# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (C) 2006-2021 British Crown (Met Office) & Contributors. # # This file is part of FCM, tools for managing and building source code. # # FCM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # FCM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with FCM. If not, see . # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NAME # FCM1::BuildTask # # DESCRIPTION # This class hosts information of a build task in the FCM build system. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package FCM1::BuildTask; @ISA = qw(FCM1::Base); # Standard pragma use strict; use warnings; # Standard modules use Carp; use File::Compare; use File::Copy; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Spec::Functions; # FCM component modules use FCM1::Base; use FCM1::Timer; use FCM1::Util; # List of property methods for this class my @scalar_properties = ( 'actiontype', # type of action 'dependency', # list of dependencies for this target 'srcfile', # reference to input FCM1::BuildSrc instance 'output', # output file 'outputmtime', # output file modification time 'target', # target name for this task 'targetpath', # search path for the target ); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $obj = FCM1::BuildTask->new (%args); # # DESCRIPTION # This method constructs a new instance of the FCM1::BuildTask class. See # above for allowed list of properties. (KEYS should be in uppercase.) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub new { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; my $class = ref $this || $this; my $self = FCM1::Base->new (%args); bless $self, $class; for my $name (@scalar_properties) { $self->{$name} = exists $args{uc ($name)} ? $args{uc ($name)} : undef; } return $self; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $value = $obj->X; # $obj->X ($value); # # DESCRIPTION # Details of these properties are explained in @scalar_properties. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ for my $name (@scalar_properties) { no strict 'refs'; *$name = sub { my $self = shift; # Argument specified, set property to specified argument if (@_) { $self->{$name} = $_[0]; if ($name eq 'output') { $self->{outputmtime} = $_[0] ? (stat $_[0]) [9] : undef; } } # Default value for property if (not defined $self->{$name}) { if ($name eq 'dependency' or $name eq 'targetpath') { # Reference to an array $self->{$name} = []; } } return $self->{$name}; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $obj->action (TASKLIST => \%tasklist); # # DESCRIPTION # This method performs the task action and sets the output accordingly. The # argument TASKLIST must be a reference to a hash containing the other tasks # of the build, which this task may depend on. The keys of the hash must the # name of the target names of the tasks, and the values of the hash must be # the references to the corresponding FCM1::BuildTask instances. The method # returns true if the task has been performed to create a new version of the # target. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub action { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $tasklist = exists $args{TASKLIST} ? $args{TASKLIST} : {}; return unless $self->actiontype; my $uptodate = 1; my $dep_uptodate = 1; # Check if dependencies are up to date # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- for my $depend (@{ $self->dependency }) { if (exists $tasklist->{$depend}) { if (not $tasklist->{$depend}->output) { # Dependency task output is not set, performs its task action if ($tasklist->{$depend}->action (TASKLIST => $tasklist)) { $uptodate = 0; $dep_uptodate = 0; } } } elsif ($self->verbose > 1) { w_report 'Warning: Task for "', $depend, '" does not exist, may be required by ', $self->target; } } # Check if the target exists in the search path # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (@{ $self->targetpath }) { my $output = find_file_in_path ($self->target, $self->targetpath); $self->output ($output) if $output; } # Target is out of date if it does not exist if ($uptodate) { $uptodate = 0 if not $self->output; } # Check if current target is older than its dependencies # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($uptodate) { for my $depend (@{ $self->dependency }) { next unless exists $tasklist->{$depend}; if ($tasklist->{$depend}->outputmtime > $self->outputmtime) { $uptodate = 0; $dep_uptodate = 0; } } if ($uptodate and ref $self->srcfile) { $uptodate = 0 if $self->srcfile->mtime > $self->outputmtime; } } if ($uptodate) { # Current target and its dependencies are up to date # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($self->actiontype eq 'PP') { # "done" file up to date, set name of pre-processed source file # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $base = $self->srcfile->root . lc ($self->srcfile->ext); my @pknames = split '__', (@{ $self->srcfile->pkgnames })[-2]; my @path = map { catfile ($_, @pknames); } @{ $self->setting (qw/PATH PPSRC/) }; my $oldfile = find_file_in_path ($base, \@path); $self->srcfile->ppsrc ($oldfile); } } else { # Perform action is not up to date # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (For GENINTERFACE and PP, perform action if "done" file not up to date) my $new_output = @{ $self->targetpath } ? catfile ($self->targetpath->[0], $self->target) : $self->target; # Create destination container directory if necessary my $destdir = dirname $new_output; if (not -d $destdir) { print 'Make directory: ', $destdir, "\n" if $self->verbose > 2; mkpath $destdir; } # List of actions if ($self->actiontype eq 'UPDATE') { # Action is UPDATE: Update file # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ print 'Update: ', $new_output, "\n" if $self->verbose > 2; touch_file $new_output or croak 'Unable to update "', $new_output, '", abort'; $self->output ($new_output); } elsif ($self->actiontype eq 'COPY') { # Action is COPY: copy file to destination if necessary # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $copy_required = ($dep_uptodate and $self->output and -f $self->output) ? compare ($self->output, $self->srcfile->src) : 1; if ($copy_required) { # Set up copy command my $srcfile = $self->srcfile->src; my $destfile = catfile ($destdir, basename($srcfile)); print 'Copy: ', $srcfile, "\n", ' to: ', $destfile, "\n" if $self->verbose > 2; © ($srcfile, $destfile) or die $srcfile, ': copy to ', $destfile, ' failed (', $!, '), abort'; chmod (((stat ($srcfile))[2] & 07777), $destfile); $self->output ($new_output); } else { $uptodate = 1; } } elsif ($self->actiontype eq 'PP' or $self->actiontype eq 'GENINTERFACE') { # Action is PP or GENINTERFACE: process file # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my ($newlines, $base, @path); if ($self->actiontype eq 'PP') { # Invoke the pre-processor on the source file # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get lines in the pre-processed source $newlines = $self->srcfile->get_pre_process; $base = $self->srcfile->root . lc ($self->srcfile->ext); # Get search path for the existing pre-processed file my @pknames = split '__', (@{ $self->srcfile->pkgnames })[-2]; @path = map { catfile ($_, @pknames); } @{ $self->setting (qw/PATH PPSRC/) }; } else { # if ($self->actiontype eq 'GENINTERFACE') # Invoke the interface generator # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get new interface lines $newlines = $self->srcfile->get_fortran_interface; # Get search path for the existing interface file $base = $self->srcfile->interfacebase; @path = @{ $self->setting (qw/PATH INC/) }, } # If pre-processed or interface file exists, # compare its content with new lines to see if it has been updated my $update_required = 1; my $oldfile = find_file_in_path ($base, \@path); if ($oldfile and -f $oldfile) { # Read old file open FILE, '<', $oldfile; my @oldlines = readline 'FILE'; close FILE; # Compare old contents and new contents if (@oldlines eq @$newlines) { $update_required = grep { $oldlines[$_] ne $newlines->[$_]; } (0 .. $#oldlines); } } if ($update_required) { # Update the pre-processed source or interface file # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine container directory of the pre-processed or interface file my $newfile = @path ? catfile ($path[0], $base) : $base; # Create the container directory if necessary if (not -d $path[0]) { print 'Make directory: ', $path[0], "\n" if $self->verbose > 1; mkpath $path[0]; } # Update the pre-processor or interface file open FILE, '>', $newfile or croak 'Cannot write to "', $newfile, '" (', $!, '), abort'; print FILE @$newlines; close FILE or croak 'Cannot write to "', $newfile, '" (', $!, '), abort'; print 'Generated: ', $newfile, "\n" if $self->verbose > 1; # Set the name of the pre-processed file $self->srcfile->ppsrc ($newfile) if $self->actiontype eq 'PP'; } else { # Content in pre-processed source or interface file is up to date # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $uptodate = 1; # Set the name of the pre-processed file $self->srcfile->ppsrc ($oldfile) if $self->actiontype eq 'PP'; } # Update the "done" file print 'Update: ', $new_output, "\n" if $self->verbose > 2; touch_file $new_output or croak 'Unable to update "', $new_output, '", abort'; $self->output ($new_output); } else { carp 'Action type "', $self->actiontype, "' not supported"; } } return not $uptodate; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1; __END__