source: LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phydev/physiq.F90 @ 1790

Last change on this file since 1790 was 1707, checked in by Laurent Fairhead, 12 years ago

Version testing basée sur la r1706

Testing release based on r1706

File size: 5.9 KB
[1615]1! $Id: physiq.F 1565 2011-08-31 12:53:29Z jghattas $
2!#define IO_DEBUG
4      SUBROUTINE physiq (nlon,nlev, &
5     &            debut,lafin,jD_cur, jH_cur,pdtphys, &
6     &            paprs,pplay,pphi,pphis,presnivs,clesphy0, &
7     &            u,v,t,qx, &
8     &            flxmass_w, &
9     &            d_u, d_v, d_t, d_qx, d_ps &
10     &            , dudyn &
11     &            , PVteta)
[1707]13      USE dimphy, only : klon,klev
14      USE infotrac, only : nqtot
15      USE comgeomphy, only : rlatd
16      USE comcstphy, only : rg
17      USE iophy, only : histbeg_phy,histwrite_phy
18      USE ioipsl, only : getin,histvert,histdef,histend,ymds2ju
19      USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, only : jj_nb
20      USE phys_state_var_mod, only : phys_state_var_init
22      IMPLICIT none
[1707]23#include "dimensions.h"
25      integer,parameter :: jjmp1=jjm+1-1/jjm
26      integer,parameter :: iip1=iim+1
[1707]28! Routine argument:
[1707]30      integer,intent(in) :: nlon ! number of atmospheric colums
31      integer,intent(in) :: nlev ! number of vertical levels (should be =klev)
32      real,intent(in) :: jD_cur ! current day number (Julian day)
33      real,intent(in) :: jH_cur ! current time of day (as fraction of day)
34      logical,intent(in) :: debut ! signals first call to physics
35      logical,intent(in) :: lafin ! signals last call to physics
36      real,intent(in) :: pdtphys ! physics time step (s)
37      real,intent(in) :: paprs(klon,klev+1) ! interlayer pressure (Pa)
38      real,intent(in) :: pplay(klon,klev) ! mid-layer pressure (Pa)
39      real,intent(in) :: pphi(klon,klev) ! geopotential at mid-layer
40      real,intent(in) :: pphis(klon) ! surface geopotential
41      real,intent(in) :: presnivs(klev) ! pseudo-pressure (Pa) of mid-layers
42      integer,parameter :: longcles=20
43      real,intent(in) :: clesphy0(longcles) ! Not used
44      real,intent(in) :: u(klon,klev) ! eastward zonal wind (m/s)
45      real,intent(in) :: v(klon,klev) ! northward meridional wind (m/s)
46      real,intent(in) :: t(klon,klev) ! temperature (K)
47      real,intent(in) :: qx(klon,klev,nqtot) ! tracers (.../kg_air)
48      real,intent(in) :: flxmass_w(klon,klev) ! vertical mass flux
49      real,intent(out) :: d_u(klon,klev) ! physics tendency on u (m/s/s)
50      real,intent(out) :: d_v(klon,klev) ! physics tendency on v (m/s/s)
51      real,intent(out) :: d_t(klon,klev) ! physics tendency on t (K/s)
52      real,intent(out) :: d_qx(klon,klev,nqtot) ! physics tendency on tracers
53      real,intent(out) :: d_ps(klon) ! physics tendency on surface pressure
54      real,intent(in) :: dudyn(iim+1,jjmp1,klev) ! Not used
55!FH! REAL PVteta(klon,nbteta)
56!      REAL PVteta(klon,1)
57      real,intent(in) :: PVteta(klon,3) ! Not used ; should match definition
58                                        ! in calfis.F
[1707]60integer,save :: itau=0 ! counter to count number of calls to physics
62real :: temp_newton(klon,klev)
63integer :: k
64logical, save :: first=.true.
[1707]67! For I/Os
68integer :: itau0
69real :: zjulian
70real :: dtime
71integer :: nhori ! horizontal coordinate ID
72integer,save :: nid_hist ! output file ID
74integer :: zvertid ! vertical coordinate ID
75integer,save :: iwrite_phys ! output every iwrite_phys physics step
76!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iwrite_phys)
77real :: t_ops ! frequency of the IOIPSL operations (eg average over...)
78real :: t_wrt ! frequency of the IOIPSL outputs
[1707]80! initializations
81if (debut) then ! Things to do only for the first call to physics
82! load initial conditions for physics (including the grid)
83  call phys_state_var_init() ! some initializations, required before calling phyetat0
84  call phyetat0("")
[1707]86! Initialize outputs:
87  itau0=0
88  iwrite_phys=1 !default: output every physics timestep
89  call getin("iwrite_phys",iwrite_phys)
90  t_ops=pdtphys*iwrite_phys ! frequency of the IOIPSL operation
91  t_wrt=pdtphys*iwrite_phys ! frequency of the outputs in the file
92  ! compute zjulian for annee0=1979 and month=1 dayref=1 and hour=0.0
93  !CALL ymds2ju(annee0, month, dayref, hour, zjulian)
94  call ymds2ju(1979, 1, 1, 0.0, zjulian)
95  dtime=pdtphys
96  call histbeg_phy("",itau0,zjulian,dtime,nhori,nid_hist)
98  ! define vertical coordinate
99  call histvert(nid_hist,"presnivs","Vertical levels","Pa",klev, &
100                presnivs,zvertid,'down')
101  ! define variables which will be written in "" file
102  call histdef(nid_hist,'temperature','Atmospheric temperature','K', &
103               iim,jj_nb,nhori,klev,1,klev,zvertid,32, &
104               'inst(X)',t_ops,t_wrt)
105  call histdef(nid_hist,'u','Eastward Zonal Wind','m/s', &
106               iim,jj_nb,nhori,klev,1,klev,zvertid,32, &
107               'inst(X)',t_ops,t_wrt)
108  call histdef(nid_hist,'v','Northward Meridional Wind','m/s', &
109               iim,jj_nb,nhori,klev,1,klev,zvertid,32, &
110               'inst(X)',t_ops,t_wrt)
111  call histdef(nid_hist,'ps','Surface Pressure','Pa', &
112               iim,jj_nb,nhori,1,1,1,zvertid,32, &
113               'inst(X)',t_ops,t_wrt)
114  ! end definition sequence
115  call histend(nid_hist)
117endif ! of if (debut)
[1707]119! increment counter itau
[1707]122! set all tendencies to zero
[1707]129! compute tendencies to return to the dynamics:
130! "friction" on the first layer
133! newtonian relaxation towards temp_newton()
134do k=1,klev
135  temp_newton(1:klon,k)=280.+cos(rlatd(1:klon))*40.-pphi(1:klon,k)/rg*6.e-3
136  d_t(1:klon,k)=(temp_newton(1:klon,k)-t(1:klon,k))/1.e5
[1707]140!print*,'PHYDEV: itau=',itau
[1707]142! write some outputs:
143if (modulo(itau,iwrite_phys)==0) then
144  call histwrite_phy(nid_hist,.false.,"temperature",itau,t)
145  call histwrite_phy(nid_hist,.false.,"u",itau,u)
146  call histwrite_phy(nid_hist,.false.,"v",itau,v)
147  call histwrite_phy(nid_hist,.false.,"ps",itau,paprs(:,1))
[1707]150! if lastcall, then it is time to write "" file
151if (lafin) then
152  call phyredem("")
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