1 | SUBROUTINE concvl (iflag_clos, |
2 | . dtime,paprs,pplay, |
3 | . t,q,t_wake,q_wake,s_wake,u,v,tra,ntra, |
4 | . ALE,ALP,sig1,w01, |
5 | . d_t,d_q,d_u,d_v,d_tra, |
6 | . rain, snow, kbas, ktop, sigd, |
7 | . cbmf,plcl,plfc,wbeff,upwd,dnwd,dnwdbis, |
8 | . Ma,mip,Vprecip, |
9 | . cape,cin,tvp,Tconv,iflag, |
10 | . pbase,bbase,dtvpdt1,dtvpdq1,dplcldt,dplcldr, |
11 | . qcondc,wd,pmflxr,pmflxs, |
12 | ! RomP >>> |
13 | !! . da,phi,mp,dd_t,dd_q,lalim_conv,wght_th) |
14 | . da,phi,mp,phi2,d1a,dam,sij,clw,elij, ! RomP |
15 | . dd_t,dd_q,lalim_conv,wght_th, ! RomP |
16 | . evap, ep, epmlmMm,eplaMm, ! RomP |
17 | . wdtrainA,wdtrainM) ! RomP |
18 | ! RomP <<< |
19 | *************************************************************** |
20 | * * |
21 | * CONCVL * |
22 | * * |
23 | * * |
24 | * written by : Sandrine Bony-Lena, 17/05/2003, 11.16.04 * |
25 | * modified by : * |
26 | *************************************************************** |
27 | * |
28 | c |
29 | USE dimphy |
30 | USE infotrac, ONLY : nbtr |
31 | IMPLICIT none |
32 | c====================================================================== |
33 | c Auteur(s): S. Bony-Lena (LMD/CNRS) date: ??? |
34 | c Objet: schema de convection de Emanuel (1991) interface |
35 | c====================================================================== |
36 | c Arguments: |
37 | c dtime--input-R-pas d'integration (s) |
38 | c s-------input-R-la valeur "s" pour chaque couche |
39 | c sigs----input-R-la valeur "sigma" de chaque couche |
40 | c sig-----input-R-la valeur de "sigma" pour chaque niveau |
41 | c psolpa--input-R-la pression au sol (en Pa) |
42 | C pskapa--input-R-exponentiel kappa de psolpa |
43 | c h-------input-R-enthalpie potentielle (Cp*T/P**kappa) |
44 | c q-------input-R-vapeur d'eau (en kg/kg) |
45 | c |
46 | c work*: input et output: deux variables de travail, |
47 | c on peut les mettre a 0 au debut |
48 | c ALE-----input-R-energie disponible pour soulevement |
49 | c ALP-----input-R-puissance disponible pour soulevement |
50 | c |
51 | C d_h-----output-R-increment de l'enthalpie potentielle (h) |
52 | c d_q-----output-R-increment de la vapeur d'eau |
53 | c rain----output-R-la pluie (mm/s) |
54 | c snow----output-R-la neige (mm/s) |
55 | c upwd----output-R-saturated updraft mass flux (kg/m**2/s) |
56 | c dnwd----output-R-saturated downdraft mass flux (kg/m**2/s) |
57 | c dnwd0---output-R-unsaturated downdraft mass flux (kg/m**2/s) |
58 | c Ma------output-R-adiabatic ascent mass flux (kg/m2/s) |
59 | c mip-----output-R-mass flux shed by adiabatic ascent (kg/m2/s) |
60 | c Vprecip-output-R-vertical profile of precipitations (kg/m2/s) |
61 | c Tconv---output-R-environment temperature seen by convective scheme (K) |
62 | c Cape----output-R-CAPE (J/kg) |
63 | c Cin ----output-R-CIN (J/kg) |
64 | c Tvp-----output-R-Temperature virtuelle d'une parcelle soulevee |
65 | c adiabatiquement a partir du niveau 1 (K) |
66 | c deltapb-output-R-distance entre LCL et base de la colonne (<0 ; Pa) |
67 | c Ice_flag-input-L-TRUE->prise en compte de la thermodynamique de la glace |
68 | c dd_t-----output-R-increment de la temperature du aux descentes precipitantes |
69 | c dd_q-----output-R-increment de la vapeur d'eau du aux desc precip |
70 | c====================================================================== |
71 | c |
72 | |
73 | #include "clesphys.h" |
74 | #include "dimensions.h" |
75 | c |
76 | INTEGER iflag_clos |
77 | c |
78 | REAL dtime, paprs(klon,klev+1),pplay(klon,klev) |
79 | REAL t(klon,klev),q(klon,klev),u(klon,klev),v(klon,klev) |
80 | REAL t_wake(klon,klev),q_wake(klon,klev) |
81 | Real s_wake(klon) |
82 | REAL tra(klon,klev,nbtr) |
83 | INTEGER ntra |
84 | REAL sig1(klon,klev),w01(klon,klev),ptop2(klon) |
85 | REAL pmflxr(klon,klev+1),pmflxs(klon,klev+1) |
86 | REAL ALE(klon),ALP(klon) |
87 | c |
88 | REAL d_t(klon,klev),d_q(klon,klev),d_u(klon,klev),d_v(klon,klev) |
89 | REAL dd_t(klon,klev),dd_q(klon,klev) |
90 | REAL d_tra(klon,klev,nbtr) |
91 | REAL rain(klon),snow(klon) |
92 | c |
93 | INTEGER kbas(klon),ktop(klon) |
94 | REAL em_ph(klon,klev+1),em_p(klon,klev) |
95 | REAL upwd(klon,klev),dnwd(klon,klev),dnwdbis(klon,klev) |
96 | |
97 | !! REAL Ma(klon,klev), mip(klon,klev),Vprecip(klon,klev) !jyg |
98 | REAL Ma(klon,klev), mip(klon,klev),Vprecip(klon,klev+1) !jyg |
99 | |
100 | real da(klon,klev),phi(klon,klev,klev),mp(klon,klev) |
101 | ! RomP >>> |
102 | real phi2(klon,klev,klev) |
103 | real d1a(klon,klev),dam(klon,klev) |
104 | real sij(klon,klev,klev),clw(klon,klev),elij(klon,klev,klev) |
105 | REAL wdtrainA(klon,klev),wdtrainM(klon,klev) |
106 | REAL evap(klon,klev),ep(klon,klev) |
107 | REAL epmlmMm(klon,klev,klev),eplaMm(klon,klev) |
108 | ! RomP <<< |
109 | REAL cape(klon),cin(klon),tvp(klon,klev) |
110 | REAL Tconv(klon,klev) |
111 | c |
112 | cCR:test: on passe lentr et alim_star des thermiques |
113 | INTEGER lalim_conv(klon) |
114 | REAL wght_th(klon,klev) |
115 | REAL em_sig1feed ! sigma at lower bound of feeding layer |
116 | REAL em_sig2feed ! sigma at upper bound of feeding layer |
117 | REAL em_wght(klev) ! weight density determining the feeding mixture |
118 | con enleve le save |
119 | c SAVE em_sig1feed,em_sig2feed,em_wght |
120 | c |
121 | INTEGER iflag(klon) |
122 | REAL rflag(klon) |
123 | REAL pbase(klon),bbase(klon) |
124 | REAL dtvpdt1(klon,klev),dtvpdq1(klon,klev) |
125 | REAL dplcldt(klon),dplcldr(klon) |
126 | REAL qcondc(klon,klev) |
127 | REAL wd(klon) |
128 | REAL Plim1(klon),Plim2(klon),asupmax(klon,klev) |
129 | REAL supmax0(klon),asupmaxmin(klon) |
130 | c |
131 | REAL sigd(klon) |
132 | REAL zx_t,zdelta,zx_qs,zcor |
133 | c |
134 | ! INTEGER iflag_mix |
135 | ! SAVE iflag_mix |
136 | INTEGER noff, minorig |
137 | INTEGER i,k,itra |
138 | REAL qs(klon,klev),qs_wake(klon,klev) |
139 | REAL cbmf(klon),plcl(klon),plfc(klon),wbeff(klon) |
140 | cLF SAVE cbmf |
141 | cIM/JYG REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: cbmf(:) |
142 | ccc$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cbmf)! |
143 | REAL cbmflast(klon) |
144 | INTEGER ifrst |
145 | SAVE ifrst |
146 | DATA ifrst /0/ |
147 | c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ifrst) |
148 | |
149 | c |
150 | C Variables supplementaires liees au bilan d'energie |
151 | c Real paire(klon) |
152 | cLF Real ql(klon,klev) |
153 | c Save paire |
154 | cLF Save ql |
155 | cLF Real t1(klon,klev),q1(klon,klev) |
156 | cLF Save t1,q1 |
157 | c Data paire /1./ |
158 | REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: ql(:,:), q1(:,:), t1(:,:) |
159 | c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ql, q1, t1) |
160 | c |
161 | C Variables liees au bilan d'energie et d'enthalpi |
162 | REAL ztsol(klon) |
163 | REAL h_vcol_tot, h_dair_tot, h_qw_tot, h_ql_tot |
164 | $ , h_qs_tot, qw_tot, ql_tot, qs_tot , ec_tot |
165 | SAVE h_vcol_tot, h_dair_tot, h_qw_tot, h_ql_tot |
166 | $ , h_qs_tot, qw_tot, ql_tot, qs_tot , ec_tot |
167 | c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(h_vcol_tot, h_dair_tot, h_qw_tot, h_ql_tot) |
168 | c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(h_qs_tot, qw_tot, ql_tot, qs_tot , ec_tot) |
169 | REAL d_h_vcol, d_h_dair, d_qt, d_qw, d_ql, d_qs, d_ec |
170 | REAL d_h_vcol_phy |
171 | REAL fs_bound, fq_bound |
172 | SAVE d_h_vcol_phy |
173 | c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(d_h_vcol_phy) |
174 | REAL zero_v(klon) |
175 | CHARACTER*15 ztit |
176 | INTEGER ip_ebil ! PRINT level for energy conserv. diag. |
177 | SAVE ip_ebil |
178 | DATA ip_ebil/2/ |
179 | c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ip_ebil) |
180 | INTEGER if_ebil ! level for energy conserv. dignostics |
181 | SAVE if_ebil |
182 | DATA if_ebil/2/ |
183 | c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(if_ebil) |
184 | c+jld ec_conser |
185 | REAL d_t_ec(klon,klev) ! tendance du a la conersion Ec -> E thermique |
186 | REAL ZRCPD |
187 | c-jld ec_conser |
188 | cLF |
189 | INTEGER nloc |
190 | logical, save :: first=.true. |
191 | c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first) |
192 | INTEGER, SAVE :: itap, igout |
193 | c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(itap, igout) |
194 | c |
195 | #include "YOMCST.h" |
196 | #include "YOMCST2.h" |
197 | #include "YOETHF.h" |
198 | #include "FCTTRE.h" |
199 | #include "iniprint.h" |
200 | c |
201 | if (first) then |
202 | c Allocate some variables LF 04/2008 |
203 | c |
204 | cIM/JYG allocate(cbmf(klon)) |
205 | allocate(ql(klon,klev)) |
206 | allocate(t1(klon,klev)) |
207 | allocate(q1(klon,klev)) |
208 | itap=0 |
209 | igout=klon/2+1/klon |
210 | endif |
211 | c Incrementer le compteur de la physique |
212 | itap = itap + 1 |
213 | |
214 | c Copy T into Tconv |
215 | DO k = 1,klev |
216 | DO i = 1,klon |
217 | Tconv(i,k) = T(i,k) |
218 | ENDDO |
219 | ENDDO |
220 | c |
221 | IF (if_ebil.ge.1) THEN |
222 | DO i=1,klon |
223 | ztsol(i) = t(i,1) |
224 | zero_v(i)=0. |
225 | Do k = 1,klev |
226 | ql(i,k) = 0. |
227 | ENDDO |
228 | END DO |
229 | END IF |
230 | c |
231 | cym |
232 | snow(:)=0 |
233 | |
234 | c IF (ifrst .EQ. 0) THEN |
235 | c ifrst = 1 |
236 | if (first) then |
237 | first=.false. |
238 | c |
239 | C=========================================================================== |
241 | C=========================================================================== |
242 | C |
243 | if (iflag_con.eq.3) then |
244 | c CALL cv3_inicp() |
245 | CALL cv3_inip() |
246 | endif |
247 | c |
248 | C=========================================================================== |
250 | C=========================================================================== |
251 | C |
252 | cc$$$ open (56,file='supcrit.data') |
253 | cc$$$ read (56,*) Supcrit1, Supcrit2 |
254 | cc$$$ close (56) |
255 | c |
256 | IF (prt_level .ge. 10) |
257 | & WRITE(lunout,*) 'supcrit1, supcrit2' ,supcrit1, supcrit2 |
258 | C |
259 | C=========================================================================== |
260 | C Initialisation pour les bilans d'eau et d'energie |
261 | C=========================================================================== |
262 | IF (if_ebil.ge.1) d_h_vcol_phy=0. |
263 | c |
264 | DO i = 1, klon |
265 | cbmf(i) = 0. |
266 | !! plcl(i) = 0. |
267 | sigd(i) = 0. |
268 | ENDDO |
269 | ENDIF !(ifrst .EQ. 0) |
270 | |
271 | c Initialisation a chaque pas de temps |
272 | plfc(:) = 0. |
273 | wbeff(:) = 100. |
274 | plcl(:) = 0. |
275 | |
276 | DO k = 1, klev+1 |
277 | DO i=1,klon |
278 | em_ph(i,k) = paprs(i,k) / 100.0 |
279 | pmflxr(i,k)=0. |
280 | pmflxs(i,k)=0. |
281 | ENDDO |
282 | ENDDO |
283 | c |
284 | DO k = 1, klev |
285 | DO i=1,klon |
286 | em_p(i,k) = pplay(i,k) / 100.0 |
287 | ENDDO |
288 | ENDDO |
289 | c |
290 | ! |
291 | ! Feeding layer |
292 | ! |
293 | em_sig1feed = 1. |
294 | em_sig2feed = 0.97 |
295 | c em_sig2feed = 0.8 |
296 | ! Relative Weight densities |
297 | do k=1,klev |
298 | em_wght(k)=1. |
299 | end do |
300 | cCRtest: couche alim des tehrmiques ponderee par a* |
301 | c DO i = 1, klon |
302 | c do k=1,lalim_conv(i) |
303 | c em_wght(k)=wght_th(i,k) |
304 | c print*,'em_wght=',em_wght(k),wght_th(i,k) |
305 | c end do |
306 | c END DO |
307 | |
308 | if (iflag_con .eq. 4) then |
309 | DO k = 1, klev |
310 | DO i = 1, klon |
311 | zx_t = t(i,k) |
312 | zdelta=MAX(0.,SIGN(1.,rtt-zx_t)) |
313 | zx_qs= MIN(0.5 , r2es * FOEEW(zx_t,zdelta)/em_p(i,k)/100.0) |
314 | zcor=1./(1.-retv*zx_qs) |
315 | qs(i,k)=zx_qs*zcor |
316 | ENDDO |
317 | DO i = 1, klon |
318 | zx_t = t_wake(i,k) |
319 | zdelta=MAX(0.,SIGN(1.,rtt-zx_t)) |
320 | zx_qs= MIN(0.5 , r2es * FOEEW(zx_t,zdelta)/em_p(i,k)/100.0) |
321 | zcor=1./(1.-retv*zx_qs) |
322 | qs_wake(i,k)=zx_qs*zcor |
323 | ENDDO |
324 | ENDDO |
325 | else ! iflag_con=3 (modif de puristes qui fait la diffce pour la convergence numerique) |
326 | DO k = 1, klev |
327 | DO i = 1, klon |
328 | zx_t = t(i,k) |
329 | zdelta=MAX(0.,SIGN(1.,rtt-zx_t)) |
330 | zx_qs= r2es * FOEEW(zx_t,zdelta)/em_p(i,k)/100.0 |
331 | zx_qs= MIN(0.5,zx_qs) |
332 | zcor=1./(1.-retv*zx_qs) |
333 | zx_qs=zx_qs*zcor |
334 | qs(i,k)=zx_qs |
335 | ENDDO |
336 | DO i = 1, klon |
337 | zx_t = t_wake(i,k) |
338 | zdelta=MAX(0.,SIGN(1.,rtt-zx_t)) |
339 | zx_qs= r2es * FOEEW(zx_t,zdelta)/em_p(i,k)/100.0 |
340 | zx_qs= MIN(0.5,zx_qs) |
341 | zcor=1./(1.-retv*zx_qs) |
342 | zx_qs=zx_qs*zcor |
343 | qs_wake(i,k)=zx_qs |
344 | ENDDO |
345 | ENDDO |
346 | endif ! iflag_con |
347 | c |
348 | C------------------------------------------------------------------ |
349 | |
350 | C Main driver for convection: |
351 | C iflag_con=3 -> nvlle version de KE (JYG) |
352 | C iflag_con = 30 -> equivalent to convect3 |
353 | C iflag_con = 4 -> equivalent to convect1/2 |
354 | c |
355 | c |
356 | if (iflag_con.eq.30) then |
357 | |
358 | ! print *, '-> cv_driver' !jyg |
359 | CALL cv_driver(klon,klev,klevp1,ntra,iflag_con, |
360 | : t,q,qs,u,v,tra, |
361 | $ em_p,em_ph,iflag, |
362 | $ d_t,d_q,d_u,d_v,d_tra,rain, |
363 | $ Vprecip,cbmf,sig1,w01, !jyg |
364 | $ kbas,ktop, |
365 | $ dtime,Ma,upwd,dnwd,dnwdbis,qcondc,wd,cape, |
366 | $ da,phi,mp,phi2,d1a,dam,sij,clw,elij, !RomP |
367 | $ evap,ep,epmlmMm,eplaMm, !RomP |
368 | $ wdtrainA,wdtrainM) !RomP |
369 | ! print *, 'cv_driver ->' !jyg |
370 | c |
371 | DO i = 1,klon |
372 | cbmf(i) = Ma(i,kbas(i)) |
373 | ENDDO |
374 | c |
375 | else |
376 | |
377 | cLF necessary for gathered fields |
378 | nloc=klon |
379 | CALL cva_driver(klon,klev,klev+1,ntra,nloc, |
380 | $ iflag_con,iflag_mix,iflag_ice_thermo, |
381 | $ iflag_clos,dtime, |
382 | : t,q,qs,t_wake,q_wake,qs_wake,s_wake,u,v,tra, |
383 | $ em_p,em_ph, |
384 | . ALE,ALP, |
385 | . em_sig1feed,em_sig2feed,em_wght, |
386 | . iflag,d_t,d_q,d_u,d_v,d_tra,rain,kbas,ktop, |
387 | $ cbmf,plcl,plfc,wbeff,sig1,w01,ptop2,sigd, |
388 | $ Ma,mip,Vprecip,upwd,dnwd,dnwdbis,qcondc,wd, |
389 | $ cape,cin,tvp, |
390 | $ dd_t,dd_q,Plim1,Plim2,asupmax,supmax0, |
391 | $ asupmaxmin,lalim_conv, |
392 | !AC!+!RomP+jyg |
393 | $ da,phi,mp,phi2,d1a,dam,sij,clw,elij, ! RomP |
394 | $ evap,ep,epmlmMm,eplaMm, ! RomP |
395 | $ wdtrainA,wdtrainM) ! RomP |
396 | !AC!+!RomP+jyg |
397 | endif |
398 | C------------------------------------------------------------------ |
399 | IF (prt_level .ge. 10) |
400 | . WRITE(lunout,*) ' cva_driver -> cbmf,plcl,plfc,wbeff ', |
401 | . cbmf(1),plcl(1),plfc(1),wbeff(1) |
402 | |
403 | DO i = 1,klon |
404 | rain(i) = rain(i)/86400. |
405 | rflag(i)=iflag(i) |
406 | ENDDO |
407 | |
408 | DO k = 1, klev |
409 | DO i = 1, klon |
410 | d_t(i,k) = dtime*d_t(i,k) |
411 | d_q(i,k) = dtime*d_q(i,k) |
412 | d_u(i,k) = dtime*d_u(i,k) |
413 | d_v(i,k) = dtime*d_v(i,k) |
414 | ENDDO |
415 | ENDDO |
416 | c |
417 | if (iflag_con.eq.30) then |
418 | DO itra = 1,ntra |
419 | DO k = 1, klev |
420 | DO i = 1, klon |
421 | d_tra(i,k,itra) =dtime*d_tra(i,k,itra) |
422 | ENDDO |
423 | ENDDO |
424 | ENDDO |
425 | endif |
426 | |
427 | c!AC! |
428 | if (iflag_con.eq.3) then |
429 | DO itra = 1,ntra |
430 | DO k = 1, klev |
431 | DO i = 1, klon |
432 | d_tra(i,k,itra) =dtime*d_tra(i,k,itra) |
433 | ENDDO |
434 | ENDDO |
435 | ENDDO |
436 | endif |
437 | c!AC! |
438 | |
439 | DO k = 1, klev |
440 | DO i = 1, klon |
441 | t1(i,k) = t(i,k)+ d_t(i,k) |
442 | q1(i,k) = q(i,k)+ d_q(i,k) |
443 | ENDDO |
444 | ENDDO |
445 | c !jyg |
446 | c--Separation neige/pluie (pour diagnostics) !jyg |
447 | DO k = 1, klev !jyg |
448 | DO i = 1, klon !jyg |
449 | IF (t1(i,k).LT.RTT) THEN !jyg |
450 | pmflxs(i,k)=Vprecip(i,k) !jyg |
451 | ELSE !jyg |
452 | pmflxr(i,k)=Vprecip(i,k) !jyg |
453 | ENDIF !jyg |
454 | ENDDO !jyg |
455 | ENDDO !jyg |
456 | c |
457 | cc IF (if_ebil.ge.2) THEN |
458 | cc ztit='after convect' |
459 | cc CALL diagetpq(paire,ztit,ip_ebil,2,2,dtime |
460 | cc e , t1,q1,ql,qs,u,v,paprs,pplay |
461 | cc s , d_h_vcol, d_qt, d_qw, d_ql, d_qs, d_ec) |
462 | cc call diagphy(paire,ztit,ip_ebil |
463 | cc e , zero_v, zero_v, zero_v, zero_v, zero_v |
464 | cc e , zero_v, rain, zero_v, ztsol |
465 | cc e , d_h_vcol, d_qt, d_ec |
466 | cc s , fs_bound, fq_bound ) |
467 | cc END IF |
468 | C |
469 | c |
470 | c les traceurs ne sont pas mis dans cette version de convect4: |
471 | if (iflag_con.eq.4) then |
472 | DO itra = 1,ntra |
473 | DO k = 1, klev |
474 | DO i = 1, klon |
475 | d_tra(i,k,itra) = 0. |
476 | ENDDO |
477 | ENDDO |
478 | ENDDO |
479 | endif |
480 | c print*, 'concvl->: dd_t,dd_q ',dd_t(1,1),dd_q(1,1) |
481 | |
482 | DO k = 1, klev |
483 | DO i = 1, klon |
484 | dtvpdt1(i,k) = 0. |
485 | dtvpdq1(i,k) = 0. |
486 | ENDDO |
487 | ENDDO |
488 | DO i = 1, klon |
489 | dplcldt(i) = 0. |
490 | dplcldr(i) = 0. |
491 | ENDDO |
492 | c |
493 | if(prt_level.GE.20) THEN |
494 | DO k=1,klev |
495 | ! print*,'physiq apres_add_con i k it d_u d_v d_t d_q qdl0',igout |
496 | ! .,k,itap,d_u_con(igout,k) ,d_v_con(igout,k), d_t_con(igout,k), |
497 | ! .d_q_con(igout,k),dql0(igout,k) |
498 | ! print*,'phys apres_add_con itap Ma cin ALE ALP wak t q undi t q' |
499 | ! .,itap,Ma(igout,k),cin(igout),ALE(igout), ALP(igout), |
500 | ! . t_wake(igout,k),q_wake(igout,k),t_undi(igout,k),q_undi(igout,k) |
501 | ! print*,'phy apres_add_con itap CON rain snow EMA wk1 wk2 Vpp mip' |
502 | ! .,itap,rain_con(igout),snow_con(igout),ema_work1(igout,k), |
503 | ! .ema_work2(igout,k),Vprecip(igout,k), mip(igout,k) |
504 | ! print*,'phy apres_add_con itap upwd dnwd dnwd0 cape tvp Tconv ' |
505 | ! .,itap,upwd(igout,k),dnwd(igout,k),dnwd0(igout,k),cape(igout), |
506 | ! .tvp(igout,k),Tconv(igout,k) |
507 | ! print*,'phy apres_add_con itap dtvpdt dtvdq dplcl dplcldr qcondc' |
508 | ! .,itap,dtvpdt1(igout,k),dtvpdq1(igout,k),dplcldt(igout), |
509 | ! .dplcldr(igout),qcondc(igout,k) |
510 | ! print*,'phy apres_add_con itap wd pmflxr Kpmflxr Kp1 Kpmflxs Kp1' |
511 | ! .,itap,wd(igout),pmflxr(igout,k),pmflxr(igout,k+1),pmflxs(igout,k) |
512 | ! .,pmflxs(igout,k+1) |
513 | ! print*,'phy apres_add_con itap da phi mp ftd fqd lalim wgth', |
514 | ! .itap,da(igout,k),phi(igout,k,k),mp(igout,k),ftd(igout,k), |
515 | ! . fqd(igout,k),lalim_conv(igout),wght_th(igout,k) |
516 | ENDDO |
517 | endif !(prt_level.EQ.20) THEN |
518 | c |
519 | RETURN |
520 | END |
521 | |