source: LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3d/wrgrads.f90 @ 5103

Last change on this file since 5103 was 5103, checked in by abarral, 8 weeks ago

Handle CPP_INLANDSIS in lmdz_cppkeys_wrapper.F90
Remove obsolete key wrgrads_thermcell, _ADV_HALO, _ADV_HALLO, isminmax
Remove redundant uses of CPPKEY_INCA (thanks acozic)
Remove obsolete misc/write_field.F90
Remove unused ioipsl_* wrappers
Remove calls to WriteField_u with wrong signature
Convert .F -> .[fF]90
(lint) uppercase fortran operators
[note: 1d and iso still broken - working on it]

  • Property copyright set to
    Name of program: LMDZ
    Creation date: 1984
    Version: LMDZ5
    License: CeCILL version 2
    Holder: Laboratoire de m\'et\'eorologie dynamique, CNRS, UMR 8539
    See the license file in the root directory
  • Property svn:eol-style set to native
  • Property svn:keywords set to Author Date Id Revision
File size: 3.7 KB
1! $Header$
3subroutine wrgrads(if, nl, field, name, titlevar)
4  implicit none
6  !   Declarations
7  !    if indice du fichier
8  !    nl nombre de couches
9  !    field   champ
10  !    name    petit nom
11  !    titlevar   Titre
13  include "gradsdef.h"
15  !   arguments
16  integer :: if, nl
17  real :: field(imx * jmx * lmx)
19  integer, parameter :: wp = selected_real_kind(p = 6, r = 36)
20  real(wp) field4(imx * jmx * lmx)
22  character(len = 10) :: name, file
23  character(len = 10) :: titlevar
25  !   local
27  integer :: im, jm, lm, i, j, l, iv, iii, iji, iif, ijf
29  logical :: writectl
31  writectl = .false.
33  ! print*,if,iid(if),jid(if),ifd(if),jfd(if)
34  iii = iid(if)
35  iji = jid(if)
36  iif = ifd(if)
37  ijf = jfd(if)
38  im = iif - iii + 1
39  jm = ijf - iji + 1
40  lm = lmd(if)
42  ! print*,'im,jm,lm,name,firsttime(if)'
43  ! print*,im,jm,lm,name,firsttime(if)
45  if(firsttime(if)) then
46    if(name==var(1, if)) then
47      firsttime(if) = .false.
48      ivar(if) = 1
49      print*, 'fin de l initialiation de l ecriture du fichier'
50      print*, file
51      print*, 'fichier no: ', if
52      print*, 'unit ', unit(if)
53      print*, 'nvar  ', nvar(if)
54      print*, 'vars ', (var(iv, if), iv = 1, nvar(if))
55    else
56      ivar(if) = ivar(if) + 1
57      nvar(if) = ivar(if)
58      var(ivar(if), if) = name
59      tvar(ivar(if), if) = trim(titlevar)
60      nld(ivar(if), if) = nl
61      ! print*,'initialisation ecriture de ',var(ivar(if),if)
62      ! print*,'if ivar(if) nld ',if,ivar(if),nld(ivar(if),if)
63    endif
64    writectl = .true.
65    itime(if) = 1
66  else
67    ivar(if) = mod(ivar(if), nvar(if)) + 1
68    if (ivar(if)==nvar(if)) then
69      writectl = .true.
70      itime(if) = itime(if) + 1
71    endif
73    if(var(ivar(if), if)/=name) then
74      print*, 'Il faut stoker la meme succession de champs a chaque'
75      print*, 'pas de temps'
76      print*, 'fichier no: ', if
77      print*, 'unit ', unit(if)
78      print*, 'nvar  ', nvar(if)
79      print*, 'vars ', (var(iv, if), iv = 1, nvar(if))
80      CALL abort_gcm("wrgrads", "problem", 1)
81    endif
82  endif
84  ! print*,'ivar(if),nvar(if),var(ivar(if),if),writectl'
85  ! print*,ivar(if),nvar(if),var(ivar(if),if),writectl
86  field4(1:imd(if) * jmd(if) * nl) = field(1:imd(if) * jmd(if) * nl)
87  do l = 1, nl
88    irec(if) = irec(if) + 1
89    ! print*,'Ecrit rec=',irec(if),iii,iif,iji,ijf,
90    !    s (l-1)*imd(if)*jmd(if)+(iji-1)*imd(if)+iii
91    !    s ,(l-1)*imd(if)*jmd(if)+(ijf-1)*imd(if)+iif
92    write(unit(if) + 1, rec = irec(if)) &
93            ((field4((l - 1) * imd(if) * jmd(if) + (j - 1) * imd(if) + i) &
94                    , i = iii, iif), j = iji, ijf)
95  enddo
96  if (writectl) then
98    file = fichier(if)
99    !   WARNING! on reecrase le fichier .ctl a chaque ecriture
100    open(unit(if), file = trim(file) // '.ctl' &
101            , form = 'formatted', status = 'unknown')
102    write(unit(if), '(a5,1x,a40)') &
103            'DSET ', '^' // trim(file) // '.dat'
105    write(unit(if), '(a12)') 'UNDEF 1.0E30'
106    write(unit(if), '(a5,1x,a40)') 'TITLE ', title(if)
107    CALL formcoord(unit(if), im, xd(iii, if), 1., .false., 'XDEF')
108    CALL formcoord(unit(if), jm, yd(iji, if), 1., .true., 'YDEF')
109    CALL formcoord(unit(if), lm, zd(1, if), 1., .false., 'ZDEF')
110    write(unit(if), '(a4,i10,a30)') &
111            'TDEF ', itime(if), ' LINEAR 02JAN1987 1MO '
112    write(unit(if), '(a4,2x,i5)') 'VARS', nvar(if)
113    do iv = 1, nvar(if)
114      ! print*,'if,var(iv,if),nld(iv,if),nld(iv,if)-1/nld(iv,if)'
115      ! print*,if,var(iv,if),nld(iv,if),nld(iv,if)-1/nld(iv,if)
116      write(unit(if), 1000) var(iv, if), nld(iv, if) - 1 / nld(iv, if) &
117              , 99, tvar(iv, if)
118    enddo
119    write(unit(if), '(a7)') 'ENDVARS'
120    !
121    1000   format(a5, 3x, i4, i3, 1x, a39)
123    close(unit(if))
125  endif ! writectl
127  return
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