source: LMDZ5/branches/IPSLCM6.0.11/libf/obsolete/regr_pr_av_m.F90 @ 3110

Last change on this file since 3110 was 2788, checked in by dcugnet, 8 years ago

Changes in ce0l about the way ozone forcing files are generated:

1) 3D raw input files "" are now handled.
2) Default behaviour is now to let the gcm interpolate in time online.

This helps to avoid huge forcing files (in particular for 3D fields).
In this case, the output files "" all have 14 records:

  • records 2-13 are obtained with records 1-12 of "".
  • records 1 and 14 are obtained respectively with:
    • record 12 of "" if available, of "" otherwise.
    • record 1 of "" if available, of "" otherwise.

3) If ok_daily_climoz key is TRUE, the time interpolation (one record

a day) is forced, using the 14 records described below.
This now depends on the calendar (it was on a 360 days basis only).

Changes in the gcm about the way zone forcing files are read/interpolated:

1) 3D horizontally interpolated "" files are now handled.
2) Daily files (already interpolated in time) are still handled, but their

number of records must match the expected number of days, that depends
on the calendar (records step is no longer 1/360 year).

3) 14 records monthly files are now handled (and prefered). This reduces

the I/O to a minimum and the aditional computational cost is low (simple
online linear time interpolation).

4) If adjust_tropopause key is TRUE, the input fields are stretched using

following method:

  • LMDZ dynamical tropopause is detected: Ptrop_lmdz = MAX ( P(Potential Vorticity==2PVU), P(theta==380K) )
  • file chemical tropopause is detected: Ptrop_file = P( tro3 == o3t ), where:

o3t = 91. + 28. * SIN(PI*(month-2)/6) (ppbV)

This formula comes from Thouret & al., ACP 6, 1033-1051, 2006.
The second term of the expression is multiplied by TANH(lat_deg/20.)
to account for latitude dependency.

  • File profile is streched in a +/- 5kms zone around the mean tropopause to ensure resulting tropopause matches the one of LMDZ. See procedure regr_pr_time_av for more details.
  • Property copyright set to
    Name of program: LMDZ
    Creation date: 1984
    Version: LMDZ5
    License: CeCILL version 2
    Holder: Laboratoire de m\'et\'eorologie dynamique, CNRS, UMR 8539
    See the license file in the root directory
File size: 4.6 KB
1! $Id$
2module regr_pr_av_m
4  ! Author: Lionel GUEZ
6  implicit none
10  subroutine regr_pr_av(ncid, name, julien, press_in_edg, paprs, v3)
12    ! "regr_pr_av" stands for "regrid pressure averaging".
13    ! In this procedure:
14    ! -- the root process reads 2D latitude-pressure fields from a
15    !    NetCDF file, at a given day.
16    ! -- the fields are packed to the LMDZ horizontal "physics"
17    !    grid and scattered to all threads of all processes;
18    ! -- in all the threads of all the processes, the fields are regridded in
19    !    pressure to the LMDZ vertical grid.
20    ! We assume that, in the input file, the fields have 3 dimensions:
21    ! latitude, pressure, julian day.
22    ! We assume that the input fields are already on the "rlatu"
23    ! latitudes, except that latitudes are in ascending order in the input
24    ! file.
25    ! We assume that all the inputs fields have the same coordinates.
27    ! The target vertical LMDZ grid is the grid of layer boundaries.
28    ! Regridding in pressure is conservative, second order.
30    ! All the fields are regridded as a single multi-dimensional array
31    ! so it saves CPU time to call this procedure once for several NetCDF
32    ! variables rather than several times, each time for a single
33    ! NetCDF variable.
35    use dimphy, only: klon
36    use netcdf95, only: nf95_inq_varid, handle_err
37    use netcdf, only: nf90_get_var
38    use assert_m, only: assert
39    use assert_eq_m, only: assert_eq
40    use regr1_conserv_m, only: regr1_conserv
41    use slopes_m, only: slopes
42    use mod_phys_lmdz_mpi_data, only: is_mpi_root
43    use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only: nbp_lon, nbp_lat, nbp_lev
44    use mod_phys_lmdz_transfert_para, only: scatter2d
45    ! (pack to the LMDZ horizontal "physics" grid and scatter)
47    integer, intent(in):: ncid ! NetCDF ID of the file
48    character(len=*), intent(in):: name(:) ! of the NetCDF variables
49    integer, intent(in):: julien ! jour julien, 1 <= julien <= 360
51    real, intent(in):: press_in_edg(:)
52    ! edges of pressure intervals for input data, in Pa, in strictly
53    ! ascending order
55    real, intent(in):: paprs(:, :) ! (klon, llm + 1)
56    ! (pression pour chaque inter-couche, en Pa)
58    real, intent(out):: v3(:, :, :) ! (klon, llm, size(name))
59    ! regridded fields on the partial "physics" grid
60    ! "v3(i, k, l)" is at longitude "xlon(i)", latitude
61    ! "xlat(i)", in pressure interval "[paprs(i, k+1), paprs(i, k)]",
62    ! for NetCDF variable "name(l)".
64    ! Variables local to the procedure:
66    integer varid, ncerr ! for NetCDF
68    real  v1(nbp_lon, nbp_lat, size(press_in_edg) - 1, size(name))
69    ! input fields at day "julien", on the global "dynamics" horizontal grid
70    ! First dimension is for longitude.
71    ! The values are the same for all longitudes.
72    ! "v1(:, j, k, l)" is at latitude "rlatu(j)", for
73    ! pressure interval "[press_in_edg(k), press_in_edg(k+1)]" and
74    ! NetCDF variable "name(l)".
76    real v2(klon, size(press_in_edg) - 1, size(name))
77    ! fields scattered to the partial "physics" horizontal grid
78    ! "v2(i, k, l)" is at longitude "xlon(i)", latitude "xlat(i)",
79    ! for pressure interval "[press_in_edg(k), press_in_edg(k+1)]" and
80    ! NetCDF variable "name(l)".
82    integer i, n_var
84    !--------------------------------------------
86    call assert(size(v3, 1) == klon, size(v3, 2) == nbp_lev, &
87         "regr_pr_av v3 klon")
88    n_var = assert_eq(size(name), size(v3, 3), "regr_pr_av v3 n_var")
89    call assert(shape(paprs) == (/klon, nbp_lev+1/), "regr_pr_av paprs")
91    !$omp master
92    if (is_mpi_root) then
93       do i = 1, n_var
94          call nf95_inq_varid(ncid, trim(name(i)), varid)
96          ! Get data at the right day from the input file:
97          ncerr = nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, v1(1, :, :, i), &
98               start=(/1, 1, julien/))
99          call handle_err("regr_pr_av nf90_get_var " // trim(name(i)), ncerr, &
100               ncid)
101       end do
103       ! Latitudes are in ascending order in the input file while
104       ! "rlatu" is in descending order so we need to invert order:
105       v1(1, :, :, :) = v1(1, nbp_lat:1:-1, :, :)
107       ! Duplicate on all longitudes:
108       v1(2:, :, :, :) = spread(v1(1, :, :, :), dim=1, ncopies=nbp_lon-1)
109    end if
110    !$omp end master
112    call scatter2d(v1, v2)
114    ! Regrid in pressure at each horizontal position:
115    do i = 1, klon
116       call regr1_conserv(v2(i, :, :), press_in_edg, &
117            paprs(i, nbp_lev + 1:1:-1), v3(i, nbp_lev:1:-1, :), &
118            slopes(v2(i, :, :), press_in_edg))
119       ! (invert order of indices because "paprs" is in descending order)
120    end do
122  end subroutine regr_pr_av
124end module regr_pr_av_m
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