix_adiab
3025    WRITE(lunout,*) ' scut = ', scut
3026    WRITE(lunout,*) ' qqa1 = ', qqa1
3027    WRITE(lunout,*) ' qqa2 = ', qqa2
3028    WRITE(lunout,*) ' gammas = ', gammas
3029    WRITE(lunout,*) ' Fmax = ', Fmax
3030    WRITE(lunout,*) ' tmax_fonte_cv = ', tmax_fonte_cv
3031    WRITE(lunout,*) ' alphas = ', alphas
3032    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_wake = ', iflag_wake
3033    WRITE(lunout,*) ' alp_offset = ', alp_offset
3034    ! nrlmd le 10/04/2012
3035    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_trig_bl = ', iflag_trig_bl
3036    WRITE(lunout,*) ' s_trig = ', s_trig
3037    WRITE(lunout,*) ' tau_trig_shallow = ', tau_trig_shallow
3038    WRITE(lunout,*) ' tau_trig_deep = ', tau_trig_deep
3039    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_clos_bl = ', iflag_clos_bl
3040    ! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012
3042    WRITE(lunout,*) ' lonmin lonmax latmin latmax bilKP_ins =',&
3043         lonmin_ins, lonmax_ins, latmin_ins, latmax_ins
3044    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ecrit_ hf, ins, day, mth, reg, tra, ISCCP, LES',&
3045         ecrit_hf, ecrit_ins, ecrit_day, ecrit_mth, ecrit_reg, ecrit_tra, ecrit_ISCCP, ecrit_LES
3047    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_strato = ', ok_strato
3048    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_hines = ',  ok_hines
3049    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_gwd_rando = ',  ok_gwd_rando
3050    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_qch4 = ',  ok_qch4
3051    WRITE(lunout,*) ' gwd_rando_ruwmax = ', gwd_rando_ruwmax
3052    WRITE(lunout,*) ' gwd_rando_sat = ', gwd_rando_sat
3053    WRITE(lunout,*) ' gwd_front_ruwmax = ', gwd_front_ruwmax
3054    WRITE(lunout,*) ' gwd_front_sat = ', gwd_front_sat
3055    WRITE(lunout,*) ' SSO gkdrag =',gkdrag
3056    WRITE(lunout,*) ' SSO grahilo=',grahilo
3057    WRITE(lunout,*) ' SSO grcrit=',grcrit
3058    WRITE(lunout,*) ' SSO gfrcrit=',gfrcrit
3059    WRITE(lunout,*) ' SSO gkwake=',gkwake
3060    WRITE(lunout,*) ' SSO gklift=',gklift
3061    WRITE(lunout,*) ' adjust_tropopause = ', adjust_tropopause
3062    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_daily_climoz = ',ok_daily_climoz
3063    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_new_lscp = ', ok_new_lscp
3064    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_icefra_lscp = ', ok_icefra_lscp
3065    WRITE(lunout,*) ' read_climoz = ', read_climoz
3066    WRITE(lunout,*) ' carbon_cycle_tr = ', carbon_cycle_tr
3067    WRITE(lunout,*) ' carbon_cycle_cpl = ', carbon_cycle_cpl
3068    WRITE(lunout,*) ' carbon_cycle_rad = ', carbon_cycle_rad
3069    WRITE(lunout,*) ' level_coupling_esm = ', level_coupling_esm
3070    WRITE(lunout,*) ' read_fco2_ocean_cor = ', read_fco2_ocean_cor
3071    WRITE(lunout,*) ' var_fco2_ocean_cor = ', var_fco2_ocean_cor
3072    WRITE(lunout,*) ' read_fco2_land_cor = ', read_fco2_land_cor
3073    WRITE(lunout,*) ' var_fco2_land_cor = ', var_fco2_land_cor
3074    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_tsurf_inlandsis = ', iflag_tsurf_inlandsis
3075    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_temp_inlandsis = ', iflag_temp_inlandsis
3076    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_albcalc = ', iflag_albcalc
3077    WRITE(lunout,*) ' SnoMod = ', SnoMod
3078    WRITE(lunout,*) ' BloMod = ', BloMod
3079    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_outfor = ', ok_outfor
3080    WRITE(lunout,*) ' is_ok_slush = ', is_ok_slush
3081    WRITE(lunout,*) ' opt_runoff_ac = ', opt_runoff_ac
3082    WRITE(lunout,*) ' is_ok_z0h_rn = ', is_ok_z0h_rn
3083    WRITE(lunout,*) ' is_ok_density_kotlyakov = ', is_ok_density_kotlyakov
3084    WRITE(lunout,*) ' prescribed_z0m_snow = ', prescribed_z0m_snow
3085    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_z0m_snow = ', iflag_z0m_snow
3086    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_zsn_ii = ', ok_zsn_ii
3087    WRITE(lunout,*) ' discret_xf = ', discret_xf
3088    WRITE(lunout,*) ' correc_alb= ', correc_alb
3089    WRITE(lunout,*) ' buf_sph_pol = ', buf_sph_pol
3090    WRITE(lunout,*) ' buf_siz_pol= ', buf_siz_pol
3092    !$OMP END MASTER
3093    call config_ocean_skin
3095  END SUBROUTINE conf_phys
3097END MODULE conf_phys_m
3102SUBROUTINE conf_interface(tau_calv)
3105  USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout
3107  ! Configuration de l'interace atm/surf
3108  !
3109  ! tau_calv:    temps de relaxation pour la fonte des glaciers
3110  !
3111  REAL          :: tau_calv
3112  REAL, SAVE    :: tau_calv_omp
3113  !
3114  !Config Key  = tau_calv
3115  !Config Desc = temps de relaxation pour fonte des glaciers en jours
3116  !Config Def  = 1 an
3117  !Config Help =
3118  !
3119  tau_calv_omp = 360.*10.
3120  !$OMP MASTER
3121  CALL getin('tau_calv',tau_calv_omp)
3124  !
3125  tau_calv=tau_calv_omp
3126  !
3127  !$OMP MASTER
3128  WRITE(lunout,*)' ##############################################'
3129  WRITE(lunout,*)' Configuration de l''interface atm/surfaces  : '
3130  WRITE(lunout,*)' tau_calv = ',tau_calv
3132  !
3133  RETURN
3135END SUBROUTINE conf_interface
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