! -*- mode: f90; -*- ! Body of specific procedures of generic interface "nf95_get_var", ! with scalar argument "values". call check_start_count(procedure_name, ncid, varid, start, rank_values = 0) ncerr_not_opt = nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, values, start) if (present(ncerr)) then ncerr = ncerr_not_opt else if (ncerr_not_opt /= nf95_noerr) call nf95_abort(procedure_name, & ncerr_not_opt, ncid, varid) end if if (ncerr_not_opt == NF90_NOERR .and. present(new_missing)) then call nf95_get_missing(ncid, varid, missing) if (values == missing) values = new_missing end if