source: LMDZ6/branches/DYNAMICO-conv-GC/libf/phylmd/regr_horiz_time_climoz_m.F90 @ 4350

Last change on this file since 4350 was 3406, checked in by jghattas, 6 years ago

Added all modifications in the model code that were used for the simulations with DYANMICO during the Grand Challeng 2018. Modifications done by Y. Meurdesoif, L. Fairhead and A.K. Traore

File size: 30.7 KB
1MODULE regr_horiz_time_climoz_m
3  USE interpolation,     ONLY: locate
4  USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nbp_lon, nbp_lat, grid_type, unstructured
5  USE nrtype,            ONLY: pi
6  USE netcdf,   ONLY: NF90_CLOBBER, NF90_FLOAT,     NF90_GET_VAR, NF90_OPEN,   &
7                      NF90_NOWRITE, NF90_NOERR,     NF90_GET_ATT, NF90_GLOBAL
9                      NF95_DEF_VAR, NF95_INQ_VARID, NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE,     &
10          NF95_OPEN,  NF95_CREATE,  NF95_GET_ATT,   NF95_GW_VAR,  HANDLE_ERR,  &
11          NF95_CLOSE, NF95_ENDDEF,  NF95_PUT_ATT,   NF95_PUT_VAR, NF95_COPY_ATT
12  USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout
13  USE dimphy
16  PUBLIC :: regr_horiz_time_climoz
17  REAL, PARAMETER :: deg2rad=pi/180.
18  CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER :: vars_in(2)=['tro3         ','tro3_daylight']
20  INTEGER :: nlat_ou, nlon_ou
26SUBROUTINE regr_horiz_time_climoz(read_climoz,interpt)
29! Purpose: Regrid horizontally and in time zonal or 3D ozone climatologies.
30!   * Read ozone climatology from netcdf file
31!   * Regrid it horizontaly to LMDZ grid (quasi-conservative method)
32!   * If interpt=T, interpolate linearly in time (one record each day)
33!     If interpt=F, keep original time sampling  (14 months).
34!   * Save it to a new netcdf file.
36! Remarks:
37!   * Up to 2 variables treated: "tro3" and "tro3_daylight" (if read_climoz=2)
38!   * Input fields coordinates: (longitudes, latitudes, pressure_levels, time)
39!   * Output grid cells centers coordinates given by [rlonv,] rlatu.
40!   * Output grid cells edges   coordinates given by [rlonu,] rlatv.
41!   * Input file [longitudes and] latitudes given in degrees.
42!   * Input file pressure levels are given in Pa or hPa.
43!   * All coordinates variables are stricly monotonic.
44!   * Monthly fields are interpolated linearly in time to get daily values.
45!   * Fields are known at the middle of the months, so interpolation requires an
46!     additional record both for 1st half of january and 2nd half of december:
47!     - For a 14-records "": records 1 and 14.
48!     - For 12-records files:
49!       record 12 of "" if available, or record 1  of "".
50!       record 1  of "" if available, or record 12 of "".
51!   * Calendar is taken into account to get one record each day (not 360 always).
52!   * Missing values are filled in from sky to ground by copying lowest valid one.
53!     Attribute "missing_value" or "_FillValue" must be present in input file.
55  USE assert_m,           ONLY: assert
56  USE cal_tools_m,        ONLY: year_len, mid_month
57!!  USE control_mod,        ONLY: anneeref
58  USE time_phylmdz_mod,   ONLY: annee_ref
59  USE ioipsl,             ONLY: ioget_year_len, ioget_calendar
60  USE regr_conserv_m,     ONLY: regr_conserv
61  USE regr_lint_m,        ONLY: regr_lint
62  USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY: boundslon_reg, boundslat_reg, south, west, east
63  USE slopes_m,           ONLY: slopes
64  USE xios
65  USE mod_phys_lmdz_mpi_data, only: is_mpi_root
66  USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: gather, bcast
68! Arguments:
69  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: read_climoz ! read ozone climatology, 1 or 2
70!                         1: read a single ozone climatology used day and night
71!                         2: same + read also a daylight climatology
72  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: interpt     ! TRUE  => daily interpolation
73                                     ! FALSE => no interpolation (14 months)
75! Local variables:
77!--- Input files variables
78  INTEGER :: nlon_in                       ! Number of longitudes
79  INTEGER :: nlat_in                       ! Number of latitudes
80  INTEGER :: nlev_in                       ! Number of pressure levels
81  INTEGER :: nmth_in                       ! Number of months
82  REAL, POINTER     :: lon_in(:)           ! Longitudes   (ascending order, rad)
83  REAL, POINTER     :: lat_in(:)           ! Latitudes    (ascending order, rad)
84  REAL, POINTER     :: lev_in(:)           ! Pressure levels (ascen. order, hPa)
85  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lon_in_edge(:)      ! Longitude intervals edges
86                                           !              (ascending order,  / )
87  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: sinlat_in_edge(:)   ! Sinus of latitude intervals edges
88                                           !              (ascending order,  / )
89  LOGICAL :: ldec_lon, ldec_lat, ldec_lev  ! Decreasing order in input file
90  CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: cal_in              ! Calendar
91  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in3(:,:,:,:,:)   ! Ozone climatologies
92  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in3bis(:,:,:,:,:)   ! Ozone climatologies
93  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in2  (:,:,:,:)   ! Ozone climatologies
94  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in2bis(:,:,:,:,:)   ! Ozone climatologies
95  ! last index: 1 for the day-night average, 2 for the daylight field.
96  REAL :: NaN
98!--- Partially or totally regridded variables      (:,:,nlev_in,:,read_climoz)
99  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lon   (:,:,:,:,:) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_in,:,0:13   ,:)
100  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:,:,:) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_ou,:,0:13   ,:)
101  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out3       (:,:,:,:,:) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_ou,:,ntim_ou,:)
102  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out3_glo   (:,:,:,:) !   (nbp_lat,:,ntim_ou,:)
103  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lat     (:,:,:,:) !         (nlat_in,:,0:13   ,:)
104  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out2         (:,:,:,:) !         (nlat_ou,:,ntim_ou,:)
105  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out2_glo     (:,:,:,:) !         (nbp_lat,:,ntim_ou,:)
106! Dimension number  | Interval                | Contains  | For variables:
107!   1 (longitude)   | [rlonu(i-1), rlonu(i)]  | rlonv(i)  | all
108!   2 (latitude)    | [rlatv(j), rlatv(j-1)]  | rlatu(j)  | all but o3_regr_lon
109!   3 (press level) |                         |   lev(k)  | all
110! Note that rlatv(0)=pi/2 and rlatv(nlat_ou)=-pi/2.
111! Dimension 4 is: month number                             (all vars but o3_out)
112!                 days elapsed since Jan. 1st 0h at mid-day (o3_out only)
113  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: v1(:)
115!--- For NetCDF:
116  INTEGER :: fID_in_m, fID_in, levID_ou, dimid, vID_in(read_climoz), ntim_ou
117  INTEGER :: fID_in_p, fID_ou, timID_ou, varid, vID_ou(read_climoz), ndims, ncerr
118  INTEGER, POINTER :: dIDs(:)
119  CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: cal_ou     !--- Calendar; no time inter => same as input
120  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: press_unit !--- Pressure unit
121  REAL    :: tmidmonth(0:13)      !--- Elapsed days since Jan-1 0h at mid-months
122                                  ! Additional records 0, 13 for interpolation
123  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tmidday(:) !--- Output times (mid-days since Jan 1st 0h)
124  LOGICAL :: lprev, lnext         !--- Flags: previous/next files are present
125  LOGICAL :: l3D, l2D             !--- Flag:  input fields are 3D or zonal
126  INTEGER :: ii, i, j, k, l, m, dln, ib, ie, iv, dx1, dx2
127  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sta(:), cnt(:)
128  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: sub, dim_nam, msg
129  REAL :: null_array(0)
130  LOGICAL,SAVE :: first=.TRUE.
132  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: test_o3_in(:,:)
133  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: test_o3_out(:)
135  nlat_ou=nbp_lat
136  nlon_ou=nbp_lon
139  IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
140    sub="regr_horiz_time_climoz"
141    WRITE(lunout,*)"Call sequence information: "//TRIM(sub)
142    CALL assert(read_climoz == 1 .OR. read_climoz == 2, "regr_lat_time_climoz")
144    CALL  NF95_OPEN(""  , NF90_NOWRITE, fID_in)
145    lprev=NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, fID_in_m)==NF90_NOERR
146    lnext=NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, fID_in_p)==NF90_NOERR
148    !--- Get coordinates from the input file. Converts lon/lat in radians.
149    !    Few inversions because "regr_conserv" and gcm need ascending vectors.
150    CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in, vars_in(1), varid)
151    CALL NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fID_in, varid, dimids=dIDs, ndims=ndims)
152    l3D=ndims==4; l2D=ndims==3
153    IF(l3D) WRITE(lunout,*)"Input files contain full 3D ozone fields."
154    IF(l2D) WRITE(lunout,*)"Input files contain zonal 2D ozone fields."
155    DO i=1,ndims
156      CALL NF95_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fID_in, dIDs(i), name=dim_nam, nclen=dln)
157      CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in, dim_nam, varid)
158      ii=i; IF(l2D) ii=i+1                              !--- ndims==3:NO LONGITUDE
159      SELECT CASE(ii)
160        CASE(1)                                         !--- LONGITUDE
161          CALL NF95_GW_VAR(fID_in, varid, lon_in)
162          ldec_lon=lon_in(1)>lon_in(dln); IF(ldec_lon) lon_in=lon_in(dln:1:-1)
163          nlon_in=dln; lon_in=lon_in*deg2rad
164        CASE(2)                                         !--- LATITUDE
165          CALL NF95_GW_VAR(fID_in, varid, lat_in)
166          ldec_lat=lat_in(1)>lat_in(dln); IF(ldec_lat) lat_in=lat_in(dln:1:-1)
167          nlat_in=dln; lat_in=lat_in*deg2rad
168        CASE(3)                                         !--- PRESSURE LEVELS
169          CALL NF95_GW_VAR(fID_in, varid, lev_in)
170          ldec_lev=lev_in(1)>lev_in(dln); IF(ldec_lev) lev_in=lev_in(dln:1:-1)
171          nlev_in=dln
172          CALL NF95_GET_ATT(fID_in, varid, "units", press_unit)
173          k=LEN_TRIM(press_unit)
174          DO WHILE(ICHAR(press_unit(k:k))==0)
175            press_unit(k:k)=' '; k=LEN_TRIM(press_unit) !--- REMOVE NULL END CHAR
176          END DO
177          IF(press_unit ==  "Pa") THEN
178            lev_in = lev_in/100.                        !--- CONVERT TO hPa
179          ELSE IF(press_unit /= "hPa") THEN
180            CALL abort_physic(sub, "the only recognized units are Pa and hPa.",1)
181          END IF
182        CASE(4)                                         !--- TIME
183          CALL NF95_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fID_in, dIDs(i), nclen=nmth_in)
184          cal_in='gregorian'
185          IF(NF90_GET_ATT(fID_in, varid, 'calendar', cal_in)/=NF90_NOERR)        & 
186          WRITE(lunout,*)'WARNING: missing "calendar" attribute for "'//       &
187          TRIM(dim_nam)//'" in "". Choosing default: "gregorian".'
188          k=LEN_TRIM(cal_in)
189          DO WHILE(ICHAR(cal_in(k:k))==0)
190            cal_in(k:k)=' '; k=LEN_TRIM(cal_in)         !--- REMOVE NULL END CHAR
191          END DO
192      END SELECT
193    END DO
195    !--- Prepare quantities for time interpolation
196    tmidmonth=mid_month(annee_ref, cal_in)
197    IF(interpt) THEN
198      ntim_ou=ioget_year_len(annee_ref)
199      ALLOCATE(tmidday(ntim_ou))
200      tmidday=[(REAL(k)-0.5,k=1,ntim_ou)]
201      CALL ioget_calendar(cal_ou)
202    ELSE
203      ntim_ou=14
204      cal_ou=cal_in
205    END IF
206  ENDIF
208  IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
209    CALL bcast(nlon_in)
210    CALL bcast(nlat_in)
211    CALL bcast(nlev_in)
212    CALL bcast(l3d)
213    CALL bcast(tmidmonth)
214    CALL bcast(tmidday)
215    CALL bcast(ntim_ou)
216  ENDIF 
218  IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
219    CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",nj_glo=nlat_in, nj=nlat_in, jbegin=0, latvalue_1d=lat_in/deg2rad)
220    IF (l3D) THEN
221      CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",ni_glo=nlon_in, ni=nlon_in, ibegin=0, lonvalue_1d=lon_in/deg2rad)
222    ELSE
223      CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",ni_glo=8, ni=8, ibegin=0, lonvalue_1d = (/ 0.,45.,90.,135.,180.,225.,270., 315. /))
224    ENDIF
225  ELSE
226    CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",nj_glo=nlat_in, nj=0, jbegin=0, latvalue_1d=null_array )
227    IF (l3D) THEN
228      CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",ni_glo=nlon_in, ni=0, ibegin=0, lonvalue_1d=null_array)
229    ELSE
230      CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",ni_glo=8, ni=0, ibegin=0, lonvalue_1d=null_array)
231    ENDIF
232  ENDIF
233  CALL  xios_set_axis_attr("axis_climoz", n_glo=nlev_in)
234  CALL  xios_set_axis_attr("time_axis_climoz", n_glo=ntim_ou)
235  CALL  xios_set_axis_attr("time_axis_climoz", n_glo=ntim_ou)
236  CALL  xios_set_axis_attr("tr_climoz", n_glo=read_climoz)
237  CALL  xios_set_field_attr("tro3_out", enabled=.TRUE.)
238  CALL  xios_set_field_attr("tro3_out", enabled=.TRUE.)
240  IF (first .AND. grid_type==unstructured) THEN
241    first=.FALSE.
242    RETURN
243  ENDIF
246  IF (is_mpi_root) THEN     
247    !--- Longitudes management:
248    !    * Need to shift data if the origin of input file longitudes /= -pi
249    !    * Need to add some margin in longitude to ensure input interval contains
250    !      all the output intervals => at least one longitudes slice has to be
251    !      duplicated, possibly more for undersampling.
252    IF(l3D) THEN
253      IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
254        dx2=0
255      ELSE
256        !--- Compute input edges longitudes vector (no end point yet)
257        ALLOCATE(v1(nlon_in+1))
258        v1(1)=(lon_in(nlon_in)+lon_in(1))/2.-pi
259        FORALL(i=2:nlon_in) v1(i)=(lon_in(i-1)+lon_in(i))/2.
260        v1(nlon_in+1)=v1(1)+2.*pi
261        DEALLOCATE(lon_in)
263        !--- Shift input longitudes vector until it contains first output point boundslon_reg(1,west)
264        v1=v1+2*pi*REAL(FLOOR((boundslon_reg(1,west)-v1(1))/(2.*pi)))
266        !--- Ensure first input longitudes interval contains first output point boundslon_reg(1,west)
267        dx1=locate(v1,boundslon_reg(1,west))-1
268        v1=CSHIFT(v1,SHIFT=dx1,DIM=1); v1(nlon_in-dx1+1:)=v1(nlon_in-dx1+1:)+2.*pi
270        !--- Extend input longitudes vector until last interval contains boundslon_reg(nlat_ou,east)
271        dx2=0; DO WHILE(v1(1+dx2)+2.*pi<boundslon_reg(nlon_ou,east)); dx2=dx2+1; END DO
273        !--- Final edges longitudes vector (with margin and end point)
274        ALLOCATE(lon_in_edge(nlon_in+dx2+1)); lon_in_edge=[v1,v1(2:1+dx2)+2.*pi]
275        DEALLOCATE(v1)
276      ENDIF
277    END IF
279    !--- Compute sinus of intervals edges latitudes:
280    ALLOCATE(sinlat_in_edge(nlat_in+1))
281    sinlat_in_edge(1) = -1. ; sinlat_in_edge(nlat_in+1) = 1.
282    FORALL(j=2:nlat_in) sinlat_in_edge(j)=SIN((lat_in(j-1)+lat_in(j))/2.)
283    DEALLOCATE(lat_in)
287    !--- Check for contiguous years:
288    ib=0; ie=13
289    IF(nmth_in == 14) THEN; lprev=.FALSE.; lnext=.FALSE.
290      WRITE(lunout,*)'Using 14 months ozone climatology ""...'
291    ELSE 
292      IF(     lprev) WRITE(lunout,*)'Using "" last record (previous year).'
293      IF(.NOT.lprev) WRITE(lunout,*)"No previous year file ; assuming periodicity."
294      IF(     lnext) WRITE(lunout,*)'Using "" first record (next year).'
295      IF(.NOT.lnext) WRITE(lunout,*)"No next year file ; assuming periodicity."
296      IF(.NOT.lprev) ib=1
297      IF(.NOT.lnext) ie=12
298    END IF
299    ALLOCATE(sta(ndims),cnt(ndims)); sta(:)=1 
300    IF(l3D) cnt=[nlon_in,nlat_in,nlev_in,1]
301    IF(l2D) cnt=[        nlat_in,nlev_in,1] 
302    IF(l3D) ALLOCATE(o3_in3(nlon_in+dx2,nlat_in,nlev_in,ib:ie,read_climoz))
303    IF(l2D) ALLOCATE(o3_in2(            nlat_in,nlev_in,ib:ie,read_climoz))
305    !--- Read full current file and one record each available contiguous file
306    DO iv=1,read_climoz
307      msg=TRIM(sub)//" NF90_GET_VAR "//TRIM(vars_in(iv))
308      CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv))
309      IF(l3D) ncerr=NF90_GET_VAR(fID_in, vID_in(iv), o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,1:12,iv))
310      IF(l2D) ncerr=NF90_GET_VAR(fID_in, vID_in(iv), o3_in2(          :,:,1:12,iv))
311      CALL handle_err(TRIM(msg), ncerr, fID_in)
312      IF(lprev) THEN; sta(ndims)=12 
313        CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in_m, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv))
314        IF(l3D) ncerr=NF90_GET_VAR(fID_in_m,vID_in(iv),o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:, 0,iv),sta,cnt)
315        IF(l2d) ncerr=NF90_GET_VAR(fID_in_m,vID_in(iv),o3_in2(          :,:, 0,iv),sta,cnt)
316        CALL handle_err(TRIM(msg)//" previous", ncerr, fID_in_m)
317      END IF
318      IF(lnext) THEN; sta(ndims)=1 
319        CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in_p, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv))
320        IF(l3D) ncerr=NF90_GET_VAR(fID_in_p,vID_in(iv),o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,13,iv),sta,cnt)
321        IF(l2D) ncerr=NF90_GET_VAR(fID_in_p,vID_in(iv),o3_in2(          :,:,13,iv),sta,cnt)
322        CALL handle_err(TRIM(msg)//" next", ncerr, fID_in_p)
323      END IF
324    END DO
325    IF(lprev.OR.lnext) DEALLOCATE(sta,cnt)
326    IF(lprev) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in_m)
327    IF(lnext) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in_p)
329    !--- Revert decreasing coordinates vector
330    IF(l3D) THEN
331      IF(ldec_lon) o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,:,:) = o3_in3(nlon_in:1:-1,:,:,:,:)
332      IF(ldec_lat) o3_in3 = o3_in3(:,nlat_in:1:-1,:,:,:)
333      IF(ldec_lev) o3_in3 = o3_in3(:,:,nlev_in:1:-1,:,:)
335      IF (grid_type /= unstructured) THEN
336        !--- Shift values for longitude and duplicate some longitudes slices
337        o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,:,:)=CSHIFT(o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,:,:),SHIFT=dx1,DIM=1)
338        o3_in3(nlon_in+1:nlon_in+dx2,:,:,:,:)=o3_in3(1:dx2,:,:,:,:)
339      ENDIF
340    ELSE
341      IF(ldec_lat) o3_in2 = o3_in2(  nlat_in:1:-1,:,:,:)
342      IF(ldec_lev) o3_in2 = o3_in2(  :,nlev_in:1:-1,:,:)
343    END IF
345   !--- Deal with missing values
346    DO m=1, read_climoz
347      WRITE(msg,'(a,i0)')"regr_lat_time_climoz: field Nr.",m
348      IF(NF90_GET_ATT(fID_in,vID_in(m),"missing_value",NaN)/= NF90_NOERR) THEN
349        IF(NF90_GET_ATT(fID_in, vID_in(m),"_FillValue",NaN)/= NF90_NOERR) THEN
350          WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(msg)//": no missing value attribute found."; CYCLE
351        END IF
352      END IF
353      WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(msg)//": missing value attribute found."
354      WRITE(lunout,*)"Trying to fill in NaNs ; a full field would be better."
356      !--- Check top layer contains no NaNs & search NaNs from top to ground
357      msg=TRIM(sub)//": NaNs in top layer !"
358      IF(l3D) THEN
359        IF(ANY(o3_in3(:,:,1,:,m)==NaN)) CALL abort_physic(sub,msg,1)
360        DO k = 2,nlev_in
361          WHERE(o3_in3(:,:,k,:,m)==NaN) o3_in3(:,:,k,:,m)=o3_in3(:,:,k-1,:,m)
362        END DO
363      ELSE
364        IF(ANY(o3_in2(  :,1,:,m)==NaN)) THEN
365          WRITE(lunout,*)msg
366          !--- Fill in latitudes where all values are missing
367          DO l=1,nmth_in
368            !--- Next to south pole
369            j=1;       DO WHILE(o3_in2(j,1,l,m)==NaN); j=j+1; END DO
370            IF(j>1) &
371              o3_in2(:j-1,:,l,m)=SPREAD(o3_in2(j,:,l,m),DIM=1,ncopies=j-1)
372            !--- Next to north pole
373            j=nlat_in; DO WHILE(o3_in2(j,1,l,m)==NaN); j=j+1; END DO
374            IF(j<nlat_in) &
375              o3_in2(j+1:,:,l,m)=SPREAD(o3_in2(j,:,l,m),DIM=1,ncopies=nlat_in-j)
376          END DO
377        END IF
379        !--- Fill in high latitudes missing values
380        !--- Highest level been filled-in, so has always valid values.
381        DO k = 2,nlev_in
382          WHERE(o3_in2(:,k,:,m)==NaN) o3_in2(:,k,:,m)=o3_in2(:,k-1,:,m)
383        END DO
384      END IF
385    END DO
387  ENDIF
389  !=============================================================================
390  IF(l3D) THEN                                                   !=== 3D FIELDS
391  !=============================================================================
392   IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
393     nlat_ou=klon
395     IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
396       ALLOCATE(o3_in3bis(nlon_in,nlat_in,nlev_in,0:13,read_climoz))
397       o3_in3bis(:,:,:,ib:ie,:)=o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,ib:ie,:)
398     ELSE
399       ALLOCATE(o3_in3bis(0,0,0,0,read_climoz))
400     ENDIF
401     ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lonlat(1, nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
403     CALL xios_send_field("tro3_in",o3_in3bis(:,:,:,:,:))
404     CALL xios_recv_field("tro3_out",o3_regr_lonlat(1,:,:,:,:))
406   ELSE
408     !--- Regrid in longitude
409      ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lon(nlon_ou, nlat_in, nlev_in, ie-ib+1, read_climoz))
410      CALL regr_conserv(1, o3_in3, xs = lon_in_edge,                             &
411                          xt = [boundslon_reg(1,west),boundslon_reg(:,east)],    &
412                          vt = o3_regr_lon, slope = slopes(1,o3_in3, lon_in_edge))
413      DEALLOCATE(o3_in3)
415      !--- Regrid in latitude: averaging with respect to SIN(lat) is
416      !                        equivalent to weighting by COS(lat)
417      !--- (inverted indices in "o3_regr_lonlat" because "rlatu" is decreasing)
418      ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lonlat(nlon_ou, nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
419      CALL regr_conserv(2, o3_regr_lon, xs = sinlat_in_edge,                     &
420                      xt = [- 1., SIN(boundslat_reg(nlat_ou-1:1:-1,south)), 1.], &
421                      vt = o3_regr_lonlat(:,nlat_ou:1:- 1,:,ib:ie,:),            &
422                 slope = slopes(2,o3_regr_lon, sinlat_in_edge))
423      DEALLOCATE(o3_regr_lon)
425   ENDIF
427   !--- Duplicate previous/next record(s) if they are not available
428   IF(.NOT.lprev) o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:, 0,:) = o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:,12,:)
429   IF(.NOT.lnext) o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:,13,:) = o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:, 1,:)
431   !--- Regrid in time by linear interpolation:
432   ALLOCATE(o3_out3(nlon_ou, nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
433   IF(     interpt) CALL regr_lint(4,o3_regr_lonlat,tmidmonth,tmidday,o3_out3)
434   IF(.NOT.interpt) o3_out3=o3_regr_lonlat
435   DEALLOCATE(o3_regr_lonlat)
437   nlat_ou=nbp_lat
438   IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
439     CALL xios_send_field('o3_out',o3_out3)
440     ndims=3
441     ALLOCATE(o3_out3_glo(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
442     CALL gather(o3_out3(1,:,:,:,:), o3_out3_glo)
443   ENDIF
445  !--- Create the output file and get the variable IDs:
446  CALL prepare_out(fID_in,nlev_in,ntim_ou, fID_ou,levID_ou,timID_ou,vID_ou, &
447                   ndims, cal_ou)
449  IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
450    !--- Write remaining coordinate variables:
451    CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, levID_ou, lev_in); DEALLOCATE(lev_in)
452    IF(     interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidday)
453    IF(.NOT.interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidmonth)
455    !--- Write to file (the order of "rlatu" is inverted in the output file):
456      IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
457        DO m = 1, read_climoz
458          CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out3_glo(nlat_ou:1:-1,:,:,m))
459        END DO
460      ELSE
461        DO m = 1, read_climoz
462          CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out3(:,nlat_ou:1:-1,:,:,m))
463        END DO
464    ENDIF
465    CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_ou)
468  ENDIF
478  !=============================================================================
479  ELSE                                                         !=== ZONAL FIELDS
480  !=============================================================================
482   IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
483     nlat_ou=klon
485     IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
486       ALLOCATE(o3_in2bis(8,nlat_in,nlev_in,0:13,read_climoz))
487       o3_in2bis(:,:,:,ib:ie,:)=SPREAD(o3_in2,1,8)
488     ELSE
489       ALLOCATE(o3_in2bis(0,0,0,0,read_climoz))
490     ENDIF
491     ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lat(nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
492     CALL xios_send_field("tro3_in",o3_in2bis(:,:,:,:,:))
493     CALL xios_recv_field("tro3_out",o3_regr_lat(:,:,:,:))
494     IF(.NOT.lprev) o3_regr_lat(:,:, 0, :) = o3_regr_lat(:,:,12,:)
495     IF(.NOT.lnext) o3_regr_lat(:,:,13, :) = o3_regr_lat(:,:, 1,:)
498   ELSE
499      !--- Regrid in latitude: averaging with respect to SIN(lat) is
500      !                        equivalent to weighting by COS(lat)
501      !--- (inverted indices in "o3_regr_lat" because "rlatu" is decreasing)
502      ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lat(nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
503      CALL regr_conserv(1, o3_in2, xs = sinlat_in_edge,                          &
504                      xt = [- 1., SIN(boundslat_reg(nlat_ou-1:1:-1,south)), 1.], &
505                      vt = o3_regr_lat(nlat_ou:1:- 1,:,ib:ie,:),                 &
506                   slope = slopes(1,o3_in2, sinlat_in_edge))
507      DEALLOCATE(o3_in2)
509      !--- Duplicate previous/next record(s) if they are not available
510      IF(.NOT.lprev) o3_regr_lat(:,:, 0,:) = o3_regr_lat(:,:,12,:)
511      IF(.NOT.lnext) o3_regr_lat(:,:,13,:) = o3_regr_lat(:,:, 1,:)
513   ENDIF
515    !--- Regrid in time by linear interpolation:
516    ALLOCATE(o3_out2(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
517    IF(     interpt) CALL regr_lint(3,o3_regr_lat, tmidmonth, tmidday, o3_out2)
518    IF(.NOT.interpt) o3_out2=o3_regr_lat
519    DEALLOCATE(o3_regr_lat)
521    nlat_ou=nbp_lat
522!    ALLOCATE(o3_out2_glo(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
523!    CALL gather(o3_out2, o3_out2_glo)
524!    CALL xios_send_field('o3_out',o3_out2)
526    IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
527      ndims=3
528      ALLOCATE(o3_out2_glo(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
529      CALL gather(o3_out2, o3_out2_glo)
530    ENDIF
532    !--- Create the output file and get the variable IDs:
533    CALL prepare_out(fID_in,nlev_in,ntim_ou, fID_ou,levID_ou,timID_ou,vID_ou, &
534                       ndims, cal_ou)
536    IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
538      !--- Write remaining coordinate variables:
539      CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, levID_ou, lev_in); DEALLOCATE(lev_in)
540      IF(     interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidday)
541      IF(.NOT.interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidmonth)
543      IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
544        DO m = 1, read_climoz
545          CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out2_glo(nlat_ou:1:-1,:,:,m))
546        END DO
547      ELSE
548        !--- Write to file (the order of "rlatu" is inverted in the output file):
549        DO m = 1, read_climoz
550          CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out2(nlat_ou:1:-1,:,:,m))
551        END DO
552      ENDIF
554      CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_ou)
556    ENDIF
558  !=============================================================================
559  END IF
560  !=============================================================================
562  IF (is_mpi_root) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in)
564END SUBROUTINE regr_horiz_time_climoz
571SUBROUTINE prepare_out(fID_in, nlev_in, ntim_ou, fID_ou, vlevID, vtimID, &
572                       vID_ou, ndims, cal_ou)
574! Purpose:  This subroutine creates the NetCDF output file, defines
575!     dimensions and variables, and writes some of the coordinate variables.
577  USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY: lon_reg, lat_reg
578  USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY: lon_reg, lat_reg
579  USE geometry_mod, ONLY : latitude_deg
580  USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: klon_glo
581  USE mod_phys_lmdz_mpi_data, only: is_mpi_root
582  USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: gather
585! Arguments:
586  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: fID_in, nlev_in, ntim_ou
587  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: fID_ou, vlevID,  vtimID
588  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: vID_ou(:)      ! dim(1/2) 1: O3day&night 2: O3daylight
589  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: ndims          ! fields rank (3 or 4)
590  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: cal_ou ! calendar
592! Local variables:
593  INTEGER :: dlonID, dlatID, dlevID, dtimID, dIDs(4)
594  INTEGER :: vlonID, vlatID, ncerr,  is
595  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: sub
596  REAL :: latitude_glo(klon_glo)
600  IF (grid_type==unstructured) CALL gather(latitude_deg,  latitude_glo)
602  IF (is_mpi_root) THEN 
603    sub="prepare_out"
604    WRITE(lunout,*)"CALL sequence information: "//TRIM(sub)
605    CALL NF95_CREATE("", NF90_clobber, fID_ou)
607  !--- Dimensions:
608    IF(ndims==4) &
609    CALL NF95_DEF_DIM(fID_ou, "rlonv", nlon_ou, dlonID)
610    CALL NF95_DEF_DIM(fID_ou, "rlatu", nlat_ou, dlatID)
611    CALL NF95_DEF_DIM(fID_ou, "plev",  nlev_in, dlevID)
612    CALL NF95_DEF_DIM(fID_ou, "time",  ntim_ou, dtimID)
614    !--- Define coordinate variables:
615    IF(ndims==4) &
616    CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, "rlonv", NF90_FLOAT, dlonID, vlonID)
617    CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, "rlatu", NF90_FLOAT, dlatID, vlatID)
618    CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, "plev",  NF90_FLOAT, dlevID, vlevID)
619    CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, "time",  NF90_FLOAT, dtimID, vtimID)
620    IF(ndims==4) &
621    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlonID, "units", "degrees_east")
622    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlatID, "units", "degrees_north")
623    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlevID, "units", "millibar")
624    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vtimID, "units", "days since 2000-1-1")
625    IF(ndims==4) &
626    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlonID, "standard_name", "longitude")
627    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlatID, "standard_name", "latitude")
628    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlevID, "standard_name", "air_pressure")
629    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vtimID, "standard_name", "time")
630    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlevID, "long_name",     "air pressure")
631    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vtimID, "calendar",      cal_ou)
633  !--- Define the main variables:
634    IF(ndims==3) dIDs(1:3) = [ dlatID, dlevID, dtimID]
635    IF(ndims==4) dIDs=[dlonID, dlatID, dlevID, dtimID]
636    CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, vars_in(1), NF90_FLOAT, dIDs(1:ndims), vID_ou(1))
637    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vID_ou(1), "long_name", "ozone mole fraction")
638    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vID_ou(1), "standard_name", "mole_fraction_of_ozone&
639      &_in_air")
640    IF(SIZE(vID_ou) == 2) THEN
641      CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, vars_in(2), NF90_FLOAT, dIDs(1:ndims), vID_ou(2))
642      CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vID_ou(2), "long_name","ozone mole fraction in da&
643        &ylight")
644    END IF
646  !--- Global attributes:
647  ! The following commands, copying attributes, may fail. That is OK.
648  ! It should just mean that the attribute is not defined in the input file.
649    CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in,NF90_GLOBAL,"Conventions",fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL, ncerr)
650    CALL handle_err_copy_att("Conventions")
651    CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in,NF90_GLOBAL,"title",      fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL, ncerr)
652    CALL handle_err_copy_att("title")
653    CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in,NF90_GLOBAL,"institution",fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL, ncerr)
654    CALL handle_err_copy_att("institution")
655    CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in,NF90_GLOBAL,"source",     fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL, ncerr)
656    CALL handle_err_copy_att("source")
657    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT (fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL,"comment", "Regridded for LMDZ")
658    CALL NF95_ENDDEF(fID_ou)
660    IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
661      CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vlatID, latitude_glo)
662    ELSE
663      !--- Write one of the coordinate variables:
664      IF(ndims==4) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vlonID, lon_reg/deg2rad)
665      CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vlatID, lat_reg(nlat_ou:1:-1)/deg2rad)
666    !    (convert from rad to degrees and sort in ascending order)
667    ENDIF
668  ENDIF
674SUBROUTINE handle_err_copy_att(att_name)
677  USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_NOERR, NF90_strerror
679! Arguments:
680  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: att_name
682  IF(ncerr /= NF90_NOERR) &
683    WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(sub)//" prepare_out NF95_COPY_ATT "//TRIM(att_name)//  &
684                      " -- "//TRIM(NF90_strerror(ncerr))
686END SUBROUTINE handle_err_copy_att
690END SUBROUTINE prepare_out
694END MODULE regr_horiz_time_climoz_m
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