Update of ".def" files, with files used for AMIP experiments in CMIP6.
Main differences :
In config_AMIP.def, compared to config.def_LMDZ5_AGCM: control output
via XIOS rather than IOIPSL, nbapp_rad = 16 instead of 24, pmagic = 0
instead of 0.008, solaire = 0 (read data from a file for each spectral
band) instead of 1366, ok_suntime_rrtm=y, ok_alw=y,
flag_aerosol_strat=2, ok_cosp= y.
In gcm.def_144x142: day_step = 672 instead of 720, iperiod = 7 instead
of 5, time constants for dissipation, iphysiq = 7 instead of _AUTO_.
In run.def: calend = gregorian instead of earth_360d, nday = 365
instead of 5, use_filtre_fft = y, prt_level = 0, ok_all_xml= y,
no_ter_antartique=y, iflag_phytrac=0
In traceur.def: remove RN and PB, Aga not advected.