1 | ! |
2 | ! $Id: calcaerosolstrato_rrtm.F90 4293 2022-10-04 19:42:41Z ymeurdesoif $ |
3 | ! |
4 | SUBROUTINE calcaerosolstrato_rrtm(pplay,t_seri,paprs,debut) |
5 | |
6 | USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY: tau_aero_sw_rrtm, piz_aero_sw_rrtm, cg_aero_sw_rrtm, tau_aero_lw_rrtm |
7 | USE phys_local_var_mod, ONLY: mdw, tausum_aero, tausum_strat, tau_strat_550, tau_strat_1020, stratomask |
8 | USE aero_mod |
9 | USE dimphy |
10 | USE temps_mod |
12 | |
14 | |
15 | INCLUDE "dimensions.h" |
16 | INCLUDE "clesphys.h" |
17 | INCLUDE "paramet.h" |
18 | INCLUDE "iniprint.h" |
19 | |
20 | ! Variable input |
21 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN) :: t_seri ! Temperature |
22 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN) :: pplay ! pression pour le mileu de chaque couche (en Pa) |
23 | LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: debut ! le flag de l'initialisation de la physique |
24 | REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev+1),INTENT(IN) :: paprs ! pression pour chaque inter-couche (en Pa) |
25 | |
26 | ! Stratospheric aerosols optical properties |
27 | REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev,nbands_sw_rrtm) :: tau_strat, piz_strat, cg_strat |
28 | REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev,nwave_sw+nwave_lw) :: tau_strat_wave |
29 | REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev,nbands_lw_rrtm) :: tau_lw_abs_rrtm |
30 | |
31 | INTEGER k, band, wave, i |
32 | REAL zrho, zdz |
33 | |
34 | !--calculate optical properties of the aerosol size distribution from tr_seri |
35 | tau_strat=0.0 |
36 | piz_strat=0.0 |
37 | cg_strat=0.0 |
38 | tau_strat_wave=0.0 |
39 | tau_lw_abs_rrtm=0.0 |
40 | |
41 | CALL miecalc_aer(tau_strat, piz_strat, cg_strat, tau_strat_wave, tau_lw_abs_rrtm, paprs, debut) |
42 | |
43 | !!--test CK: deactivate radiative effect of aerosol |
44 | ! tau_strat=0.0 |
45 | ! piz_strat=0.0 |
46 | ! cg_strat=0.0 |
47 | ! tau_strat_wave=0.0 |
48 | ! tau_lw_abs_rrtm=0.0 |
49 | |
50 | !--test CK: deactivate SW radiative effect of aerosol (but leave LW) |
51 | ! tau_strat=0.0 |
52 | ! piz_strat=0.0 |
53 | ! cg_strat=0.0 |
54 | |
55 | ! DO wave=1, nwave_sw |
56 | ! tau_strat_wave(:,:,wave)=0.0 |
57 | ! ENDDO |
58 | |
59 | !--test CK: deactivate LW radiative effect of aerosol (but leave SW) |
60 | ! tau_lw_abs_rrtm=0.0 |
61 | |
62 | ! DO wave=nwave_sw+1, nwave_sw+nwave_lw |
63 | ! tau_strat_wave(:,:,wave)=0.0 |
64 | ! ENDDO |
65 | |
66 | !--total vertical aod at the 5 SW + 1 LW wavelengths |
67 | DO wave=1, nwave_sw+nwave_lw |
68 | DO k=1, klev |
69 | tausum_aero(:,wave,id_STRAT_phy)=tausum_aero(:,wave,id_STRAT_phy)+tau_strat_wave(:,k,wave) |
70 | ENDDO |
71 | ENDDO |
72 | |
73 | !--weighted average for cg, piz and tau, adding strat aerosols on top of tropospheric ones |
74 | DO band=1, nbands_sw_rrtm |
75 | !--no stratospheric aerosol in index 1 |
76 | cg_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,1,band) = cg_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) |
77 | piz_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,1,band) = piz_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) |
78 | tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,1,band) = tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) |
79 | |
80 | !--tropospheric and stratospheric aerosol in index 2 |
81 | cg_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) = ( cg_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band)*piz_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band)*tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) + & |
82 | cg_strat(:,:,band)*piz_strat(:,:,band)*tau_strat(:,:,band) ) / & |
83 | MAX( piz_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band)*tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) + & |
84 | piz_strat(:,:,band)*tau_strat(:,:,band), 1.e-15 ) |
85 | piz_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band)= ( piz_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band)*tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) + & |
86 | piz_strat(:,:,band)*tau_strat(:,:,band) ) / & |
87 | MAX( tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) + tau_strat(:,:,band), 1.e-15 ) |
88 | tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band)= tau_aero_sw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) + tau_strat(:,:,band) |
89 | ENDDO |
90 | |
91 | DO band=1, nbands_lw_rrtm |
92 | !--no stratospheric aerosols in index 1 |
93 | tau_aero_lw_rrtm(:,:,1,band) = tau_aero_lw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) |
94 | !--tropospheric and stratospheric aerosol in index 2 |
95 | tau_aero_lw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) = tau_aero_lw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) + tau_lw_abs_rrtm(:,:,band) |
96 | ENDDO |
97 | |
98 | WHERE (tau_aero_sw_rrtm .LT. 1.e-14) piz_aero_sw_rrtm=1.0 |
99 | WHERE (tau_aero_sw_rrtm .LT. 1.e-14) tau_aero_sw_rrtm=1.e-15 |
100 | WHERE (tau_aero_lw_rrtm .LT. 1.e-14) tau_aero_lw_rrtm=1.e-15 |
101 | |
102 | tausum_strat(:,:)=0.0 |
103 | DO i=1,klon |
104 | DO k=1,klev |
105 | IF (stratomask(i,k).GT.0.5) THEN |
106 | tausum_strat(i,1)=tausum_strat(i,1)+tau_strat_wave(i,k,2) !--550 nm |
107 | tausum_strat(i,2)=tausum_strat(i,2)+tau_strat_wave(i,k,5) !--1020 nm |
108 | tausum_strat(i,3)=tausum_strat(i,3)+tau_strat_wave(i,k,6) !--10 um |
109 | ENDIF |
110 | ENDDO |
111 | ENDDO |
112 | |
113 | DO i=1,klon |
114 | DO k=1,klev |
115 | zrho=pplay(i,k)/t_seri(i,k)/RD !air density in kg/m3 |
116 | zdz=(paprs(i,k)-paprs(i,k+1))/zrho/RG !thickness of layer in m |
117 | tau_strat_550(i,k)=tau_strat_wave(i,k,2)/zdz |
118 | tau_strat_1020(i,k)=tau_strat_wave(i,k,5)/zdz |
119 | ENDDO |
120 | ENDDO |
121 | |
122 | END SUBROUTINE calcaerosolstrato_rrtm |