1 | MODULE strataer_emiss_mod |
2 | ! This module contains information about strato microphysic model emission parameters |
4 | PUBLIC strataer_emiss_init |
6 | |
7 | SUBROUTINE strataer_emiss_init() |
8 | USE strataer_local_var_mod |
9 | USE ioipsl_getin_p_mod, ONLY: getin_p |
10 | USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout |
11 | USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY : is_master |
12 | USE dimphy, ONLY: klon |
13 | |
14 | ! Local variables |
15 | INTEGER :: ispec |
16 | |
18 | |
19 | IF (flag_emit.EQ.1 .OR. flag_emit.EQ.4) THEN ! Volcano |
20 | CALL getin_p('nErupt',nErupt) !eruption nb |
21 | CALL getin_p('injdur',injdur) !injection duration |
22 | |
23 | IF (flag_emit==1) THEN |
24 | CALL getin_p('nAerErupt', nAerErupt) !sulfur aer nb |
25 | ELSEIF (flag_emit==4) THEN |
26 | CALL getin_p('nSpeciesErupt', nSpeciesErupt) !chimical species nb |
27 | ENDIF |
28 | |
29 | IF (nErupt.GT.0) THEN |
30 | ALLOCATE(year_emit_vol(nErupt),mth_emit_vol(nErupt),day_emit_vol(nErupt)) |
31 | year_emit_vol=0 ; mth_emit_vol=0 ; day_emit_vol=0 |
32 | ALLOCATE(altemiss_vol(nErupt),sigma_alt_vol(nErupt)) |
33 | ALLOCATE(xlat_min_vol(nErupt),xlon_min_vol(nErupt)) |
34 | ALLOCATE(xlat_max_vol(nErupt),xlon_max_vol(nErupt)) |
35 | altemiss_vol=0. ; sigma_alt_vol=0. |
36 | xlon_min_vol=0. ; xlon_max_vol=0. |
37 | xlat_min_vol=0. ; xlat_max_vol=0. |
38 | ! injection params (dates, loc, injections params) |
39 | CALL getin_p('year_emit_vol',year_emit_vol) |
40 | CALL getin_p('mth_emit_vol',mth_emit_vol) |
41 | CALL getin_p('day_emit_vol',day_emit_vol) |
42 | CALL getin_p('altemiss_vol',altemiss_vol) |
43 | CALL getin_p('sigma_alt_vol',sigma_alt_vol) |
44 | CALL getin_p('xlon_min_vol',xlon_min_vol) |
45 | CALL getin_p('xlon_max_vol',xlon_max_vol) |
46 | CALL getin_p('xlat_min_vol',xlat_min_vol) |
47 | CALL getin_p('xlat_max_vol',xlat_max_vol) |
48 | IF (flag_emit==1) THEN |
49 | ALLOCATE(m_sulf_emiss_vol(nErupt)) |
50 | ALLOCATE(m_aer_emiss_vol(nErupt,nAerErupt)) |
51 | m_aer_emiss_vol=0. ; m_sulf_emiss_vol=0. |
52 | IF (ok_qemiss) then |
53 | ALLOCATE(m_H2O_emiss_vol(nErupt)) |
54 | ALLOCATE(m_H2O_emiss_vol_daily(nErupt)) |
55 | ! ALLOCATE(d_q_emiss(klon,klev)) |
56 | ALLOCATE(budg_emi(klon,nAerErupt+1)) |
57 | m_H2O_emiss_vol(:)=0. |
58 | m_H2O_emiss_vol_daily(:)=0. |
59 | ! d_q_emiss(:,:)=0. |
60 | ELSE |
61 | ALLOCATE(budg_emi(klon,nAerErupt)) |
62 | ENDIF |
63 | budg_emi(:,:)=0. |
64 | ELSEIF (flag_emit==4) THEN |
65 | ALLOCATE(m_Chlore_emiss_vol(nErupt)) |
66 | ALLOCATE(id_HCl) |
67 | ALLOCATE(m_Brome_emiss_vol(nErupt)) |
68 | ALLOCATE(id_HBr) |
69 | ALLOCATE(id_species(nSpeciesErupt)) |
70 | id_species = 0 |
71 | ALLOCATE(m_species_emiss_vol(nErupt,nSpeciesErupt)) |
72 | m_species_emiss_vol=0. |
73 | ALLOCATE(m_NOx_emiss_vol(nErupt)) |
74 | ALLOCATE(m_H2O_emiss_vol(nErupt)) |
75 | m_Chlore_emiss_vol=0. ; m_Brome_emiss_vol=0. |
76 | m_NOx_emiss_vol=0. ; m_H2O_emiss_vol=0. |
77 | ALLOCATE(id_NOx) |
78 | ALLOCATE(id_H2O) |
79 | ALLOCATE(budg_emi(klon,nSpeciesErupt)) |
80 | budg_emi(:,:)=0. |
81 | ENDIF |
82 | ELSE |
83 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'ERROR : Using flag_emit=1 or 4 (ie Volcanic eruption) but nErupt (',nErupt,') <=0 !' |
84 | CALL abort_physic('strataer_emiss_mod', & |
85 | 'No eruption define in physiq_def (nErupt=0). Add at one eruption or use background condition.',1) |
86 | ENDIF ! fin if nerupt |
87 | |
88 | IF (flag_emit==1) THEN |
89 | CALL getin_p('m_sulf_emiss_vol',m_sulf_emiss_vol) |
90 | if (ok_qemiss) then |
91 | CALL getin_p('m_H2O_emiss_vol',m_H2O_emiss_vol) |
92 | endif |
93 | ELSEIF (flag_emit==4) THEN |
94 | CALL getin_p('id_species',id_species) |
95 | CALL getin_p('m_Chlore_emiss_vol',m_Chlore_emiss_vol) |
96 | CALL getin_p('id_HCl',id_HCl) |
97 | CALL getin_p('m_Brome_emiss_vol',m_Brome_emiss_vol) |
98 | CALL getin_p('id_HBr',id_HBr) |
99 | CALL getin_p('m_NOx_emiss_vol',m_NOx_emiss_vol) |
100 | CALL getin_p('id_NOx',id_NOx) |
101 | CALL getin_p('m_H2O_emiss_vol',m_H2O_emiss_vol) |
102 | CALL getin_p('id_H2O',id_H2O) |
103 | ENDIF |
104 | |
105 | ELSEIF (flag_emit == 2) THEN ! SAI |
106 | CALL getin_p('m_aer_emiss_sai',m_aer_emiss_sai) |
107 | CALL getin_p('altemiss_sai',altemiss_sai) |
108 | CALL getin_p('sigma_alt_sai',sigma_alt_sai) |
109 | CALL getin_p('xlat_sai',xlat_sai) |
110 | CALL getin_p('xlon_sai',xlon_sai) |
111 | CALL getin_p('year_emit_sai_start',year_emit_sai_start) |
112 | CALL getin_p('year_emit_sai_end',year_emit_sai_end) |
113 | CALL getin_p('mth_emit_sai_start',mth_emit_sai_start) |
114 | CALL getin_p('mth_emit_sai_end',mth_emit_sai_end) |
115 | CALL getin_p('day_emit_sai_start',day_emit_sai_start) |
116 | CALL getin_p('day_emit_sai_end',day_emit_sai_end) |
117 | |
118 | ELSEIF (flag_emit == 3) THEN ! SAI between latitudes |
119 | CALL getin_p('m_aer_emiss_sai',m_aer_emiss_sai) |
120 | CALL getin_p('altemiss_sai',altemiss_sai) |
121 | CALL getin_p('sigma_alt_sai',sigma_alt_sai) |
122 | CALL getin_p('xlon_sai',xlon_sai) |
123 | CALL getin_p('xlat_max_sai',xlat_max_sai) |
124 | CALL getin_p('xlat_min_sai',xlat_min_sai) |
125 | ENDIF |
126 | |
127 | IF (flag_emit == 1) THEN |
128 | DO ispec=1,nAerErupt |
129 | m_aer_emiss_vol(:,ispec) = m_sulf_emiss_vol(:) |
130 | ENDDO |
131 | ELSEIF (flag_emit== 4) THEN |
132 | DO ispec=1,nSpeciesErupt |
133 | IF(id_species(ispec) == id_HCl) THEN |
134 | m_species_emiss_vol(:,ispec) = m_Chlore_emiss_vol(:) |
135 | ENDIF |
136 | IF (id_species(ispec) == id_HBr) THEN |
137 | m_species_emiss_vol(:,ispec) = m_Brome_emiss_vol(:) |
138 | ENDIF |
139 | IF (id_species(ispec) == id_NOx) THEN |
140 | m_species_emiss_vol(:,ispec) = m_NOx_emiss_vol(:) |
141 | ENDIF |
142 | IF (id_species(ispec) == id_H2O) THEN |
143 | m_species_emiss_vol(:,ispec) = m_H2O_emiss_vol(:) |
144 | ENDIF |
145 | ENDDO |
146 | ENDIF |
147 | |
148 | !============= Injection ponderation ============= |
149 | IF (flag_emit > 0) THEN |
150 | CALL strataer_ponde_init |
151 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER INIT : ponde_lonlat_vol',ponde_lonlat_vol |
152 | ENDIF |
153 | |
154 | !============= Print params ============= |
155 | IF (is_master) THEN |
156 | IF (nErupt > 0) then |
157 | if (flag_emit == 1 .OR. flag_emit == 4) THEN |
158 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER nErupt: ',nErupt |
159 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER injdur: ',injdur |
160 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER nAerErupt: ',nAerErupt |
161 | |
162 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : year_emit_vol',year_emit_vol |
163 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : mth_emit_vol',mth_emit_vol |
164 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : day_emit_vol',day_emit_vol |
165 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : altemiss_vol',altemiss_vol |
166 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : sigma_alt_vol',sigma_alt_vol |
167 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlat_min_vol',xlat_min_vol |
168 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlat_max_vol',xlat_max_vol |
169 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlon_min_vol',xlon_min_vol |
170 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlon_max_vol',xlon_max_vol |
171 | IF (flag_emit==1) THEN |
172 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAEREMISS : m_sulf_emiss_vol',m_sulf_emiss_vol |
173 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : m_aer_emiss_vol',m_aer_emiss_vol |
174 | IF (ok_qemiss) then |
175 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAEREMISS : m_H2O_emiss_vol',m_H2O_emiss_vol |
176 | ENDIF |
177 | ENDIF |
178 | ELSEIF (flag_emit == 2) THEN |
179 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : m_aer_emiss_sai',m_aer_emiss_sai |
180 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : altemiss_sai',altemiss_sai |
181 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : sigma_alt_sai',sigma_alt_sai |
182 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlat_sai',xlat_sai |
183 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlon_sai',xlon_sai |
184 | ELSEIF (flag_emit == 3) THEN |
185 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : m_aer_emiss_sai',m_aer_emiss_sai |
186 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : altemiss_sai',altemiss_sai |
187 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : sigma_alt_sai',sigma_alt_sai |
188 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : year_emit_sai start/end',year_emit_sai_start,year_emit_sai_end |
189 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : mth_emit_sai start/end',mth_emit_sai_start,mth_emit_sai_end |
190 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : day_emit_sai start/end',day_emit_sai_start,day_emit_sai_end |
191 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlat_min_sai',xlat_min_sai |
192 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlat_max_sai',xlat_max_sai |
193 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlon_sai',xlon_sai |
194 | ENDIF |
195 | IF(flag_emit == 4) THEN |
196 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : nSpeciesErupt: ',nSpeciesErupt |
197 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : id_species = ',id_species |
198 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : id_HCl = ',id_HCl |
199 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : id_HBr = ',id_HBr |
200 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : id_NOx = ',id_NOx |
201 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : id_H2O = ',id_H2O |
202 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : m_Chlore_emiss_vol = ',m_Chlore_emiss_vol |
203 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : m_Brome_emiss_vol = ',m_Brome_emiss_vol |
204 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : m_NOx_emiss_vol = ',m_NOx_emiss_vol |
205 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : m_H2O_emiss_vol = ',m_H2O_emiss_vol |
206 | ENDIF |
207 | endif |
208 | ENDIF ! if master |
209 | |
210 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER_EMISS END' |
211 | END SUBROUTINE strataer_emiss_init |
212 | |
213 | ! Compute the ponderation to applicate in each grid point for all eruptions and init |
214 | ! dlat & dlon variables |
215 | SUBROUTINE strataer_ponde_init() |
216 | |
217 | USE yomcst_mod_h |
218 | USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY: lon_reg, lat_reg |
219 | USE dimphy, ONLY: klon |
220 | USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nbp_lat, nbp_lon |
221 | USE print_control_mod, ONLY : lunout |
222 | USE strataer_local_var_mod |
223 | |
224 | !--RPI |
225 | |
226 | ! local var |
227 | REAL :: lat_reg_deg,lon_reg_deg ! lat and lon of grid points in degree |
228 | INTEGER :: ieru, i, j |
229 | |
230 | ALLOCATE(ponde_lonlat_vol(nErupt)) |
231 | |
232 | !Compute lon/lat ponderation for injection |
233 | dlat=180./2./FLOAT(nbp_lat) ! d latitude in degree |
234 | dlon=360./2./FLOAT(nbp_lon) ! d longitude in degree |
235 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER_INIT dlat=',dlat,'dlon=',dlon |
236 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER_INIT nErupt=',nErupt |
237 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER_INIT xlat_min=',xlat_min_vol,'xlat_max=',xlat_max_vol |
238 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER_INIT xlon_min=',xlon_min_vol,'xlon_max=',xlon_max_vol |
239 | |
240 | DO ieru=1, nErupt |
241 | ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru) = 0 |
242 | DO i=1,nbp_lon |
243 | lon_reg_deg = lon_reg(i)*180./RPI |
244 | DO j=1,nbp_lat |
245 | lat_reg_deg = lat_reg(j)*180./RPI |
246 | IF ( lat_reg_deg.GE.xlat_min_vol(ieru)-dlat .AND. lat_reg_deg.LT.xlat_max_vol(ieru)+dlat .AND. & |
247 | lon_reg_deg.GE.xlon_min_vol(ieru)-dlon .AND. lon_reg_deg.LT.xlon_max_vol(ieru)+dlon ) THEN |
248 | ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru) = ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru) + 1 |
249 | ENDIF |
250 | ENDDO |
251 | ENDDO |
252 | IF(ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru) == 0) THEN |
253 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'STRATAER_INIT ERROR: no grid point found for eruption ieru=',ieru |
254 | ENDIF |
255 | ENDDO !ieru |
256 | |
257 | WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER_PONDE_INIT ponde_lonlat: ', ponde_lonlat_vol |
258 | |
259 | END SUBROUTINE strataer_ponde_init |
260 | |
261 | END MODULE strataer_emiss_mod |