physiq.def Couples model version physiq.def_L39_AR40.0 IPSL-CM5A physiq.def_L39_NPv3.1 IPSL-CM5B physiq.def_L39_NPv3.2 Stabilized version physiq.def_L59_NPv4.12 First L59 version of the new new physics physiq.def_L79_NPv5.17h (5.17h=5.3) IPSL-CM6.0.1 physiq.def_NPv5.4 IPSL-CM6.0.2 physiq.def_NPv5.5 IPSL-CM6.0.3 physiq.def_NPv5.65 IPSL-CM6.0.4 physiq.def_NPv5.70 IPSL-CM6.0.5 physiq.def_NPv5.67 IPSL-CM6.0.5 / THC1 (test de sensibilité) physiq.def_NPv6.1 IPSL-CM6A physiq.def_NPv6.2 IPSL-CM6A for QUEST (without 2 CM6A bugs) physiq.def_NPv6.3 IPSL-CM6A + new flags added since CMIP6 end 2018 physiq.def_NPv6.4 NPv6.3 without 2 CM6A bugs physiq.def_LUDOBest2 Ludovic' physic tuned by Frederic physiq.def_NPv7.0.1b Physique Ludovic debuguee + condensation grande echelle epuree E.Vignon physiq.def_NPv7.0.1c physiq.def_NPv7.0.1b + ok_bug_ajs_cv=n