source: LMDZ4/branches/LMDZ4V5.0-dev/libf/phylmd/regr_pr_comb_coefoz_m.F90 @ 2875

Last change on this file since 2875 was 1379, checked in by lguez, 14 years ago

Added optional ozone tracer with chemistry parameterized by Daniel
Cariolle. This tracer is passive: it has no influence on the rest of
the simulation.

Added variable "zmasse" in file "". Corrected long name of
variable "pplay" in "". Changed name of variable "t" to "T"
in "", corrected long name and unit.

In "phytrac", moved definition of "zmasse" toward the beginning of the
procedure, so that "zmasse" can be given as argument to
"traclmdz". Also added arguments "julien", "gmtime" and "xlon" to
"traclmdz". The four additional arguments are required for the ozone

In module "traclmdz_mod", factorized declaration "implicit none" that
was in each procedure. There is now an equivalent single declaration
at the module level.

In procedure "traclmdz", removed variable "delp". Use "zmasse * rg"
instead since we now have "zmasse" as an argument.

Tests. Compilations on Brodie only, with optimization options "-debug"
and "-dev", parallelization options "none", "mpi", "omp" and
"mpi_omp", this revision and revision 1373. Run cases with and without
ozone tracer, 1 and 2 MPI processes, 1 and 2 OpenMP
threads. Comparisons of all cases are ok, except for strange
variations in variables "d_tr_cl_RN" and "d_tr_cl_PB" of file
"", variables "RN" and "PB" of "", variables
"trs_RN" and "trs_PB" of "". Relative variations of these
variables between cases are of order 1e-7 or less, after one day of

File size: 5.4 KB
1! $Id$
2module regr_pr_comb_coefoz_m
4  implicit none
6  ! The five module variables declared here are on the partial
7  ! "physics" grid.
8  ! The value of each variable for index "(i, k)" is at longitude
9  ! "rlon(i)", latitude "rlat(i)" and middle of layer "k".
11  real, allocatable, save:: c_Mob(:, :)
12  ! (sum of Mobidic terms in the net mass production rate of ozone
13  ! by chemistry, per unit mass of air, in s-1)
15  real, allocatable, save:: a2(:, :)
16  ! (derivative of mass production rate of ozone per unit mass of
17  ! air with respect to ozone mass fraction, in s-1)
19  real, allocatable, save:: a4_mass(:, :)
20  ! (derivative of mass production rate of ozone per unit mass of
21  ! air with respect to temperature, in s-1 K-1)
23  real, allocatable, save:: a6_mass(:, :)
24  ! (derivative of mass production rate of ozone per unit mass of
25  ! air with respect to mass column-density of ozone above, in m2 s-1 kg-1)
27  real, allocatable, save:: r_het_interm(:, :)
28  ! (net mass production rate by heterogeneous chemistry, per unit
29  ! mass of ozone, corrected for chlorine content and latitude, but
30  ! not for temperature and sun direction, in s-1)
32  !$omp threadprivate(c_Mob, a2, a4_mass, a6_mass, r_het_interm)
36  subroutine alloc_coefoz
38    ! This procedure is called once per run.
39    ! It allocates module variables.
41    use dimphy, only: klon
43    ! Variables local to the procedure:
44    include "dimensions.h"
46    !---------------------------------------
48    !$omp master
49    print *, "Call sequence information: alloc_coefoz"
50    !$omp end master
51    allocate(c_Mob(klon, llm), a2(klon, llm), a4_mass(klon, llm))
52    allocate(a6_mass(klon, llm), r_het_interm(klon, llm))
54  end subroutine alloc_coefoz
56  !*******************************************************
58  subroutine regr_pr_comb_coefoz(julien, rlat, paprs, pplay)
60    ! "regr_pr_comb_coefoz" stands for "regrid pressure combine
61    ! coefficients ozone".
63    ! In this subroutine:
64    ! -- the master thread of the root process reads from a file all
65    !    eight coefficients for ozone chemistry, at the current day;
66    ! -- the coefficients are packed to the "physics" horizontal grid
67    !    and scattered to all threads of all processes;
68    ! -- in all the threads of all the processes, the coefficients are
69    !    regridded in pressure to the LMDZ vertical grid;
70    ! -- in all the threads of all the processes, the eight
71    !    coefficients are combined to define the five module variables.
73    use netcdf95, only: nf95_open, nf95_close
74    use netcdf, only: nf90_nowrite
75    use assert_m, only: assert
76    use dimphy, only: klon
77    use mod_phys_lmdz_mpi_data, only: is_mpi_root
78    use regr_pr_av_m, only: regr_pr_av
79    use regr_pr_int_m, only: regr_pr_int
80    use press_coefoz_m, only: press_in_edg, plev
82    integer, intent(in):: julien ! jour julien, 1 <= julien <= 360
84    REAL, intent(in):: rlat(:)
85    ! (latitude on the partial "physics" grid, in degrees)
87    real, intent(in):: paprs(:, :) ! (klon, llm + 1)
88    ! (pression pour chaque inter-couche, en Pa)
90    real, intent(in):: pplay(:, :) ! (klon, llm)
91    ! (pression pour le mileu de chaque couche, en Pa)
93    ! Variables local to the procedure:
95    include "dimensions.h"
96    integer ncid ! for NetCDF
98    real coefoz(klon, llm, 7)
99    ! (temporary storage for 7 ozone coefficients)
100    ! (On the partial "physics" grid.
101    ! "coefoz(i, k, :)" is at longitude "rlon(i)", latitude "rlat(i)",
102    ! middle of layer "k".)
104    real a6(klon, llm)
105    ! (derivative of "P_net_Mob" with respect to column-density of ozone
106    ! above, in cm2 s-1)
107    ! (On the partial "physics" grid.
108    ! "a6(i, k)" is at longitude "rlon(i)", latitude "rlat(i)",
109    ! middle of layer "k".)
111    real, parameter:: amu = 1.6605402e-27 ! atomic mass unit, in kg
113    real, parameter:: Clx = 3.8e-9
114    ! (total chlorine content in the upper stratosphere)
116    integer k
118    !------------------------------------
120    !!print *, "Call sequence information: regr_pr_comb_coefoz"
121    call assert((/size(rlat), size(paprs, 1), size(pplay, 1)/) == klon, &
122         "regr_pr_comb_coefoz klon")
123    call assert((/size(paprs, 2) - 1, size(pplay, 2)/) == llm, &
124         "regr_pr_comb_coefoz llm")
126    !$omp master
127    if (is_mpi_root) call nf95_open("", nf90_nowrite, ncid)
128    !$omp end master
130    call regr_pr_av(ncid, (/"a2       ", "a4       ", "a6       ", &
131         "P_net_Mob", "r_Mob    ", "temp_Mob ", "R_Het    "/), julien, &
132         press_in_edg, paprs, coefoz)
133    a2 = coefoz(:, :, 1)
134    a4_mass = coefoz(:, :, 2) * 48. / 29.
136    ! Compute "a6_mass" avoiding underflow, do not divide by 1e4
137    ! before dividing by molecular mass:
138    a6_mass = coefoz(:, :, 3) / (1e4 * 29. * amu)
139    ! (factor 1e4: conversion from cm2 to m2)
141    ! We can overwrite "coefoz(:, :, 1)", which was saved to "a2":
142    call regr_pr_int(ncid, "Sigma_Mob", julien, plev, pplay, top_value=0., &
143         v3=coefoz(:, :, 1))
145    ! Combine coefficients to get "c_Mob":
146    c_mob = (coefoz(:, :, 4) - a2 * coefoz(:, :, 5) &
147         - coefoz(:, :, 3) * coefoz(:, :, 1)) * 48. / 29. &
148         - a4_mass * coefoz(:, :, 6)
150    r_het_interm = coefoz(:, :, 7)
151    ! Heterogeneous chemistry is only at high latitudes:
152    forall (k = 1: llm)
153       where (abs(rlat) <= 45.) r_het_interm(:, k) = 0.
154    end forall
155    r_het_interm = r_het_interm * (Clx / 3.8e-9)**2
157    !$omp master
158    if (is_mpi_root) call nf95_close(ncid)
159    !$omp end master
161  end subroutine regr_pr_comb_coefoz
163end module regr_pr_comb_coefoz_m
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