source: LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phylmd/readaerosolstrato.F90 @ 1764

Last change on this file since 1764 was 1764, checked in by Laurent Fairhead, 11 years ago

Inclusion d'une routine qui lit des champs d'aérosols stratosphériques
mensuels, prescrit des propriétés optiques et modifie le rayonnement en
conséquence. Pour le moment, seule l'interaction avec le rayonnement ondes
courtes est pris en compte. Les fichiers d'input doivent être au format des
fichiers de sortie. Contrôlé par la variable logique: flag_aerosol_strat
(false par défaut dans DefLists?/config.def)

  1. Boucher

A new routine has been added to the code that reads in monthly stratospheric
aerosols, prescribes optical properties and modifies radiation accordingly.
Presently, only the interaction with short wave radiation is taken into account.
Input files must be formatted as are the aerosol output fields. Control is by
the logical flag: flag_aerosol_strat (which is false by default and included

  1. Boucher
File size: 6.3 KB
[1764]1subroutine readaerosolstrato(debut)
3    use netcdf95, only: nf95_close, nf95_gw_var, nf95_inq_dimid, &
4                        nf95_inq_varid, nf95_open
5    use netcdf, only: nf90_get_var, nf90_noerr, nf90_nowrite
7    USE phys_cal_mod, ONLY : mth_cur
8    USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz
9    USE mod_phys_lmdz_mpi_data, ONLY :  is_mpi_root
10    USE mod_phys_lmdz_para
11    USE phys_state_var_mod
12    USE phys_local_var_mod
13    USE aero_mod
14    USE dimphy
16    implicit none
18    include "YOMCST.h"
19    include "dimensions.h"
21! Variable input
22    logical debut
24! Variables locales
25    integer n_lat   ! number of latitudes in the input data
26    integer n_lon   ! number of longitudes in the input data
27    integer n_lev   ! number of levels in the input data
28    integer n_month ! number of months in the input data
29    real, pointer:: latitude(:)
30    real, pointer:: longitude(:)
31    real, pointer:: time(:)
32    real, pointer:: lev(:)
33    integer i, k, band, wave
34    integer, save :: mth_pre
36    real, allocatable, dimension(:,:), save :: tau_aer_strat
37!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tau_aer_strat)
39! Champs reconstitues
40    real, allocatable:: tauaerstrat(:, :, :, :)
41    real, allocatable:: tauaerstrat_mois(:, :, :)
42    real, allocatable:: tauaerstrat_mois_glo(:, :)
43    real, allocatable:: tauaerstrat_mois_glo_bands(:,:,:)
45! For NetCDF:
46    integer ncid_in  ! IDs for input files
47    integer varid, ncerr
49! Stratospheric aerosols optical properties
50! alpha_strat over the 2 bands is normalised by the 550 nm extinction coefficient
51! alpha_strat_wave is *not* normalised by the 550 nm extinction coefficient
52    real, dimension(nbands) :: alpha_strat, piz_strat, cg_strat
53    data alpha_strat/0.9922547, 0.7114912 /
54    data piz_strat  /0.9999998, 0.99762493/
55    data cg_strat   /0.73107845,0.73229635/
56    real, dimension(nwave) :: alpha_strat_wave
57    data alpha_strat_wave/3.36780953,3.34667683,3.20444202,3.0293026,2.82108808/
61    IF (.not.ALLOCATED(tau_aer_strat)) ALLOCATE(tau_aer_strat(klon,klev))
63    IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
65    IF (debut.OR.mth_cur.NE.mth_pre) THEN
67    IF (nbands.NE.2) THEN
68        print *,'nbands doit etre egal a 2 dans readaerosolstrat'
69        STOP
70    ENDIF
72    CALL nf95_open("", nf90_nowrite, ncid_in)
74    CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "LEV", varid)
75    CALL nf95_gw_var(ncid_in, varid, lev)
76    n_lev = size(lev)
77    IF (n_lev.NE.klev) THEN
78       print *,'Le nombre de niveaux n est pas egal a klev'
79       STOP
80    ENDIF
82    CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "LAT", varid)
83    CALL nf95_gw_var(ncid_in, varid, latitude)
84    n_lat = size(latitude)
85    print *, 'LAT aerosol strato=', n_lat, latitude
86    IF (n_lat.NE.jjm+1) THEN
87       print *,'Le nombre de lat n est pas egal a jjm+1'
88       STOP
89    ENDIF
91    CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "LON", varid)
92    CALL nf95_gw_var(ncid_in, varid, longitude)
93    n_lon = size(longitude)
94    print *, 'LON aerosol strato=', n_lon, longitude
95    IF (n_lon.NE.iim) THEN
96       print *,'Le nombre de lon n est pas egal a iim'
97       STOP
98    ENDIF
100    CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "time", varid)
101    CALL nf95_gw_var(ncid_in, varid, time)
102    n_month = size(time)
103    print *, 'TIME aerosol strato=', n_month, time
104    IF (n_month.NE.12) THEN
105       print *,'Le nombre de month n est pas egal a 12'
106       STOP
107    ENDIF
109    ALLOCATE(tauaerstrat(n_lon, n_lat, n_lev, n_month))
110    ALLOCATE(tauaerstrat_mois(n_lon, n_lat, n_lev))
111    ALLOCATE(tauaerstrat_mois_glo(klon_glo, n_lev))
112    ALLOCATE(tauaerstrat_mois_glo_bands(klon_glo, n_lev,nbands))
114!--reading stratospheric AOD at 550 nm
115    CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "TAUSTRAT", varid)
116    ncerr = nf90_get_var(ncid_in, varid, tauaerstrat)
117    print *,'code erreur readaerosolstrato=', ncerr, varid
119    CALL nf95_close(ncid_in)
121!---select the correct month
122    IF (mth_cur.LT.1.OR.mth_cur.GT.12) THEN
123      print *,'probleme avec le mois dans readaerosolstrat =', mth_cur
124    ENDIF
125    tauaerstrat_mois(:,:,:) = tauaerstrat(:,:,:,mth_cur)
127!---reduce to a klon_glo grid
128    CALL grid2dTo1d_glo(tauaerstrat_mois,tauaerstrat_mois_glo)
130!--scatter on all proc
131    CALL scatter(tauaerstrat_mois_glo,tau_aer_strat)
133    DEALLOCATE(tauaerstrat)
134    DEALLOCATE(tauaerstrat_mois)
135    DEALLOCATE(tauaerstrat_mois_glo)
137    mth_pre=mth_cur
139    ENDIF !--debut ou nouveau mois
141    ENDIF !--is_mpi_root
143!--total vertical aod at the 5 wavelengths
144    DO wave=1, nwave
145    DO k=1, klev
146    tausum_aero(:,wave,id_strat)=tausum_aero(:,wave,id_strat)+tau_aer_strat(:,k)*alpha_strat_wave(wave)/alpha_strat_wave(2)
147    ENDDO
148    ENDDO
150!--weighted average for cg, piz and tau, adding strat aerosols on top of tropospheric ones
151    DO band=1, nbands
152!--anthropogenic aerosols bands 1 and 2
153    cg_aero(:,:,3,band)  = ( cg_aero(:,:,3,band)*piz_aero(:,:,3,band)*tau_aero(:,:,3,band) +          &
154                             cg_strat(band)*piz_strat(band)*alpha_strat(band)*tau_aer_strat(:,:) ) /  &
155                             MAX( piz_aero(:,:,3,band)*tau_aero(:,:,3,band) +                         &
156                                  piz_strat(band)*alpha_strat(band)*tau_aer_strat(:,:), 1.e-15 )
157    piz_aero(:,:,3,band)  = ( piz_aero(:,:,3,band)*tau_aero(:,:,3,band) +                             &
158                              piz_strat(band)*alpha_strat(band)*tau_aer_strat(:,:) ) /                &
159                              MAX( tau_aero(:,:,3,band) + alpha_strat(band)*tau_aer_strat(:,:), 1.e-15 )
160    tau_aero(:,:,3,band)  = tau_aero(:,:,3,band) + alpha_strat(band)*tau_aer_strat(:,:)
161!--natural aerosols bands 1 and 2
162    cg_aero(:,:,2,band)  = ( cg_aero(:,:,2,band)*piz_aero(:,:,2,band)*tau_aero(:,:,2,band) +          &
163                             cg_strat(band)*piz_strat(band)*alpha_strat(band)*tau_aer_strat(:,:) ) /  &
164                             MAX( piz_aero(:,:,2,band)*tau_aero(:,:,2,band) +                         &
165                                  piz_strat(band)*alpha_strat(band)*tau_aer_strat(:,:), 1.e-15 )
166    piz_aero(:,:,2,band)  = ( piz_aero(:,:,2,band)*tau_aero(:,:,2,band) +                             &
167                              piz_strat(band)*alpha_strat(band)*tau_aer_strat(:,:) ) /                &
168                              MAX( tau_aero(:,:,2,band) + alpha_strat(band)*tau_aer_strat(:,:),1.e-15 )
169    tau_aero(:,:,2,band)  = tau_aero(:,:,2,band) + alpha_strat(band)*tau_aer_strat(:,:)
170    ENDDO
172end subroutine readaerosolstrato
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