source: LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/StratAer/coagulate.F90 @ 5133

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2! $Id: coagulate.F90 5117 2024-07-24 14:23:34Z abarral $
4SUBROUTINE COAGULATE(pdtcoag,mdw,tr_seri,t_seri,pplay,dens_aer,is_strato)
5  !     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
7  !     Author : Christoph Kleinschmitt (with Olivier Boucher)
8  !     ------
10  !     purpose
11  !     -------
13  !     interface
14  !     ---------
15  !      input
16  !       pdtphys        time step duration                 [sec]
17  !       tr_seri        tracer mixing ratios               [kg/kg]
18  !       mdw             # or mass median diameter          [m]
20  !     method
21  !     ------
23  !     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
25  USE dimphy, ONLY: klon,klev
26  USE aerophys
27  USE infotrac_phy
28  USE phys_local_var_mod, ONLY: DENSO4, DENSO4B, f_r_wet, f_r_wetB
29  USE strataer_local_var_mod, ONLY: flag_new_strat_compo
30  USE lmdz_yomcst
34  !--------------------------------------------------------
36  ! transfer variables when calling this routine
37  REAL,INTENT(IN)                               :: pdtcoag ! Time step in coagulation routine [s]
38  REAL,DIMENSION(nbtr_bin),INTENT(IN)           :: mdw     ! aerosol particle diameter in each bin [m]
39  REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev,nbtr),INTENT(INOUT)  :: tr_seri ! Concentration Traceur [U/KgA]
40  REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN)          :: t_seri  ! Temperature
41  REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN)          :: pplay   ! pression pour le mileu de chaque couche (en Pa)
42  REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev)                     :: dens_aer! density of aerosol [kg/m3 aerosol] with default H2SO4 mass
43  LOGICAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN)       :: is_strato
45  ! local variables in coagulation routine
46  INTEGER                                       :: i,j,k,nb,ilon,ilev
47  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin)                     :: radiusdry ! dry aerosol particle radius in each bin [m]
48  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin)                     :: radiuswet ! wet aerosol particle radius in each bin [m]
49  REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev,nbtr_bin)           :: tr_t ! Concentration Traceur at time t [U/KgA]
50  REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev,nbtr_bin)           :: tr_tp1 ! Concentration Traceur at time t+1 [U/KgA]
51  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin,nbtr_bin,nbtr_bin)   :: ff   ! Volume fraction of intermediate particles
52  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin)                     :: Vdry ! Volume dry of bins
53  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin)                     :: Vwet ! Volume wet of bins
54  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin,nbtr_bin)            :: Vij  ! Volume sum of i and j
55  REAL                                          :: eta  ! Dynamic viscosity of air
56  REAL, PARAMETER                               :: mair=4.8097E-26 ! Average mass of an air molecule [kg]
57  REAL                                          :: zrho ! Density of air
58  REAL                                          :: mnfrpth ! Mean free path of air
59  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin)                     :: Kn   ! Knudsen number of particle i
60  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin)                     :: Di   ! Particle diffusion coefficient
61  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin)                     :: m_par   ! Mass of particle i
62  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin)                     :: thvelpar! Thermal velocity of particle i
63  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin)                     :: mfppar  ! Mean free path of particle i
64  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin)                     :: delta! delta of particle i (from equation 21)
65  REAL, DIMENSION(nbtr_bin,nbtr_bin)            :: beta ! Coagulation kernel from Brownian diffusion
66  REAL                                          :: beta_const ! Constant coagulation kernel (for comparison)
67  REAL                                          :: num
68  REAL                                          :: numi
69  REAL                                          :: denom
71  ! Additional variables for coagulation enhancement factor due to van der Waals forces
72  ! Taken from Chan and Mozurkewich, Measurement of the coagulation rate constant for sulfuric acid
73  ! particles as a function of particle size using TDMA, Aerosol Science, 32, 321-339, 2001.
74  !--ok_vdw is 0 for no vdW forces, 1 for E(0), 2 for E(infinity)
75  INTEGER, PARAMETER                            :: ok_vdw = 0
76  REAL, PARAMETER                               :: avdW1 = 0.0757
77  REAL, PARAMETER                               :: avdW3 = 0.0015
78  REAL, PARAMETER                               :: bvdW0 = 0.0151
79  REAL, PARAMETER                               :: bvdW1 = -0.186
80  REAL, PARAMETER                               :: bvdW3 = -0.0163
81  REAL, PARAMETER                               :: AvdW = 6.4e-20 !Hamaker constant in J = 1e7 erg
82  REAL                                          :: AvdWi
83  REAL                                          :: xvdW
84  REAL                                          :: EvdW
86! ff(i,j,k): Volume fraction of Vi,j that is partitioned to each model bin k
87! just need to be calculated in model initialization because mdw(:) size is fixed
88! no need to recalculate radius, Vdry, Vij, and ff every timestep because it is for 
89! dry aerosols
90  DO i=1, nbtr_bin
91     radiusdry(i)=mdw(i)/2.
92     Vdry(i)=radiusdry(i)**3.  !neglecting factor 4*RPI/3
93     Vwet(i)=0.0
96  DO j=1, nbtr_bin
97     DO i=1, nbtr_bin
98        Vij(i,j)= Vdry(i)+Vdry(j)
99     ENDDO
100  ENDDO
102!--pre-compute the f(i,j,k) from Jacobson equation 13
103  ff=0.0
104  DO k=1, nbtr_bin
105  DO j=1, nbtr_bin
106  DO i=1, nbtr_bin
107    IF (k==1) THEN
108      ff(i,j,k)= 0.0
109    ELSEIF (k>1.AND.Vdry(k-1)<Vij(i,j).AND.Vij(i,j)<Vdry(k)) THEN
110      ff(i,j,k)= 1.-ff(i,j,k-1)
111    ELSEIF (k==nbtr_bin) THEN
112      IF (Vij(i,j)>=Vdry(k)) THEN
113        ff(i,j,k)= 1.
114      ELSE
115        ff(i,j,k)= 0.0
116      ENDIF
117    ELSEIF (k<=(nbtr_bin-1).AND.Vdry(k)<=Vij(i,j).AND.Vij(i,j)<Vdry(k+1)) THEN
118      ff(i,j,k)= Vdry(k)/Vij(i,j)*(Vdry(k+1)-Vij(i,j))/(Vdry(k+1)-Vdry(k))
119    ENDIF
120  ENDDO
121  ENDDO
122  ENDDO
123! End of just need to be calculated at initialization because mdw(:) size is fixed
125  DO ilon=1, klon
126  DO ilev=1, klev
127  !only in the stratosphere
128  IF (is_strato(ilon,ilev)) THEN
129  !compute actual wet particle radius & volume for every grid box
130  IF(flag_new_strat_compo) THEN
131     DO i=1, nbtr_bin
132        radiuswet(i)=f_r_wetB(ilon,ilev,i)*mdw(i)/2.
133        Vwet(i)= radiuswet(i)**3.  !neglecting factor 4*RPI/3
134!!      Vwet(i)= Vdry(i)*(f_r_wetB(ilon,ilev,i)**3)
135     ENDDO
136  ELSE
137     DO i=1, nbtr_bin
138        radiuswet(i)=f_r_wet(ilon,ilev)*mdw(i)/2.
139        Vwet(i)= radiuswet(i)**3.  !neglecting factor 4*RPI/3
140!!      Vwet(i)= Vdry(i)*(f_r_wet(ilon,ilev)**3)
141     ENDDO
142  ENDIF
144!--Calculations for the coagulation kernel---------------------------------------------------------
146  zrho=pplay(ilon,ilev)/t_seri(ilon,ilev)/RD
148!--initialize the tracer at time t and convert from [number/KgA] to [number/m3]
149  DO i=1, nbtr_bin
150  tr_t(ilon,ilev,i) = tr_seri(ilon,ilev,i+nbtr_sulgas) * zrho
151  ENDDO
153  ! mean free path of air (Pruppacher and Klett, 2010, p.417) [m]
154  mnfrpth=6.6E-8*(1.01325E+5/pplay(ilon,ilev))*(t_seri(ilon,ilev)/293.15)
155  ! mnfrpth=2.*eta/(zrho*thvelair)
156  ! mean free path of air (Prupp. Klett) in [10^-6 m]
157  ! ZLAIR = 0.066 *(1.01325E+5/PPLAY)*(T_SERI/293.15)*1.E-06
159  ! dynamic viscosity of air (Pruppacher and Klett, 2010, p.417) [kg/(m*s)]
160  IF (t_seri(ilon,ilev)>=273.15) THEN
161    eta=(1.718+0.0049*(t_seri(ilon,ilev)-273.15))*1.E-5
162  ELSE
163    eta=(1.718+0.0049*(t_seri(ilon,ilev)-273.15)-1.2E-5*(t_seri(ilon,ilev)-273.15)**2)*1.E-5
164  ENDIF
166!--pre-compute the particle diffusion coefficient Di(i) from equation 18
167  Di=0.0
168  DO i=1, nbtr_bin
169      Kn(i)=mnfrpth/radiuswet(i)
170      Di(i)=RKBOL*t_seri(ilon,ilev)/(6.*RPI*radiuswet(i)*eta)*(1.+Kn(i)*(1.249+0.42*exp(-0.87/Kn(i))))
171  ENDDO
173!--pre-compute the thermal velocity of a particle thvelpar(i) from equation 20
174  thvelpar=0.0
175  IF(flag_new_strat_compo) THEN
176     DO i=1, nbtr_bin
177        m_par(i)=4./3.*RPI*radiuswet(i)**3.*DENSO4B(ilon,ilev,i)*1000.
178        thvelpar(i)=sqrt(8.*RKBOL*t_seri(ilon,ilev)/(RPI*m_par(i)))
179     ENDDO
180  ELSE
181     DO i=1, nbtr_bin
182        m_par(i)=4./3.*RPI*radiuswet(i)**3.*DENSO4(ilon,ilev)*1000.
183        thvelpar(i)=sqrt(8.*RKBOL*t_seri(ilon,ilev)/(RPI*m_par(i)))
184     ENDDO
185  ENDIF
187!--pre-compute the particle mean free path mfppar(i) from equation 22
188  mfppar=0.0
189  DO i=1, nbtr_bin
190   mfppar(i)=8.*Di(i)/(RPI*thvelpar(i))
191  ENDDO
193!--pre-compute the mean distance delta(i) from the center of a sphere reached by particles
194!--leaving the surface of the sphere and traveling a distance of particle mfppar(i) from equation 21
195  delta=0.0
196  DO i=1, nbtr_bin
197      delta(i)=((2.*radiuswet(i)+mfppar(i))**3.-(4.*radiuswet(i)**2.+mfppar(i)**2.)**1.5)/ &
198   (6.*radiuswet(i)*mfppar(i))-2.*radiuswet(i)
199  ENDDO
201!   beta(i,j): coagulation kernel (rate coefficient) of 2 colliding particles i,j
202!--pre-compute the beta(i,j) from equation 17 in Jacobson
203  num=0.0
204  DO j=1, nbtr_bin
205  DO i=1, nbtr_bin
207     num=4.*RPI*(radiuswet(i)+radiuswet(j))*(Di(i)+Di(j))
208     denom=(radiuswet(i)+radiuswet(j))/(radiuswet(i)+radiuswet(j)+sqrt(delta(i)**2.+delta(j)**2.))+ &
209   4.*(Di(i)+Di(j))/(sqrt(thvelpar(i)**2.+thvelpar(j)**2.)*(radiuswet(i)+radiuswet(j)))
210     beta(i,j)=num/denom
212!--compute enhancement factor due to van der Waals forces
213   IF (ok_vdw == 0) THEN      !--no enhancement factor
214      Evdw=1.0
215   ELSEIF (ok_vdw == 1) THEN  !--E(0) case
216      AvdWi = AvdW/(RKBOL*t_seri(ilon,ilev))*(4.*radiuswet(i)*radiuswet(j))/(radiuswet(i)+radiuswet(j))**2.
217      xvdW = LOG(1.+AvdWi)
218      EvdW = 1. + avdW1*xvdW + avdW3*xvdW**3
219   ELSEIF (ok_vdw == 2) THEN  !--E(infinity) case
220      AvdWi = AvdW/(RKBOL*t_seri(ilon,ilev))*(4.*radiuswet(i)*radiuswet(j))/(radiuswet(i)+radiuswet(j))**2.
221      xvdW = LOG(1.+AvdWi)
222      EvdW = 1. + SQRT(AvdWi/3.)/(1.+bvdW0*SQRT(AvdWi)) + bvdW1*xvdW + bvdW3*xvdW**3.
223   ENDIF
225   beta(i,j)=beta(i,j)*EvdW
227  ENDDO
228  ENDDO
230!--external loop for equation 14
231  DO k=1, nbtr_bin
233!--calculating denominator sum
234  denom=0.0
235  DO j=1, nbtr_bin
236     !    fraction of coagulation of k and j that is not giving k
237     denom=denom+(1.-ff(k,j,k))*beta(k,j)*tr_t(ilon,ilev,j)
238  ENDDO
240  IF (k==1) THEN
241!--calculate new concentration of smallest bin
242    tr_tp1(ilon,ilev,k)=tr_t(ilon,ilev,k)/(1.+pdtcoag*denom)
243    ELSE
244!--calculating double sum terms in numerator of eq 14
245    num=0.0
246    DO j=1, k
247       numi=0.0
248       DO i=1, k-1
250!           see Jacobson: " In order to conserve volume and volume concentration (which
251!           coagulation physically does) while giving up some accuracy in number concentration"
253!           Coagulation of i and j giving k
254!           with V(i) and then V(j) because it considers i,j and j,i with the double loop
256!           BUT WHY WET VOLUME V(i) in old STRATAER? tracers are already dry aerosols and coagulation
257!           kernel beta(i,j) accounts for wet aerosols -> reply below
259!             numi=numi+ff(i,j,k)*beta(i,j)*V(i)*tr_tp1(ilon,ilev,i)*tr_t(ilon,ilev,j)
260            numi=numi+ff(i,j,k)*beta(i,j)*Vdry(i)*tr_tp1(ilon,ilev,i)*tr_t(ilon,ilev,j)
261       ENDDO
262       num=num+numi
263    ENDDO
265!--calculate new concentration of other bins
266!      tr_tp1(ilon,ilev,k)=(V(k)*tr_t(ilon,ilev,k)+pdtcoag*num)/( (1.+pdtcoag*denom)*V(k) )
267    tr_tp1(ilon,ilev,k)=(Vdry(k)*tr_t(ilon,ilev,k)+pdtcoag*num)/( (1.+pdtcoag*denom)*Vdry(k) )
269!       In constant composition (no dependency on aerosol size because no kelvin effect)
270!       V(l)= (f_r_wet(ilon,ilev)**3)*((mdw(l)/2.)**3) = (f_r_wet(ilon,ilev)**3)*Vdry(i)
271!       so numi and num are proportional (f_r_wet(ilon,ilev)**3)
272!       and so
273!        tr_tp1(ilon,ilev,k)=(V(k)*tr_t(ilon,ilev,k)+pdtcoag*num)/( (1.+pdtcoag*denom)*V(k) )
274!                     =(Vdry(k)*tr_t(ilon,ilev,k)+pdtcoag*num_dry)/( (1.+pdtcoag*denom)*Vdry(k) )
275!          with num_dry=...beta(i,j)*Vdry(i)*....
276!       so in old STRATAER (.NOT.flag_new_strat_compo), it was correct
277  ENDIF
279  ENDDO !--end of loop k
281!--convert tracer concentration back from [number/m3] to [number/KgA] and write into tr_seri
282  DO i=1, nbtr_bin
283     tr_seri(ilon,ilev,i+nbtr_sulgas) = tr_tp1(ilon,ilev,i) / zrho
284  ENDDO
287  ENDDO !--end of loop klev
288  ENDDO !--end of loop klon
289! *********************************************
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