#!/usr/bin/perl # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NAME # Fcm::CfgFile # # DESCRIPTION # This class is used for reading and writing FCM config files. A FCM config # file is a line-based text file that provides information on how to perform # a particular task using the FCM system. # # COPYRIGHT # (C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved. # For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT.txt # which you should have received as part of this distribution. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Fcm::CfgFile; # Standard pragma use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized'; use strict; # Standard modules use Carp; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Spec; use File::Spec::Functions; # FCM component modules use Fcm::Util; # Local module variables my $expand_type = 'bld|ext'; # config file type that needs variable expansions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $cfgfile = Fcm::CfgFile->new (CONFIG=> $config, SRC => $src, TYPE => $type); # # DESCRIPTION # This method constructs a new instance of the Fcm::CfgFile class. # # ARGUMENTS # CONFIG - reference to a Fcm::Config instance # SRC - configuration file source # TYPE - type of expected configuration file # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub new { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; my $class = ref $this || $this; my $self = { CONFIG => exists $args{CONFIG} ? $args{CONFIG} : &main::cfg, SRC => exists $args{SRC} ? $args{SRC} : undef, TYPE => exists $args{TYPE} ? $args{TYPE} : undef, # Version of the configuration file VERSION => undef, # List of references to hash tables for each line in the file LINES => [], # Actual source of configuration file ACTUAL_SRC => undef, PEGREV => undef, }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $config = $cfgfile->config; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a reference to the Fcm::Config instance. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub config { my $self = shift; return $self->{CONFIG}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $src = $cfgfile->src (); # $cfgfile->src ($src); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the specified source of the configuration file. If an # argument is specified, the source of the configuration file is modified to # the value of the argument. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub src { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{SRC} = shift; } return $self->{SRC}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $src = $cfgfile->actual_src (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the actual source of the configuration file. If an # argument is specified, the source of the configuration file is modified to # the value of the argument. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub actual_src { my $self = shift; return $self->{ACTUAL_SRC}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rev = $cfgfile->pegrev (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the peg revision of the configuration file. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub pegrev { my $self = shift; return $self->{PEGREV}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $type = $cfgfile->type (); # $cfgfile->type ($type); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the configuration file type. If an argument is # specified, the type is set to the value of the argument. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub type { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{TYPE} = shift; } return $self->{TYPE}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $version = $cfgfile->version (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the version of the configuration file. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub version { my $self = shift; return $self->{VERSION}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @lines = $cfgfile->lines (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns an array containing all "lines" in the configuration # file. Each "line" is a reference to a hash table with the following keys: # # SRC - the source of the configuration file # NUMBER - the line number in the source # LABEL - the label of the of the configuration line # VALUE - the value of the configuration line # COMMENT - comment in the configuration line # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub lines { my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{LINES} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $line = $cfgfile->line ($line_number); # # DESCRIPTION # This method return a "line" at $line_number in the configuration file. A # "line" is a reference to a hash table with the following keys: # # SRC - the source of the configuration file # NUMBER - the line number in the source # LABEL - the label of the of the configuration line # VALUE - the value of the configuration line # COMMENT - comment in the configuration line # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub line { my $self = shift; my $line_num = shift; if (exists $self->{LINES}[$line_num]) { return $self->{LINES}[$line_num]; # returns a ref to a label:value pair hash } else { return undef; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $cfgfile->add_line ( # LABEL => $label, # VALUE => $value, # COMMENT => $comment, # SRC => $src, # NUMBER => $line_number # ); # # DESCRIPTION # This method adds a "line" to the configuration file. LABEL is the # configuration line label. VALUE is the configuration line value. COMMENT # is the comment in the line. VALUE should only be specified if LABEL is # specified. COMMENT can be specified without LABEL. In such case, the whole # line is a comment line. A blank line is inserted if no argument is # specified. SRC can be specified to indicate the name of the source file # from which this line is obtained. If not specified, the source file of the # current configuration file is used. NUMBER can be specified to indicate # the line number of the source file from which this line is obtained. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub add_line { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $line = { SRC => exists $args{SRC } ? $args{SRC } : $self->actual_src, NUMBER => exists $args{NUMBER } ? $args{NUMBER } : 0, LABEL => exists $args{LABEL } ? $args{LABEL } : '', VALUE => exists $args{VALUE } ? $args{VALUE } : '', COMMENT => exists $args{COMMENT} ? $args{COMMENT} : '', }; push @{ $self->{LINES} }, $line; return $line; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $cfgfile->add_comment_block ($line1, [$line2, ...]); # # DESCRIPTION # This method adds a comment block to the configuration file. Each argument # represents a line in the comment block. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub add_comment_block { my $self = shift; $self->add_line (COMMENT => '-' x 78,); while (my $line = shift @_) { $self->add_line (COMMENT => $line,) } $self->add_line (COMMENT => '-' x 78,); $self->add_line; return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $cfgfile->add_header (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method adds a header to the configuration file, with its type and # type version. It returns 1 on success. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub add_header { my $self = shift; return undef unless $self->{TYPE}; $self->{VERSION} = $self->config->setting ('CFG_VERSION', uc ($self->{TYPE})) if not $self->{VERSION}; $self->add_comment_block ('File header'); $self->add_line ( LABEL => $self->config->setting (qw/CFG_LABEL CFGFILE TYPE/), VALUE => $self->{TYPE}, ); $self->add_line ( LABEL => $self->config->setting (qw/CFG_LABEL CFGFILE VERSION/), VALUE => $self->{VERSION}, ); $self->add_line; return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $exist = $cfg->label_exists ($label); # @lines = $cfg->label_exists ($label); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the (number of) "lines" with their LABEL matching the # argument $label. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub label_exists { my $self = shift; my $label = shift; return grep {$_->{LABEL} eq $label} @{ $self->{LINES} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $mtime = $cfgfile->mtime (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the modified time of the configuration file source. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub mtime { my $self = shift; my $mtime = undef; if (-f $self->{SRC}) { $mtime = (stat $self->{SRC})[9]; } return $mtime; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $read = $cfgfile->read_cfg (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method reads the current configuration file. It returns the number of # lines read from the config file, or "undef" if it fails. The result is # placed in the LINES array of the current instance, and can be accessed via # the "lines" method. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub read_cfg { my $self = shift; my @lines = $self->_get_cfg_lines; # List of CFG labels my %cfg_labels = %{ $self->config->setting ('CFG_LABEL') }; # List of CFG types that need INC declarations expansion my %exp_inc = (); for (split (/,/, $self->config->setting ('CFG_EXP_INC'))) { $exp_inc{uc ($_)} = 1; } # List of CFG labels that are reserved keywords my %cfg_keywords = (); for (split (/,/, $self->config->setting ('CFG_KEYWORD'))) { $cfg_keywords{$cfg_labels{$_}} = 1; } # Loop each line, to separate lines into label : value pairs my $cont = undef; my $here = undef; for my $line_num (1 .. @lines) { my $line = $lines[$line_num - 1]; chomp $line; my $label = ''; my $value = ''; my $comment = ''; # If this line is a continuation, set $start to point to the line that # starts this continuation. Otherwise, set $start to undef my $start = defined ($cont) ? $self->line ($cont) : undef; if ($line =~ /^(\s*#.*)$/) { # comment line $comment = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /\S/) { # non-blank line if (defined $cont) { # Previous line has a continuation mark $value = $line; # Separate value and comment if ($value =~ s/((?:\s+|^)#\s+.*)$//) { $comment = $1; } # Remove leading spaces $value =~ s/^\s*\\?//; # Expand environment variables $value = $self->_expand_variable ($value, 1) if $value; # Expand internal variables $value = $self->_expand_variable ($value) if $value; # Get "line" that begins the current continuation ($start->{VALUE} .= $value) =~ s/\\$//; } else { # Previous line does not have a continuation mark if ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/) { # Check line contains a valid label:value pair $label = $1; $value = defined ($2) ? $2 : ''; # Separate value and comment if ($value =~ s/((?:\s+|^)#\s+.*)$//) { $comment = $1; } # Remove trailing spaces $value =~ s/\s+$//; # Value begins with $HERE? $here = ($value =~ /\$\{?HERE\}?(?:[^A-Z_]|$)/); # Expand environment variables $value = $self->_expand_variable ($value, 1) if $value; # Expand internal variables $value = $self->_expand_variable ($value) if $value; } } # Determine whether current line ends with a continuation mark if ($value =~ s/\\$//) { $cont = scalar ($self->lines) unless $cont; } else { $cont = undef; } } if (exists $exp_inc{uc ($self->type)} and uc ($start ? $start->{LABEL} : $label) eq $cfg_labels{INC} and not defined $cont) { # Current configuration file requires expansion of INC declarations # The start/current line is an INC declaration # The current line is not a continuation or is the end of the continuation # Get lines from an "include" configuration file my $src = ($start ? $start->{VALUE} : $value); $src .= '@' . $self->pegrev if $here and $self->pegrev; if ($src) { # Invoke a new instance to read the source my $cfg = Fcm::CfgFile->new ( SRC => expand_tilde ($src), TYPE => $self->type, CONFIG => $self->config, ); $cfg->read_cfg; # Add lines to the "LINES" array in the current configuration file $comment = 'INC ' . $src . ' '; $self->add_line ( COMMENT => $comment . '# Start', NUMBER => ($start ? $start->{NUMBER} : $line_num), ); $self->add_line (%{ $_ }) for (($cfg->lines)); $self->add_line (COMMENT => $comment . '# End'); } else { $self->add_line (NUMBER => $line_num); w_report 'Warning: ', $self->actual_src, ': line ', $line_num, ': empty INC declaration.' if $self->config->verbose > 2; } } else { # Push label:value pair into "LINES" array $self->add_line ( LABEL => $label, VALUE => ($label ? $value : ''), COMMENT => $comment, NUMBER => $line_num, ); } next if defined $cont; # current line not a continuation my $slabel = ($start ? $start->{LABEL} : $label); my $svalue = ($start ? $start->{VALUE} : $value); next unless $slabel; # Check config file type and version if (uc ($slabel) eq $cfg_labels{CFGFILE}{TYPE}) { $self->type ($svalue); } elsif (uc ($slabel) eq $cfg_labels{CFGFILE}{VERSION}) { $self->version ($svalue); } # Set internal variable $slabel =~ s/^\%//; # Remove leading "%" from label $self->config->assign_variable ( LABEL => $slabel, VALUE => $svalue, ) unless exists $cfg_keywords{$slabel}; } return $self->lines; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $cfgfile->print_cfg ($file); # # DESCRIPTION # This method prints the content of current configuration file. If no # argument is specified, it prints output to the standard output. If $file # is specified, and is a writable file name, the output is sent to the file. # If the file already exists, its content is compared to the current output. # Nothing will be written if the content is unchanged. Otherwise, for typed # configuration files, the existing file is renamed using a prefix that # contains its last modified time. The method returns 1 if there is no # error. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub print_cfg { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; # Count maximum number of characters in the labels, (for pretty printing) my $max_label_len = 0; for my $line (@{ $self->{LINES} }) { next unless $line->{LABEL}; my $label_len = length $line->{LABEL}; $max_label_len = $label_len if $label_len > $max_label_len; } # Output string my $out = ''; # Append each line of the config file to the output string for my $line (@{ $self->{LINES} }) { my $label = $line->{LABEL}; my $value = $line->{VALUE}; my $comment = $line->{COMMENT}; if ($label) { # Line up label/value for pretty printing $label = $label . ' ' x ($max_label_len - length ($label)); $comment =~ s/^\s+/ / if $comment; $out .= $label; $out .= ' ' . $value if defined $value; } else { # Make sure comments begin with a "#" $comment = '# ' . $comment if $comment and $comment !~ /^\s*($|#)/; $comment =~ s/^\s*//; } $out .= $comment if $comment; $out .= "\n"; } if ($out) { my $old_select = select; # Open file if necessary if ($file) { # Make sure the host directory exists and is writable my $dirname = dirname $file; if (not -d $dirname) { print 'Make directory: ', $dirname, "\n" if $self->config->verbose; mkpath $dirname; } croak 'Cannot write to config file directory: "', $dirname, '", abort' unless -d $dirname and -w $dirname; # If config file already exists, make sure it is writable if (-f $file) { if (-r $file) { # Read old config file to see if content has changed open IN, '<', $file; my $in_lines = ''; while (my $line = ) { $in_lines .= $line; } close IN; # Return if content is up-to-date if ($in_lines eq $out) { print 'No change in ', lc ($self->{TYPE}), ' cfg: ', $file, "\n" if $self->config->verbose > 1 and $self->{TYPE}; return; } } if (-w $file) { if ($self->{TYPE}) { # Existing config file writable, rename it using its time stamp my $mtime = (stat $file)[9]; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = (gmtime $mtime)[0 .. 5]; my $timestamp = sprintf '%4d%2.2d%2.2d_%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d_', $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; my $oldfile = catfile $dirname, $timestamp . basename ($file); rename $file, $oldfile; print 'Renamed existing ', lc ($self->{TYPE}), ' cfg: ', $oldfile, "\n" if $self->config->verbose > 1; } } else { # Existing config file not writable, throw an error croak 'Config file "', $file, '" not writable, abort'; } } # Open file and select file handle open OUT, '>', $file or croak 'Cannot write to config file "', $file, '" (', $!, '), abort'; select OUT; } # Print output print $out; # Close file if necessary if ($file) { select $old_select; close OUT; if ($self->{TYPE} and $self->config->verbose > 1) { print 'Generated ', lc ($self->{TYPE}), ' cfg: ', $file, "\n"; } elsif ($self->config->verbose > 2) { print 'Generated cfg: ', $file, "\n"; } } } else { # Warn if nothing to print my $warning = 'Empty configuration'; $warning .= ' - nothing written to file: "' . $file . '"' if $file; carp $warning if $self->{TYPE}; } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @lines = $self->_get_cfg_lines (); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method reads from a configuration file residing in a # Subversion repository or in the normal file system. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _get_cfg_lines { my $self = shift; my @lines = (); my $verbose = $self->config->verbose; # Expand URL keywords if necessary { my $src = expand_url_keyword (URL => $self->src, CFG => $self->config); $self->src ($src) if $src ne $self->src; } if (&is_url ($self->src)) { # Config file resides in a SVN repository # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set URL source and version my $src = $self->src; my $rev = 'HEAD'; # Extract version from source if it exists if ($src =~ s/@(.+)$//) { $rev = $1; } # Expand revision keyword, if required $rev = expand_rev_keyword (REV => $rev, URL => $src, HEAD => 1); # Check whether URL is a config file my $rc; my @cmd = (qw/svn cat/, $src . '@' . $rev); @lines = &run_command ( \@cmd, METHOD => 'qx', DEVNULL => 1, RC => \$rc, ERROR => 'ignore', ); # Error in "svn cat" command if ($rc) { # See whether specified config file is a known type my %cfgname = %{ $self->config->setting ('CFG_NAME') }; my $key = uc $self->type; my $file = exists $cfgname{$key} ? $cfgname{$key} : ''; # If config file is a known type, specified URL may be a directory if ($file) { # Check whether a config file with a default name exists in the URL my $sep = $self->config->setting (qw/MISC DIR_SEPARATOR/); my $path = $src . $sep . $file; my @cmd = (qw/svn cat/, $path . '@' . $rev); @lines = &run_command ( \@cmd, METHOD => 'qx', DEVNULL => 1, RC => \$rc, ERROR => 'ignore', ); # Check whether a config file with a default name exists under the "cfg" # sub-directory of the URL if ($rc) { my $cfgdir = $self->config->setting (qw/DIR CFG/); $path = $src . $sep . $cfgdir . $sep . $file; my @cmd = (qw/svn cat/, $path . '@' . $rev); @lines = &run_command ( \@cmd, METHOD => 'qx', DEVNULL => 1, RC => \$rc, ERROR => 'ignore', ); } $src = $path unless $rc; } } if ($rc) { # Error in "svn cat" croak 'Unable to locate config file from "', $self->src, '", abort'; } else { # Print diagnostic, if necessary if ($verbose and $self->type and $self->type =~ /$expand_type/) { print '# Config file (', $self->type, '): ', $src; print '@', $rev if $rev; print "\n"; } } # Record the actual source location $self->{PEGREV } = $rev; $self->{ACTUAL_SRC} = $src; } else { # Config file resides in the normal file system # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $src = $self->src; if (-d $src) { # Source is a directory croak 'Config file "', $src, '" is a directory, abort' if not $self->type; # Get name of the config file by looking at the type my %cfgname = %{ $self->config->setting ('CFG_NAME') }; my $key = uc $self->type; my $file = exists $cfgname{$key} ? $cfgname{$key} : ''; if ($file) { my $cfgdir = $self->config->setting (qw/DIR CFG/); # Check whether a config file with a default name exists in the # specified path, then check whether a config file with a default name # exists under the "cfg" sub-directory of the specified path if (-f catfile $self->src, $file) { $src = catfile $self->src, $file; } elsif (-f catfile ($self->src, $cfgdir, $file)) { $src = catfile $self->src, $cfgdir, $file; } else { croak 'Unable to locate config file from "', $self->src, '", abort'; } } else { croak 'Unknown config file type "', $self->type, '", abort'; } } if (-r $src) { open FILE, '<', $src; print '# Config file (', $self->type, '): ', $src, "\n" if $verbose and $self->type and $self->type =~ /$expand_type/; @lines = readline 'FILE'; close FILE; } else { croak 'Unable to read config file "', $src, '", abort'; } # Record the actual source location $self->{ACTUAL_SRC} = $src; } return @lines; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $string = $self->_expand_variable ($string[, $env]); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method expands variables in $string. If $env is specified # and is true, it expands environment variables. Otherwise, it expands # local variables. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _expand_variable { my ($self, $string, $env) = @_; # Pattern for environment/local variable my $pattern = $env ? '\$\{?([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+)\}?' : '%\{?([\w:]+)\}?'; while ($string and $string =~ /$pattern/) { my $var_label = $1; # variable label # Get variable value from environment or local configuration my $variable = $env ? (exists $ENV{$var_label} ? $ENV{$var_label} : undef) : $self->config->variable ($var_label); $variable = dirname ($self->actual_src) if $env and $var_label eq 'HERE' and not defined $variable; # Substitute match with value of variable if (defined $variable) { $string =~ s/$pattern/$variable/; } else { w_report 'Warning: ', $self->actual_src, ': variable "', ($env ? '$' : '%'), $var_label, '" not expanded.'; last; } } return $string; } 1; __END__