-- Replaced "integer*4" declarations by "integer", "real*8" by
"real(kind=8)" and "real*4" by "real". Note that these are the only
modifications in the files "radiation_AR4.F" and "sw_aeroAR4.F90".
-- Corrected the kind of arguments to "max" and "min".
-- Replaced "nH" edit descriptors, which is a deleted feature in
Fortran 95, by character strings.
-- "regr_lat_time_climoz" now allows the pressure coordinate in the
input file to be in descending order.
-- Replaced call to not standard function "float" by call to intrinsic
function "real".
-- Included file "radepsi.h" in "physiq" was not used. Removed it.
The following set of modifications is related to the management of time.
-- In "gcm", "leapfrog" and "sortvarc0", "day_ini" was defined as 1
plus number of days between the reference date "(annee_ref,
day_ref)" and the first day of the current simulation. Changed
definition: "(annee_ref, day_ini)" is the first day of the current
simulation. There is an accompanying modification for "day_end".
-- Corrected bug in call to "ioconf_startdate" in "gcm".
-- Added call to "ioconf_calendar" in "create_etat0_limit".