source: LMDZ6/branches/LMDZ-tracers/libf/dyn3dmem/dynetat0_loc.F90 @ 3852

Last change on this file since 3852 was 3852, checked in by dcugnet, 4 years ago

Extension of the tracers management.

The tracers files can be:

1) "traceur.def": old format, with:

  • the number of tracers on the first line
  • one line for each tracer: <tracer name> <hadv> <vadv> [<parent name>]

2) "tracer.def": new format with one section each model component.
3) "tracer_<name>.def": new format with a single section.

The formats 2 and 3 reading is driven by the "type_trac" key, which can be a

coma-separated list of components.

  • Format 2: read the sections from the "tracer.def" file.
  • format 3: read one section each "tracer_<section name>.def" file.
  • the first line of a section is "&<section name>
  • the other lines start with a tracer name followed by <key>=<val> pairs.
  • the "default" tracer name is reserved ; the other tracers of the section inherit its <key>=<val>, except for the keys that are redefined locally.

This format helps keeping the tracers files compact, thanks to the "default"
special tracer and the three levels of factorization:

  • on the tracers names: a tracer name can be a coma-separated list of tracers => all the tracers of the list have the same <key>=<val> properties
  • on the parents names: the value of the "parent" property can be a coma-separated list of tracers => only possible for geographic tagging tracers
  • on the phases: the property "phases" is [g](l][s] (gas/liquid/solid)

Read information is stored in the vector "tracers(:)", of derived type "tra".

"isotopes_params.def" is a similar file, with one section each isotopes family.
It contains a database of isotopes properties ; if there are second generation
tracers (isotopes), the corresponding sections are read.

Read information is stored in the vector "isotopes(:)", of derived type "iso".

The "getKey" function helps to get the values of the parameters stored in
"tracers" or "isotopes".

  • Property copyright set to
    Name of program: LMDZ
    Creation date: 1984
    Version: LMDZ5
    License: CeCILL version 2
    Holder: Laboratoire de m\'et\'eorologie dynamique, CNRS, UMR 8539
    See the license file in the root directory
File size: 9.2 KB
[2299]1SUBROUTINE dynetat0_loc(fichnom,vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps,phis,time)
4! Authors: P. Le Van , L.Fairhead
6! Purpose: Initial state reading.
8  USE parallel_lmdz
[3852]9  USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, niso, tracers, iTraPha, tnat, alpha_ideal, tra
[2299]10  USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_OPEN,  NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION, NF90_INQ_VARID,        &
12  USE control_mod, ONLY: planet_type
13  USE assert_eq_m, ONLY: assert_eq
[2600]14  USE comvert_mod, ONLY: pa,preff
[2597]15  USE comconst_mod, ONLY: cpp, daysec, dtvr, g, im, jm, kappa, lllm, &
16                          omeg, rad
[2603]17  USE logic_mod, ONLY: fxyhypb, ysinus
[2598]18  USE serre_mod, ONLY: clon, clat, grossismx, grossismy
[2601]19  USE temps_mod, ONLY: annee_ref,day_ref,itau_dyn, &
20                       start_time,day_ini,hour_ini
[2622]21  USE ener_mod, ONLY: etot0,ptot0,ztot0,stot0,ang0
24  include "dimensions.h"
25  include "paramet.h"
26  include "comgeom.h"
27  include "description.h"
28  include "iniprint.h"
30! Arguments:
31  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: fichnom          !--- FILE NAME
32  REAL, INTENT(OUT) ::  vcov(ijb_v:ije_v,llm)      !--- V COVARIANT WIND
33  REAL, INTENT(OUT) ::  ucov(ijb_u:ije_u,llm)      !--- U COVARIANT WIND
34  REAL, INTENT(OUT) ::  teta(ijb_u:ije_u,llm)      !--- POTENTIAL TEMP.
35  REAL, INTENT(OUT) ::     q(ijb_u:ije_u,llm,nqtot)!--- TRACERS
36  REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: masse(ijb_u:ije_u,llm)      !--- MASS PER CELL
37  REAL, INTENT(OUT) ::    ps(ijb_u:ije_u)          !--- GROUND PRESSURE
38  REAL, INTENT(OUT) ::  phis(ijb_u:ije_u)          !--- GEOPOTENTIAL
40! Local variables:
[3852]41  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: sdum, var, modname
[2299]42  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: length=100
43  INTEGER :: iq, fID, vID, idecal, ierr
44  REAL    :: time, tab_cntrl(length)               !--- RUN PARAMS TABLE
45  REAL,             ALLOCATABLE :: vcov_glo(:,:),masse_glo(:,:),   ps_glo(:)
46  REAL,             ALLOCATABLE :: ucov_glo(:,:),    q_glo(:,:), phis_glo(:)
47  REAL,             ALLOCATABLE :: teta_glo(:,:)
49  modname="dynetat0_loc"
[2299]51!--- Initial state file opening
52  var=fichnom
53  CALL err(NF90_OPEN(var,NF90_NOWRITE,fID),"open",var)
54  CALL get_var1("controle",tab_cntrl)
[2299]56!!! AS: idecal is a hack to be able to read planeto starts...
57!!!     .... while keeping everything OK for LMDZ EARTH
58  IF(planet_type=="generic") THEN
59    WRITE(lunout,*)'NOTE NOTE NOTE : Planeto-like start files'
60    idecal = 4
61    annee_ref  = 2000
62  ELSE
63    WRITE(lunout,*)'NOTE NOTE NOTE : Earth-like start files'
64    idecal = 5
65    annee_ref  = tab_cntrl(5)
66  END IF
67  im         = tab_cntrl(1)
68  jm         = tab_cntrl(2)
69  lllm       = tab_cntrl(3)
70  day_ref    = tab_cntrl(4)
71  rad        = tab_cntrl(idecal+1)
72  omeg       = tab_cntrl(idecal+2)
73  g          = tab_cntrl(idecal+3)
74  cpp        = tab_cntrl(idecal+4)
75  kappa      = tab_cntrl(idecal+5)
76  daysec     = tab_cntrl(idecal+6)
77  dtvr       = tab_cntrl(idecal+7)
78  etot0      = tab_cntrl(idecal+8)
79  ptot0      = tab_cntrl(idecal+9)
80  ztot0      = tab_cntrl(idecal+10)
81  stot0      = tab_cntrl(idecal+11)
82  ang0       = tab_cntrl(idecal+12)
83  pa         = tab_cntrl(idecal+13)
84  preff      = tab_cntrl(idecal+14)
86  clon       = tab_cntrl(idecal+15)
87  clat       = tab_cntrl(idecal+16)
88  grossismx  = tab_cntrl(idecal+17)
89  grossismy  = tab_cntrl(idecal+18)
91  IF ( tab_cntrl(idecal+19)==1. )  THEN
92    fxyhypb  = .TRUE.
93!   dzoomx   = tab_cntrl(25)
94!   dzoomy   = tab_cntrl(26)
95!   taux     = tab_cntrl(28)
96!   tauy     = tab_cntrl(29)
97  ELSE
98    fxyhypb = .FALSE.
99    ysinus  = tab_cntrl(idecal+22)==1.
100  END IF
[2299]102  day_ini    = tab_cntrl(30)
103  itau_dyn   = tab_cntrl(31)
[2615]104  start_time = tab_cntrl(32)
107  WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(modname)//': rad,omeg,g,cpp,kappa',rad,omeg,g,cpp,kappa
108  CALL check_dim(im,iim,'im','im')
109  CALL check_dim(jm,jjm,'jm','jm')
110  CALL check_dim(lllm,llm,'lm','lllm')
111  CALL get_var1("rlonu",rlonu)
112  CALL get_var1("rlatu",rlatu)
113  CALL get_var1("rlonv",rlonv)
114  CALL get_var1("rlatv",rlatv)
115  CALL get_var1("cu"  ,cu)
116  CALL get_var1("cv"  ,cv)
117  CALL get_var1("aire",aire)
[2299]119  var="temps"
120  IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,var,vID)/=NF90_NoErr) THEN
121    WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(modname)//": missing field <temps>"
122    WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(modname)//": trying with <Time>"; var="Time"
123    CALL err(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,var,vID),"inq",var)
124  END IF
125  CALL err(NF90_GET_VAR(fID,vID,time),"get",var)
[2299]127  ALLOCATE(phis_glo(ip1jmp1))
128  CALL get_var1("phisinit",phis_glo)
129  phis (ijb_u:ije_u)  =phis_glo(ijb_u:ije_u);    DEALLOCATE(phis_glo)
[2299]131  ALLOCATE(ucov_glo(ip1jmp1,llm))
132  CALL get_var2("ucov",ucov_glo)
133  ucov (ijb_u:ije_u,:)=ucov_glo(ijb_u:ije_u,:);  DEALLOCATE(ucov_glo)
[2299]135  ALLOCATE(vcov_glo(ip1jm,llm))
136  CALL get_var2("vcov",vcov_glo)
137  vcov (ijb_v:ije_v,:)=vcov_glo(ijb_v:ije_v,:);  DEALLOCATE(vcov_glo)
[2299]139  ALLOCATE(teta_glo(ip1jmp1,llm))
140  CALL get_var2("teta",teta_glo)
141  teta (ijb_u:ije_u,:)=teta_glo(ijb_u:ije_u,:);  DEALLOCATE(teta_glo)
[2299]143  ALLOCATE(masse_glo(ip1jmp1,llm))
144  CALL get_var2("masse",masse_glo)
145  masse(ijb_u:ije_u,:)=masse_glo(ijb_u:ije_u,:); DEALLOCATE(masse_glo)
147  ALLOCATE(ps_glo(ip1jmp1))
148  CALL get_var1("ps",ps_glo)
149  ps   (ijb_u:ije_u)  =   ps_glo(ijb_u:ije_u);   DEALLOCATE(ps_glo)
[2299]151!--- Tracers
152  ALLOCATE(q_glo(ip1jmp1,llm))
153  DO iq=1,nqtot
[3852]154    tr => tracers(iq)
155    var = tr%name
156    IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,var,vID)==NF90_NoErr) THEN
157      CALL get_var2(var ,q_glo); q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,iq)=q_glo(ijb_u:ije_u,:); CYCLE
[2790]158#ifdef INCA
[3852]159    ELSE IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,"OX",vID) == NF90_NoErr .AND. var == 'O3') THEN
160      WRITE(lunout,*) 'Tracer O3 is missing - it is initialized to OX'
161      CALL get_var2("OX",q_glo); q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,iq)=q_glo(ijb_u:ije_u,:); CYCLE
[2299]163    END IF
164    WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(modname)//": Tracer <"//TRIM(var)//"> is missing"
165    WRITE(lunout,*)"         It is hence initialized to zero"
166    q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,iq)=0.
167   !--- CRisi: for isotops, theoretical initialization using very simplified
168   !           Rayleigh distillation las.
[3852]169    IF(niso > 0 .AND. tr%iso_num > 0) THEN
170      IF(tr%iso_zon == 0) q(:,:,iq) = q(:,:,tr%iprnt)         *        tnat(tr%iso_num) &
171                                   * (q(:,:,tr%iprnt)/30.e-3)**(alpha_ideal(tr%iso_num)-1)
172      IF(tr%iso_zon == 1) q(:,:,iq) = q(:,:,iTraPha(tr%iso_num,tr%iso_pha))
[2299]173    END IF
174  END DO
175  DEALLOCATE(q_glo)
176  CALL err(NF90_CLOSE(fID),"close",fichnom)
177  day_ini=day_ini+INT(time)
178  time=time-INT(time)
[2299]181  CONTAINS
[2299]184SUBROUTINE check_dim(n1,n2,str1,str2)
185  INTEGER,          INTENT(IN) :: n1, n2
186  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str1, str2
187  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: s1, s2
188  IF(n1/=n2) THEN
189    s1='value of '//TRIM(str1)//' ='
190    s2=' read in starting file differs from parametrized '//TRIM(str2)//' ='
[3852]191    WRITE(sdum,'(10x,a,i4,2x,a,i4)'),s1,n1,s2,n2
192    CALL ABORT_gcm(TRIM(modname),TRIM(sdum),1)
[2299]193  END IF
194END SUBROUTINE check_dim
[2299]197SUBROUTINE get_var1(var,v)
198  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN)  :: var
199  REAL,             INTENT(OUT) :: v(:)
200  REAL,             ALLOCATABLE :: w2(:,:), w3(:,:,:)
201  INTEGER :: nn(3), dids(3), k, nd, ntot
[2299]203  CALL err(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,var,vID),"inq",var)
204  ierr=NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fID,vID,ndims=nd)
205  IF(nd==1) THEN
206    CALL err(NF90_GET_VAR(fID,vID,v),"get",var); RETURN
207  END IF
208  ierr=NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fID,vID,dimids=dids)
209  DO k=1,nd; ierr=NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fID,dids(k),len=nn(k)); END DO
210  ntot=PRODUCT(nn(1:nd))
211  SELECT CASE(nd)
212    CASE(2); ALLOCATE(w2(nn(1),nn(2)))
213      CALL err(NF90_GET_VAR(fID,vID,w2),"get",var)
214      v=RESHAPE(w2,[ntot]); DEALLOCATE(w2)
215    CASE(3); ALLOCATE(w3(nn(1),nn(2),nn(3)))
216      CALL err(NF90_GET_VAR(fID,vID,w3),"get",var)
217      v=RESHAPE(w3,[ntot]); DEALLOCATE(w3)
219END SUBROUTINE get_var1
[2299]222SUBROUTINE get_var2(var,v)
223  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN)  :: var
224  REAL,             INTENT(OUT) :: v(:,:)
225  REAL,             ALLOCATABLE :: w4(:,:,:,:)
226  INTEGER :: nn(4), dids(4), k, nd
227  CALL err(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,var,vID),"inq",var)
228  ierr=NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fID,vID,dimids=dids,ndims=nd)
229  DO k=1,nd; ierr=NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fID,dids(k),len=nn(k)); END DO
230  ALLOCATE(w4(nn(1),nn(2),nn(3),nn(4)))
231  CALL err(NF90_GET_VAR(fID,vID,w4),"get",var)
232  v=RESHAPE(w4,[nn(1)*nn(2),nn(3)]); DEALLOCATE(w4)
233END SUBROUTINE get_var2
[2299]236SUBROUTINE err(ierr,typ,nam)
237  INTEGER,          INTENT(IN) :: ierr   !--- NetCDF ERROR CODE
240  IF(ierr==NF90_NoERR) RETURN
241  SELECT CASE(typ)
[3852]242    CASE('inq');   sdum="Field <"//TRIM(nam)//"> is missing"
243    CASE('get');   sdum="Reading failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">"
244    CASE('open');  sdum="File opening failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">"
245    CASE('close'); sdum="File closing failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">"
[2299]246  END SELECT
[3852]247  CALL ABORT_gcm(TRIM(modname),TRIM(sdum),ierr)
[2299]248END SUBROUTINE err
[2299]250END SUBROUTINE dynetat0_loc
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