source: LMDZ5/trunk/libf/dyn3dpar/exner_hyb_p_m.F90 @ 2404

Last change on this file since 2404 was 2021, checked in by lguez, 10 years ago

Removed unused variables pks, pk, pkf from main program unit gcm.

Encapsulated procedures exner_hyb, exner_hyb_p, exner_hyb_loc,
exner_milieu, exner_milieu_p and exner_milieu_loc into
modules. (Compulsory to allow optional arguments.)

In the procedures exner_hyb, exner_hyb_p, exner_hyb_loc, donwgraded
arguments alpha and beta to local variables. In exner_milieu,
exner_milieu_p and exner_milieu_loc, removed beta altogether. In the
six procedures exner_*, made pkf an optional argument. Made some
cosmetic modifications in order to keep the six procedures exner_* as
close as possible.

In the six procedures exner_*, removed the averaging of pks at the
poles: this is not useful because ps is already the same at all
longitudes at the poles. This modification changes the results of the
program. Motivation: had to do this for exner_hyb because we call it
from test_disvert with a few surface pressure values.

In all the procedures calling exner_*, removed the variables alpha and
beta. Also removed variables alpha and beta from module leapfrog_mod
and from module call_calfis_mod.

Removed actual argument pkf in call to exner_hyb* and exner_milieu*
from guide_interp, guide_main, iniacademic and iniacademic_loc (pkf
was not used in those procedures).

Argument workvar of startget_dyn is used only if varname is tpot or

  1. When varname is tpot or q, the actual argument associated to

workvar in etat0_netcdf is not y. So y in etat0_netcdf is a
place-holder, never used. So we remove optional argument y in the
calls to exner_hyb and exner_milieu from etat0_netcdf.

Created procedure test_disvert, called only by etat0_netcdf. This
procedure tests the order of pressure values at half-levels and full

  • Property copyright set to
    Name of program: LMDZ
    Creation date: 1984
    Version: LMDZ5
    License: CeCILL version 2
    Holder: Laboratoire de m\'et\'eorologie dynamique, CNRS, UMR 8539
    See the license file in the root directory
  • Property svn:eol-style set to native
  • Property svn:keywords set to Author Date Id Revision
File size: 5.2 KB
[2021]1module exner_hyb_p_m
[2021]7  SUBROUTINE  exner_hyb_p ( ngrid, ps, p, pks, pk, pkf )
[2021]9    !     Auteurs :  P.Le Van  , Fr. Hourdin  .
10    !    ..........
11    !
12    !    ....  ngrid, ps,p             sont des argum.d'entree  au sous-prog ...
13    !    ....  pks,pk,pkf   sont des sortie au sous-prog ...
14    !
15    !   ************************************************************************
16    !    Calcule la fonction d'Exner pk = Cp * (p/preff) ** kappa , aux milieux des
17    !    couches .   Pk(l) sera calcule aux milieux  des couches l ,entre les
18    !    pressions p(l) et p(l+1) ,definis aux interfaces des llm couches .
19    !   ************************************************************************
20    !  .. N.B : Au sommet de l'atmosphere,  p(llm+1) = 0. , et ps et pks sont
21    !    la pression et la fonction d'Exner  au  sol  .
22    !
23    !                                 -------- z
24    !    A partir des relations  ( 1 ) p*dz(pk) = kappa *pk*dz(p)      et
25    !                            ( 2 ) pk(l) = alpha(l)+ beta(l)*pk(l-1)
26    !    ( voir note de Fr.Hourdin )  ,
27    !
28    !    on determine successivement , du haut vers le bas des couches, les
29    !    coef. alpha(llm),beta(llm) .,.,alpha(l),beta(l),,,alpha(2),beta(2),
30    !    puis pk(ij,1). Ensuite ,on calcule,du bas vers le haut des couches, 
31    !     pk(ij,l)  donne  par la relation (2),  pour l = 2 a l = llm .
32    !
33    !
34    USE parallel_lmdz
35    !
36    include "dimensions.h"
37    include "paramet.h"
38    include "comconst.h"
39    include "comgeom.h"
40    include "comvert.h"
41    include "serre.h"
[2021]43    INTEGER  ngrid
44    REAL p(ngrid,llmp1),pk(ngrid,llm)
45    REAL, optional:: pkf(ngrid,llm)
46    REAL ps(ngrid),pks(ngrid)
47    REAL alpha(ngrid,llm),beta(ngrid,llm)
49    !    .... variables locales   ...
51    INTEGER l, ij
52    REAL unpl2k,dellta
54    INTEGER ije,ijb,jje,jjb
55    logical,save :: firstcall=.true.
56    !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall)
57    character(len=*),parameter :: modname="exner_hyb_p"
59    ! Sanity check
60    if (firstcall) then
61       ! sanity checks for Shallow Water case (1 vertical layer)
62       if (llm.eq.1) then
[1520]63          if ( then
[2021]64             call abort_gcm(modname, &
65                  "kappa!=1 , but running in Shallow Water mode!!",42)
[1520]66          endif
67          if ( then
[2021]68             call abort_gcm(modname, &
69                  "cpp!=r , but running in Shallow Water mode!!",42)
[1520]70          endif
[2021]71       endif ! of if (llm.eq.1)
[2021]73       firstcall=.false.
74    endif ! of if (firstcall)
[2021]76    !$OMP BARRIER
[2021]78    ! Specific behaviour for Shallow Water (1 vertical layer) case:
79    if (llm.eq.1) then
[2021]81       ! Compute pks(:),pk(:),pkf(:)
82       ijb=ij_begin
83       ije=ij_end
85       DO ij=ijb, ije
86          pks(ij) = (cpp/preff) * ps(ij)
[1403]87          pk(ij,1) = .5*pks(ij)
[2021]88          if (present(pkf)) pkf(ij,1)=pk(ij,1)
89       ENDDO
90       !$OMP ENDDO
[2021]92       !$OMP BARRIER
93       if (present(pkf)) then
94          jjb=jj_begin
95          jje=jj_end
96          CALL filtreg_p ( pkf,jjb,jje, jmp1, llm, 2, 1, .TRUE., 1 )
97       end if
[2021]99       ! our work is done, exit routine
100       return
101    endif ! of if (llm.eq.1)
[2021]103    ! General case:
[2021]105    unpl2k    = 1.+ 2.* kappa
[2021]107    !     -------------
108    !     Calcul de pks
109    !     -------------
111    ijb=ij_begin
112    ije=ij_end
115    DO   ij  = ijb, ije
116       pks(ij) = cpp * ( ps(ij)/preff ) ** kappa
117    ENDDO
118    !$OMP ENDDO
119    ! Synchro OPENMP ici
121    !$OMP BARRIER
122    !
123    !
124    !    .... Calcul des coeff. alpha et beta  pour la couche l = llm ..
125    !
127    DO     ij      = ijb,ije
[630]128       alpha(ij,llm) = 0.
129       beta (ij,llm) = 1./ unpl2k
[2021]130    ENDDO
132    !
133    !     ... Calcul des coeff. alpha et beta  pour l = llm-1  a l = 2 ...
134    !
135    DO l = llm -1 , 2 , -1
136       !
138       DO ij = ijb, ije
139          dellta = p(ij,l)* unpl2k + p(ij,l+1)* ( beta(ij,l+1)-unpl2k )
140          alpha(ij,l)  = - p(ij,l+1) / dellta * alpha(ij,l+1)
141          beta (ij,l)  =   p(ij,l  ) / dellta   
142       ENDDO
143       !$OMP ENDDO NOWAIT
144    ENDDO
[2021]146    !  ***********************************************************************
147    !     .....  Calcul de pk pour la couche 1 , pres du sol  ....
148    !
150    DO   ij   = ijb, ije
151       pk(ij,1) = ( p(ij,1)*pks(ij) - 0.5*alpha(ij,2)*p(ij,2) )  / &
152            (  p(ij,1)* (1.+kappa) + 0.5*( beta(ij,2)-unpl2k )* p(ij,2) )
153    ENDDO
155    !
156    !    ..... Calcul de pk(ij,l) , pour l = 2 a l = llm  ........
157    !
158    DO l = 2, llm
160       DO   ij   = ijb, ije
161          pk(ij,l) = alpha(ij,l) + beta(ij,l) * pk(ij,l-1)
162       ENDDO
163       !$OMP ENDDO NOWAIT       
164    ENDDO
[2021]166    if (present(pkf)) then
167       !    calcul de pkf
[2021]169       DO l = 1, llm
170          !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC)
171          DO   ij   = ijb, ije
172             pkf(ij,l)=pk(ij,l)
173          ENDDO
174          !$OMP ENDDO NOWAIT             
175       ENDDO
177       !$OMP BARRIER
179       jjb=jj_begin
180       jje=jj_end
181       CALL filtreg_p ( pkf,jjb,jje, jmp1, llm, 2, 1, .TRUE., 1 )
182    end if
184  END SUBROUTINE exner_hyb_p
186end module exner_hyb_p_m
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