1 | MODULE strings_mod |
3 | PUBLIC :: maxlen, init_printout, msg, fmsg, get_in, lunout, prt_level |
4 | PUBLIC :: strLower, strHead, strStack, strCount, strReduce, strClean, strIdx |
5 | PUBLIC :: strUpper, strTail, strStackm, strParse, strReplace, strFind, find, cat |
6 | PUBLIC :: dispTable, dispOutliers, dispNameList |
7 | PUBLIC :: is_numeric, bool2str, int2str, real2str, dble2str |
8 | PUBLIC :: reduceExpr, str2bool, str2int, str2real, str2dble |
9 | PUBLIC :: addQuotes, checkList, removeComment |
10 | |
11 | INTERFACE get_in; MODULE PROCEDURE getin_s, getin_i, getin_r, getin_l; END INTERFACE get_in |
13 | INTERFACE fmsg; MODULE PROCEDURE fmsg_1, fmsg_m; END INTERFACE fmsg |
14 | INTERFACE strHead; MODULE PROCEDURE strHead_1, strHead_m; END INTERFACE strHead |
15 | INTERFACE strTail; MODULE PROCEDURE strTail_1, strTail_m; END INTERFACE strTail |
16 | INTERFACE strClean; MODULE PROCEDURE strClean_1, strClean_m; END INTERFACE strClean |
17 | INTERFACE strReduce; MODULE PROCEDURE strReduce_1, strReduce_2; END INTERFACE strReduce |
18 | INTERFACE strIdx; MODULE PROCEDURE strIdx_1, strIdx_m; END INTERFACE strIdx |
19 | INTERFACE strCount; MODULE PROCEDURE strCount_m1, strCount_11, strCount_1m; END INTERFACE strCount |
20 | INTERFACE strReplace; MODULE PROCEDURE strReplace_1, strReplace_m; END INTERFACE strReplace |
21 | INTERFACE cat; MODULE PROCEDURE horzcat_s00, horzcat_i00, horzcat_r00, & !horzcat_d00, & |
22 | horzcat_s10, horzcat_i10, horzcat_r10, & !horzcat_d10, & |
23 | horzcat_s11, horzcat_i11, horzcat_r11, & !horzcat_d11, & |
24 | horzcat_s21, horzcat_i21, horzcat_r21; END INTERFACE cat !horzcat_d21 |
25 | INTERFACE strFind; MODULE PROCEDURE strFind_1, strFind_m; END INTERFACE strFind |
26 | INTERFACE find; MODULE PROCEDURE strFind_1, strFind_m, intFind_1, intFind_m, booFind; END INTERFACE find |
27 | INTERFACE dispOutliers; MODULE PROCEDURE dispOutliers_1, dispOutliers_2; END INTERFACE dispOutliers |
28 | INTERFACE reduceExpr; MODULE PROCEDURE reduceExpr_1, reduceExpr_m; END INTERFACE reduceExpr |
29 | INTERFACE addQuotes; MODULE PROCEDURE addQuotes_1, addQuotes_m; END INTERFACE addQuotes |
30 | |
31 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxlen = 256 !--- Standard maximum length for strings |
32 | INTEGER, SAVE :: lunout = 6 !--- Printing unit (default: 6, ie. on screen) |
33 | INTEGER, SAVE :: prt_level = 1 !--- Printing level (default: 1, ie. print all) |
34 | |
36 | |
37 | |
38 | !============================================================================================================================== |
39 | SUBROUTINE init_printout(lunout_, prt_level_) |
40 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lunout_, prt_level_ |
41 | lunout = lunout_ |
42 | prt_level = prt_level_ |
43 | END SUBROUTINE init_printout |
44 | !============================================================================================================================== |
45 | |
46 | |
47 | !============================================================================================================================== |
48 | !=== Same as getin ; additional last argument: the default value. |
49 | !============================================================================================================================== |
50 | SUBROUTINE getin_s(nam, val, def) |
51 | USE IOIPSL, ONLY: getin |
52 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: nam |
54 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: def |
55 | val = def; CALL getin(nam, val) |
56 | IF(val/=def) WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(nam)//' = '//TRIM(val) |
57 | END SUBROUTINE getin_s |
58 | !============================================================================================================================== |
59 | SUBROUTINE getin_i(nam, val, def) |
60 | USE IOIPSL, ONLY: getin |
61 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: nam |
62 | INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: val |
63 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: def |
64 | val = def; CALL getin(nam, val) |
65 | IF(val/=def) WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(nam)//' = '//TRIM(int2str(val)) |
66 | END SUBROUTINE getin_i |
67 | !============================================================================================================================== |
68 | SUBROUTINE getin_r(nam, val, def) |
69 | USE IOIPSL,ONLY: getin |
70 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: nam |
71 | REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: val |
72 | REAL, INTENT(IN) :: def |
73 | val = def; CALL getin(nam, val) |
74 | IF(val/=def) WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(nam)//' = '//TRIM(real2str(val)) |
75 | END SUBROUTINE getin_r |
76 | !============================================================================================================================== |
77 | SUBROUTINE getin_l(nam, val, def) |
78 | USE IOIPSL, ONLY: getin |
79 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: nam |
80 | LOGICAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: val |
81 | LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: def |
82 | val = def; CALL getin(nam, val) |
83 | IF(val.NEQV.def) WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(nam)//' = '//TRIM(bool2str(val)) |
84 | END SUBROUTINE getin_l |
85 | !============================================================================================================================== |
86 | |
87 | |
88 | !============================================================================================================================== |
89 | !=== Display one or several messages, one each line, starting with the current routine name "modname". |
90 | !============================================================================================================================== |
91 | SUBROUTINE msg_1(str, modname, ll, unit) |
92 | !--- Display a simple message "str". Optional parameters: |
93 | ! * "modname": module name, displayed in front of the message (with ": " separator) if present. |
94 | ! * "ll": message trigger ; message is displayed only if ll==.TRUE. |
95 | ! * "unit": write unit (by default: "lunout") |
96 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
97 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: modname |
100 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
101 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: subn |
102 | INTEGER :: unt |
103 | subn = ''; IF(PRESENT(modname)) subn = modname |
105 | unt = lunout; IF(PRESENT(unit)) unt = unit |
106 | IF(subn == '') WRITE(unt,'(a)') str !--- Simple message |
107 | IF(subn /= '') WRITE(unt,'(a)') TRIM(subn)//': '//str !--- Routine name provided |
108 | END SUBROUTINE msg_1 |
109 | !============================================================================================================================== |
110 | SUBROUTINE msg_m(str, modname, ll, unit, nmax) |
111 | !--- Same as msg_1 with multiple strings that are stacked (separator: coma) on up to "nmax" full lines. |
112 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str(:) |
113 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: modname |
117 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
118 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: s(:) |
119 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: subn |
120 | INTEGER :: unt, nmx, k |
121 | LOGICAL :: l |
122 | subn = ''; IF(PRESENT(modname)) subn = modname |
123 | l = .TRUE.; IF(PRESENT(ll)) l = ll |
124 | unt = lunout; IF(PRESENT(unit)) unt = unit |
125 | nmx = 128; IF(PRESENT(nmax)) nmx = nmax |
126 | s = strStackm(str, ', ', nmx) |
127 | DO k=1,SIZE(s); CALL msg_1(s(k), subn, l, unt); END DO |
128 | END SUBROUTINE msg_m |
129 | !============================================================================================================================== |
130 | LOGICAL FUNCTION fmsg_1(str, modname, ll, unit) RESULT(l) |
131 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
132 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: modname |
135 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
136 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: subn |
137 | INTEGER :: unt |
138 | subn = ''; IF(PRESENT(modname)) subn = modname |
139 | l = .TRUE.; IF(PRESENT(ll)) l = ll |
140 | unt = lunout; IF(PRESENT(unit)) unt = unit |
141 | CALL msg_1(str, subn, l, unt) |
142 | END FUNCTION fmsg_1 |
143 | !============================================================================================================================== |
144 | LOGICAL FUNCTION fmsg_m(str, modname, ll, unit, nmax) RESULT(l) |
145 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str(:) |
146 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: modname |
150 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
151 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: subn |
152 | INTEGER :: unt, nmx |
153 | subn = ''; IF(PRESENT(modname)) subn = modname |
154 | l = .TRUE.; IF(PRESENT(ll)) l = ll |
155 | unt = lunout; IF(PRESENT(unit)) unt = unit |
156 | nmx = 128; IF(PRESENT(nmax)) nmx = nmax |
157 | CALL msg_m(str, subn, l, unt, nmx) |
158 | END FUNCTION fmsg_m |
159 | !============================================================================================================================== |
160 | |
161 | |
162 | !============================================================================================================================== |
163 | !=== Lower/upper case conversion function. ==================================================================================== |
164 | !============================================================================================================================== |
165 | ELEMENTAL CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) FUNCTION strLower(str) RESULT(out) |
166 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
167 | INTEGER :: k |
168 | out = str |
169 | DO k=1,LEN_TRIM(str) |
170 | IF(str(k:k)>='A' .AND. str(k:k)<='Z') out(k:k)=ACHAR(IACHAR(str(k:k))+32) |
171 | END DO |
172 | END FUNCTION strLower |
173 | !============================================================================================================================== |
174 | ELEMENTAL CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) FUNCTION strUpper(str) RESULT(out) |
175 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
176 | INTEGER :: k |
177 | out = str |
178 | DO k=1,LEN_TRIM(str) |
179 | IF(str(k:k)>='a' .AND. str(k:k)<='z') out(k:k)=ACHAR(IACHAR(str(k:k))-32) |
180 | END DO |
181 | END FUNCTION strUpper |
182 | !============================================================================================================================== |
183 | |
184 | |
185 | !============================================================================================================================== |
186 | !=== Extract the substring in front of the first (last if lBackward==TRUE) occurrence of "sep" in "str" ================ |
187 | !=== Examples for str='a_b_c' and sep='_' and the bash command with the same effect: ================ |
188 | !=== * strHead(..,.FALSE.) = 'a' ${str%%$sep*} ================ |
189 | !=== * strHead(..,.TRUE.) = 'a_b' ${str%$sep*} ================ |
190 | !============================================================================================================================== |
191 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) FUNCTION strHead_1(str, sep, lBackward) RESULT(out) |
192 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
194 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: lBackward |
195 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
196 | IF(PRESENT(sep)) THEN |
197 | IF( PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = str(1:INDEX(str,sep,lBackWard)-1) |
198 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = str(1:INDEX(str,sep)-1) |
199 | ELSE |
200 | IF( PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = str(1:INDEX(str,'/',lBackWard)-1) |
201 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = str(1:INDEX(str,'/')-1) |
202 | END IF |
203 | IF(out == '') out = str |
204 | END FUNCTION strHead_1 |
205 | !============================================================================================================================== |
206 | FUNCTION strHead_m(str, sep, lBackward) RESULT(out) |
207 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
208 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str(:) |
210 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: lBackward |
211 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
212 | INTEGER :: k |
213 | IF(PRESENT(sep)) THEN |
214 | IF( PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = [(strHead_1(str(k), sep, lBackWard), k=1, SIZE(str))] |
215 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = [(strHead_1(str(k), sep), k=1, SIZE(str))] |
216 | ELSE |
217 | IF( PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = [(strHead_1(str(k), '/', lBackWard), k=1, SIZE(str))] |
218 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = [(strHead_1(str(k), '/'), k=1, SIZE(str))] |
219 | END IF |
220 | END FUNCTION strHead_m |
221 | !============================================================================================================================== |
222 | !=== Extract the substring following the first (last if lBackward==TRUE) occurrence of "sep" in "str" ================ |
223 | !=== Examples for str='a_b_c' and sep='_' and the bash command with the same effect: ================ |
224 | !=== * strTail(str, '_', .FALSE.) = 'b_c' ${str#*$sep} ================ |
225 | !=== * strTail(str, '_', .TRUE.) = 'c' ${str##*$sep} ================ |
226 | !============================================================================================================================== |
227 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) FUNCTION strTail_1(str, sep, lBackWard) RESULT(out) |
228 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
230 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: lBackWard |
231 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
232 | IF(PRESENT(sep)) THEN |
233 | IF( PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = str(INDEX(str,sep,lBackWard)+LEN(sep):LEN_TRIM(str)) |
234 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = str(INDEX(str,sep) +LEN(sep):LEN_TRIM(str)) |
235 | ELSE |
236 | IF( PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = str(INDEX(str,'/',lBackWard)+1:LEN_TRIM(str)) |
237 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = str(INDEX(str,'/') +1:LEN_TRIM(str)) |
238 | END IF |
239 | IF(out == '') out = str |
240 | END FUNCTION strTail_1 |
241 | !============================================================================================================================== |
242 | FUNCTION strTail_m(str, sep, lBackWard) RESULT(out) |
243 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
244 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str(:) |
246 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: lBackWard |
247 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
248 | INTEGER :: k |
249 | IF(PRESENT(sep)) THEN |
250 | IF( PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = [(strTail_1(str(k), sep, lBackWard), k=1, SIZE(str))] |
251 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = [(strTail_1(str(k), sep), k=1, SIZE(str))] |
252 | ELSE |
253 | IF( PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = [(strTail_1(str(k), '/', lBackWard), k=1, SIZE(str))] |
254 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(lBackWard)) out = [(strTail_1(str(k), '/'), k=1, SIZE(str))] |
255 | END IF |
256 | END FUNCTION strTail_m |
257 | !============================================================================================================================== |
258 | |
259 | |
260 | !============================================================================================================================== |
261 | !=== Concatenates the strings "str(:)" with separator "sep" into a single string using a separator (',' by default). ========== |
262 | !============================================================================================================================== |
263 | FUNCTION strStack(str, sep, mask) RESULT(out) |
265 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str(:) |
267 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: mask(:) |
268 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
270 | INTEGER :: is, i0 |
271 | IF(SIZE(str) == 0) THEN; out = ''; RETURN; END IF |
272 | ALLOCATE(s, SOURCE=', '); IF(PRESENT(sep)) s=sep |
273 | IF(PRESENT(mask)) THEN |
274 | IF(ALL(.NOT.mask)) THEN; out = ''; RETURN; END IF |
275 | i0 = 0; DO WHILE(.NOT.mask(i0+1)); i0 = i0+1; END DO |
276 | out = str(i0); DO is=i0+1,SIZE(str, DIM=1); IF(.NOT.mask(is)) CYCLE; out = TRIM(out)//s//TRIM(str(is)); END DO |
277 | ELSE |
278 | out = str(1); DO is=2,SIZE(str, DIM=1); out = TRIM(out)//s//TRIM(str(is)); END DO |
279 | END IF |
280 | END FUNCTION strStack |
281 | !============================================================================================================================== |
282 | !=== Concatenate the strings "str(:)" with separator "sep" into one or several lines of "nmax" characters max (for display) === |
283 | !============================================================================================================================== |
284 | FUNCTION strStackm(str, sep, nmax) RESULT(out) |
285 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
286 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str(:) |
289 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
290 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: t(:) |
291 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: sp |
292 | INTEGER :: is, ns, no, mx, n |
293 | IF(SIZE(str) == 0) THEN; out = ['']; RETURN; END IF |
294 | sp =', '; IF(PRESENT(sep )) sp = sep |
295 | ns = 2 ; IF(PRESENT(sep )) ns = LEN(sep) |
296 | mx = 256; IF(PRESENT(nmax)) mx = nmax |
297 | no = 1; out = [''] |
298 | DO is = 1, SIZE(str) |
299 | n = LEN_TRIM(str(is)); IF(out(no)/='') n = n+ns+LEN_TRIM(out(no)) !--- Line length after "str(is)" inclusion |
300 | IF(out(no) == '') THEN |
301 | out(no) = str(is) !--- Empty new line: set to "str(is)" |
302 | ELSE IF(n <= mx) THEN |
303 | out(no) = TRIM(out(no))//sp(1:ns)//TRIM(str(is)) !--- Append "str(is)" to the current line |
304 | ELSE |
305 | ALLOCATE(t(no+1)); t(1:no) = out; no=no+1; t(no) = str(is) !--- Full line: "str(si)" put in next line |
306 | CALL MOVE_ALLOC(FROM=t, TO=out) |
307 | END IF |
308 | END DO |
309 | END FUNCTION strStackm |
310 | !============================================================================================================================== |
311 | |
312 | |
313 | !============================================================================================================================== |
314 | !=== String cleaning: replace tabulation by spaces, remove NULL characters and comments. ====================================== |
315 | !============================================================================================================================== |
316 | SUBROUTINE strClean_1(str) |
317 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: str |
318 | INTEGER :: k, n, m |
319 | n = LEN(str) |
320 | DO k = n, 1, -1 |
321 | m = IACHAR(str(k:k)) |
322 | IF(m==9) str(k:k) = ' ' !--- Replace the tabulations with spaces |
323 | IF(m==0) str(k:n) = str(k+1:n)//' ' !--- Remove the NULL characters |
324 | END DO |
325 | m = INDEX(str,'!')-1; IF(m==-1) m = LEN_TRIM(str) !--- Remove end of line comment |
326 | str = ADJUSTL(str(1:m)) |
327 | END SUBROUTINE strClean_1 |
328 | !============================================================================================================================== |
329 | SUBROUTINE strClean_m(str) |
330 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: str(:) |
331 | INTEGER :: k |
332 | DO k = 1, SIZE(str); CALL strClean_1(str(k)); END DO |
333 | END SUBROUTINE strClean_m |
334 | !============================================================================================================================== |
335 | |
336 | |
337 | !============================================================================================================================== |
338 | !=== strReduce_1(str1) : Remove duplicated elements of str1. =========================================================== |
339 | !=== strReduce_2(str1,str2): Append str1 with new elements of str2. =========================================================== |
340 | !============================================================================================================================== |
341 | SUBROUTINE strReduce_1(str, nb) |
344 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
345 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: s1(:) |
346 | INTEGER :: k, n, n1 |
347 | IF(PRESENT(nb)) nb = 0 |
348 | CALL MOVE_ALLOC(FROM=str, TO=s1); CALL strClean(s1) |
349 | n1 = SIZE(s1, DIM=1) !--- Total nb. of elements in "s1" |
350 | n = COUNT( [( ALL(s1(1:k-1)/=s1(k)), k=1, n1 )] ) !--- Nb of unique elements in "s1" |
351 | ALLOCATE(str(n)) |
352 | IF(n==0) RETURN |
353 | str(1) = s1(1) |
354 | n=1; DO k=2,n1; IF(ANY(s1(1:k-1)==s1(k))) CYCLE; n=n+1; str(n)=s1(k); END DO |
355 | IF(PRESENT(nb)) nb=n |
356 | END SUBROUTINE strReduce_1 |
357 | !============================================================================================================================== |
358 | SUBROUTINE strReduce_2(str1, str2) |
360 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str2(:) |
361 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
362 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: s1(:), s2(:) |
363 | INTEGER :: k |
364 | IF(SIZE(str2)==0) RETURN |
365 | s2 = str2; CALL strClean(s2) |
367 | IF(SIZE(s2) == 0) THEN; DEALLOCATE(s2); RETURN; END IF |
368 | IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(str1)) THEN |
369 | str1 = s2 |
370 | ELSE IF(SIZE(str1)==0) THEN |
371 | str1 = s2 |
372 | ELSE |
373 | s1 = str1; CALL strClean(s1) |
374 | str1 = [s1, PACK(s2, MASK= [( ALL(s1(:) /= s2(k)), k=1, SIZE(s2) )] ) ] |
375 | END IF |
376 | END SUBROUTINE strReduce_2 |
377 | !============================================================================================================================== |
378 | |
379 | |
380 | !============================================================================================================================== |
381 | !=== GET THE INDEX OF THE FIRST APPEARANCE IN THE STRING VECTOR "str(:)" OF THE STRING(s) "s[(:)]" ============================ |
382 | !=== OPTIONALY: GET THE NUMBER OF FOUND ELEMENTS "n". NB: UNFOUND => INDEX=0 ============================ |
383 | !============================================================================================================================== |
384 | INTEGER FUNCTION strIdx_1(str, s) RESULT(out) |
385 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str(:), s |
386 | DO out = 1, SIZE(str); IF(str(out) == s) EXIT; END DO |
387 | IF(out == 1+SIZE(str) .OR. SIZE(str)==0) out = 0 |
388 | END FUNCTION strIdx_1 |
389 | !============================================================================================================================== |
390 | FUNCTION strIdx_m(str, s, n) RESULT(out) |
391 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str(:), s(:) |
393 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
394 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
395 | INTEGER :: k |
396 | out = [(strIdx_1(str(:), s(k)), k=1, SIZE(s))] |
397 | IF(PRESENT(n)) n = COUNT(out(:)/=0) |
398 | END FUNCTION strIdx_m |
399 | !============================================================================================================================== |
400 | |
401 | |
402 | !============================================================================================================================== |
403 | !=== GET THE INDEX LIST OF THE ELEMENTS OF "str(:)" EQUAL TO "s" AND OPTIONALY, ITS LENGTH "n" ================================ |
404 | !============================================================================================================================== |
405 | FUNCTION strFind_1(str, s, n) RESULT(out) |
406 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str(:), s |
408 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
409 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
410 | INTEGER :: k |
411 | out = PACK( [(k, k=1, SIZE(str(:), DIM=1))], MASK = str(:) == s ) |
412 | IF(PRESENT(n)) n = SIZE(out(:), DIM=1) |
413 | END FUNCTION strFind_1 |
414 | !============================================================================================================================== |
415 | FUNCTION strFind_m(str, s, n) RESULT(out) |
416 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str(:), s(:) |
418 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
419 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
420 | INTEGER :: k |
421 | out = [(strFind_1(str, s(k)), k=1, SIZE(s))] |
422 | IF(PRESENT(n)) n = SIZE(out(:), DIM=1) |
423 | END FUNCTION strFind_m |
424 | !============================================================================================================================== |
425 | FUNCTION intFind_1(i,j,n) RESULT(out) |
426 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i(:), j |
428 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
429 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
430 | INTEGER :: k |
431 | out = PACK( [(k, k=1, SIZE(i(:), DIM=1))], MASK = i(:) == j ) |
432 | IF(PRESENT(n)) n = SIZE(out(:), DIM=1) |
433 | END FUNCTION intFind_1 |
434 | !============================================================================================================================== |
435 | FUNCTION intFind_m(i,j,n) RESULT(out) |
436 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i(:), j(:) |
438 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
439 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
440 | INTEGER :: k |
441 | out = [(intFind_1(i, j(k)), k=1, SIZE(j))] |
442 | IF(PRESENT(n)) n = SIZE(out(:), DIM=1) |
443 | END FUNCTION intFind_m |
444 | !============================================================================================================================== |
445 | FUNCTION booFind(l,n) RESULT(out) |
446 | LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: l(:) |
448 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
449 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
450 | INTEGER :: k |
451 | out = PACK( [(k, k=1, SIZE(l(:), DIM=1))], MASK = l(:) ) |
452 | IF(PRESENT(n)) n = SIZE(out(:), DIM=1) |
453 | END FUNCTION booFind |
454 | !============================================================================================================================== |
455 | |
456 | |
457 | !============================================================================================================================== |
461 | !============================================================================================================================== |
462 | LOGICAL FUNCTION strIdx_prv(rawList, del, ibeg, idx, idel, lSc) RESULT(lerr) |
463 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: rawList !--- String in which delimiters have to be identified |
464 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: del(:) !--- List of delimiters |
465 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ibeg !--- Start index |
466 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: idx !--- Index of the first identified delimiter in "rawList" |
467 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: idel !--- Index of the identified delimiter (0 if idx==0) |
468 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: lSc !--- Care about nbs with front sign or in scient. notation |
469 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
470 | INTEGER :: idx0 !--- Used to display an identified non-numeric string |
471 | lerr = .FALSE. |
472 | idx = strIdx1(rawList, del, ibeg, idel) !--- idx/=0: del(idel) is at position "idx" in "rawList" |
473 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(lSc)) RETURN !--- No need to check exceptions for numbers => finished |
474 | IF(.NOT. lSc ) RETURN !--- No need to check exceptions for numbers => finished |
475 | |
476 | !=== No delimiter found: the whole string must be a valid number |
477 | IF(idx == 0) THEN !--- No element of "del" in "rawList" |
478 | lerr = .NOT.is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:LEN_TRIM(rawList))) !--- String must be a number |
479 | IF(lerr) idx = LEN_TRIM(rawList); RETURN !--- Set idx so that rawList(ibeg:idx-1) = whole string |
480 | END IF |
481 | |
482 | lerr = idx == 1 .AND. INDEX('+-',del(idel)) /= 0; IF(lerr) RETURN !--- The front delimiter is different from +/-: error |
483 | IF( idx /= 1 .AND. is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:idx-1))) RETURN !--- The input string head is a valid number |
484 | |
485 | !=== The string part in front of the 1st delimiter is not a valid number: search for next delimiter index "idx" |
486 | idx0 = idx ; idx = strIdx1(rawList, del, idx+1, idel) !--- Keep start index because idx is recycled |
487 | IF(idx == 0) THEN |
488 | lerr = .NOT.is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:LEN_TRIM(rawList))) !--- No other delimiter: whole string must be a valid numb |
489 | IF(lerr) idx = idx0; RETURN |
490 | END IF |
491 | lerr = .NOT.is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:idx-1)) |
492 | |
493 | CONTAINS |
494 | |
495 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
496 | INTEGER FUNCTION strIdx1(str, del, ib, id) RESULT(i) |
497 | !--- Get the index of the first appereance of one of the delimiters "del(:)" in "str" starting from position "ib". |
498 | !--- "id" is the index in "del(:)" of the first delimiter found. |
499 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str, del(:) |
500 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ib |
501 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: id |
502 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
503 | DO i = ib, LEN_TRIM(str); id = strIdx(del, str(i:i)); IF(id /= 0) EXIT; END DO |
504 | IF(i > LEN_TRIM(str)) THEN; i = 0; id = 0; END IF |
505 | END FUNCTION strIdx1 |
506 | |
507 | END FUNCTION strIdx_prv |
508 | !============================================================================================================================== |
509 | |
510 | |
511 | !============================================================================================================================== |
512 | !=== Count the number of elements separated by "delimiter" in list "rawList". ================================================= |
513 | !============================================================================================================================== |
514 | LOGICAL FUNCTION strCount_11(rawList, delimiter, nb, lSc) RESULT(lerr) |
515 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: rawList |
516 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: delimiter |
517 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nb |
519 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
520 | LOGICAL :: ll |
521 | ll = .FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(lSc)) ll = lSc |
522 | lerr = strCount_1m(rawList, [delimiter], nb, ll) |
523 | END FUNCTION strCount_11 |
524 | !============================================================================================================================== |
525 | LOGICAL FUNCTION strCount_m1(rawList, delimiter, nb, lSc) RESULT(lerr) |
526 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: rawList(:) |
527 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: delimiter |
530 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
531 | LOGICAL :: ll |
532 | INTEGER :: id |
533 | ll = .FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(lSc)) ll = lSc .AND. INDEX('+-', delimiter) /= 0 |
534 | lerr = .TRUE. |
535 | ALLOCATE(nb(SIZE(rawList))) |
536 | DO id = 1, SIZE(rawList) |
537 | lerr = lerr .AND. strCount_1m(rawList(id), [delimiter], nb(id), ll) |
538 | END DO |
539 | END FUNCTION strCount_m1 |
540 | !============================================================================================================================== |
541 | LOGICAL FUNCTION strCount_1m(rawList, delimiter, nb, lSc) RESULT(lerr) |
542 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: rawList |
543 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: delimiter(:) |
544 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nb |
546 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
547 | INTEGER :: ib, ie, jd, nr |
548 | LOGICAL :: ll |
549 | CHARACTER(LEN=1024) :: r |
550 | lerr = .FALSE. |
551 | ll = .FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(lSc)) ll = lSc |
552 | r = TRIM(ADJUSTL(rawList)) |
553 | nr = LEN_TRIM(r); IF(nr == 0) RETURN |
554 | nb = 1; ib = 1 |
555 | DO |
556 | lerr = strIdx_prv(r, delimiter, ib, ie, jd, ll) |
557 | IF(fmsg('"'//TRIM(r(ib:ie-1))//'" is not numeric', ll=lerr)) RETURN |
558 | IF(ie == 0 .OR. jd == 0) EXIT |
559 | ib = ie + LEN(delimiter(jd)) |
560 | DO WHILE(r(ib:ib) == ' ' .AND. ib < nr); ib = ib + 1; END DO !--- Skip spaces before next chain |
561 | nb = nb + 1 |
562 | END DO |
563 | END FUNCTION strCount_1m |
564 | !============================================================================================================================== |
565 | |
566 | |
567 | !============================================================================================================================== |
568 | !=== Purpose: Parse "delimiter"-separated list "rawList" into the pair keys(:), vals(:). ==================================== |
569 | !=== Corresponding "vals" remains empty if the element does not contain "=" sign. ==================================== |
570 | !============================================================================================================================== |
571 | LOGICAL FUNCTION strParse(rawList, delimiter, keys, n, vals) RESULT(lerr) |
572 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: rawList, delimiter |
573 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: keys(:) |
576 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
577 | CHARACTER(LEN=1024) :: r |
578 | INTEGER :: nr, nk |
579 | lerr = .FALSE. |
580 | r = TRIM(ADJUSTL(rawList)) |
581 | nr = LEN_TRIM(r); IF(nr == 0) THEN; keys = ['']; RETURN; END IF |
582 | nk = countK() !--- COUNT THE ELEMENTS |
583 | CALL parseK(keys) !--- PARSE THE KEYS |
584 | IF(PRESENT(vals)) CALL parseV(vals) !--- PARSE <key>=<val> PAIRS |
585 | IF(PRESENT(n)) n = nk !--- RETURN THE NUMBER OF KEYS |
586 | |
587 | CONTAINS |
588 | |
589 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
590 | INTEGER FUNCTION countK() RESULT(nkeys) |
591 | !--- Get the number of elements after parsing. |
592 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
593 | INTEGER :: ib, ie, nl |
594 | nkeys = 1; ib = 1; nl = LEN(delimiter) |
595 | DO |
596 | ie = INDEX(rawList(ib:nr), delimiter)+ib-1 !--- Determine the next separator start index |
597 | IF(ie == ib-1) EXIT |
598 | ib = ie + nl |
599 | DO WHILE(ANY([0, 9, 32] == IACHAR(r(ib:ib))) .AND. ib < nr) !--- Skip blanks (ascii): NULL (0), TAB (9), SPACE (32) |
600 | ib = ib + 1 |
601 | END DO !--- Skip spaces before next chain |
602 | nkeys = nkeys+1 |
603 | END DO |
604 | END FUNCTION countK |
605 | |
606 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
607 | SUBROUTINE parseK(keys) |
608 | !--- Parse the string separated by "delimiter" from "rawList" into "keys(:)" |
609 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: keys(:) |
610 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
611 | INTEGER :: ib, ie, ik |
612 | ALLOCATE(keys(nk)) |
613 | ib = 1 |
614 | DO ik = 1, nk |
615 | ie = INDEX(rawList(ib:nr), delimiter)+ib-1 !--- Determine the next separator start index |
616 | IF(ie == ib-1) EXIT |
617 | keys(ik) = r(ib:ie-1) !--- Get the ikth key |
618 | ib = ie + LEN(delimiter) |
619 | DO WHILE(r(ib:ib) == ' ' .AND. ib < nr); ib = ib + 1; END DO !--- Skip spaces before next chain |
620 | END DO |
621 | keys(ik) = r(ib:nr) !--- Get the last key |
622 | END SUBROUTINE parseK |
623 | |
624 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
625 | SUBROUTINE parseV(vals) |
626 | !--- Parse the <key>=<val> pairs in "keys(:)" into "keys" and "vals" |
627 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: vals(:) |
628 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
629 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: key |
630 | INTEGER :: ik, ix |
631 | ALLOCATE(vals(nk)) |
632 | DO ik = 1, nk; key = keys(ik) |
633 | vals(ik) = '' |
634 | ix = INDEX(key, '='); IF(ix == 0) CYCLE !--- First "=" index in "key" |
635 | vals(ik) = ADJUSTL(key(ix+1:LEN_TRIM(key))) |
636 | keys(ik) = ADJUSTL(key(1:ix-1)) |
637 | END DO |
638 | END SUBROUTINE parseV |
639 | |
640 | END FUNCTION strParse |
641 | !============================================================================================================================== |
642 | LOGICAL FUNCTION strParse_m(rawList, delimiter, keys, n, vals, lSc, id) RESULT(lerr) |
643 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: rawList, delimiter(:) |
644 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: keys(:) !--- Parsed keys vector |
645 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: n !--- Length of the parsed vector |
646 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), OPTIONAL, ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: vals(:) !--- Values for <name>=<value> keys |
647 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: lSc !--- Take care about numbers in scientific notation |
648 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: id(:) !--- Indexes of the separators in "delimiter(:)" vector |
649 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
650 | CHARACTER(LEN=1024) :: r |
651 | INTEGER :: nr, ik, nk, ib, ie, jd |
652 | LOGICAL :: ll |
653 | ll = .FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(lSc)) ll = lSc |
654 | lerr = strCount_1m(rawList, delimiter, nk, ll) |
655 | CALL msg("Couldn't parse list: non-numerical strings were found", ll=lerr); IF(lerr) RETURN |
656 | |
657 | !--- FEW ALLOCATIONS |
658 | ALLOCATE(keys(nk)) |
659 | IF(PRESENT(vals)) ALLOCATE(vals(nk)) |
660 | IF(PRESENT(id)) ALLOCATE(id(nk-1)) |
661 | IF(PRESENT(n)) n = nk |
662 | |
663 | !--- PARSING |
664 | r = TRIM(ADJUSTL(rawList)) |
665 | nr = LEN_TRIM(r); IF(nr == 0) RETURN |
666 | ib = 1 |
667 | DO ik = 1, nk-1 |
668 | lerr = strIdx_prv(r, delimiter, ib, ie, jd, ll) |
669 | CALL msg('Non-numeric values found', ll=lerr); IF(lerr) RETURN |
670 | keys(ik) = r(ib:ie-1) |
671 | IF(PRESENT(vals)) CALL parseKeys(keys(ik), vals(ik)) !--- Parse a <key>=<val> pair |
672 | IF(PRESENT(id )) id(ik) = jd !--- Index in "delimiter(:)" of the "ik"th delimiter |
673 | ib = ie + LEN_TRIM( delimiter(jd) ) !--- Length of the current delimiter |
674 | DO WHILE(r(ib:ib) == ' ' .AND. ib < nr); ib = ib + 1; END DO !--- Skip spaces before next chain |
675 | END DO |
676 | keys(nk) = r(ib:nr) |
677 | IF(PRESENT(vals)) CALL parseKeys(keys(nk), vals(nk)) !--- Parse a <key>=<val> pair |
678 | |
679 | CONTAINS |
680 | |
681 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
682 | SUBROUTINE parseKeys(key, val) |
683 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: key |
684 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: val |
685 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
686 | INTEGER :: ix |
687 | ix = INDEX(key, '='); IF(ix == 0) RETURN !--- First "=" index in "key" |
688 | val = ADJUSTL(key(ix+1:LEN_TRIM(key))) |
689 | key = ADJUSTL(key(1:ix-1)) |
690 | END SUBROUTINE parseKeys |
691 | |
692 | END FUNCTION strParse_m |
693 | !============================================================================================================================== |
694 | |
695 | |
696 | !============================================================================================================================== |
697 | !=== String substitution: replace "key" by "val" each time it appears in "str". |
698 | !============================================================================================================================== |
699 | SUBROUTINE strReplace_1(str, key, val, lsurr) |
700 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: str !--- Main string |
701 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: key, val !--- "key" will be replaced by "val" |
702 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: lsurr !--- TRUE => key must be surrounded by special characters to be substituted |
703 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
704 | INTEGER :: i0, ix, nk, ns |
705 | LOGICAL :: lsur, lb, le |
706 | lsur = .FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(lsurr)) lsur = lsurr |
707 | nk = LEN_TRIM(key) |
708 | i0 = 1 |
709 | DO |
710 | ns = LEN_TRIM(str) |
711 | ix = INDEX(str(i0:ns), TRIM(key)) !--- First appearance index of "key" in "s", starting from index "i0" |
712 | IF(ix == 0) EXIT |
713 | ix = ix + i0 -1 |
714 | IF(lsur) THEN !--- Key must be surrounded by special characters |
715 | !--- lb=.TRUE.: key is at the very beginning of "str" or located after a special character |
716 | lb = ix ==1; IF(.NOT.lb) lb = INDEX('+-*/()^', str(ix-1 :ix-1 ))/=0 |
717 | !--- le=.TRUE.: key is at the very end of "str" or located before a special character |
718 | le = ix+nk-1==ns; IF(.NOT.le) le = INDEX('+-*/()^', str(ix+nk:ix+nk))/=0 |
719 | IF(.NOT.(lb.AND.le)) THEN; i0 = i0 + nk; CYCLE; END IF |
720 | END IF |
721 | str = str(1:ix-1)//TRIM(val)//str(ix+nk:ns) |
722 | END DO |
723 | END SUBROUTINE strReplace_1 |
724 | !============================================================================================================================== |
725 | SUBROUTINE strReplace_m(str, key, val, lsurr) |
726 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: str(:) !--- Main strings vector |
727 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: key, val !--- "key" will be replaced by "val" |
728 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: lsurr !--- TRUE => key must be surrounded by special characters to be substituted |
729 | INTEGER :: k |
730 | LOGICAL :: ll |
731 | ll=.FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(lsurr)) ll=lsurr |
732 | DO k=1, SIZE(str); CALL strReplace_1(str(k),key,val,ll); END DO |
733 | END SUBROUTINE strReplace_m |
734 | !============================================================================================================================== |
735 | |
736 | |
737 | !============================================================================================================================== |
738 | !=== Contatenate horizontally scalars/vectors of strings/integers/reals into a vector/array =================================== |
739 | !============================================================================================================================== |
740 | FUNCTION horzcat_s00(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9) RESULT(out) |
741 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: s0 |
742 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, TARGET, INTENT(IN) :: s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9 |
743 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
744 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), POINTER :: s |
745 | INTEGER :: nrow, iv |
746 | LOGICAL :: pre(9) |
747 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
748 | pre(:) = [PRESENT(s1),PRESENT(s2),PRESENT(s3),PRESENT(s4),PRESENT(s5),PRESENT(s6),PRESENT(s7),PRESENT(s8),PRESENT(s9)] |
749 | nrow = 1+COUNT(pre) |
750 | ALLOCATE(out(nrow)) |
751 | out(1) = s0 |
752 | DO iv = 2, nrow; IF(.NOT.pre(iv-1)) CYCLE |
753 | SELECT CASE(iv-1) |
754 | CASE(1); s=> s1; CASE(2); s=> s2; CASE(3); s=> s3; CASE(4); s=> s4; CASE(5); s=> s5 |
755 | CASE(6); s=> s6; CASE(7); s=> s7; CASE(8); s=> s8; CASE(9); s=> s9 |
756 | END SELECT |
757 | out(iv) = s |
758 | END DO |
759 | END FUNCTION horzcat_s00 |
760 | !============================================================================================================================== |
761 | FUNCTION horzcat_s10(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9) RESULT(out) |
762 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: s0(:), s1 |
763 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9 |
764 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: out(:), tmp(:) |
765 | INTEGER :: nc |
766 | nc = SIZE(s0) |
767 | tmp = horzcat_s00(s0(nc), s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9) |
768 | IF(nc == 1) out = tmp |
769 | IF(nc /= 1) out = [s0(1:nc-1), tmp] |
770 | END FUNCTION horzcat_s10 |
771 | !============================================================================================================================== |
772 | FUNCTION horzcat_s11(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9) RESULT(out) |
773 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: s0(:) |
774 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, TARGET, INTENT(IN) :: s1(:), s2(:), s3(:), s4(:), s5(:), s6(:), s7(:), s8(:), s9(:) |
775 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: out(:,:) |
776 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), POINTER :: s(:) |
777 | INTEGER :: nrow, ncol, iv, n |
778 | LOGICAL :: pre(9) |
779 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
780 | pre(:) = [PRESENT(s1),PRESENT(s2),PRESENT(s3),PRESENT(s4),PRESENT(s5),PRESENT(s6),PRESENT(s7),PRESENT(s8),PRESENT(s9)] |
781 | nrow = SIZE(s0) |
782 | ncol = 1+COUNT(pre) |
783 | ALLOCATE(out(nrow, ncol)) |
784 | out(:,1) = s0 |
785 | DO iv = 2, ncol; IF(.NOT.pre(iv-1)) CYCLE |
786 | SELECT CASE(iv-1) |
787 | CASE(1); s=> s1; CASE(2); s=> s2; CASE(3); s=> s3; CASE(4); s=> s4; CASE(5); s=> s5 |
788 | CASE(6); s=> s6; CASE(7); s=> s7; CASE(8); s=> s8; CASE(9); s=> s9 |
789 | END SELECT |
790 | n = SIZE(s, DIM=1) |
791 | IF(n /= nrow) THEN; CALL msg("Can't concatenate vectors of differing lengths"); STOP; END IF |
792 | out(:,iv) = s(:) |
793 | END DO |
794 | END FUNCTION horzcat_s11 |
795 | !============================================================================================================================== |
796 | FUNCTION horzcat_s21(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9) RESULT(out) |
797 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: s0(:,:), s1(:) |
798 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: s2(:), s3(:), s4(:), s5(:), s6(:), s7(:), s8(:), s9(:) |
799 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: out(:,:), tmp(:,:) |
800 | INTEGER :: nc |
801 | nc = SIZE(s0, 2) |
802 | tmp = horzcat_s11(s0(:,nc), s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9) |
803 | IF(nc == 1) out = tmp |
804 | IF(nc /= 1) out = RESHAPE([PACK(s0(:,1:nc-1), .TRUE.), PACK(tmp, .TRUE.)], SHAPE=[SIZE(s0, 1), nc + SIZE(tmp, 2)-1]) |
805 | END FUNCTION horzcat_s21 |
806 | !============================================================================================================================== |
807 | FUNCTION horzcat_i00(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9) RESULT(out) |
808 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i0 |
809 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, TARGET, INTENT(IN) :: i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9 |
810 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
811 | INTEGER, POINTER :: i |
812 | INTEGER :: ncol, iv |
813 | LOGICAL :: pre(9) |
814 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
815 | pre(:) = [PRESENT(i1),PRESENT(i2),PRESENT(i3),PRESENT(i4),PRESENT(i5),PRESENT(i6),PRESENT(i7),PRESENT(i8),PRESENT(i9)] |
816 | ncol = SIZE(pre) |
817 | ALLOCATE(out(ncol)) |
818 | out(1) = i0 |
819 | DO iv = 2, ncol; IF(.NOT.pre(iv-1)) CYCLE |
820 | SELECT CASE(iv-1) |
821 | CASE(1); i=> i1; CASE(2); i=> i2; CASE(3); i=> i3; CASE(4); i=> i4; CASE(5); i=> i5 |
822 | CASE(6); i=> i6; CASE(7); i=> i7; CASE(8); i=> i8; CASE(9); i=> i9 |
823 | END SELECT |
824 | out(iv) = i |
825 | END DO |
826 | END FUNCTION horzcat_i00 |
827 | !============================================================================================================================== |
828 | FUNCTION horzcat_i10(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9) RESULT(out) |
829 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i0(:), i1 |
830 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9 |
831 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:), tmp(:) |
832 | INTEGER :: nc |
833 | nc = SIZE(i0) |
834 | tmp = horzcat_i00(i0(nc), i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9) |
835 | IF(nc == 1) out = tmp |
836 | IF(nc /= 1) out = [i0(1:nc-1), tmp] |
837 | END FUNCTION horzcat_i10 |
838 | !============================================================================================================================== |
839 | FUNCTION horzcat_i11(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9) RESULT(out) |
840 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i0(:) |
841 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, TARGET, INTENT(IN) :: i1(:), i2(:), i3(:), i4(:), i5(:), i6(:), i7(:), i8(:), i9(:) |
842 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:,:) |
843 | INTEGER, POINTER :: i(:) |
844 | INTEGER :: nrow, ncol, iv, n |
845 | LOGICAL :: pre(9) |
846 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
847 | pre(:) = [PRESENT(i1),PRESENT(i2),PRESENT(i3),PRESENT(i4),PRESENT(i5),PRESENT(i6),PRESENT(i7),PRESENT(i8),PRESENT(i9)] |
848 | nrow = SIZE(i0) |
849 | ncol = 1+COUNT(pre) |
850 | ALLOCATE(out(nrow, ncol)) |
851 | out(:,1) = i0 |
852 | DO iv = 2, ncol; IF(.NOT.pre(iv-1)) CYCLE |
853 | SELECT CASE(iv-1) |
854 | CASE(1); i=> i1; CASE(2); i=> i2; CASE(3); i=> i3; CASE(4); i=> i4; CASE(5); i=> i5 |
855 | CASE(6); i=> i6; CASE(7); i=> i7; CASE(8); i=> i8; CASE(9); i=> i9 |
856 | END SELECT |
857 | n = SIZE(i, DIM=1) |
858 | IF(n /= nrow) THEN; CALL msg("Can't concatenate vectors of differing lengths"); STOP; END IF |
859 | out(:,iv) = i(:) |
860 | END DO |
861 | END FUNCTION horzcat_i11 |
862 | !============================================================================================================================== |
863 | FUNCTION horzcat_i21(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9) RESULT(out) |
864 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i0(:,:), i1(:) |
865 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: i2(:), i3(:), i4(:), i5(:), i6(:), i7(:), i8(:), i9(:) |
866 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:,:), tmp(:,:) |
867 | INTEGER :: nc |
868 | nc = SIZE(i0, 2) |
869 | tmp = horzcat_i11(i0(:,nc), i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9) |
870 | IF(nc == 1) out = tmp |
871 | IF(nc /= 1) out = RESHAPE([PACK(i0(:,1:nc-1), .TRUE.), PACK(tmp, .TRUE.)], SHAPE=[SIZE(i0, 1), nc + SIZE(tmp, 2)-1]) |
872 | END FUNCTION horzcat_i21 |
873 | !============================================================================================================================== |
874 | FUNCTION horzcat_r00(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9) RESULT(out) |
875 | REAL, INTENT(IN) :: r0 |
876 | REAL, OPTIONAL, TARGET, INTENT(IN) :: r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9 |
877 | REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
878 | REAL, POINTER :: r |
879 | INTEGER :: ncol, iv |
880 | LOGICAL :: pre(9) |
881 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
882 | pre(:) = [PRESENT(r1),PRESENT(r2),PRESENT(r3),PRESENT(r4),PRESENT(r5),PRESENT(r6),PRESENT(r7),PRESENT(r8),PRESENT(r9)] |
883 | ncol = 1+COUNT(pre) |
884 | ALLOCATE(out(ncol)) |
885 | out(1) = r0 |
886 | DO iv = 2, ncol; IF(.NOT.pre(iv-1)) CYCLE |
887 | SELECT CASE(iv-1) |
888 | CASE(1); r=> r1; CASE(2); r=> r2; CASE(3); r=> r3; CASE(4); r=> r4; CASE(5); r=> r5 |
889 | CASE(6); r=> r6; CASE(7); r=> r7; CASE(8); r=> r8; CASE(9); r=> r9 |
890 | END SELECT |
891 | out(iv) = r |
892 | END DO |
893 | END FUNCTION horzcat_r00 |
894 | !============================================================================================================================== |
895 | FUNCTION horzcat_r10(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9) RESULT(out) |
896 | REAL, INTENT(IN) :: r0(:), r1 |
897 | REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9 |
898 | REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:), tmp(:) |
899 | INTEGER :: nc |
900 | nc = SIZE(r0) |
901 | tmp = horzcat_r00(r0(nc), r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9) |
902 | IF(nc == 1) out = tmp |
903 | IF(nc /= 1) out = [r0(1:nc-1), tmp] |
904 | END FUNCTION horzcat_r10 |
905 | !============================================================================================================================== |
906 | FUNCTION horzcat_r11(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9) RESULT(out) |
907 | REAL, INTENT(IN) :: r0(:) |
908 | REAL, OPTIONAL, TARGET, INTENT(IN) :: r1(:), r2(:), r3(:), r4(:), r5(:), r6(:), r7(:), r8(:), r9(:) |
909 | REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:,:) |
910 | REAL, POINTER :: r(:) |
911 | INTEGER :: nrow, ncol, iv, n |
912 | LOGICAL :: pre(9) |
913 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
914 | pre(:) = [PRESENT(r1),PRESENT(r2),PRESENT(r3),PRESENT(r4),PRESENT(r5),PRESENT(r6),PRESENT(r7),PRESENT(r8),PRESENT(r9)] |
915 | nrow = SIZE(r0) |
916 | ncol = 1+COUNT(pre) |
917 | ALLOCATE(out(nrow, ncol)) |
918 | out(:,1) = r0 |
919 | DO iv = 2, ncol; IF(.NOT.pre(iv-1)) CYCLE |
920 | SELECT CASE(iv-1) |
921 | CASE(1); r=> r1; CASE(2); r=> r2; CASE(3); r=> r3; CASE(4); r=> r4; CASE(5); r=> r5 |
922 | CASE(6); r=> r5; CASE(7); r=> r7; CASE(8); r=> r8; CASE(9); r=> r9 |
923 | END SELECT |
924 | n = SIZE(r, DIM=1) |
925 | IF(n /= nrow) THEN; CALL msg("Can't concatenate vectors of differing lengths"); STOP; END IF |
926 | out(:,iv) = r(:) |
927 | END DO |
928 | END FUNCTION horzcat_r11 |
929 | !============================================================================================================================== |
930 | FUNCTION horzcat_r21(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9) RESULT(out) |
931 | REAL, INTENT(IN) :: r0(:,:), r1(:) |
932 | REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: r2(:), r3(:), r4(:), r5(:), r6(:), r7(:), r8(:), r9(:) |
933 | REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:,:), tmp(:,:) |
934 | INTEGER :: nc |
935 | nc = SIZE(r0, 2) |
936 | tmp = horzcat_r11(r0(:,nc), r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9) |
937 | IF(nc == 1) out = tmp |
938 | IF(nc /= 1) out = RESHAPE([PACK(r0(:,1:nc-1), .TRUE.), PACK(tmp, .TRUE.)], SHAPE=[SIZE(r0, 1), nc + SIZE(tmp, 2)-1]) |
939 | END FUNCTION horzcat_r21 |
940 | !============================================================================================================================== |
941 | FUNCTION horzcat_d00(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9) RESULT(out) |
943 | DOUBLE PRECISION, OPTIONAL, TARGET, INTENT(IN) :: d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9 |
946 | INTEGER :: ncol, iv |
947 | LOGICAL :: pre(9) |
948 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
949 | pre(:) = [PRESENT(d1),PRESENT(d2),PRESENT(d3),PRESENT(d4),PRESENT(d5),PRESENT(d6),PRESENT(d7),PRESENT(d8),PRESENT(d9)] |
950 | ncol = 1+COUNT(pre) |
951 | ALLOCATE(out(ncol)) |
952 | out(1) = d0 |
953 | DO iv = 2, ncol; IF(.NOT.pre(iv-1)) CYCLE |
954 | SELECT CASE(iv-1) |
955 | CASE(1); d=> d1; CASE(2); d=> d2; CASE(3); d=> d3; CASE(4); d=> d4; CASE(5); d=> d5 |
956 | CASE(6); d=> d6; CASE(7); d=> d7; CASE(8); d=> d8; CASE(9); d=> d9 |
957 | END SELECT |
958 | out(iv) = d |
959 | END DO |
960 | END FUNCTION horzcat_d00 |
961 | !============================================================================================================================== |
962 | FUNCTION horzcat_d10(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9) RESULT(out) |
963 | DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: d0(:), d1 |
964 | DOUBLE PRECISION, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9 |
965 | DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:), tmp(:) |
966 | INTEGER :: nc |
967 | nc = SIZE(d0) |
968 | tmp = horzcat_d00(d0(nc), d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9) |
969 | IF(nc == 1) out = tmp |
970 | IF(nc /= 1) out = [d0(1:nc-1), tmp] |
971 | END FUNCTION horzcat_d10 |
972 | !============================================================================================================================== |
973 | FUNCTION horzcat_d11(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9) RESULT(out) |
975 | DOUBLE PRECISION, OPTIONAL, TARGET, INTENT(IN) :: d1(:), d2(:), d3(:), d4(:), d5(:), d6(:), d7(:), d8(:), d9(:) |
978 | INTEGER :: nrow, ncol, iv, n |
979 | LOGICAL :: pre(9) |
980 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
981 | nrow = SIZE(d0) |
982 | pre(:) = [PRESENT(d1),PRESENT(d2),PRESENT(d3),PRESENT(d4),PRESENT(d5),PRESENT(d6),PRESENT(d7),PRESENT(d8),PRESENT(d9)] |
983 | ncol = 1+COUNT(pre) |
984 | ALLOCATE(out(nrow, ncol)) |
985 | DO iv = 2, ncol; IF(.NOT.pre(iv-1)) CYCLE |
986 | SELECT CASE(iv-1) |
987 | CASE(1); d=> d1; CASE(2); d=> d2; CASE(3); d=> d3; CASE(4); d=> d4; CASE(5); d=> d5 |
988 | CASE(6); d=> d6; CASE(7); d=> d7; CASE(8); d=> d8; CASE(9); d=> d9 |
989 | END SELECT |
990 | n = SIZE(d, DIM=1) |
991 | IF(n /= nrow) THEN; CALL msg("Can't concatenate vectors of differing lengths"); STOP; END IF |
992 | out(:,iv) = d(:) |
993 | END DO |
994 | END FUNCTION horzcat_d11 |
995 | !============================================================================================================================== |
996 | FUNCTION horzcat_d21(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9) RESULT(out) |
997 | DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: d0(:,:), d1(:) |
998 | DOUBLE PRECISION, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: d2(:), d3(:), d4(:), d5(:), d6(:), d7(:), d8(:), d9(:) |
999 | DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: out(:,:), tmp(:,:) |
1000 | INTEGER :: nc |
1001 | nc = SIZE(d0, 2) |
1002 | tmp = horzcat_d11(d0(:,nc), d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9) |
1003 | IF(nc == 1) out = tmp |
1004 | IF(nc /= 1) out = RESHAPE([PACK(d0(:,1:nc-1), .TRUE.), PACK(tmp, .TRUE.)], SHAPE=[SIZE(d0, 1), nc + SIZE(tmp, 2)-1]) |
1005 | END FUNCTION horzcat_d21 |
1006 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1007 | |
1008 | |
1009 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1010 | !--- Display a clean table composed of successive vectors of same length. |
1011 | !=== The profile "p" describe in which order to pick up the columns from "s", "i" and "r" for display. |
1012 | !=== * nRowMax lines are displayed (default: all lines) |
1013 | !=== * nColMax characters (default: as long as needed) are displayed at most on a line. If the effective total length is |
1014 | !=== higher, several partial tables are displayed ; the nHead (default: 1) first columns are included in each sub-table. |
1015 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1016 | LOGICAL FUNCTION dispTable(p, titles, s, i, r, rFmt, nRowMax, nColMax, nHead, unit, sub) RESULT(lerr) |
1017 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: p !--- DISPLAY MAP: s/i/r |
1018 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: titles(:) !--- TITLES (ONE EACH COLUMN) |
1019 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: s(:,:) !--- STRINGS |
1020 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: i(:,:) !--- INTEGERS |
1021 | REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: r(:,:) !--- REALS |
1022 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: rFmt !--- Format for reals |
1023 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: nRowMax !--- Display at most "nRowMax" rows |
1024 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: nColMax !--- Display at most "nColMax" characters each line |
1025 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: nHead !--- Head columns repeated for multiple tables display |
1026 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: unit !--- Output unit (default: screen) |
1027 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: sub !--- Subroutine name |
1028 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1029 | CHARACTER(LEN=2048) :: row |
1030 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: rFm, el, subn |
1031 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: d(:,:) |
1032 | CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: s1, sp |
1033 | INTEGER :: is, ii, ir, it, k, nmx, unt, ic, np |
1034 | INTEGER :: ns, ni, nr, nt, l, ncol, nHd, ib, l0 |
1035 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: n(:), ncmx(:) |
1036 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nm=1 !--- Space between values & columns |
1037 | LOGICAL :: ls, li, lr |
1038 | subn = ''; IF(PRESENT(sub)) subn = sub |
1039 | rFm = '*'; IF(PRESENT(rFmt)) rFm = rFmt !--- Specified format for reals |
1040 | unt = lunout; IF(PRESENT(unit)) unt = unit !--- Specified output unit |
1041 | np = LEN_TRIM(p); ns = 0; ni = 0; nr = 0; ncol = 0 |
1042 | ls = PRESENT(s); li = PRESENT(i); lr = PRESENT(r) |
1043 | lerr = .FALSE.; IF(.NOT.ANY([ls,li,lr])) RETURN !--- Nothing to do |
1044 | sp = '|' !--- Separator |
1045 | |
1047 | lerr = np /= SIZE(titles); IF(fmsg('display map "p" length and titles list mismatch', subn, lerr)) RETURN |
1048 | IF(ls) THEN |
1049 | ns = SIZE(s, 1); ncol = ncol + SIZE(s, 2); lerr = COUNT([(p(ic:ic)=='s', ic=1, np)]) /= SIZE(s, 2) |
1050 | END IF |
1051 | IF(li) THEN |
1052 | ni = SIZE(i, 1); ncol = ncol + SIZE(i, 2); lerr = COUNT([(p(ic:ic)=='i', ic=1, np)]) /= SIZE(i, 2) |
1053 | END IF |
1054 | IF(lr) THEN |
1055 | nr = SIZE(r, 1); ncol = ncol + SIZE(r, 2); lerr = COUNT([(p(ic:ic)=='r', ic=1, np)]) /= SIZE(r, 2) |
1056 | END IF |
1057 | IF(fmsg('display map "p" length and arguments number mismatch', subn, lerr)) RETURN |
1058 | lerr = ncol /= SIZE(titles); IF(fmsg('"titles" length and arguments number mismatch', subn, lerr)) RETURN |
1059 | lerr = ls.AND.li.AND.ns/=ni; IF(fmsg('string and integer arguments lengths mismatch', subn, lerr)) RETURN |
1060 | lerr = ls.AND.lr.AND.ns/=nr; IF(fmsg( 'string and real arguments lengths mismatch', subn, lerr)) RETURN |
1061 | lerr = li.AND.lr.AND.ni/=nr; IF(fmsg( 'integer and real arguments lengths mismatch', subn, lerr)) RETURN |
1062 | nmx = MAX(ns,ni,nr)+1; IF(PRESENT(nRowMax)) nmx = MIN(nmx,nRowMax+1) |
1063 | |
1064 | !--- Allocate the assembled quantities array |
1065 | ALLOCATE(d(nmx,ncol), n(ncol)) |
1066 | |
1067 | !--- Assemble the vectors into a strings array in the order indicated by "pattern" |
1068 | is = 1; ii = 1; ir = 1 |
1069 | DO ic = 1, ncol |
1070 | d(1,ic) = TRIM(titles(ic)) |
1071 | SELECT CASE(p(ic:ic)) |
1072 | CASE('s'); d(2:nmx,ic) = s(:,is) ; is = is + 1 |
1073 | CASE('i'); d(2:nmx,ic) = int2str(i(:,ii) ); ii = ii + 1 |
1074 | CASE('r'); d(2:nmx,ic) = real2str(r(:,ir),rFm); ir = ir + 1 |
1075 | END SELECT |
1076 | END DO |
1077 | CALL cleanZeros(d) |
1078 | DO ic = 1, ncol |
1079 | n(ic)=0; DO ir=1, nmx; n(ic)=MAX(n(ic), LEN_TRIM(d(ir,ic))); END DO |
1080 | END DO |
1081 | n(:) = n(:) + 2*nm |
1082 | |
1083 | !--- Build the vector of max column index in case the rows are too long (table must be displayed in multiple parts) |
1084 | nHd = 1; IF(PRESENT(nHead)) nHd = nHead |
1085 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(nColMax)) THEN |
1086 | nt = 1; ncmx = [ncol] |
1087 | ELSE |
1088 | nt = 1; l0 = SUM(n(1:nHd)+1)+1 |
1089 | IF(PRESENT(sub)) l0=l0+LEN_TRIM(subn)+1 |
1090 | !--- Count the number of table parts |
1091 | l = l0; DO ic = nHd+1, ncol; l = l+n(ic)+1; IF(l>=nColMax) THEN; nt = nt+1; l = l0+n(ic)+1; END IF; END DO |
1092 | !--- Get the index of the last column for each table part |
1093 | ALLOCATE(ncmx(nt)); k = 1 |
1094 | l = l0; DO ic = nHd+1, ncol; l = l+n(ic)+1; IF(l>=nColMax) THEN; ncmx(k) = ic-1; l = l0+n(ic)+1; k = k+1; END IF; END DO |
1095 | ncmx(nt) = ncol |
1096 | END IF |
1097 | |
1098 | !--- Display the strings array as a table |
1099 | DO it = 1, nt |
1100 | DO ir = 1, nmx; row = '' |
1101 | DO ic = 1, nHd; el = d(ir,ic) |
1102 | s1 = sp |
1103 | row = TRIM(row)//REPEAT(' ',nm)//TRIM(el)//REPEAT(' ',n(ic)-LEN_TRIM(el)-nm)//s1 |
1104 | END DO |
1105 | ib = nHd+1; IF(it>1) ib = ncmx(it-1)+1 |
1106 | DO ic = ib, ncmx(it); el = d(ir,ic) |
1107 | s1 = sp |
1108 | row = TRIM(row)//REPEAT(' ',nm)//TRIM(el)//REPEAT(' ',n(ic)-LEN_TRIM(el)-nm)//s1 |
1109 | END DO |
1110 | nr = LEN_TRIM(row)-1 !--- Final separator removed |
1111 | CALL msg(row(1:nr), subn, unit=unt) |
1112 | IF(ir /= 1) CYCLE !--- Titles only are underlined |
1113 | row=''; DO ic=1,nHd; row=TRIM(row)//REPEAT('-',n(ic))//'+'; END DO |
1114 | DO ic = ib,ncmx(it); row=TRIM(row)//REPEAT('-',n(ic))//'+'; END DO |
1115 | CALL msg(row(1:LEN_TRIM(row)-1), subn, unit=unt) |
1116 | END DO |
1117 | CALL msg('', subn, unit=unt) |
1118 | END DO |
1119 | |
1120 | END FUNCTION dispTable |
1121 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1122 | |
1123 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1124 | LOGICAL FUNCTION dispNamelist(unt, p, titles, s, i, r, rFmt, llast) RESULT(lerr) |
1125 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unt !--- Output unit |
1126 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: p !--- DISPLAY MAP: s/i/r |
1127 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: titles(:) !--- TITLES (ONE EACH COLUMN) |
1128 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: s(:,:) !--- STRINGS |
1129 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: i(:,:) !--- INTEGERS |
1130 | REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: r(:,:) !--- REALS |
1131 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: rFmt !--- Format for reals |
1132 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: llast !--- Last variable: no final ',' |
1133 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1134 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: rFm, el |
1135 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: d(:,:) |
1136 | CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sp, row |
1137 | INTEGER :: is, ii, ir, nrow, ic |
1138 | INTEGER :: ns, ni, nr, ncol, np |
1139 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: n(:) |
1140 | LOGICAL :: ls, li, lr, la |
1141 | rFm = '*'; IF(PRESENT(rFmt)) rFm = rFmt !--- Specified format for reals |
1142 | ls = PRESENT(s); li = PRESENT(i); lr = PRESENT(r) |
1143 | lerr = .FALSE.; IF(.NOT.ANY([ls,li,lr])) RETURN !--- Nothing to do |
1144 | la = .FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(llast)) la = llast |
1145 | |
1147 | ns = 0; ni = 0; nr = 0; np = LEN_TRIM(p); ncol = 0 |
1148 | IF(ls) THEN; ns = SIZE(s, DIM=1); ncol = ncol + SIZE(s, DIM=2) |
1149 | lerr = COUNT([(p(ic:ic)=='s', ic=1, np)]) /= SIZE(s, DIM=2) |
1150 | END IF |
1151 | IF(li) THEN; ni = SIZE(i, DIM=1); ncol = ncol + SIZE(i, DIM=2) |
1152 | lerr = COUNT([(p(ic:ic)=='i', ic=1, np)]) /= SIZE(i, DIM=2) |
1153 | END IF |
1154 | IF(lr) THEN; nr = SIZE(r, DIM=1); ncol = ncol + SIZE(r, DIM=2) |
1155 | lerr = COUNT([(p(ic:ic)=='r', ic=1, np)]) /= SIZE(r, DIM=2) |
1156 | END IF |
1157 | IF(fmsg('display map "p" length and arguments number mismatch', ll=lerr)) RETURN |
1158 | lerr = ncol /= SIZE(titles); IF(fmsg('"titles" length and arguments number mismatch', ll=lerr)) RETURN |
1159 | lerr = ls.AND.li.AND.ns/=ni; IF(fmsg('string and integer arguments lengths mismatch', ll=lerr)) RETURN |
1160 | lerr = ls.AND.lr.AND.ns/=nr; IF(fmsg( 'string and real arguments lengths mismatch', ll=lerr)) RETURN |
1161 | lerr = li.AND.lr.AND.ni/=nr; IF(fmsg( 'integer and real arguments lengths mismatch', ll=lerr)) RETURN |
1162 | |
1163 | !--- Allocate the assembled quantities array |
1164 | nrow = MAX(ns,ni,nr)+1 |
1165 | ALLOCATE(d(nrow,ncol), n(ncol)) |
1166 | |
1167 | !--- Assemble the vectors into a strings array in the order indicated by "pattern" |
1168 | is = 1; ii = 1; ir = 1 |
1169 | DO ic = 1, ncol |
1170 | d(1,ic) = TRIM(titles(ic)) |
1171 | SELECT CASE(p(ic:ic)) |
1172 | CASE('s'); d(2:nrow,ic) = s(:,is) ; is = is + 1 |
1173 | CASE('i'); d(2:nrow,ic) = int2str(i(:,ii) ); ii = ii + 1 |
1174 | CASE('r'); d(2:nrow,ic) = real2str(r(:,ir),rFm); ir = ir + 1 |
1175 | END SELECT |
1176 | END DO |
1177 | CALL cleanZeros(d) |
1178 | DO ic = 1, ncol |
1179 | n(ic) = 0; DO ir=1, nrow; n(ic)=MAX(n(ic), LEN_TRIM(d(ir,ic))); END DO |
1180 | IF(needQuotes(d(2,ic)) .AND. ic/=1) n(ic) = n(ic) + 2 !--- For quotes, using second line only |
1181 | END DO |
1182 | |
1183 | !--- Display the strings array as a table |
1184 | DO ir = 1, nrow |
1185 | row = ''; sp = ' '; IF(TRIM(d(ir,1)) /= '') sp = ' = ' |
1186 | DO ic = 1, ncol |
1187 | el = d(ir,ic); IF(ic /= 1) el = addQuotes_1(el) |
1188 | row = row//TRIM(el)//REPEAT(' ',n(ic)-LEN_TRIM(el))//sp |
1189 | sp = ' '; IF(ic /= ncol-1) CYCLE |
1190 | IF(TRIM(d(MIN(ir+1,nrow),1)) /= '' .AND. (ir /= nrow .OR. .NOT.la)) sp = ' , ' |
1191 | END DO |
1192 | WRITE(unt,'(a)')TRIM(row) |
1193 | END DO |
1194 | |
1195 | !--- End of section |
1196 | IF(la) THEN |
1197 | WRITE(unt,'(a)')'/' |
1198 | WRITE(unt,'(a)') |
1199 | END IF |
1200 | |
1201 | END FUNCTION dispNameList |
1202 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1203 | |
1204 | |
1205 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1206 | LOGICAL FUNCTION dispOutliers_1(ll, a, n, err_msg, nam, subn, nRowmax, nColMax, nHead, unit) RESULT(lerr) |
1207 | ! Display outliers list in tables |
1208 | ! If "nam" is supplied, it means the last index is for tracers => one table each tracer for rank > 2. |
1209 | LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ll(:) !--- Linearized mask of outliers |
1210 | REAL, INTENT(IN) :: a(:) !--- Linearized array of values |
1211 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n(:) !--- Profile before linearization |
1212 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: err_msg, nam(:), subn !--- Error message, variables and calling SUBROUTINE names |
1213 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: nRowMax !--- Maximum number of lines to display (default: all) |
1214 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: nColMax !--- Maximum number of characters per line (default: 2048) |
1215 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: nHead !--- Number of front columns to duplicate (default: 1) |
1216 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: unit !--- Output unit (def: lunout) |
1217 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1218 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: ttl(:) |
1219 | LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: m(:) |
1220 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ki(:), kj(:) |
1221 | INTEGER :: i, j, k, rk, rk1, ib, ie, itr, nm, unt, nRmx, nCmx, nHd, nv |
1222 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: mes, sub, fm='(f12.9)', v, s |
1223 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: vnm(:) |
1224 | |
1225 | lerr = ANY(ll); IF(.NOT.lerr) RETURN !--- No outliers -> finished |
1226 | |
1227 | mes = 'outliers found'; IF(PRESENT(err_msg)) mes = err_msg !--- Error message |
1228 | vnm = ['a']; IF(PRESENT(nam )) vnm = nam !--- Variables names |
1229 | sub = 'dispOutliers'; IF(PRESENT(subn)) sub = subn !--- Calling SUBROUTINE name |
1230 | nRmx= SIZE(a); IF(PRESENT(nRowMax)) nRmx=MIN(nRmx,nRowMax)!-- Maximum number of lines to print |
1231 | nCmx= 2048; IF(PRESENT(nColMax)) nCmx=MIN(nCmx,nColMax)!-- Maximum number of characters each line |
1232 | nHd = 1; IF(PRESENT(nHead)) nHd = nHead !--- Number of front columns to duplicate |
1233 | unt = lunout; IF(PRESENT(unit)) unt = unit !--- Unit to print messages |
1234 | |
1235 | rk = SIZE(n); nv = SIZE(vnm) |
1236 | lerr = nv/=1 .AND. nv/=n(rk); CALL msg('SIZE(nam) /= 1 and /= last "n" element', sub, lerr); IF(lerr) RETURN |
1237 | lerr = SIZE(a) /= SIZE(ll); CALL msg('ll" and "a" sizes mismatch', sub, lerr); IF(lerr) RETURN |
1238 | lerr = SIZE(a) /= PRODUCT(n); CALL msg('profile "n" does not match "a" and "ll', sub, lerr); IF(lerr) RETURN |
1239 | CALL msg(mes, sub, unit=unt) |
1240 | |
1241 | !--- SCALAR CASE: single value to display |
1242 | IF(rk==1.AND.n(1)==1) THEN |
1243 | IF(ll(1)) WRITE(unt,'(a," = ",f12.9)')TRIM(nam(1)),a(1); RETURN |
1244 | END IF |
1245 | |
1246 | rk1 = rk; IF(nv==1) rk1 = rk-1 !--- Rank of each displayed table |
1247 | SELECT CASE(rk1) !--- Indices list |
1248 | CASE(1,2); ki = [ (i,i=1,n(1)) ] |
1249 | CASE(3); ki = [((i,i=1,n(1)),j=1,n(2))]; kj = [((j,i=1,n(1)),j=1,n(2))] |
1250 | CASE DEFAULT; WRITE(unt,*)'Sorry: routine "dispOutliers" is limited to rank 3'; RETURN |
1251 | END SELECT |
1252 | |
1253 | !--- VECTOR CASE: table " name | value " (known names) / ) / " i | a(i) " (unknown names) |
1254 | IF(rk==1) THEN |
1255 | ALLOCATE(ttl(2)); ttl(2) = TRIM(vnm(1))//'(i)'; ttl(1) = 'i' |
1256 | IF(nv == 1) lerr = dispTable('sr', ttl, s=cat(PACK(nam,ll)), r=cat(PACK(a,ll)), & |
1257 | rFmt=fm, nRowMax=nRmx, nColMax=nCmx, nHead=nHd, unit=unt, sub=sub) |
1258 | IF(nv /= 1) lerr = dispTable('ir', ['name ','value'], i=cat(PACK(ki,m)), r=cat(PACK(a,ll)), & |
1259 | rFmt=fm, nRowMax=nRmx, nColMax=nCmx, nHead=nHd, unit=unt, sub=sub) |
1260 | CALL msg("can't display outliers table", sub, lerr, unt) |
1261 | RETURN |
1262 | END IF |
1263 | |
1264 | !--- OTHER CASES: one table for each tracer (last index) |
1265 | ttl = [(ACHAR(k), k = 105, 104+rk)] !--- Titles list ('i', 'j', 'k'...) |
1266 | s = strStack( ttl(1:rk-1) ) !--- Tracer name dummy indexes: (i, j, k, ... |
1267 | |
1268 | DO itr=1,n(rk) |
1269 | nm = PRODUCT(n(1:rk-1)) !--- number of elements per tracer |
1270 | ie = itr*nm; ib = ie-nm+1; m=ll(ib:ie) !--- section bounds for tracer "itr" ; outlayers mask |
1271 | IF(.NOT.ANY(m)) CYCLE !--- no outlayers for tracer "itr" |
1272 | v = TRIM(vnm(MIN(itr,SIZE(vnm))))//'('//TRIM(s) !--- "<name>(" |
1273 | IF(nv == 1) ttl(rk) = TRIM(v)//','//int2str(itr)//')' !--- "<name>(i,j,itr)" (single name) |
1274 | IF(nv /= 1) ttl(rk) = TRIM(v)//')' !--- "<nam(itr)>(i,j)" (one name each table/itr index) |
1275 | IF(rk==2) lerr = dispTable('ir', ttl, i=cat(PACK(ki,m)), r=cat(PACK(a(ib:ie),m)), & |
1276 | rFmt=fm, nRowMax=nRmx, nColMax=nCmx, nHead=nHd, unit=unt, sub=sub) |
1277 | IF(rk==3) lerr = dispTable('iir', ttl, i=cat(PACK(ki,m),PACK(kj,m)), r=cat(PACK(a(ib:ie),m)), & |
1278 | rFmt=fm, nRowMax=nRmx, nColMax=nCmx, nHead=nHd, unit=unt, sub=sub) |
1279 | CALL msg("can't display outliers table", sub, lerr, unt) |
1280 | IF(lerr) RETURN |
1281 | END DO |
1282 | END FUNCTION dispOutliers_1 |
1283 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1284 | LOGICAL FUNCTION dispOutliers_2(ll, a, n, err_msg, nam, subn, nRowMax, nColMax, nHead, unit) RESULT(lerr) |
1285 | ! Display outliers list in tables |
1286 | ! If "nam" is supplied and, it means the last index is for tracers => one table each tracer for rank > 2. |
1287 | LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ll(:) !--- Linearized mask of outliers |
1288 | REAL, INTENT(IN) :: a(:,:) !--- Linearized arrays of values stacked along 2nd dim. |
1289 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n(:) !--- Profile before linearization |
1290 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: err_msg, nam(:), subn !--- Error message, variables and calling SUBROUTINE names |
1291 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: nRowMax !--- Maximum number of lines to display (default: all) |
1292 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: nColMax !--- Maximum number of characters per line (default: 2048) |
1293 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: nHead !--- Number of front columns to duplicate (default: 1) |
1294 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: unit !--- Output unit (def: lunout) |
1295 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1296 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: mes, sub, fm='(f12.9)', prf |
1297 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: ttl(:), vnm(:) |
1298 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ki(:), kj(:), kl(:) |
1299 | INTEGER :: i, j, k, rk, nv, unt, nRmx, nCmx, nHd |
1300 | REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: val(:,:) |
1301 | |
1302 | lerr = ANY(ll); IF(.NOT.lerr) RETURN !--- No outliers -> finished |
1303 | rk = SIZE(n); nv = SIZE(a,2) |
1304 | mes = 'outliers found'; IF(PRESENT(err_msg)) mes = err_msg !--- Error message |
1305 | vnm = [(ACHAR(k+96),k=1,nv)]; IF(PRESENT(nam )) vnm = nam !--- Variables names |
1306 | sub = 'dispOutliers'; IF(PRESENT(subn)) sub = subn !--- Calling SUBROUTINE name |
1307 | nRmx= SIZE(a); IF(PRESENT(nRowMax)) nRmx=MIN(nRmx,nRowMax)!-- Maximum number of lines to print |
1308 | nCmx= 2048; IF(PRESENT(nColMax)) nCmx=MIN(nCmx,nColMax)!-- Maximum number of characters each line |
1309 | nHd = 1; IF(PRESENT(nHead)) nHd = nHead !--- Number of front columns to duplicate |
1310 | unt = lunout; IF(PRESENT(unit)) unt = unit !--- Unit to print messages |
1311 | lerr= SIZE(vnm) /= nv; IF(fmsg('SIZE(nam) /= SIZE(a,2)', sub, lerr, unt)) RETURN |
1312 | lerr= SIZE(a,1) /= SIZE(ll); IF(fmsg('"ll" and "a" sizes mismatch', sub, lerr, unt)) RETURN |
1313 | lerr= SIZE(a,1) /= PRODUCT(n); IF(fmsg('profile "n" does not match "a" and "ll"', sub, lerr, unt)) RETURN |
1314 | |
1315 | SELECT CASE(rk) !--- Indices list |
1316 | CASE(0); IF(ll(1)) THEN; WRITE(unt,'(a,", ",a," = ",2f12.9)')TRIM(vnm(1)),TRIM(vnm(2)),a(1,1),a(1,2); RETURN; END IF |
1317 | CASE(1); ki = [ (i,i=1,n(1)) ] |
1318 | CASE(2); ki = [ ((i,i=1,n(1)),j=1,n(2))]; kj = [ ((j,i=1,n(1)),j=1,n(2))] |
1319 | CASE(3); ki = [(((i,i=1,n(1)),j=1,n(2)),k=1,n(3))]; kj = [(((j,i=1,n(1)),j=1,n(2)),k=1,n(3))] |
1320 | kl = [(((k,i=1,n(1)),j=1,n(2)),k=1,n(3))] |
1321 | CASE DEFAULT; WRITE(unt,*)'Sorry: routine "dispOutliers_2" is limited to rank 3'; RETURN |
1322 | END SELECT |
1323 | |
1324 | ttl = [(ACHAR(k), k = 105, 104+rk), vnm] !--- Titles list ('i', 'j', 'k'...'var1', 'var2', ...) |
1325 | prf = REPEAT('i',rk)//REPEAT('r',nv) !--- Profile |
1326 | ALLOCATE(val(COUNT(ll),nv)); DO k=1, nv; val(:,k) = PACK(a(:,k),ll); END DO |
1327 | IF(rk == 1) lerr = dispTable(prf, ttl, i = cat(PACK(ki,ll)), r = val, & |
1328 | rFmt=fm, nRowMax=nRmx, nColMax=nCmx, nHead=nHd, unit=unt, sub=sub) |
1329 | IF(rk == 2) lerr = dispTable(prf, ttl, i = cat(PACK(ki,ll),PACK(kj,ll)), r = val, & |
1330 | rFmt=fm, nRowMax=nRmx, nColMax=nCmx, nHead=nHd, unit=unt, sub=sub) |
1331 | IF(rk == 3) lerr = dispTable(prf, ttl, i = cat(PACK(ki,ll),PACK(kj,ll),PACK(kl,ll)), r = val, & |
1332 | rFmt=fm, nRowMax=nRmx, nColMax=nCmx, nHead=nHd, unit=unt, sub=sub) |
1333 | CALL msg("can't display outliers table", sub, lerr, unt) |
1334 | END FUNCTION dispOutliers_2 |
1335 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1336 | |
1337 | |
1338 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1339 | !=== Reduce an algebrical expression (basic operations and parenthesis) to a single number (string format) ==================== |
1340 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1341 | LOGICAL FUNCTION reduceExpr_1(str, val) RESULT(lerr) |
1342 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
1343 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), INTENT(OUT) :: val |
1344 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1345 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: v |
1346 | CHARACTER(LEN=1024) :: s, vv |
1347 | CHARACTER(LEN=1024), ALLOCATABLE :: vl(:) |
1348 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ip(:) |
1349 | INTEGER :: nl, nn, i, j, im, ix |
1350 | LOGICAL :: ll |
1351 | s = str |
1352 | |
1353 | !--- Check wether the parenthesis are correctly formed |
1354 | ll = strCount(s,'(',nl) |
1355 | ll = strCount(s,')',nn) |
1356 | lerr = nl /= nn |
1357 | IF(fmsg('Mismatching number of opening and closing parenthesis: '//TRIM(s), ll=lerr)) RETURN |
1358 | nl = 2*nl-1 |
1359 | |
1360 | !--- Build vectors ; vl: parenthesis-separated elements ; ip: parenthesis types (1: opening, 2: closing) |
1361 | ALLOCATE(ip(nl-1),vl(nl)) |
1362 | j = 1; im = 1 |
1363 | DO i = 1, LEN_TRIM(str) |
1364 | ix = INDEX('()', str(i:i)) |
1365 | IF(ix == 0) CYCLE |
1366 | ip(j) = ix |
1367 | vl(j) = str(im:i-1) |
1368 | j = j + 1; im = i + 1 |
1369 | END DO |
1370 | vl(j) = str(im:LEN_TRIM(str)) |
1371 | |
1372 | !--- Search for each opening/closing parenthesis pair |
1373 | DO WHILE(nl > 1) |
1374 | i = 1; DO WHILE(ip(i) /= 1 .OR. ip(i+1) /= 2); i = i + 1; END DO !IF(i > SIZE(ip)+1) EXIT;END DO |
1375 | lerr = reduceExpr_basic(vl(i+1), v); IF(lerr) RETURN |
1376 | v = TRIM(vl(i))//TRIM(v); IF(i+2<=nl) v=TRIM(v)//TRIM(vl(i+2)) |
1377 | vv = v//REPEAT(' ',768) |
1378 | IF(i == 1) THEN; ip = ip(3:nl-1); vl = [ vv, vl(4 :nl)] |
1379 | ELSE IF(i == nl-1) THEN; ip = ip(1:nl-2); vl = [vl(1:nl-3), vv ] |
1380 | ELSE; ip = [ip(1: i-1), ip(i+2:nl-1)]; vl = [vl(1: i-1), vv, vl(i+3:nl)]; END IF |
1381 | nl = SIZE(vl) |
1382 | END DO |
1383 | lerr = reduceExpr_basic(vl(1), val) |
1384 | END FUNCTION reduceExpr_1 |
1385 | |
1386 | |
1387 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1388 | !=== Reduce a simple algebrical expression (basic operations, no parenthesis) to a single number (string format) ============== |
1389 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1390 | LOGICAL FUNCTION reduceExpr_basic(str, val) RESULT(lerr) |
1391 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
1392 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: val |
1394 | INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: id(:) |
1395 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: ky(:) |
1396 | CHARACTER(LEN=1), ALLOCATABLE :: op(:) |
1397 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1398 | CHARACTER(LEN=1024) :: s |
1399 | DOUBLE PRECISION :: v, vm, vp |
1400 | INTEGER :: i, ni, io |
1401 | lerr = .FALSE. |
1402 | IF(is_numeric(str)) THEN; val=TRIM(str); RETURN; END IF |
1403 | op = ['^','/','*','+','-'] !--- List of recognized operations |
1404 | s = str |
1405 | lerr = strParse_m(s, op, ky, lSc=.TRUE., id = id) !--- Parse the values |
1406 | IF(lerr) RETURN !--- Problem with the parsing |
1407 | vl = str2dble(ky) !--- Conversion to doubles |
1408 | lerr = ANY(vl >= HUGE(1.d0)) |
1409 | CALL msg('Some values are non-numeric in: '//TRIM(s), ll=lerr) |
1410 | IF(lerr) RETURN !--- Non-numerical values found |
1411 | DO io = 1, SIZE(op) !--- Loop on known operators (order matters !) |
1412 | DO i = SIZE(id), 1, -1 !--- Loop on found operators |
1413 | ni = SIZE(id) |
1414 | IF(id(i) /= io) CYCLE !--- Current found operator is not op(io) |
1415 | vm = vl(i); vp = vl(i+1) !--- Couple of values used for current operation |
1416 | SELECT CASE(op(io)) !--- Perform operation on the two values |
1417 | CASE('^'); v = vm**vp |
1418 | CASE('/'); v = vm/vp |
1419 | CASE('*'); v = vm*vp |
1420 | CASE('+'); v = vm+vp |
1421 | CASE('-'); v = vm-vp |
1422 | END SELECT |
1423 | IF(i == ni) THEN; vl = [vl(1:ni-1), v]; ELSE; vl = [vl(1:i-1), v, vl(i+2:ni+1)]; END IF |
1424 | IF(i == ni) THEN; id = id(1:ni-1); ELSE; id = [id(1:i-1), id(i+1:ni )]; END IF |
1425 | END DO |
1426 | END DO |
1427 | val = dble2str(vl(1)) |
1428 | |
1429 | END FUNCTION reduceExpr_basic |
1430 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1431 | |
1432 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1433 | FUNCTION reduceExpr_m(str, val) RESULT(lerr) |
1434 | LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lerr(:) |
1435 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str(:) |
1436 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: val(:) |
1437 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1438 | INTEGER :: i |
1439 | ALLOCATE(lerr(SIZE(str)),val(SIZE(str))) |
1440 | lerr(:) = [(reduceExpr_1(str(i), val(i)), i=1, SIZE(str))] |
1441 | END FUNCTION reduceExpr_m |
1442 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1443 | |
1444 | |
1445 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1446 | !=== Check whether a string is a number or not ================================================================================ |
1447 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1448 | ELEMENTAL LOGICAL FUNCTION is_numeric(str) RESULT(out) |
1449 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
1450 | REAL :: x |
1451 | INTEGER :: e |
1452 | CHARACTER(LEN=12) :: fmt |
1453 | IF(TRIM(str) == '') THEN; out = .FALSE.; RETURN; END IF |
1454 | WRITE(fmt,'("(f",i0,".0)")') LEN_TRIM(str) |
1455 | READ(str,fmt,IOSTAT=e) x |
1456 | out = e==0 .AND. INDEX('Ee',str(LEN_TRIM(str):LEN_TRIM(str)))==0 |
1457 | END FUNCTION is_numeric |
1458 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1459 | |
1460 | |
1461 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1462 | !=== Convert a string into a logical/integer integer or an integer/real into a string ========================================= |
1463 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1464 | ELEMENTAL INTEGER FUNCTION str2bool(str) RESULT(out) !--- Result: 0/1 for .FALSE./.TRUE., -1 if not a valid boolean |
1465 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
1466 | INTEGER :: ierr |
1467 | LOGICAL :: lout |
1468 | READ(str,*,IOSTAT=ierr) lout |
1469 | out = -HUGE(1) |
1470 | IF(ierr /= 0) THEN |
1471 | IF(ANY(['.FALSE.', 'false ', 'no ', 'f ', 'n '] == strLower(str))) out = 0 |
1472 | IF(ANY(['.TRUE. ', 'true ', 'yes ', 't ', 'y '] == strLower(str))) out = 1 |
1473 | ELSE |
1474 | out = 0; IF(lout) out = 1 |
1475 | END IF |
1476 | END FUNCTION str2bool |
1477 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1478 | ELEMENTAL INTEGER FUNCTION str2int(str) RESULT(out) |
1479 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
1480 | INTEGER :: ierr |
1481 | READ(str,*,IOSTAT=ierr) out |
1482 | IF(ierr/=0) out = -HUGE(1) |
1483 | END FUNCTION str2int |
1484 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1485 | ELEMENTAL REAL FUNCTION str2real(str) RESULT(out) |
1486 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
1487 | INTEGER :: ierr |
1488 | READ(str,*,IOSTAT=ierr) out |
1489 | IF(ierr/=0) out = -HUGE(1.) |
1490 | END FUNCTION str2real |
1491 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1493 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str |
1494 | INTEGER :: ierr |
1495 | READ(str,*,IOSTAT=ierr) out |
1496 | IF(ierr/=0) out = -HUGE(1.d0) |
1497 | END FUNCTION str2dble |
1498 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1499 | ELEMENTAL CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) FUNCTION bool2str(b) RESULT(out) |
1500 | LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: b |
1501 | WRITE(out,*)b |
1502 | out = ADJUSTL(out) |
1503 | END FUNCTION bool2str |
1504 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1505 | ELEMENTAL CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) FUNCTION int2str(i, nDigits) RESULT(out) |
1506 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i |
1507 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: nDigits |
1508 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1509 | WRITE(out,*)i |
1510 | out = ADJUSTL(out) |
1511 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(nDigits)) RETURN |
1512 | IF(nDigits > LEN_TRIM(out)) out = REPEAT('0', nDigits - LEN_TRIM(out))//TRIM(out) |
1513 | END FUNCTION int2str |
1514 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1515 | ELEMENTAL CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) FUNCTION real2str(r,fmt) RESULT(out) |
1516 | REAL, INTENT(IN) :: r |
1518 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1519 | IF( PRESENT(fmt)) WRITE(out,fmt)r |
1520 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(fmt)) WRITE(out, * )r |
1521 | out = ADJUSTL(out) |
1522 | END FUNCTION real2str |
1523 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1524 | ELEMENTAL CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) FUNCTION dble2str(d,fmt) RESULT(out) |
1527 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1528 | IF( PRESENT(fmt)) WRITE(out,fmt)d |
1529 | IF(.NOT.PRESENT(fmt)) WRITE(out, * )d |
1530 | out = ADJUSTL(out) |
1531 | END FUNCTION dble2str |
1532 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1533 | ELEMENTAL SUBROUTINE cleanZeros(s) |
1535 | INTEGER :: ls, ix, i |
1536 | IF(is_numeric(s)) THEN |
1537 | ls = LEN_TRIM(s) |
1538 | ix = MAX(INDEX(s,'E'),INDEX(s,'e'),INDEX(s,'D'),INDEX(s,'d')) |
1539 | IF(ix == 0) THEN |
1540 | DO ix = ls,1,-1; IF(s(ix:ix) /= '0') EXIT; END DO; s=s(1:ix+1) |
1541 | ELSE IF(INDEX(s,'.')/=0) THEN |
1542 | i = ix-1; DO WHILE(s(i:i) == '0'); i = i-1; END DO; s=s(1:i)//s(ix:ls) |
1543 | END IF |
1544 | END IF |
1545 | END SUBROUTINE cleanZeros |
1546 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1547 | |
1548 | |
1549 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1550 | FUNCTION addQuotes_1(s) RESULT(out) |
1551 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: s |
1553 | IF(needQuotes(s)) THEN; out = "'"//TRIM(s)//"'"; ELSE; out = s; END IF |
1554 | END FUNCTION addQuotes_1 |
1555 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1556 | FUNCTION addQuotes_m(s) RESULT(out) |
1557 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: s(:) |
1558 | CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE :: out(:) |
1559 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1560 | INTEGER :: k, n |
1561 | n = MAXVAL(LEN_TRIM(s), MASK=.TRUE.) |
1562 | ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(LEN=n) :: out(SIZE(s))) |
1563 | DO k=1,SIZE(s) |
1564 | IF(needQuotes(s(k))) THEN; out(k) = "'"//TRIM(s(k))//"'"; ELSE; out(k) = s(k); END IF |
1565 | END DO |
1566 | END FUNCTION addQuotes_m |
1567 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1569 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: s |
1570 | CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: b, e |
1571 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1572 | out = .TRUE.; IF(TRIM(s) == '') RETURN |
1573 | b = s(1:1); e = s(MAX(1,LEN_TRIM(s)):MAX(1,LEN_TRIM(s))) |
1574 | out = .NOT.is_numeric(s) .AND. (b /= "'" .OR. e /= "'") .AND. ( b /= '"' .OR. e /= '"') |
1575 | END FUNCTION needQuotes |
1576 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1577 | |
1578 | |
1579 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1580 | !=== DISPLAY "<message>: the following <items> are <reason>" FOLLOWED BY THE LIST OF <str> FOR WHICH <lerr>==T. =============== |
1581 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1582 | LOGICAL FUNCTION checkList(str, lerr, message, items, reason, nmax) RESULT(out) |
1583 | ! Purpose: Messages in case a list contains wrong elements (indicated by lerr boolean vector). |
1584 | ! Note: Return value "out" is .TRUE. if there are errors (ie at least one element of "lerr" is TRUE). |
1585 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str(:) |
1586 | LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: lerr(:) |
1587 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: message, items, reason |
1588 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: nmax |
1589 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1590 | CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: s(:) |
1591 | INTEGER :: i, nmx |
1592 | nmx = 256; IF(PRESENT(nmax)) nmx=nmax |
1593 | out = ANY(lerr); IF(.NOT.out) RETURN |
1594 | CALL msg(TRIM(message)//': the following '//TRIM(items)//' are '//TRIM(reason)//':') |
1595 | s = strStackm(PACK(str, MASK=lerr), ', ',nmx) |
1596 | DO i=1,SIZE(s,DIM=1); CALL msg(s(i)); END DO |
1597 | END FUNCTION checkList |
1598 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1599 | |
1600 | |
1601 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1602 | !=== Remove comment in line "str", ie all the characters from the first "#" sign found in "str". ============================== |
1603 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1604 | SUBROUTINE removeComment(str) |
1605 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: str |
1606 | INTEGER :: ix |
1607 | ix = INDEX(str,'# '); IF(ix /= 0) str = str(1:ix-1)//REPEAT(' ',LEN(str)-ix+1) |
1608 | END SUBROUTINE removeComment |
1609 | !============================================================================================================================== |
1610 | |
1611 | |
1612 | END MODULE strings_mod |