function hh = herrorbar(x, y, l, u, symbol) %HERRORBAR Horizontal Error bar plot. % HERRORBAR(X,Y,L,R) plots the graph of vector X vs. vector Y with % horizontal error bars specified by the vectors L and R. L and R contain the % left and right error ranges for each point in X. Each error bar % is L(i) + R(i) long and is drawn a distance of L(i) to the right and R(i) % to the right the points in (X,Y). The vectors X,Y,L and R must all be % the same length. If X,Y,L and R are matrices then each column % produces a separate line. % % HERRORBAR(X,Y,E) or HERRORBAR(Y,E) plots X with error bars [X-E X+E]. % HERRORBAR(...,'LineSpec') uses the color and linestyle specified by % the string 'LineSpec'. See PLOT for possibilities. % % H = HERRORBAR(...) returns a vector of line handles. % % Example: % x = 1:10; % y = sin(x); % e = std(y)*ones(size(x)); % herrorbar(x,y,e) % draws symmetric horizontal error bars of unit standard deviation. % % This code is based on ERRORBAR provided in MATLAB. % % See also ERRORBAR % Jos van der Geest % email: % % File history: % August 2006 (Jos): I have taken back ownership. I like to thank Greg Aloe from % The MathWorks who originally introduced this piece of code to the % Matlab File Exchange. % September 2003 (Greg Aloe): This code was originally provided by Jos % from the newsgroup comp.soft-sys.matlab: %^1@.eea3ff9 % After unsuccessfully attempting to contact the orignal author, I % decided to take ownership so that others could benefit from finding it % on the MATLAB Central File Exchange. if min(size(x))==1, npt = length(x); x = x(:); y = y(:); if nargin > 2, if ~isstr(l), l = l(:); end if nargin > 3 if ~isstr(u) u = u(:); end end end else [npt,n] = size(x); end if nargin == 3 if ~isstr(l) u = l; symbol = '-'; else symbol = l; l = y; u = y; y = x; [m,n] = size(y); x(:) = (1:npt)'*ones(1,n);; end end if nargin == 4 if isstr(u), symbol = u; u = l; else symbol = '-'; end end if nargin == 2 l = y; u = y; y = x; [m,n] = size(y); x(:) = (1:npt)'*ones(1,n);; symbol = '-'; end u = abs(u); l = abs(l); if isstr(x) | isstr(y) | isstr(u) | isstr(l) error('Arguments must be numeric.') end if ~isequal(size(x),size(y)) | ~isequal(size(x),size(l)) | ~isequal(size(x),size(u)), error('The sizes of X, Y, L and U must be the same.'); end if strcmp(get(gca,'ylimmode'),'manual') my_ylim = ylim; index = find(y >= my_ylim(1) & y <= my_ylim(2)); tee = (max(y(index)) - min(y(index)))/100; else tee = (max(y(:))-min(y(:)))/100 % make tee .02 x-distance for error bars end % changed from errorbar.m xl = x - l; xr = x + u; ytop = y + tee; ybot = y - tee; n = size(y,2); % end change % Plot graph and bars hold_state = ishold; cax = newplot; next = lower(get(cax,'NextPlot')); % build up nan-separated vector for bars % changed from errorbar.m xb = zeros(npt*9,n); xb(1:9:end,:) = xl; xb(2:9:end,:) = xl; xb(3:9:end,:) = NaN; xb(4:9:end,:) = xl; xb(5:9:end,:) = xr; xb(6:9:end,:) = NaN; xb(7:9:end,:) = xr; xb(8:9:end,:) = xr; xb(9:9:end,:) = NaN; yb = zeros(npt*9,n); yb(1:9:end,:) = ytop; yb(2:9:end,:) = ybot; yb(3:9:end,:) = NaN; yb(4:9:end,:) = y; yb(5:9:end,:) = y; yb(6:9:end,:) = NaN; yb(7:9:end,:) = ytop; yb(8:9:end,:) = ybot; yb(9:9:end,:) = NaN; % end change [ls,col,mark,msg] = colstyle(symbol); if ~isempty(msg), error(msg); end symbol = [ls mark col]; % Use marker only on data part esymbol = ['-' col]; % Make sure bars are solid h = plot(xb,yb,esymbol); hold on h = [h;plot(x,y,symbol)]; if ~hold_state, hold off; end if nargout>0, hh = h; end