source: LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3d_common/disvert.F90 @ 5214

Last change on this file since 5214 was 5159, checked in by abarral, 7 weeks ago

Put dimensions.h and paramet.h into modules

  • Property copyright set to
    Name of program: LMDZ
    Creation date: 1984
    Version: LMDZ5
    License: CeCILL version 2
    Holder: Laboratoire de m\'et\'eorologie dynamique, CNRS, UMR 8539
    See the license file in the root directory
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File size: 15.1 KB
[1279]1! $Id: disvert.F90 5159 2024-08-02 19:58:25Z dcugnet $
[2040]3SUBROUTINE disvert()
[5117]5  USE ioipsl, ONLY: getin
6  USE lmdz_new_unit, ONLY: new_unit
7  USE lmdz_assert, ONLY: assert
[2786]8  USE comvert_mod, ONLY: ap, bp, aps, bps, nivsigs, nivsig, dpres, presnivs, &
[4228]9                         pseudoalt, pa, preff, scaleheight, presinter
[2603]10  USE logic_mod, ONLY: ok_strato
[5118]11  USE lmdz_iniprint, ONLY: lunout, prt_level
[5159]14USE lmdz_dimensions, ONLY: iim, jjm, llm, ndm
15  USE lmdz_paramet
22! Purpose: Vertical distribution functions for LMDZ.
23!          Triggered by the levels number llm.
[2600]25! Read    in "comvert_mod":
27! pa !--- vertical coordinate is close to a PRESSURE COORDINATE FOR P
28! < 0.3 * pa (relative variation of p on a model level is < 0.1 %)
[2040]30! preff                      !--- REFERENCE PRESSURE                 (101325 Pa)
[2600]31! Written in "comvert_mod":
[2040]32! ap(llm+1), bp(llm+1)       !--- Ap, Bp HYBRID COEFFICIENTS AT INTERFACES
33! aps(llm),  bps(llm)        !--- Ap, Bp HYBRID COEFFICIENTS AT MID-LAYERS
34! dpres(llm)                 !--- PRESSURE DIFFERENCE FOR EACH LAYER
35! presnivs(llm)              !--- PRESSURE AT EACH MID-LAYER
[4228]36! presinter(llm+1)           !--- PRESSURE AT EACH INTERFACE
[2040]37! scaleheight                !--- VERTICAL SCALE HEIGHT            (Earth: 8kms)
38! nivsig(llm+1)              !--- SIGMA INDEX OF EACH LAYER INTERFACE
39! nivsigs(llm)               !--- SIGMA INDEX OF EACH MID-LAYER
41! Local variables:
[1472]42  REAL sig(llm+1), dsig(llm)
[2040]43  REAL sig0(llm+1), zz(llm+1)
44  REAL zk, zkm1, dzk1, dzk2, z, k0, k1
[1620]46  INTEGER l, unit
[1472]47  REAL dsigmin
[2045]48  REAL vert_scale,vert_dzmin,vert_dzlow,vert_z0low,vert_dzmid,vert_z0mid,vert_h_mid,vert_dzhig,vert_z0hig,vert_h_hig
[1524]50  REAL alpha, beta, deltaz
[1520]51  REAL x
[5116]52  CHARACTER(LEN=*),parameter :: modname="disvert"
[5116]54  CHARACTER(LEN=24):: vert_sampling
[1620]55  ! (allowed values are "param", "tropo", "strato" and "read")
[1472]57  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
[2040]59  WRITE(lunout,*) TRIM(modname)//" starts"
[1520]61  ! default scaleheight is 8km for earth
62  scaleheight=8.
[1623]64  vert_sampling = merge("strato", "tropo ", ok_strato) ! default value
[5101]65  CALL getin('vert_sampling', vert_sampling)
[2040]66  WRITE(lunout,*) TRIM(modname)//' vert_sampling = ' // vert_sampling
[5117]67  IF (llm==39 .AND. vert_sampling=="strato") THEN
[1959]68     dsigmin=0.3 ! Vieille option par défaut pour CMIP5
69  else
70     dsigmin=1.
[5117]71  ENDIF
[5103]72  CALL getin('dsigmin', dsigmin)
[1959]73  WRITE(LUNOUT,*) trim(modname), 'Discretisation verticale DSIGMIN=',dsigmin
[1620]76  select case (vert_sampling)
77  case ("param")
78     ! On lit les options dans sigma.def:
79     OPEN(99, file='sigma.def', status='old', form='formatted')
[1520]80     READ(99, *) scaleheight ! hauteur d'echelle 8.
[1472]81     READ(99, *) deltaz ! epaiseur de la premiere couche 0.04
82     READ(99, *) beta ! facteur d'acroissement en haut 1.3
83     READ(99, *) k0 ! nombre de couches dans la transition surf
84     READ(99, *) k1 ! nombre de couches dans la transition haute
85     CLOSE(99)
[1520]86     alpha=deltaz/(llm*scaleheight)
[5116]87     WRITE(lunout, *)trim(modname),':scaleheight, alpha, k0, k1, beta', &
[1520]88                               scaleheight, alpha, k0, k1, beta
90     alpha=deltaz/tanh(1./k0)*2.
91     zkm1=0.
92     sig(1)=1.
[5158]93     DO l=1, llm
[1520]94        sig(l+1)=(cosh(l/k0))**(-alpha*k0/scaleheight) &
95             *exp(-alpha/scaleheight*tanh((llm-k1)/k0) &
96                  *beta**(l-(llm-k1))/log(beta))
97        zk=-scaleheight*log(sig(l+1))
99        dzk1=alpha*tanh(l/k0)
100        dzk2=alpha*tanh((llm-k1)/k0)*beta**(l-(llm-k1))/log(beta)
[5116]101        WRITE(lunout, *)l, sig(l+1), zk, zk-zkm1, dzk1, dzk2
[524]102        zkm1=zk
[1472]103     enddo
[1472]105     sig(llm+1)=0.
107     bp(: llm) = EXP(1. - 1. / sig(: llm)**2)
108     bp(llmp1) = 0.
110     ap = pa * (sig - bp)
[1959]111  case("sigma")
112     DO l = 1, llm
113        x = 2*asin(1.) * (l - 0.5) / (llm + 1)
114        dsig(l) = dsigmin + 7.0 * SIN(x)**2
115     ENDDO
116     dsig = dsig / sum(dsig)
117     sig(llm+1) = 0.
118     DO l = llm, 1, -1
119        sig(l) = sig(l+1) + dsig(l)
120     ENDDO
122     bp(1)=1.
123     bp(2: llm) = sig(2:llm)
124     bp(llmp1) = 0.
125     ap(:)=0.
[1620]126  case("tropo")
[1472]127     DO l = 1, llm
[1620]128        x = 2*asin(1.) * (l - 0.5) / (llm + 1)
[1959]129        dsig(l) = dsigmin + 7.0 * SIN(x)**2
[1620]130     ENDDO
131     dsig = dsig / sum(dsig)
132     sig(llm+1) = 0.
133     DO l = llm, 1, -1
134        sig(l) = sig(l+1) + dsig(l)
135     ENDDO
137     bp(1)=1.
138     bp(2: llm) = EXP(1. - 1. / sig(2: llm)**2)
139     bp(llmp1) = 0.
141     ap(1)=0.
142     ap(2: llm + 1) = pa * (sig(2: llm + 1) - bp(2: llm + 1))
[1620]143  case("strato")
[1472]144     DO l = 1, llm
[1480]145        x = 2*asin(1.) * (l - 0.5) / (llm + 1)
[1620]146        dsig(l) =(dsigmin + 7. * SIN(x)**2) &
147             *(0.5*(1.-tanh(1.*(x-asin(1.))/asin(1.))))**2
[1472]148     ENDDO
149     dsig = dsig / sum(dsig)
150     sig(llm+1) = 0.
151     DO l = llm, 1, -1
152        sig(l) = sig(l+1) + dsig(l)
153     ENDDO
155     bp(1)=1.
156     bp(2: llm) = EXP(1. - 1. / sig(2: llm)**2)
157     bp(llmp1) = 0.
159     ap(1)=0.
160     ap(2: llm + 1) = pa * (sig(2: llm + 1) - bp(2: llm + 1))
[2045]161  case("strato_correct")
163! Fredho 2014/05/18, Saint-Louis du Senegal
164! Cette version de la discretisation strato est corrige au niveau
165! du passage des sig aux ap, bp
166! la version precedente donne un coude dans l'epaisseur des couches
167! vers la tropopause
171     DO l = 1, llm
172        x = 2*asin(1.) * (l - 0.5) / (llm + 1)
173        dsig(l) =(dsigmin + 7. * SIN(x)**2) &
174             *(0.5*(1.-tanh(1.*(x-asin(1.))/asin(1.))))**2
175     ENDDO
176     dsig = dsig / sum(dsig)
177     sig0(llm+1) = 0.
178     DO l = llm, 1, -1
179        sig0(l) = sig0(l+1) + dsig(l)
180     ENDDO
181     sig=racinesig(sig0)
183     bp(1)=1.
184     bp(2:llm)=EXP(1.-1./sig(2: llm)**2)
185     bp(llmp1)=0.
187     ap(1)=0.
188     ap(2:llm)=pa*(sig(2:llm)-bp(2:llm))
189     ap(llm+1)=0.
191  CASE("strato_custom0")
193! Version Transitoire
[2040]194    ! custumize strato distribution with specific alpha & beta values and function
195    ! depending on llm (experimental and temporary)!
196    SELECT CASE (llm)
197      CASE(55)
198        alpha=0.45
199        beta=4.0
200      CASE(63)
201        alpha=0.45
202        beta=5.0
203      CASE(71)
204        alpha=3.05
205        beta=65.
206      CASE(79)
207        alpha=3.20
208        ! alpha=2.05 ! FLOTT 79 (PLANTE)
209        beta=70.
211    ! Or used values provided by user in def file:
212    CALL getin("strato_alpha",alpha)
213    CALL getin("strato_beta",beta)
215    ! Build geometrical distribution
216    scaleheight=7.
217    zz(1)=0.
218    IF (llm==55.OR.llm==63) THEN
219      DO l=1,llm
220        z=zz(l)/scaleheight
221        zz(l+1)=zz(l)+0.03+z*1.5*(1.-TANH(z-0.5))+alpha*(1.+TANH(z-1.5))     &
222                            +5.0*EXP((l-llm)/beta)
223      ENDDO
224    ELSEIF (llm==71) THEN !.OR.llm==79) THEN      ! FLOTT 79 (PLANTE)
225      DO l=1,llm
226        z=zz(l)
227        zz(l+1)=zz(l)+0.02+0.88*TANH(z/2.5)+alpha*(1.+TANH((z-beta)/15.))
228      ENDDO
229    ELSEIF (llm==79) THEN
230      DO l=1,llm
231        z=zz(l)
232        zz(l+1)=zz(l)+0.02+0.80*TANH(z/3.8)+alpha*(1+TANH((z-beta)/17.))     &
233                            +0.03*TANH(z/.25)
234      ENDDO
235    ENDIF ! of IF (llm==55.OR.llm==63) ...
[2040]238    ! Build sigma distribution
239    sig0=EXP(-zz(:)/scaleheight)
240    sig0(llm+1)=0.
[2045]241!    sig=ridders(sig0)
242    sig=racinesig(sig0)
244    ! Compute ap() and bp()
245    bp(1)=1.
246    bp(2:llm)=EXP(1.-1./sig(2:llm)**2)
247    bp(llm+1)=0.
248    ap=pa*(sig-bp)
[2045]250  CASE("strato_custom")
252! David Cugnet, François Lott, Lionel Guez, Ehouoarn Millour, Fredho
253! 2014/05
254! custumize strato distribution
255! Al the parameter are given in km assuming a given scalehigh
256    vert_scale=7.     ! scale hight
257    vert_dzmin=0.02   ! width of first layer
258    vert_dzlow=1.     ! dz in the low atmosphere
259    vert_z0low=8.     ! height at which resolution recches dzlow
260    vert_dzmid=3.     ! dz in the mid atmsophere
261    vert_z0mid=70.    ! height at which resolution recches dzmid
262    vert_h_mid=20.    ! width of the transition
263    vert_dzhig=11.    ! dz in the high atmsophere
264    vert_z0hig=80.    ! height at which resolution recches dz
265    vert_h_hig=20.    ! width of the transition
[5103]268    CALL getin('vert_scale',vert_scale)
269    CALL getin('vert_dzmin',vert_dzmin)
270    CALL getin('vert_dzlow',vert_dzlow)
271    CALL getin('vert_z0low',vert_z0low)
[2045]272    CALL getin('vert_dzmid',vert_dzmid)
273    CALL getin('vert_z0mid',vert_z0mid)
[5103]274    CALL getin('vert_h_mid',vert_h_mid)
275    CALL getin('vert_dzhig',vert_dzhig)
276    CALL getin('vert_z0hig',vert_z0hig)
277    CALL getin('vert_h_hig',vert_h_hig)
279    scaleheight=vert_scale ! for consistency with further computations
280    ! Build geometrical distribution
281    zz(1)=0.
282    DO l=1,llm
283       z=zz(l)
284       zz(l+1)=zz(l)+vert_dzmin+vert_dzlow*TANH(z/vert_z0low)+                &
285&      (vert_dzmid-vert_dzlow)* &
286&           (TANH((z-vert_z0mid)/vert_h_mid)-TANH((-vert_z0mid)/vert_h_mid)) &
287&     +(vert_dzhig-vert_dzmid-vert_dzlow)*                                  &
288&           (TANH((z-vert_z0hig)/vert_h_hig)-TANH((-vert_z0hig)/vert_h_hig))
289    ENDDO
293! Comment added Fredho 2014/05/18, Saint-Louis, Senegal
294! From approximate z to ap, bp, so that p=ap+bp*p0 and p/p0=exp(-z/H)
295! sig0 is p/p0
296! sig is an intermediate distribution introduce to estimate bp
297! 1.   sig0=exp(-z/H)
298! 2.   inversion of sig0=(1-pa/p0)*sig+(1-pa/p0)*exp(1-1/sig**2)
299! 3.   bp=exp(1-1/sig**2)
300! 4.   ap deduced from  the combination of 2 and 3 so that sig0=ap/p0+bp
303    sig0=EXP(-zz(:)/vert_scale)
304    sig0(llm+1)=0.
305    sig=racinesig(sig0)
306    bp(1)=1.
307    bp(2:llm)=EXP(1.-1./sig(2:llm)**2)
308    bp(llm+1)=0.
309    ap=pa*(sig-bp)
[1620]311  case("read")
[1645]312     ! Read "ap" and "bp". First line is skipped (title line). "ap"
313     ! should be in Pa. First couple of values should correspond to
314     ! the surface, that is : "bp" should be in descending order.
[5103]315     CALL new_unit(unit)
[1620]316     open(unit, file="hybrid.txt", status="old", action="read", &
317          position="rewind")
318     read(unit, fmt=*) ! skip title line
[5158]319     DO l = 1, llm + 1
[1645]320        read(unit, fmt=*) ap(l), bp(l)
[5086]321     END DO
[1620]322     close(unit)
[5103]323     CALL assert(ap(1) == 0., ap(llm + 1) == 0., bp(1) == 1., &
[1645]324          bp(llm + 1) == 0., "disvert: bad ap or bp values")
[1620]325  case default
[5103]326     CALL abort_gcm("disvert", 'Wrong value for "vert_sampling"', 1)
[1620]327  END select
[1472]329  DO l=1, llm
330     nivsigs(l) = REAL(l)
331  ENDDO
[1472]333  DO l=1, llmp1
334     nivsig(l)= REAL(l)
335  ENDDO
[5116]337  WRITE(lunout, *)  trim(modname),': BP '
338  WRITE(lunout, *) bp
339  WRITE(lunout, *)  trim(modname),': AP '
340  WRITE(lunout, *) ap
[5116]342  WRITE(lunout, *) 'Niveaux de pressions approximatifs aux centres des'
343  WRITE(lunout, *)'couches calcules pour une pression de surface =', preff
344  WRITE(lunout, *) 'et altitudes equivalentes pour une hauteur d echelle de '
345  WRITE(lunout, *) scaleheight,' km'
[1472]346  DO l = 1, llm
347     dpres(l) = bp(l) - bp(l+1)
[2786]348     aps(l) =  0.5 *( ap(l) +ap(l+1))
349     bps(l) =  0.5 *( bp(l) +bp(l+1))
[1472]350     presnivs(l) = 0.5 *( ap(l)+bp(l)*preff + ap(l+1)+bp(l+1)*preff )
[2786]351     pseudoalt(l) = log(preff/presnivs(l))*scaleheight
[5116]352     WRITE(lunout, *)'PRESNIVS(', l, ')=', presnivs(l), ' Z ~ ', &
[2786]353          pseudoalt(l) &
[1520]354          , ' DZ ~ ', scaleheight*log((ap(l)+bp(l)*preff)/ &
[1472]355          max(ap(l+1)+bp(l+1)*preff, 1.e-10))
356  ENDDO
[4228]357  DO l=1, llmp1
358     presinter(l)= ( ap(l)+bp(l)*preff)
[5116]359     WRITE(lunout, *)'PRESINTER(', l, ')=', presinter(l)
[4228]360  ENDDO
[5116]362  WRITE(lunout, *) trim(modname),': PRESNIVS '
363  WRITE(lunout, *) presnivs
[2040]369FUNCTION ridders(sig) RESULT(sg)
374! Purpose: Search for s solving (Pa/Preff)*s+(1-Pa/Preff)*EXP(1-1./s**2)=sg
375! Notes:   Uses Ridders' method, quite robust. Initial bracketing: 0<=sg<=1.
376! Reference: Ridders, C. F. J. "A New Algorithm for Computing a Single Root of a
377!       Real Continuous Function" IEEE Trans. Circuits Systems 26, 979-980, 1979
379! Arguments:
380  REAL, INTENT(IN)  :: sig(:)
381  REAL              :: sg(SIZE(sig))
383! Local variables:
384  INTEGER :: it, ns, maxit
385  REAL :: c1, c2, x1, x2, x3, x4, f1, f2, f3, f4, s, xx, distrib
387  ns=SIZE(sig); maxit=9999
388  c1=Pa/Preff; c2=1.-c1
389  DO l=1,ns
390    xx=HUGE(1.)
391    x1=0.0; f1=distrib(x1,c1,c2,sig(l))
392    x2=1.0; f2=distrib(x2,c1,c2,sig(l))
393    DO it=1,maxit
394      x3=0.5*(x1+x2); f3=distrib(x3,c1,c2,sig(l))
395      s=SQRT(f3**2-f1*f2);                 IF(s==0.) EXIT
396      x4=x3+(x3-x1)*(SIGN(1.,f1-f2)*f3/s); IF(ABS(10.*LOG(x4-xx))<=1E-5) EXIT
397      xx=x4; f4=distrib(x4,c1,c2,sig(l));  IF(f4==0.) EXIT
398      IF(SIGN(f3,f4)/=f3) THEN;      x1=x3; f1=f3; x2=xx; f2=f4
399      ELSE IF(SIGN(f1,f4)/=f1) THEN; x2=xx; f2=f4
400      ELSE IF(SIGN(f2,f4)/=f2) THEN; x1=xx; f1=f4
[4257]401      ELSE; CALL abort_gcm("ridders",'Algorithm failed (which is odd...', 1)
[2040]402      END IF
403      IF(ABS(10.*LOG(ABS(x2-x1)))<=1E-5) EXIT       !--- ERROR ON SIG <= 0.01m           
404    END DO
405    IF(it==maxit+1) WRITE(lunout,'(a,i3)')'WARNING in ridder: failed to converg&
[5087]406  e for level ',l
[2040]407    sg(l)=xx
408  END DO
409  sg(1)=1.; sg(ns)=0.
411END FUNCTION ridders
[2045]413FUNCTION racinesig(sig) RESULT(sg)
418! Fredho 2014/05/18
419! Purpose: Search for s solving (Pa/Preff)*sg+(1-Pa/Preff)*EXP(1-1./sg**2)=s
420! Notes:   Uses Newton Raphson search
422! Arguments:
423  REAL, INTENT(IN)  :: sig(:)
424  REAL              :: sg(SIZE(sig))
426! Local variables:
427  INTEGER :: it, ns, maxit
428  REAL :: c1, c2, x1, x2, x3, x4, f1, f2, f3, f4, s, xx, distrib
430  ns=SIZE(sig); maxit=100
431  c1=Pa/Preff; c2=1.-c1
432  DO l=2,ns-1
433    sg(l)=sig(l)
434    DO it=1,maxit
435       f1=exp(1-1./sg(l)**2)*(1.-c1)
436       sg(l)=sg(l)-(c1*sg(l)+f1-sig(l))/(c1+2*f1*sg(l)**(-3))
437    ENDDO
[5103]438!   PRINT*,'SSSSIG ',sig(l),sg(l),c1*sg(l)+exp(1-1./sg(l)**2)*(1.-c1)
[2045]439  ENDDO
440  sg(1)=1.; sg(ns)=0.
442END FUNCTION racinesig
[1472]447END SUBROUTINE disvert
451FUNCTION distrib(x,c1,c2,x0) RESULT(res)
454! Arguments:
455  REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x, c1, c2, x0
456  REAL             :: res
458  res=c1*x+c2*EXP(1-1/(x**2))-x0
460END FUNCTION distrib
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