source: LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phylmd/regr_horiz_time_climoz_m.F90 @ 3322

Last change on this file since 3322 was 2963, checked in by dcugnet, 7 years ago

Fix a bug in the longitude interpolation of ozone, leading for some
resolutions to a too small margin to ensure inetrpolation without
any extrapolation.
Also, minor fix in regular_lonlat_mod.F90 routine to ensure that


File size: 24.7 KB
1MODULE regr_horiz_time_climoz_m
3  USE interpolation,     ONLY: locate
4  USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nlon_ou => nbp_lon, nlat_ou => nbp_lat
5  USE nrtype,            ONLY: pi
6  USE netcdf,   ONLY: NF90_CLOBBER, NF90_FLOAT,     NF90_GET_VAR, NF90_OPEN,   &
7                      NF90_NOWRITE, NF90_NOERR,     NF90_GET_ATT, NF90_GLOBAL
9                      NF95_DEF_VAR, NF95_INQ_VARID, NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE,     &
10          NF95_OPEN,  NF95_CREATE,  NF95_GET_ATT,   NF95_GW_VAR,  HANDLE_ERR,  &
11          NF95_CLOSE, NF95_ENDDEF,  NF95_PUT_ATT,   NF95_PUT_VAR, NF95_COPY_ATT
12  USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout
15  PUBLIC :: regr_horiz_time_climoz
16  REAL, PARAMETER :: deg2rad=pi/180.
17  CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER :: vars_in(2)=['tro3         ','tro3_daylight']
23SUBROUTINE regr_horiz_time_climoz(read_climoz,interpt)
26! Purpose: Regrid horizontally and in time zonal or 3D ozone climatologies.
27!   * Read ozone climatology from netcdf file
28!   * Regrid it horizontaly to LMDZ grid (quasi-conservative method)
29!   * If interpt=T, interpolate linearly in time (one record each day)
30!     If interpt=F, keep original time sampling  (14 months).
31!   * Save it to a new netcdf file.
33! Remarks:
34!   * Up to 2 variables treated: "tro3" and "tro3_daylight" (if read_climoz=2)
35!   * Input fields coordinates: (longitudes, latitudes, pressure_levels, time)
36!   * Output grid cells centers coordinates given by [rlonv,] rlatu.
37!   * Output grid cells edges   coordinates given by [rlonu,] rlatv.
38!   * Input file [longitudes and] latitudes given in degrees.
39!   * Input file pressure levels are given in Pa or hPa.
40!   * All coordinates variables are stricly monotonic.
41!   * Monthly fields are interpolated linearly in time to get daily values.
42!   * Fields are known at the middle of the months, so interpolation requires an
43!     additional record both for 1st half of january and 2nd half of december:
44!     - For a 14-records "": records 1 and 14.
45!     - For 12-records files:
46!       record 12 of "" if available, or record 1  of "".
47!       record 1  of "" if available, or record 12 of "".
48!   * Calendar is taken into account to get one record each day (not 360 always).
49!   * Missing values are filled in from sky to ground by copying lowest valid one.
50!     Attribute "missing_value" or "_FillValue" must be present in input file.
52  USE assert_m,           ONLY: assert
53  USE cal_tools_m,        ONLY: year_len, mid_month
54  USE control_mod,        ONLY: anneeref
55  USE ioipsl,             ONLY: ioget_year_len, ioget_calendar
56  USE regr_conserv_m,     ONLY: regr_conserv
57  USE regr_lint_m,        ONLY: regr_lint
58  USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY: boundslon_reg, boundslat_reg, south, west, east
59  USE slopes_m,           ONLY: slopes
61! Arguments:
62  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: read_climoz ! read ozone climatology, 1 or 2
63!                         1: read a single ozone climatology used day and night
64!                         2: same + read also a daylight climatology
65  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: interpt     ! TRUE  => daily interpolation
66                                     ! FALSE => no interpolation (14 months)
68! Local variables:
70!--- Input files variables
71  INTEGER :: nlon_in                       ! Number of longitudes
72  INTEGER :: nlat_in                       ! Number of latitudes
73  INTEGER :: nlev_in                       ! Number of pressure levels
74  INTEGER :: nmth_in                       ! Number of months
75  REAL, POINTER     :: lon_in(:)           ! Longitudes   (ascending order, rad)
76  REAL, POINTER     :: lat_in(:)           ! Latitudes    (ascending order, rad)
77  REAL, POINTER     :: lev_in(:)           ! Pressure levels (ascen. order, hPa)
78  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lon_in_edge(:)      ! Longitude intervals edges
79                                           !              (ascending order,  / )
80  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: sinlat_in_edge(:)   ! Sinus of latitude intervals edges
81                                           !              (ascending order,  / )
82  LOGICAL :: ldec_lon, ldec_lat, ldec_lev  ! Decreasing order in input file
83  CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: cal_in              ! Calendar
84  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in3(:,:,:,:,:)   ! Ozone climatologies
85  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in2  (:,:,:,:)   ! Ozone climatologies
86  ! last index: 1 for the day-night average, 2 for the daylight field.
87  REAL :: NaN
89!--- Partially or totally regridded variables      (:,:,nlev_in,:,read_climoz)
90  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lon   (:,:,:,:,:) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_in,:,0:13   ,:)
91  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:,:,:) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_ou,:,0:13   ,:)
92  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out3       (:,:,:,:,:) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_ou,:,ntim_ou,:)
93  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lat     (:,:,:,:) !         (nlat_in,:,0:13   ,:)
94  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out2         (:,:,:,:) !         (nlat_ou,:,ntim_ou,:)
95! Dimension number  | Interval                | Contains  | For variables:
96!   1 (longitude)   | [rlonu(i-1), rlonu(i)]  | rlonv(i)  | all
97!   2 (latitude)    | [rlatv(j), rlatv(j-1)]  | rlatu(j)  | all but o3_regr_lon
98!   3 (press level) |                         |   lev(k)  | all
99! Note that rlatv(0)=pi/2 and rlatv(nlat_ou)=-pi/2.
100! Dimension 4 is: month number                             (all vars but o3_out)
101!                 days elapsed since Jan. 1st 0h at mid-day (o3_out only)
102  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: v1(:)
104!--- For NetCDF:
105  INTEGER :: fID_in_m, fID_in, levID_ou, dimid, vID_in(read_climoz), ntim_ou
106  INTEGER :: fID_in_p, fID_ou, timID_ou, varid, vID_ou(read_climoz), ndims, ncerr
107  INTEGER, POINTER :: dIDs(:)
108  CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: cal_ou     !--- Calendar; no time inter => same as input
109  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: press_unit !--- Pressure unit
110  REAL    :: tmidmonth(0:13)      !--- Elapsed days since Jan-1 0h at mid-months
111                                  ! Additional records 0, 13 for interpolation
112  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tmidday(:) !--- Output times (mid-days since Jan 1st 0h)
113  LOGICAL :: lprev, lnext         !--- Flags: previous/next files are present
114  LOGICAL :: l3D, l2D             !--- Flag:  input fields are 3D or zonal
115  INTEGER :: ii, i, j, k, l, m, dln, ib, ie, iv, dx1, dx2
116  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sta(:), cnt(:)
117  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: sub, dim_nam, msg
119  sub="regr_horiz_time_climoz"
120  WRITE(lunout,*)"Call sequence information: "//TRIM(sub)
121  CALL assert(read_climoz == 1 .OR. read_climoz == 2, "regr_lat_time_climoz")
123  CALL  NF95_OPEN(""  , NF90_NOWRITE, fID_in)
124  lprev=NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, fID_in_m)==NF90_NOERR
125  lnext=NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, fID_in_p)==NF90_NOERR
127  !--- Get coordinates from the input file. Converts lon/lat in radians.
128  !    Few inversions because "regr_conserv" and gcm need ascending vectors.
129  CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in, vars_in(1), varid)
130  CALL NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fID_in, varid, dimids=dIDs, ndims=ndims)
131  l3D=ndims==4; l2D=ndims==3
132  IF(l3D) WRITE(lunout,*)"Input files contain full 3D ozone fields."
133  IF(l2D) WRITE(lunout,*)"Input files contain zonal 2D ozone fields."
134  DO i=1,ndims
135    CALL NF95_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fID_in, dIDs(i), name=dim_nam, nclen=dln)
136    CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in, dim_nam, varid)
137    ii=i; IF(l2D) ii=i+1                              !--- ndims==3:NO LONGITUDE
138    SELECT CASE(ii)
139      CASE(1)                                         !--- LONGITUDE
140        CALL NF95_GW_VAR(fID_in, varid, lon_in)
141        ldec_lon=lon_in(1)>lon_in(dln); IF(ldec_lon) lon_in=lon_in(dln:1:-1)
142        nlon_in=dln; lon_in=lon_in*deg2rad
143      CASE(2)                                         !--- LATITUDE
144        CALL NF95_GW_VAR(fID_in, varid, lat_in)
145        ldec_lat=lat_in(1)>lat_in(dln); IF(ldec_lat) lat_in=lat_in(dln:1:-1)
146        nlat_in=dln; lat_in=lat_in*deg2rad
147      CASE(3)                                         !--- PRESSURE LEVELS
148        CALL NF95_GW_VAR(fID_in, varid, lev_in)
149        ldec_lev=lev_in(1)>lev_in(dln); IF(ldec_lev) lev_in=lev_in(dln:1:-1)
150        nlev_in=dln
151        CALL NF95_GET_ATT(fID_in, varid, "units", press_unit)
152        k=LEN_TRIM(press_unit)
153        DO WHILE(ICHAR(press_unit(k:k))==0)
154          press_unit(k:k)=' '; k=LEN_TRIM(press_unit) !--- REMOVE NULL END CHAR
155        END DO
156        IF(press_unit ==  "Pa") THEN
157          lev_in = lev_in/100.                        !--- CONVERT TO hPa
158        ELSE IF(press_unit /= "hPa") THEN
159          CALL abort_physic(sub, "the only recognized units are Pa and hPa.",1)
160        END IF
161      CASE(4)                                         !--- TIME
162        CALL NF95_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fID_in, dIDs(i), nclen=nmth_in)
163        cal_in='gregorian'
164        IF(NF90_GET_ATT(fID_in, varid, 'calendar', cal_in)/=NF90_NOERR)        &
165          WRITE(lunout,*)'WARNING: missing "calendar" attribute for "'//       &
166          TRIM(dim_nam)//'" in "". Choosing default: "gregorian".'
167        k=LEN_TRIM(cal_in)
168        DO WHILE(ICHAR(cal_in(k:k))==0)
169          cal_in(k:k)=' '; k=LEN_TRIM(cal_in)         !--- REMOVE NULL END CHAR
170        END DO
172  END DO
174  !--- Longitudes management:
175  !    * Need to shift data if the origin of input file longitudes /= -pi
176  !    * Need to add some margin in longitude to ensure input interval contains
177  !      all the output intervals => at least one longitudes slice has to be
178  !      duplicated, possibly more for undersampling.
179  IF(l3D) THEN
180    !--- Compute input edges longitudes vector (no end point yet)
181    ALLOCATE(v1(nlon_in+1))
182    v1(1)=(lon_in(nlon_in)+lon_in(1))/2.-pi
183    FORALL(i=2:nlon_in) v1(i)=(lon_in(i-1)+lon_in(i))/2.
184    v1(nlon_in+1)=v1(1)+2.*pi
185    DEALLOCATE(lon_in)
187    !--- Shift input longitudes vector until it contains first output point boundslon_reg(1,west)
188    v1=v1+2*pi*REAL(FLOOR((boundslon_reg(1,west)-v1(1))/(2.*pi)))
190    !--- Ensure first input longitudes interval contains first output point boundslon_reg(1,west)
191    dx1=locate(v1,boundslon_reg(1,west))-1
192    v1=CSHIFT(v1,SHIFT=dx1,DIM=1); v1(nlon_in-dx1+1:)=v1(nlon_in-dx1+1:)+2.*pi
194    !--- Extend input longitudes vector until last interval contains boundslon_reg(nlat_ou,east)
195    dx2=0; DO WHILE(v1(1+dx2)+2.*pi<boundslon_reg(nlon_ou,east)); dx2=dx2+1; END DO
197    !--- Final edges longitudes vector (with margin and end point)
198    ALLOCATE(lon_in_edge(nlon_in+dx2+1)); lon_in_edge=[v1,v1(2:1+dx2)+2.*pi]
199    DEALLOCATE(v1)
200  END IF
202  !--- Compute sinus of intervals edges latitudes:
203  ALLOCATE(sinlat_in_edge(nlat_in+1))
204  sinlat_in_edge(1) = -1. ; sinlat_in_edge(nlat_in+1) = 1.
205  FORALL(j=2:nlat_in) sinlat_in_edge(j)=SIN((lat_in(j-1)+lat_in(j))/2.)
206  DEALLOCATE(lat_in)
208  !--- Prepare quantities for time interpolation
209  tmidmonth=mid_month(anneeref, cal_in)
210  IF(interpt) THEN
211    ntim_ou=ioget_year_len(anneeref)
212    ALLOCATE(tmidday(ntim_ou))
213    tmidday=[(REAL(k)-0.5,k=1,ntim_ou)]
214    CALL ioget_calendar(cal_ou)
215  ELSE
216    ntim_ou=14
217    cal_ou=cal_in
218  END IF
220  !--- Create the output file and get the variable IDs:
221  CALL prepare_out(fID_in,nlev_in,ntim_ou, fID_ou,levID_ou,timID_ou,vID_ou, &
222                   ndims, cal_ou)
224  !--- Write remaining coordinate variables:
225  CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, levID_ou, lev_in); DEALLOCATE(lev_in)
226  IF(     interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidday)
227  IF(.NOT.interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidmonth)
229  !--- Check for contiguous years:
230  ib=0; ie=13
231  IF(nmth_in == 14) THEN; lprev=.FALSE.; lnext=.FALSE.
232    WRITE(lunout,*)'Using 14 months ozone climatology ""...'
233  ELSE
234    IF(     lprev) WRITE(lunout,*)'Using "" last record (previous year).'
235    IF(.NOT.lprev) WRITE(lunout,*)"No previous year file ; assuming periodicity."
236    IF(     lnext) WRITE(lunout,*)'Using "" first record (next year).'
237    IF(.NOT.lnext) WRITE(lunout,*)"No next year file ; assuming periodicity."
238    IF(.NOT.lprev) ib=1
239    IF(.NOT.lnext) ie=12
240  END IF
241  ALLOCATE(sta(ndims),cnt(ndims)); sta(:)=1
242  IF(l3D) cnt=[nlon_in,nlat_in,nlev_in,1]
243  IF(l2D) cnt=[        nlat_in,nlev_in,1]
244  IF(l3D) ALLOCATE(o3_in3(nlon_in+dx2,nlat_in,nlev_in,ib:ie,read_climoz))
245  IF(l2D) ALLOCATE(o3_in2(            nlat_in,nlev_in,ib:ie,read_climoz))
247  !--- Read full current file and one record each available contiguous file
248  DO iv=1,read_climoz
249    msg=TRIM(sub)//" NF90_GET_VAR "//TRIM(vars_in(iv))
250    CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv))
251    IF(l3D) ncerr=NF90_GET_VAR(fID_in, vID_in(iv), o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,1:12,iv))
252    IF(l2D) ncerr=NF90_GET_VAR(fID_in, vID_in(iv), o3_in2(          :,:,1:12,iv))
253    CALL handle_err(TRIM(msg), ncerr, fID_in)
254    IF(lprev) THEN; sta(ndims)=12
255      CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in_m, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv))
256      IF(l3D) ncerr=NF90_GET_VAR(fID_in_m,vID_in(iv),o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:, 0,iv),sta,cnt)
257      IF(l2d) ncerr=NF90_GET_VAR(fID_in_m,vID_in(iv),o3_in2(          :,:, 0,iv),sta,cnt)
258      CALL handle_err(TRIM(msg)//" previous", ncerr, fID_in_m)
259    END IF
260    IF(lnext) THEN; sta(ndims)=1
261      CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in_p, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv))
262      IF(l3D) ncerr=NF90_GET_VAR(fID_in_p,vID_in(iv),o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,13,iv),sta,cnt)
263      IF(l2D) ncerr=NF90_GET_VAR(fID_in_p,vID_in(iv),o3_in2(          :,:,13,iv),sta,cnt)
264      CALL handle_err(TRIM(msg)//" next", ncerr, fID_in_p)
265    END IF
266  END DO
267  IF(lprev.OR.lnext) DEALLOCATE(sta,cnt)
268  IF(lprev) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in_m)
269  IF(lnext) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in_p)
271  !--- Revert decreasing coordinates vector
272  IF(l3D) THEN
273    IF(ldec_lon) o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,:,:) = o3_in3(nlon_in:1:-1,:,:,:,:)
274    IF(ldec_lat) o3_in3 = o3_in3(:,nlat_in:1:-1,:,:,:)
275    IF(ldec_lev) o3_in3 = o3_in3(:,:,nlev_in:1:-1,:,:)
276    !--- Shift values for longitude and duplicate some longitudes slices
277    o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,:,:)=CSHIFT(o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,:,:),SHIFT=dx1,DIM=1)
278    o3_in3(nlon_in+1:nlon_in+dx2,:,:,:,:)=o3_in3(1:dx2,:,:,:,:)
279  ELSE
280    IF(ldec_lat) o3_in2 = o3_in2(  nlat_in:1:-1,:,:,:)
281    IF(ldec_lev) o3_in2 = o3_in2(  :,nlev_in:1:-1,:,:)
282  END IF
284 !--- Deal with missing values
285  DO m=1, read_climoz
286    WRITE(msg,'(a,i0)')"regr_lat_time_climoz: field Nr.",m
287    IF(NF90_GET_ATT(fID_in,vID_in(m),"missing_value",NaN)/= NF90_NOERR) THEN
288      IF(NF90_GET_ATT(fID_in, vID_in(m),"_FillValue",NaN)/= NF90_NOERR) THEN
289        WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(msg)//": no missing value attribute found."; CYCLE
290      END IF
291    END IF
292    WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(msg)//": missing value attribute found."
293    WRITE(lunout,*)"Trying to fill in NaNs ; a full field would be better."
295    !--- Check top layer contains no NaNs & search NaNs from top to ground
296    msg=TRIM(sub)//": NaNs in top layer !"
297    IF(l3D) THEN
298      IF(ANY(o3_in3(:,:,1,:,m)==NaN)) CALL abort_physic(sub,msg,1)
299      DO k = 2,nlev_in
300        WHERE(o3_in3(:,:,k,:,m)==NaN) o3_in3(:,:,k,:,m)=o3_in3(:,:,k-1,:,m)
301      END DO
302    ELSE
303      IF(ANY(o3_in2(  :,1,:,m)==NaN)) THEN
304        WRITE(lunout,*)msg
305        !--- Fill in latitudes where all values are missing
306        DO l=1,nmth_in
307          !--- Next to south pole
308          j=1;       DO WHILE(o3_in2(j,1,l,m)==NaN); j=j+1; END DO
309          IF(j>1) &
310            o3_in2(:j-1,:,l,m)=SPREAD(o3_in2(j,:,l,m),DIM=1,ncopies=j-1)
311          !--- Next to north pole
312          j=nlat_in; DO WHILE(o3_in2(j,1,l,m)==NaN); j=j+1; END DO
313          IF(j<nlat_in) &
314            o3_in2(j+1:,:,l,m)=SPREAD(o3_in2(j,:,l,m),DIM=1,ncopies=nlat_in-j)
315        END DO
316      END IF
318      !--- Fill in high latitudes missing values
319      !--- Highest level been filled-in, so has always valid values.
320      DO k = 2,nlev_in
321        WHERE(o3_in2(:,k,:,m)==NaN) o3_in2(:,k,:,m)=o3_in2(:,k-1,:,m)
322      END DO
323    END IF
324  END DO
325  CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in)
327  !=============================================================================
328  IF(l3D) THEN                                                   !=== 3D FIELDS
329  !=============================================================================
330    !--- Regrid in longitude
331    ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lon(nlon_ou, nlat_in, nlev_in, ie-ib+1, read_climoz))
332    CALL regr_conserv(1, o3_in3, xs = lon_in_edge,                             &
333                        xt = [boundslon_reg(1,west),boundslon_reg(:,east)],    &
334                        vt = o3_regr_lon, slope = slopes(1,o3_in3, lon_in_edge))
335    DEALLOCATE(o3_in3)
337    !--- Regrid in latitude: averaging with respect to SIN(lat) is
338    !                        equivalent to weighting by COS(lat)
339    !--- (inverted indices in "o3_regr_lonlat" because "rlatu" is decreasing)
340    ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lonlat(nlon_ou, nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
341    CALL regr_conserv(2, o3_regr_lon, xs = sinlat_in_edge,                     &
342                    xt = [- 1., SIN(boundslat_reg(nlat_ou-1:1:-1,south)), 1.], &
343                    vt = o3_regr_lonlat(:,nlat_ou:1:- 1,:,ib:ie,:),            &
344                 slope = slopes(2,o3_regr_lon, sinlat_in_edge))
345    DEALLOCATE(o3_regr_lon)
347    !--- Duplicate previous/next record(s) if they are not available
348    IF(.NOT.lprev) o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:, 0,:) = o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:,12,:)
349    IF(.NOT.lnext) o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:,13,:) = o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:, 1,:)
351    !--- Regrid in time by linear interpolation:
352    ALLOCATE(o3_out3(nlon_ou, nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
353    IF(     interpt) CALL regr_lint(4,o3_regr_lonlat,tmidmonth,tmidday,o3_out3)
354    IF(.NOT.interpt) o3_out3=o3_regr_lonlat
355    DEALLOCATE(o3_regr_lonlat)
357    !--- Write to file (the order of "rlatu" is inverted in the output file):
358    DO m = 1, read_climoz
359      CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out3(:,nlat_ou:1:-1,:,:,m))
360    END DO
362  !=============================================================================
363  ELSE                                                         !=== ZONAL FIELDS
364  !=============================================================================
365    !--- Regrid in latitude: averaging with respect to SIN(lat) is
366    !                        equivalent to weighting by COS(lat)
367    !--- (inverted indices in "o3_regr_lat" because "rlatu" is decreasing)
368    ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lat(nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
369    CALL regr_conserv(1, o3_in2, xs = sinlat_in_edge,                          &
370                    xt = [- 1., SIN(boundslat_reg(nlat_ou-1:1:-1,south)), 1.], &
371                    vt = o3_regr_lat(nlat_ou:1:- 1,:,ib:ie,:),                 &
372                 slope = slopes(1,o3_in2, sinlat_in_edge))
373    DEALLOCATE(o3_in2)
375    !--- Duplicate previous/next record(s) if they are not available
376    IF(.NOT.lprev) o3_regr_lat(:,:, 0,:) = o3_regr_lat(:,:,12,:)
377    IF(.NOT.lnext) o3_regr_lat(:,:,13,:) = o3_regr_lat(:,:, 1,:)
379    !--- Regrid in time by linear interpolation:
380    ALLOCATE(o3_out2(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
381    IF(     interpt) CALL regr_lint(3,o3_regr_lat, tmidmonth, tmidday, o3_out2)
382    IF(.NOT.interpt) o3_out2=o3_regr_lat
383    DEALLOCATE(o3_regr_lat)
385    !--- Write to file (the order of "rlatu" is inverted in the output file):
386    DO m = 1, read_climoz
387      CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out2(nlat_ou:1:-1,:,:,m))
388    END DO
390  !=============================================================================
391  END IF
392  !=============================================================================
394  CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_ou)
396END SUBROUTINE regr_horiz_time_climoz
403SUBROUTINE prepare_out(fID_in, nlev_in, ntim_ou, fID_ou, vlevID, vtimID, &
404                       vID_ou, ndims, cal_ou)
406! Purpose:  This subroutine creates the NetCDF output file, defines
407!     dimensions and variables, and writes some of the coordinate variables.
409  USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY: lon_reg, lat_reg
411! Arguments:
412  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: fID_in, nlev_in, ntim_ou
413  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: fID_ou, vlevID,  vtimID
414  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: vID_ou(:)      ! dim(1/2) 1: O3day&night 2: O3daylight
415  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: ndims          ! fields rank (3 or 4)
416  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: cal_ou ! calendar
418! Local variables:
419  INTEGER :: dlonID, dlatID, dlevID, dtimID, dIDs(4)
420  INTEGER :: vlonID, vlatID, ncerr,  is
421  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: sub
423  sub="prepare_out"
424  WRITE(lunout,*)"CALL sequence information: "//TRIM(sub)
425  CALL NF95_CREATE("", NF90_clobber, fID_ou)
427  !--- Dimensions:
428  IF(ndims==4) &
429  CALL NF95_DEF_DIM(fID_ou, "rlonv", nlon_ou, dlonID)
430  CALL NF95_DEF_DIM(fID_ou, "rlatu", nlat_ou, dlatID)
431  CALL NF95_DEF_DIM(fID_ou, "plev",  nlev_in, dlevID)
432  CALL NF95_DEF_DIM(fID_ou, "time",  ntim_ou, dtimID)
434  !--- Define coordinate variables:
435  IF(ndims==4) &
436  CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, "rlonv", NF90_FLOAT, dlonID, vlonID)
437  CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, "rlatu", NF90_FLOAT, dlatID, vlatID)
438  CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, "plev",  NF90_FLOAT, dlevID, vlevID)
439  CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, "time",  NF90_FLOAT, dtimID, vtimID)
440  IF(ndims==4) &
441  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlonID, "units", "degrees_east")
442  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlatID, "units", "degrees_north")
443  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlevID, "units", "millibar")
444  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vtimID, "units", "days since 2000-1-1")
445  IF(ndims==4) &
446  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlonID, "standard_name", "longitude")
447  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlatID, "standard_name", "latitude")
448  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlevID, "standard_name", "air_pressure")
449  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vtimID, "standard_name", "time")
450  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlevID, "long_name",     "air pressure")
451  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vtimID, "calendar",      cal_ou)
453  !--- Define the main variables:
454  IF(ndims==3) dIDs(1:3) = [ dlatID, dlevID, dtimID]
455  IF(ndims==4) dIDs=[dlonID, dlatID, dlevID, dtimID]
456  CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, vars_in(1), NF90_FLOAT, dIDs(1:ndims), vID_ou(1))
457  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vID_ou(1), "long_name", "ozone mole fraction")
458  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vID_ou(1), "standard_name", "mole_fraction_of_ozone&
459      &_in_air")
460  IF(SIZE(vID_ou) == 2) THEN
461    CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, vars_in(2), NF90_FLOAT, dIDs(1:ndims), vID_ou(2))
462    CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vID_ou(2), "long_name","ozone mole fraction in da&
463      &ylight")
464  END IF
466  !--- Global attributes:
467  ! The following commands, copying attributes, may fail. That is OK.
468  ! It should just mean that the attribute is not defined in the input file.
469  CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in,NF90_GLOBAL,"Conventions",fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL, ncerr)
470  CALL handle_err_copy_att("Conventions")
471  CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in,NF90_GLOBAL,"title",      fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL, ncerr)
472  CALL handle_err_copy_att("title")
473  CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in,NF90_GLOBAL,"institution",fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL, ncerr)
474  CALL handle_err_copy_att("institution")
475  CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in,NF90_GLOBAL,"source",     fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL, ncerr)
476  CALL handle_err_copy_att("source")
477  CALL NF95_PUT_ATT (fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL,"comment", "Regridded for LMDZ")
478  CALL NF95_ENDDEF(fID_ou)
480  !--- Write one of the coordinate variables:
481  IF(ndims==4) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vlonID, lon_reg/deg2rad)
482  CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vlatID, lat_reg(nlat_ou:1:-1)/deg2rad)
483  !    (convert from rad to degrees and sort in ascending order)
489SUBROUTINE handle_err_copy_att(att_name)
492  USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_NOERR, NF90_strerror
494! Arguments:
495  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: att_name
497  IF(ncerr /= NF90_NOERR) &
498    WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(sub)//" prepare_out NF95_COPY_ATT "//TRIM(att_name)//  &
499                      " -- "//TRIM(NF90_strerror(ncerr))
501END SUBROUTINE handle_err_copy_att
505END SUBROUTINE prepare_out
509END MODULE regr_horiz_time_climoz_m
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