#!/bin/bash ########################################################################### # Author : Frédéric Hourdin/LMD/hourdin@lmd.jussieu.fr # Usage : install.sh # # bash installation script of the LMDZ model on a Linux PC. # the model is downloaded in the following direcory tree # $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/... # using the "modipsl" infrastructure created by the "IPSL" # for coupled (atmosphere/ocean/vegetation/chemistry) climate modeling # activities. # Here we only download atmospheric (LMDZ) and vegetation (ORCHIDEE) # components. # # The sources of the models can be found in the "modeles" directory. # In the present case, LMDZ5, ORCHIDEE and IOIPSL (handling of input-outputs # using the NetCDF library. # # The script downloads various source files (including a version of NetCDF) # and utilities, compiles the model, and runs a test simulation in a # munimal configuration. # # Prerequisites : g95/pgf90/gfortran, ksh, wget , gunzip, tar, ... # # Modif 18/11/2011 # changes for option real 8. # We comopile with -r8 (or equivalent) and -DNC_DOUBLE for the GCM # but with -r4 for netcdf. Variable real must be set to # r4 or r8 at the beginning of the script below. # ########################################################################### echo install.sh DEBUT `date` set -e echo '################################################################' echo Choice of installation options echo '################################################################' #real=r4 real=r8 # WARNING !!!! For versions before october 2009, use # install.v2.sh instead of install.sh version=20130716.trunk version=testing compilo=gfortran # compilo=pgf90 or g95 or gfortran or ifort sur PC linux #Chemin pour placer le modele MODEL=./LMDZ$version getlmdzor=1 netcdf=1 # 1 for automatic installation # 0 for no installation # /.../../netcdf-4.0.1 if wanting to link with an already # compiled netcdf library (implies to check option compatibility) check_linux=1 ioipsl=1 veget=1 bench=1 pclinux=1 # choose the resolution for the bench runs # grid_resolution= 32x24x11 or 48x36x19 for tests (test without ORCHIDEE) # 96x71x19 standard configuration grid_resolution=48x36x19 ## compile_with_fcm=1 : use makelmdz_fcm, possible a of version 20111103.trunk (LMDZ5/trunk rev 1578) ## compile_with_fcm=0 : use makelmdz compile_with_fcm=1 arch=local sequential=1 ##################################################################### # Test for old gfortran compilers # If the compiler is too old (older than 4.3.x) we test if the # temporary gfortran44 patch is available on the computer in which # case the compiler is changed from gfortran to gfortran44 # Must be aware than parallelism can not be activated in this case ##################################################################### if [ $compilo = gfortran ] ; then gfortran=gfortran gfortranv=`gfortran --version | \ head -1 | awk ' { print $NF } ' | awk -F. ' { print $1 * 10 + $2 } '` if [ $gfortranv -le 43 ] ; then echo ERROR : Your gfortran compiler is too old echo 'Please choose a new one (g95, ifort) and change the line' echo compilo=xxx echo in the install.sh script and rerun it if [ `which gfortran44 | wc -w` -ne 0 ] ; then gfortran=gfortran44 else echo gfotran trop vieux ; exit fi fi compilo=$gfortran fi ##################################################################### OPTPREC="" echo '################################################################' echo Choix des options de compilation echo '################################################################' OPTIMNC=$OPTIM export FC=$compilo export F90=$compilo export F77=$compilo export CPPFLAGS= BASE_LD= if [ $compilo = g95 ] ; then # Set the appropriate compilation options OPTIM='-i4 -O3' OPTDEB="-g -O0 -Wall -ftrace=full -fbounds-check -freal=nan" OPTDEV="-g -O1 -Wall" fmod='fmod=' BASE_LD="" if [ $real = r8 ] ; then OPTPREC="-r8 -DNC_DOUBLE" ; fi export F90FLAGS=" -cpp -ffree-form $OPTIMNC" export FFLAGS=" -cpp $OPTIMNC" export CPPFLAGS=-Df2cFortran export CC=gcc export CXX=g++ elif [ $compilo = $gfortran ] ; then OPTIM='-O3' OPTDEB="-g3 -Wall -fbounds-check -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -O0 -fstack-protector-all" OPTDEV="-Wall -fbounds-check" fmod='I ' if [ $real = r8 ] ; then OPTPREC="-fdefault-real-8 -DNC_DOUBLE" ; fi export F90FLAGS=" -ffree-form $OPTIMNC" export FFLAGS=" $OPTIMNC" export CC=gcc export CXX=g++ elif [ $compilo = mpif90 ] ; then OPTIM='-O3' OPTDEB="-g3 -Wall -fbounds-check -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -O0 -fstack-protector-all" OPTDEV="-Wall -fbounds-check" BASE_LD="-lblas" fmod='I ' if [ $real = r8 ] ; then OPTPREC="-fdefault-real-8 -DNC_DOUBLE -fcray-pointer" ; fi export F90FLAGS=" -ffree-form $OPTIMNC" export FFLAGS=" $OPTIMNC" export CC=gcc export CXX=g++ elif [ $compilo = pgf90 ] ; then OPTIM='-O2 -Munroll -Mnoframe -Mautoinline -Mcache_align' fmod='module ' if [ $real = r8 ] ; then OPTPREC="-r8 -DNC_DOUBLE" ; fi export CPPFLAGS="-DNDEBUG -DpgiFortran" export CC=pgcc export CFLAGS="-Msignextend" export CXX=pgCC export CXXFLAGS="-Msignextend" export FFLAGS="$OPTIMNC" export F90FLAGS="$OPTIMNC" compile_with_fcm=1 elif [ $compilo = ifort ] ; then OPTIM="-O2 -fp-model strict -ip -align all " OPTDEV="-p -g -O2 -traceback -fp-stack-check -ftrapuv -check" OPTDEB="-g -no-ftz -traceback -ftrapuv -fp-stack-check -check" fmod='module ' if [ $real = r8 ] ; then OPTPREC="-real-size 64 -DNC_DOUBLE" ; fi export CPP="icc -E" export FFLAGS="-O2 -ip -fpic -mcmodel=large" export FCFLAGS="-O2 -ip -fpic -mcmodel=large" export CC=icc export CFLAGS="-O2 -ip -fpic -mcmodel=large" export CXX=icpc export CXXFLAGS="-O2 -ip -fpic -mcmodel=large" compile_with_fcm=1 else echo unexpected compiler $compilo ; exit fi OPTIMGCM="$OPTIM $OPTPREC" hostname=`hostname` ########################################################################## # If installing on know machines such as IBM x3750 (Ada) # at IDRIS, don't check for available software and don"t install netcdf if [ ${hostname:0:5} = ada33 ] ; then netcdf=0 # no need to recompile netcdf, alreday available check_linux=0 pclinux=0 ioipsl=0 # no need to recompile ioipsl, already available #netcdf="/smplocal/pub/NetCDF/4.1.3" compilo="ifort" fmod='module ' if [ $real = r8 ] ; then OPTPREC="-real-size 64 -DNC_DOUBLE" ; fi OPTIM="-O2 -fp-model strict -ip -axAVX,SSE4.2 -align all " OPTIMGCM="$OPTIM $OPTPREC" fi ########################################################################## mkdir -p $MODEL echo $MODEL MODEL=`( cd $MODEL ; pwd )` # to get absolute path, if necessary # Option -fendian=big is only to be used with ARPEGE1D. # The -r8 should probably be avoided if running on 32 bit machines # Option r8 is not mandatory and generates larger executables. # It is however mandatory if using ARPEGE1D # Better optimization options might be a better choice (e.g. -O3) echo '################################################################' if [ "$check_linux" = 1 ] ; then echo Check if required software is available echo '################################################################' #### Ehouarn: test if ksh and/or bash are available use_shell="ksh" # default: use ksh if [ "`which ksh`" = "" ] ; then echo "no ksh ... we will use bash" use_shell="bash" if [ "`which bash`" = "" ] ; then echo "ksh (or bash) needed!! Install it!" fi fi for logiciel in csh wget tar gzip make $compilo gcc ; do if [ "`which $logiciel`" = "" ] ; then echo You must first install $logiciel on your system exit fi done if [ $pclinux = 1 ] ; then cd $MODEL cat < tt.f90 print*,'coucou' end eod $compilo tt.f90 -o a.out ./a.out >| tt if [ "`cat tt | sed -e 's/ //g' `" != "coucou" ] ; then echo problem installing with compiler $compilo ; exit ; fi \rm tt a.out tt.f90 fi fi ########################################################################### if [ $getlmdzor = 1 ] ; then echo '##########################################################' echo Download a slightly modified version of LMDZ echo '##########################################################' cd $MODEL wget http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/DistribG95/modipsl.$version.tar.gz echo install.sh wget_OK `date` gunzip modipsl.$version.tar.gz tar xvf modipsl.$version.tar \rm modipsl.$version.tar # We download LMDZ and make some modifications to make it #compatible with $compilo # and we use an old stable but robust and well tested version of ORCHIDEE # That version of ORCHIDEE can be obtained using # wget http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/DistribG95/getlmdzor.x fi echo OK1 if [ $netcdf = 1 ] ; then echo '##########################################################' echo Compiling the Netcdf library echo '##########################################################' cd $MODEL wget http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/DistribG95/netcdf-4.0.1.tar.gz gunzip netcdf-4.0.1.tar.gz tar xvf netcdf-4.0.1.tar \rm -f netcdf-4.0.1.tar cd netcdf-4.0.1 sed -e 's/gfortran/'$gfortran'/g' configure >| tmp ; mv -f tmp configure ; chmod +x configure localdir=`pwd -P` ./configure --prefix=$localdir sed -e 's/gfortran/'$gfortran'/g' Makefile >| tmp ; mv -f tmp Makefile make check make install echo install.sh netcdf_OK `date` fi # of if [ $netcdf = 1 ] #======================================================================================= echo OK2 ioipsl=$ioipsl echo '##########################################################' echo 'Installing MODIPSL, the installation package manager for the ' echo 'IPSL models and tools' echo '##########################################################' if [ $netcdf = 0 -o $netcdf = 1 ] ; then ncdfdir=$MODEL/netcdf-4.0.1 else ncdfdir=$netcdf fi if [ $ioipsl = 1 ] ; then cd $MODEL/modipsl \rm -rf lib/* cd util cp AA_make.gdef AA_make.orig F_C="$compilo -c " ; if [ "$compilo" = "$gfortran" -o "$compilo" = "mpif90" ] ; then F_C="$compilo -c -cpp " ; fi sed -e 's/^\#.*.g95.*.\#.*.$/\#/' AA_make.gdef > tmp sed -e "s:F_L = g95:F_L = $compilo:" -e "s:F_C = g95 -c:F_C = $F_C": \ -e 's/g95.*.w_w.*.(F_D)/g95 w_w = '"$OPTIMGCM"'/' \ -e 's:g95.*.NCDF_INC.*.$:g95 NCDF_INC= '"$ncdfdir"'/include:' \ -e 's:g95.*.NCDF_LIB.*.$:g95 NCDF_LIB= -L'"$ncdfdir"'/lib -lnetcdf:' \ -e "s:-fmod=:-$fmod:" -e 's/-fno-second-underscore//' \ -e 's:#-Q- g95 M_K = gmake:#-Q- g95 M_K = make:' \ tmp >| AA_make.gdef if [ "$use_shell" = "ksh" ] ; then if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] ; then ./ins_make -t g95 # We use lines for g95 even for the other compilers fi else # bash sed -e s:/bin/ksh:/bin/bash:g ins_make > ins_make.bash chmod u=rwx ins_make.bash if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] ; then ./ins_make.bash -t g95 # We use lines for g95 even for the other compilers else ./ins_make.bash fi fi # of if [ "$use_shell" = "ksh" ] #======================================================================================= echo '##########################################################' echo 'Compiling IOIPSL, the interface library with Netcdf' echo '##########################################################' cd $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/IOIPSL/src if [ "$use_shell" = "bash" ] ; then cp Makefile Makefile.ksh sed -e s:/bin/ksh:/bin/bash:g Makefile.ksh > Makefile fi if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] ; then # Build IOIPSL modules and library if [ $compilo = g95 ] ; then cp restcom.f90 restcom.f90.orig sed -e 's:cmode=or(NF90_NOCLOBBER,NF90_64BIT_OFFSET):cmode=NF90_NOCLOBBER:' restcom.f90.orig > restcom.f90 fi make clean make if [ "$compilo" = "$gfortran" -o "$compilo" = "mpif90" ] ; then # copy module files to lib cp -f *.mod ../../../lib fi # Build IOIPSL tools (ie: "rebuild", if present) if [ -f $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/IOIPSL/tools/rebuild ] ; then cd $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/IOIPSL/tools # adapt Makefile & rebuild script if in bash if [ "$use_shell" = "bash" ] ; then cp Makefile Makefile.ksh sed -e s:/bin/ksh:/bin/bash:g Makefile.ksh > Makefile cp rebuild rebuild.ksh sed -e 's:/bin/ksh:/bin/bash:g' \ -e 's:print -u2:echo:g' \ -e 's:print:echo:g' rebuild.ksh > rebuild fi make clean make fi fi # of if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] else # of if [ $ioipsl = 1 ] if [ ${hostname:0:5} = ada33 ] ; then cd $MODEL/modipsl cd util cp AA_make.gdef AA_make.orig sed -e 's/^\#.*.g95.*.\#.*.$/\#/' AA_make.gdef > tmp sed -e "s:F_L = g95:F_L = $compilo:" -e "s:F_C = g95 -c:F_C = $compilo -c": \ -e 's/g95.*.w_w.*.(F_D)/g95 w_w = '"$OPTIMGCM"'/' \ -e 's:g95.*.NCDF_INC.*.$:g95 NCDF_INC= -I/smplocal/pub/HDF5/1.8.9/seq/include -I/smplocal/pub/NetCDF/4.1.3/include:' \ -e 's:g95.*.NCDF_LIB.*.$:g95 NCDF_LIB= -L/smplocal/pub/NetCDF/4.1.3/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf:' \ -e "s:-fmod=:-$fmod:" -e 's/-fno-second-underscore//' \ -e 's:#-Q- g95 M_K = gmake:#-Q- g95 M_K = make:' \ tmp >| AA_make.gdef ./ins_make -t g95 # We use lines for g95 even for the other compilers # on Ada, IOIPSL is already installed in ~rpsl035/IOIPSL_PLUS # so link it to current settings cd $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/ \rm -r -f IOIPSL ln -s ~rpsl035/IOIPSL_PLUS IOIPSL cd .. ln -s ~rpsl035/IOIPSL_PLUS/modipsl/bin/* bin/ ln -s ~rpsl035/IOIPSL_PLUS/modipsl/lib/* lib/ fi # of if [ ${hostname:0:5} = ada33 ] echo install.sh ioipsl_OK `date` fi # of if [ $ioipsl = 1 ] #============================================================================ veget_version=false if [ "$veget" = 1 ] ; then echo '########################################################' echo 'Compiling ORCHIDEE, the continental surfaces model ' echo '########################################################' cd $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE export ORCHPATH=`pwd` orchidee_rev=`svn info | grep '^Revision' | awk '{print $2}'` echo '########################################################' echo 'Orchidee revision: ', $orchidee_rev echo '########################################################' echo OKpwd ; pwd if [ $orchidee_rev -ge 2247 ] ; then veget_version=orchidee2.0 cd arch sed -e s:"%COMPILER .*.$":"%COMPILER $compilo":1 \ -e s:"%LINK .*.$":"%LINK $compilo":1 \ -e s:"%PROD_FFLAGS .*.$":"%PROD_FFLAGS $OPTIM":1 \ -e s:"%DEV_FFLAGS .*.$":"%DEV_FFLAGS $OPTDEV":1 \ -e s:"%DEBUG_FFLAGS .*.$":"%DEBUG_FFLAGS $OPTDEB":1 \ -e s:"%BASE_FFLAGS .*.$":"%BASE_FFLAGS $OPTPREC":1 \ arch-gfortran.fcm > arch-local.fcm echo "NETCDF_LIBDIR=\"-L${ncdfdir}/lib -lnetcdf\"" > arch-local.path echo "NETCDF_INCDIR=${ncdfdir}/include" >> arch-local.path echo "IOIPSL_INCDIR=$ORCHPATH/../../lib" >> arch-local.path echo "IOIPSL_LIBDIR=$ORCHPATH/../../lib" >> arch-local.path cd ../ # compiling ORCHIDEE sequential mode ./makeorchidee_fcm -noxios -prod -parallel none -arch local else if [ -d src_parallel ] ; then liste_src="parallel parameters global stomate sechiba driver" veget_version=orchidee2.0 else # Obsolete, for ORCHIDEE_beton only liste_src="parameters stomate sechiba " # A trick to compile ORCHIDEE depending on if we are using real*4 or real*8 cd src_parameters ; \cp reqdprec.$real reqdprec.f90 ; cd .. veget_version=orchidee1.9 fi for d in $liste_src ; do src_d=src_$d echo src_d $src_d echo ls ; ls if [ ! -d $src_d ] ; then echo Problem orchidee : no $src_d ; exit ; fi cd $src_d ; \rm -f *.mod make ; make clean make ; if [ "$compilo" = "$gfortran" -o "$compilo" = "mpif90" ] ; then cp -f *.mod ../../../lib ; fi cd .. done fi echo install.sh orchidee_OK `date` fi # of if [ "$veget" = 1 ] #============================================================================ # Ehouarn: it may be directory LMDZ4 or LMDZ5 depending on tar file... if [ -d $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/LMDZ[45] ] ; then echo '##########################################################' echo 'Compiling LMDZ' echo '##########################################################' cd $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/LMDZ[45] else echo "ERROR: No LMDZ4 (or LMDZ5) directory !!!" exit fi ########################################################### # For those who want to use fcm to compile via : # makelmdz_fcm -arch local ..... ############################################################ if [ "$pclinux" = "1" ] ; then # create local 'arch' files (if on Linux PC): cd arch # arch-local.path file echo "NETCDF_LIBDIR=\"-L${ncdfdir}/lib -lnetcdf\"" > arch-local.path echo OK3 echo "NETCDF_INCDIR=-I${ncdfdir}/include" >> arch-local.path echo 'IOIPSL_INCDIR=$LMDGCM/../../lib' >> arch-local.path echo 'IOIPSL_LIBDIR=$LMDGCM/../../lib' >> arch-local.path echo 'ORCH_INCDIR=$LMDGCM/../../lib' >> arch-local.path echo 'ORCH_LIBDIR=$LMDGCM/../../lib' >> arch-local.path # arch-local.fcm file (adapted from arch-linux-32bit.fcm) if [ $real = r8 ] ; then FPP_DEF=NC_DOUBLE ; else FPP_DEF="" ; fi sed -e s:"%COMPILER .*.$":"%COMPILER $compilo":1 \ -e s:"%LINK .*.$":"%LINK $compilo":1 \ -e s:"%PROD_FFLAGS .*.$":"%PROD_FFLAGS $OPTIM":1 \ -e s:"%DEV_FFLAGS .*.$":"%DEV_FFLAGS $OPTDEV":1 \ -e s:"%DEBUG_FFLAGS .*.$":"%DEBUG_FFLAGS $OPTDEB":1 \ -e s:"%BASE_FFLAGS .*.$":"%BASE_FFLAGS $OPTPREC":1 \ arch-linux-32bit.fcm > arch-local.fcm cd .. ### Adapt "bld.cfg" (add the shell): whereisthatshell=$(which ${use_shell}) echo "bld::tool::SHELL $whereisthatshell" >> bld.cfg fi # of if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] cd $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/LMDZ? ################################################################## # Compile LMDZ ################################################################## echo install.sh avant_compilation `date` if [ $compile_with_fcm = 1 ] ; then makelmdz="makelmdz_fcm -arch $arch" ; else makelmdz=makelmdz ; fi if [ "$sequential" = 1 ] ; then ./$makelmdz -d ${grid_resolution} -v $veget_version gcm echo install.sh apres_compilation `date` if [ -f gcm.e ] || [ -f bin/gcm_${grid_resolution}_phylmd_seq_orch.e ] || [ -f bin/gcm_${grid_resolution}_phylmd_seq.e ] ; then echo '##########################################################' echo 'Compilation successfull !! ' echo '##########################################################' else echo 'Compilation failed !!' exit fi ################################################################## # Below, we run a benchmark test (if bench=0) ################################################################## if [ $bench = 0 ] ; then exit fi echo '##########################################################' echo ' Running a test run ' echo '##########################################################' \rm -rf BENCH${grid_resolution} bench=bench_lmdz_${grid_resolution} echo install.sh avant_chargement_bench `date` wget http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/DistribG95/$bench.tar.gz echo install.sh apres_chargement_bench `date` gunzip $bench.tar.gz tar xvf $bench.tar if [ -f gcm.e ] ; then cp gcm.e BENCH${grid_resolution}/ elif [ -f bin/gcm_${grid_resolution}_phylmd_seq_orch.e ] ; then cp bin/gcm_${grid_resolution}_phylmd_seq_orch.e BENCH${grid_resolution}/gcm.e elif [ -f bin/gcm_${grid_resolution}_phylmd_seq.e ] ; then cp bin/gcm_${grid_resolution}_phylmd_seq.e BENCH${grid_resolution}/gcm.e else echo "No gcm.e found" exit fi cd BENCH${grid_resolution} ./bench.sh > bench.out 2>&1 echo '##########################################################' echo ' Bench results ' echo '##########################################################' cat ./bench.out echo install.sh FIN_du_BENCH `date` echo '##########################################################' echo 'Simulation finished in' `pwd` echo 'You may re-run it with : cd ' `pwd` ' ; gcm.e' echo 'or ./bench.sh' echo '##########################################################' fi # fin sequential if [ "$gfortran" = "gfortran44" ] ; then echo Your gfortran compiler was too old so that the model was automatically echo compiled with gfortran44 instead. It can not be used in parallel mode. echo You can change the compiler at the begining of the install.sh echo script and reinstall. fi