[5282] | 1 | ! Replaces clesphys.h |
[4352] | 2 | |
[5282] | 3 | MODULE clesphys_mod_h |
[4089] | 5 | |
[5282] | 6 | PUBLIC co2_ppm, solaire & |
| 7 | , RCO2, RCH4, RN2O, RCFC11, RCFC12 & |
| 8 | , RCO2_act, RCH4_act, RN2O_act, RCFC11_act, RCFC12_act & |
| 9 | , RCO2_per, RCH4_per, RN2O_per, RCFC11_per, RCFC12_per & |
| 10 | , CH4_ppb, N2O_ppb, CFC11_ppt, CFC12_ppt & |
| 11 | , CH4_ppb_per, N2O_ppb_per, CFC11_ppt_per, CFC12_ppt_per & |
| 12 | , cdmmax, cdhmax, ksta, ksta_ter, f_ri_cd_min & |
| 13 | , fmagic, pmagic & |
| 14 | , f_cdrag_ter, f_cdrag_oce, f_rugoro, z0min, tau_gl & |
| 15 | , min_wind_speed, f_gust_wk, f_gust_bl, f_qsat_oce, f_z0qh_oce & |
[5364] | 16 | , z0m_seaice, z0h_seaice, z0m_landice, ratio_z0hz0m_landice & |
[5282] | 17 | , freq_outNMC, freq_calNMC & |
| 18 | , lonmin_ins, lonmax_ins, latmin_ins, latmax_ins & |
| 19 | , freq_ISCCP, ecrit_ISCCP, freq_COSP, freq_AIRS & |
| 20 | , cvl_corr & |
| 21 | , qsol0, albsno0, evap0 & |
| 22 | , co2_ppm0 & |
| 23 | , tau_thermals & |
[5489] | 24 | , Cd_frein, nm_oro_t, zpmm_orodr_t, zpmm_orolf_t, zstd_orodr_t & |
[5282] | 25 | , ecrit_LES & |
| 26 | , ecrit_ins, ecrit_hf, ecrit_day & |
| 27 | , ecrit_mth, ecrit_tra, ecrit_reg & |
| 28 | , top_height & |
| 29 | , iflag_cycle_diurne, soil_model, new_oliq & |
| 30 | , ok_orodr, ok_orolf, ok_limitvrai, nbapp_rad & |
| 31 | , iflag_con, nbapp_cv, nbapp_wk & |
| 32 | , choix_bulk, nit_bulk, kz0 & |
| 33 | , iflag_ener_conserv & |
| 34 | , ok_suntime_rrtm & |
| 35 | , overlap & |
| 36 | , ok_kzmin & |
| 37 | , lev_histhf, lev_histday, lev_histmth & |
| 38 | , lev_histins, lev_histLES, lev_histdayNMC, levout_histNMC & |
| 39 | , ok_histNMC & |
| 40 | , type_run, ok_regdyn, ok_cosp, ok_airs & |
| 41 | , ok_mensuelCOSP, ok_journeCOSP, ok_hfCOSP & |
| 42 | , ip_ebil_phy & |
| 43 | , iflag_gusts, iflag_z0_oce & |
| 44 | , ok_lic_melt, ok_lic_cond, aer_type & |
| 45 | , iflag_rrtm, ok_strato, ok_hines, ok_qch4 & |
| 46 | , iflag_ice_thermo, ok_ice_supersat & |
| 47 | , ok_plane_h2o, ok_plane_contrail & |
| 48 | , ok_gwd_rando, NSW, iflag_albedo & |
| 49 | , ok_chlorophyll, ok_conserv_q, adjust_tropopause & |
| 50 | , ok_daily_climoz, ok_all_xml, ok_lwoff & |
| 51 | , iflag_phytrac, ok_new_lscp, ok_bs, ok_rad_bs & |
| 52 | , iflag_thermals, nsplit_thermals & |
| 53 | , iflag_physiq, ok_3Deffect, ok_water_mass_fixer |
[766] | 54 | |
| 55 | |
[5282] | 56 | ! threshold on to activate SSO schemes |
[5489] | 57 | REAL nm_oro_t, zpmm_orodr_t, zpmm_orolf_t, zstd_orodr_t |
[5282] | 58 | INTEGER iflag_cycle_diurne |
| 59 | LOGICAL soil_model, new_oliq, ok_orodr, ok_orolf |
| 60 | LOGICAL ok_limitvrai |
| 61 | LOGICAL ok_all_xml |
| 62 | LOGICAL ok_lwoff |
| 63 | INTEGER nbapp_rad, iflag_con, nbapp_cv, nbapp_wk, iflag_ener_conserv |
| 64 | REAL co2_ppm, co2_ppm0, solaire |
| 65 | INTEGER iflag_thermals, nsplit_thermals |
| 66 | INTEGER iflag_physiq |
| 67 | REAL tau_thermals |
[2240] | 68 | |
[5282] | 69 | !FC |
| 70 | REAL Cd_frein |
| 71 | LOGICAL ok_suntime_rrtm |
| 72 | REAL(kind = 8) RCO2, RCH4, RN2O, RCFC11, RCFC12 |
| 73 | REAL(kind = 8) RCO2_act, RCH4_act, RN2O_act, RCFC11_act, RCFC12_act |
| 74 | REAL(kind = 8) CH4_ppb, N2O_ppb, CFC11_ppt, CFC12_ppt |
| 75 | !IM ajout CFMIP2/CMIP5ok_bs |
| 76 | REAL(kind = 8) RCO2_per, RCH4_per, RN2O_per, RCFC11_per, RCFC12_per |
| 77 | REAL(kind = 8) CH4_ppb_per, N2O_ppb_per, CFC11_ppt_per, CFC12_ppt_per |
[1279] | 78 | |
[5282] | 79 | !OM ---> correction du bilan d'eau global |
| 80 | !OM Correction sur precip KE |
| 81 | REAL cvl_corr |
| 82 | !OM Fonte calotte dans bilan eau |
| 83 | LOGICAL ok_lic_melt |
| 84 | !OB Depot de vapeur d eau sur la calotte pour le bilan eau |
| 85 | LOGICAL ok_lic_cond |
[3327] | 86 | |
[5282] | 87 | !IM simulateur ISCCP |
| 88 | INTEGER top_height, overlap |
| 89 | !IM seuils cdrm, cdrh |
| 90 | REAL cdmmax, cdhmax |
| 91 | !IM pour les params différentes Olivier Torres |
| 92 | INTEGER choix_bulk, nit_bulk, kz0 |
| 93 | !IM param. stabilite s/ terres et en dehors |
| 94 | REAL ksta, ksta_ter, f_ri_cd_min |
| 95 | !IM ok_kzmin : clef calcul Kzmin dans la CL de surface cf FH |
| 96 | LOGICAL ok_kzmin |
| 97 | !IM, MAFo fmagic, pmagic : parametres - additionnel et multiplicatif - |
| 98 | ! pour regler l albedo sur ocean |
| 99 | REAL fmagic, pmagic |
| 100 | ! Hauteur (imposee) du contenu en eau du sol |
| 101 | REAL qsol0, albsno0, evap0 |
| 102 | ! Frottement au sol (Cdrag) |
| 103 | Real f_cdrag_ter, f_cdrag_oce |
| 104 | REAL min_wind_speed, f_gust_wk, f_gust_bl, f_qsat_oce, f_z0qh_oce |
| 105 | REAL z0m_seaice, z0h_seaice |
[5364] | 106 | REAL z0m_landice, ratio_z0hz0m_landice |
[5282] | 107 | INTEGER iflag_gusts, iflag_z0_oce |
[524] | 108 | |
[5282] | 109 | ! Rugoro |
| 110 | Real f_rugoro, z0min |
[4677] | 111 | |
[5282] | 112 | ! tau_gl : constante de rappel de la temperature a la surface de la glace |
| 113 | REAL tau_gl |
[4952] | 114 | |
[5282] | 115 | !IM lev_histhf : niveau sorties 6h |
| 116 | !IM lev_histday : niveau sorties journalieres |
| 117 | !IM lev_histmth : niveau sorties mensuelles |
| 118 | !IM lev_histdayNMC : on peut sortir soit sur 8 (comme AR5) ou bien |
| 119 | ! sur 17 niveaux de pression |
| 120 | INTEGER lev_histhf, lev_histday, lev_histmth |
| 121 | INTEGER lev_histdayNMC |
| 122 | Integer lev_histins, lev_histLES |
| 123 | !IM ok_histNMC : sortie fichiers niveaux de pression (histmthNMC, histdayNMC, histhfNMC) |
| 124 | !IM freq_outNMC : frequences de sortie fichiers niveaux de pression (histmthNMC, histdayNMC, histhfNMC) |
| 125 | !IM freq_calNMC : frequences de calcul fis. hist*NMC.nc |
| 126 | LOGICAL ok_histNMC(3) |
| 127 | INTEGER levout_histNMC(3) |
| 128 | REAL freq_outNMC(3), freq_calNMC(3) |
| 129 | CHARACTER(len = 4) type_run |
| 130 | ! aer_type: pour utiliser un fichier constant dans readaerosol |
| 131 | CHARACTER(len = 8) :: aer_type |
| 132 | LOGICAL ok_regdyn |
| 133 | REAL lonmin_ins, lonmax_ins, latmin_ins, latmax_ins |
| 134 | REAL ecrit_ins, ecrit_hf, ecrit_day |
| 135 | REAL ecrit_mth, ecrit_tra, ecrit_reg |
| 136 | REAL ecrit_LES |
| 137 | REAL freq_ISCCP, ecrit_ISCCP |
| 138 | REAL freq_COSP, freq_AIRS |
| 139 | LOGICAL :: ok_cosp, ok_mensuelCOSP, ok_journeCOSP, ok_hfCOSP |
| 140 | LOGICAL :: ok_airs |
| 141 | INTEGER :: ip_ebil_phy, iflag_rrtm, iflag_ice_thermo, NSW, iflag_albedo |
| 142 | LOGICAL :: ok_ice_supersat, ok_plane_h2o, ok_plane_contrail |
| 143 | LOGICAL :: ok_chlorophyll |
| 144 | LOGICAL :: ok_strato |
| 145 | LOGICAL :: ok_hines, ok_gwd_rando |
| 146 | LOGICAL :: ok_qch4 |
| 147 | LOGICAL :: ok_conserv_q |
| 148 | LOGICAL :: adjust_tropopause |
| 149 | LOGICAL :: ok_daily_climoz |
| 150 | LOGICAL :: ok_new_lscp |
| 151 | LOGICAL :: ok_bs, ok_rad_bs |
| 152 | ! flag to bypass or not the phytrac module |
| 153 | INTEGER :: iflag_phytrac |
| 154 | |
| 155 | !AI flags pour ECRAD |
| 156 | LOGICAL :: ok_3Deffect |
| 157 | |
| 158 | !OB flag to activate water mass fixer in physiq |
| 159 | LOGICAL :: ok_water_mass_fixer |
| 160 | |
| 161 | |
| 162 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(co2_ppm, solaire & |
| 163 | !$OMP , RCO2, RCH4, RN2O, RCFC11, RCFC12 & |
| 164 | !$OMP , RCO2_act, RCH4_act, RN2O_act, RCFC11_act, RCFC12_act & |
| 165 | !$OMP , RCO2_per, RCH4_per, RN2O_per, RCFC11_per, RCFC12_per & |
| 166 | !$OMP , CH4_ppb, N2O_ppb, CFC11_ppt, CFC12_ppt & |
| 167 | !$OMP , CH4_ppb_per, N2O_ppb_per, CFC11_ppt_per, CFC12_ppt_per & |
| 168 | !$OMP , cdmmax, cdhmax, ksta, ksta_ter, f_ri_cd_min & |
| 169 | !$OMP , fmagic, pmagic & |
| 170 | !$OMP , f_cdrag_ter, f_cdrag_oce, f_rugoro, z0min, tau_gl & |
| 171 | !$OMP , min_wind_speed, f_gust_wk, f_gust_bl, f_qsat_oce, f_z0qh_oce & |
[5364] | 172 | !$OMP , z0m_seaice, z0h_seaice, z0m_landice, ratio_z0hz0m_landice & |
[5282] | 173 | !$OMP , freq_outNMC, freq_calNMC & |
| 174 | !$OMP , lonmin_ins, lonmax_ins, latmin_ins, latmax_ins & |
| 175 | !$OMP , freq_ISCCP, ecrit_ISCCP, freq_COSP, freq_AIRS & |
| 176 | !$OMP , cvl_corr & |
| 177 | !$OMP , qsol0, albsno0, evap0 & |
| 178 | !$OMP , co2_ppm0 & |
| 179 | !$OMP , tau_thermals & |
[5489] | 180 | !$OMP , Cd_frein, nm_oro_t, zpmm_orodr_t, zpmm_orolf_t, zstd_orodr_t & |
[5282] | 181 | !$OMP , ecrit_LES & |
| 182 | !$OMP , ecrit_ins, ecrit_hf, ecrit_day & |
| 183 | !$OMP , ecrit_mth, ecrit_tra, ecrit_reg & |
| 184 | !$OMP , top_height & |
| 185 | !$OMP , iflag_cycle_diurne, soil_model, new_oliq & |
| 186 | !$OMP , ok_orodr, ok_orolf, ok_limitvrai, nbapp_rad & |
| 187 | !$OMP , iflag_con, nbapp_cv, nbapp_wk & |
| 188 | !$OMP , choix_bulk, nit_bulk, kz0 & |
| 189 | !$OMP , iflag_ener_conserv & |
| 190 | !$OMP , ok_suntime_rrtm & |
| 191 | !$OMP , overlap & |
| 192 | !$OMP , ok_kzmin & |
| 193 | !$OMP , lev_histhf, lev_histday, lev_histmth & |
| 194 | !$OMP , lev_histins, lev_histLES, lev_histdayNMC, levout_histNMC & |
| 195 | !$OMP , ok_histNMC & |
| 196 | !$OMP , type_run, ok_regdyn, ok_cosp, ok_airs & |
| 197 | !$OMP , ok_mensuelCOSP, ok_journeCOSP, ok_hfCOSP & |
| 198 | !$OMP , ip_ebil_phy & |
| 199 | !$OMP , iflag_gusts, iflag_z0_oce & |
| 200 | !$OMP , ok_lic_melt, ok_lic_cond, aer_type & |
| 201 | !$OMP , iflag_rrtm, ok_strato, ok_hines, ok_qch4 & |
| 202 | !$OMP , iflag_ice_thermo, ok_ice_supersat & |
| 203 | !$OMP , ok_plane_h2o, ok_plane_contrail & |
| 204 | !$OMP , ok_gwd_rando, NSW, iflag_albedo & |
| 205 | !$OMP , ok_chlorophyll, ok_conserv_q, adjust_tropopause & |
| 206 | !$OMP , ok_daily_climoz, ok_all_xml, ok_lwoff & |
| 207 | !$OMP , iflag_phytrac, ok_new_lscp, ok_bs, ok_rad_bs & |
| 208 | !$OMP , iflag_thermals, nsplit_thermals & |
| 209 | !$OMP , iflag_physiq, ok_3Deffect, ok_water_mass_fixer) |
| 210 | |
| 211 | END MODULE clesphys_mod_h |