! statto: ! This include file controls the production of statistics. ! Some variables could be set in a namelist, but it is easier to ! do it here since arrays can then be dimensioned using parameters ! and values shouldn't have to change too often. SRL ! Calculate stats every istats physics timesteps, starting at first ! call. If istats=0 then don't do statistics at all. Check value ! if number of physics timesteps changes. integer istats ! Calculate itime independent sums and sums of squares, ! example, istat=1,istime=1 gives a single time mean integer, parameter :: istime=12 ! Number of 2D and 3D variables on which to do statistics. integer n2dvar, n3dvar parameter (n2dvar = 8, n3dvar = 5) ! Units for writing stats header and data integer usdata ! count tab to know the variable record integer count(istime) ! Record of the number of stores made for each time. integer nstore(istime) ! Size of the "controle" array integer, parameter :: cntrlsize=15 ! common /sttcom/ dummy,nstore,istats,usdata common /sttcom/ nstore,istats,usdata,count