#!/bin/bash # Usage: # ./build_gcm [path] # where 'path' is an optional argument to this script specifying # the full path to where the 'fcm' command is to be found if test -f '.lock' then echo 'ATTENTION: vous etes sans doute en train de compiler le modele par ailleurs' echo "Attendez que la premiere compilation soit terminee pour relancer la suivante." echo "Si vous etes sur que vous ne compilez pas le modele par ailleurs," echo "vous pouvez continuer en repondant oui." echo "Voulez-vous vraiment continuer?" echo "" echo "WARNING: you are probably already compiling the model somewhere else." echo "Wait until the first compilation is finished before launching this one." echo "If you are sure that you are not compiling elsewhere, just answer " echo "yes (or 'oui') to the question below to proceed." echo "Do you wish to continue?" read ouinon if [[ $ouinon == "oui" || $ouinon == "yes" ]] then echo OK else exit fi else echo "compiling..." > '.lock' fi job=1 dirname="" #path to where the fcm command will be found if (( $# >= 1 )) ; then dirname=$1 # check that "dirname" exists and is a directory if [[ ! -d $dirname ]] ; then echo "$0 error : $dirname is not a directory" exit fi # add a trailing "/" to $dirname dirname=${dirname}"/" shift; fi # run "fcm build" command ${dirname}fcm build $* build_command_status=$? # cleanup \rm -f '.lock' exit $build_command_status