# This is a script in Bash. # This script installs the source files of LMDZ 1D. Run this script # from "libf". set -xe # cp --no-clobber phylmd/* phy1d: cd phylmd set +x for my_file in * do if [[ ! -a ../phy1d/$my_file ]] then # cp $my_file ../phy1d cp -R $my_file ../phy1d fi done set -x cd ../phy1d rm wrgradsfi.F # already in 1DUTILS.h sed -i -e "/add_phys_tend.*_vdf/s/add_phys_tend/add_pbl_tend/" physiq.F90 sed -i -e "/SUBROUTINE *convers_timesteps/,/END SUBROUTINE convers_timesteps/{ /USE *phys_cal_mod/d /use *ioipsl/a\\ USE phys_cal_mod s/ioget_mon_len(annee_ref,day_ref)/mth_len/ };/SUBROUTINE *phys_output_open/,/end *subroutine *phys_output_open/{ /USE *ioipsl/a\\ USE phys_cal_mod, only : hour /ymds2ju.*annee_ref.*zjulian/c\\ !!! CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, idayref, 0.0, zjulian) !jyg \\ ! correction pour l heure initiale !jyg \\ ! !jyg \\ CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, idayref, hour, zjulian) !jyg }" phys_output_mod.F90 sed -i -e "/^ *INCLUDE *\"temps.h\"/{ a\\ !****************************************************************************************\\ ! Declarations specifiques pour le 1D. A reprendre \\ INCLUDE \"flux_arp.h\" }; /^.*REAL *::.*fsens *, *flat/d; /^.*LOGICAL *::.*ok_flux_surf/d; /^.*COMMON.*flux_arp.*/d " pbl_surface_mod.F90 ln -s ../dyn3d/mod_const_mpi.F90 . ln -s ../dyn3d/infotrac.F90 . ln -s ../dyn3d/conf_gcm.F . ln -s ../dyn3d/pres2lev* . ln -s ../dyn3d/control_mod.F90 . ln -s ../dyn3d/q_sat.F . ln -s ../dyn3d/disvert.F90 .