#!/bin/bash ########################################################################### # Author : Frédéric Hourdin/LMD/hourdin@lmd.jussieu.fr # Usage : install.sh # # bash installation script of the LMDZ model on a Linux PC. # the model is downloaded in the following direcory tree # $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/... # using the "modipsl" infrastructure created by the "IPSL" # for coupled (atmosphere/ocean/vegetation/chemistry) climate modeling # activities. # Here we only download atmospheric (LMDZ) and vegetation (ORCHIDEE) # components. # # The sources of the models can be found in the "modeles" directory. # In the present case, LMDZ5, ORCHIDEE and IOIPSL (handling of input-outputs # using the NetCDF library. # # The script downloads various source files (including a version of NetCDF) # and utilities, compiles the model, and runs a test simulation in a # munimal configuration. # # Prerequisites : g95/pgf90/gfortran, ksh, wget , gunzip, tar, ... # # Modif 18/11/2011 # changes for option real 8. # We comopile with -r8 (or equivalent) and -DNC_DOUBLE for the GCM # but with -r4 for netcdf. Variable real must be set to # r4 or r8 at the beginning of the script below. # ########################################################################### echo '################################################################' echo Choice of installation options echo '################################################################' #real=r4 real=r8 # WARNING !!!! For versions before october 2009, use # install.v2.sh instead of install.sh version=20130716.trunk version=testing #Chemin pour placer le modele MODEL=./LMDZ$version getlmdzor=1 netcdf=1 # 1 for automatic installation # 0 for no installation # /.../../netcdf-4.0.1 if wanting to link with an already # compiled netcdf library (implies to check option compatibility) check_linux=1 ioipsl=1 veget=1 bench=1 pclinux=1 compilo=gfortran # compilo=pgf90 or g95 or gfortran or ifort sur PC linux ##################################################################### # Test for old gfortran compilers if [ $compilo = gfortran ] ; then gfortranv=`gfortran --version | \ head -1 | awk ' { print $NF } ' | awk -F. ' { print $1 * 10 + $2 } '` if [ $gfortranv -le 43 ] ; then echo ERROR : Your gfortran compiler is too old echo 'Please choose a new one (g95, ifort) and change the line' echo compilo=xxx echo in the install.sh script and rerun it exit fi fi ##################################################################### ## compile_with_fcm=1 : use makelmdz_fcm, possible a of version 20111103.trunk (LMDZ5/trunk rev 1578) ## compile_with_fcm=0 : use makelmdz compile_with_fcm=0 OPTPREC="" echo '################################################################' echo Choix des options de compilation echo '################################################################' if [ $compilo = g95 ] ; then if [ $real = r8 ] ; then OPTPREC="-r8 -DNC_DOUBLE" ; fi OPTIM='-i4 -O3' elif [ $compilo = gfortran ] ; then if [ $real = r8 ] ; then OPTPREC="-fdefault-real-8 -DNC_DOUBLE" ; fi OPTIM='-O3' elif [ $compilo = pgf90 ] ; then if [ $real = r8 ] ; then OPTPREC="-r8 -DNC_DOUBLE" ; fi OPTIM='-O2 -Munroll -Mnoframe -Mautoinline -Mcache_align' # with pgf90, compile with fcm compile_with_fcm=1 else # ifort if [ $real = r8 ] ; then OPTPREC="-real-size 64 -DNC_DOUBLE" ; fi OPTIM="-O2 -fp-model strict -ip -align all " # with ifort, compile with fcm compile_with_fcm=1 fi OPTIMGCM="$OPTIM $OPTPREC" # choose the resolution for the bench runs # grid_resolution= 32x24x11 or 48x36x19 for tests (test without ORCHIDEE) # 96x71x19 standard configuration grid_resolution=48x36x19 hostname=`hostname` ########################################################################## # If installing on know machines such as IBM x3750 (Ada) # at IDRIS, don't check for available software and don"t install netcdf if [ ${hostname:0:5} = ada33 ] ; then netcdf=0 # no need to recompile netcdf, alreday available check_linux=0 pclinux=0 ioipsl=0 # no need to recompile ioipsl, already available #netcdf="/smplocal/pub/NetCDF/4.1.3" compilo="ifort" fmod='module ' if [ $real = r8 ] ; then OPTPREC="-real-size 64 -DNC_DOUBLE" ; fi OPTIM="-O2 -fp-model strict -ip -axAVX,SSE4.2 -align all " OPTIMGCM="$OPTIM $OPTPREC" fi ########################################################################## mkdir -p $MODEL echo $MODEL MODEL=`( cd $MODEL ; pwd )` # to get absolute path, if necessary # Option -fendian=big is only to be used with ARPEGE1D. # The -r8 should probably be avoided if running on 32 bit machines # Option r8 is not mandatory and generates larger executables. # It is however mandatory if using ARPEGE1D # Better optimization options might be a better choice (e.g. -O3) echo '################################################################' if [ "$check_linux" = 1 ] ; then echo Check if required software is available echo '################################################################' #### Ehouarn: test if ksh and/or bash are available use_shell="ksh" # default: use ksh if [ "`which ksh`" = "" ] ; then echo "no ksh ... we will use bash" use_shell="bash" if [ "`which bash`" = "" ] ; then echo "ksh (or bash) needed!! Install it!" fi fi for logiciel in csh wget tar gzip make $compilo gcc ; do if [ "`which $logiciel`" = "" ] ; then echo You must first install $logiciel on your system exit fi done if [ $pclinux = 1 ] ; then cd $MODEL cat < tt.f90 print*,'coucou' end eod $compilo tt.f90 -o a.out ./a.out >| tt if [ "`cat tt | sed -e 's/ //g' `" != "coucou" ] ; then echo problem installing with compiler $compilo ; exit ; fi \rm tt a.out tt.f90 fi fi ########################################################################### if [ $getlmdzor = 1 ] ; then echo '##########################################################' echo Download a slightly modified version of LMDZ echo '##########################################################' cd $MODEL wget http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/DistribG95/modipsl.$version.tar.gz gunzip modipsl.$version.tar.gz tar xvf modipsl.$version.tar \rm modipsl.$version.tar # We download LMDZ and make some modifications to make it #compatible with $compilo # and we use an old stable but robust and well tested version of ORCHIDEE # That version of ORCHIDEE can be obtained using # wget http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/DistribG95/getlmdzor.x fi echo OK1 if [ $netcdf = 1 ] ; then echo '##########################################################' echo Compiling the Netcdf library echo '##########################################################' cd $MODEL wget http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/DistribG95/netcdf-4.0.1.tar.gz gunzip netcdf-4.0.1.tar.gz tar xvf netcdf-4.0.1.tar \rm -f netcdf-4.0.1.tar cd netcdf-4.0.1 OPTIMNC=$OPTIM if [ $compilo = g95 ] ; then # Set the appropriate compilation options export FC=g95 export F90=g95 export F90FLAGS=" -cpp -ffree-form $OPTIMNC" export FFLAGS=" -cpp $OPTIMNC" export CPPFLAGS=-Df2cFortran export CC=gcc export CXX=g++ elif [ $compilo = gfortran ] ; then export FC=gfortran export F90=gfortran export F90FLAGS=" -ffree-form $OPTIMNC" export FFLAGS=" $OPTIMNC" export CPPFLAGS= export CC=gcc export CXX=g++ elif [ $compilo = pgf90 ] ; then export CPPFLAGS="-DNDEBUG -DpgiFortran" export CC=pgcc export CFLAGS="-Msignextend" export CXX=pgCC export CXXFLAGS="-Msignextend" export FC=pgf90 export FFLAGS="$OPTIMNC" export F90=pgf90 export F90FLAGS="$OPTIMNC" elif [ $compilo = ifort ] ; then export CPP="icc -E" export F77=ifort export FFLAGS="-O2 -ip -fpic -mcmodel=large" export F90=ifort export FCFLAGS="-O2 -ip -fpic -mcmodel=large" export CC=icc export CFLAGS="-O2 -ip -fpic -mcmodel=large" export CXX=icpc export CXXFLAGS="-O2 -ip -fpic -mcmodel=large" else echo unexpected compiler $compilo ; exit fi localdir=`pwd -P` ./configure --prefix=$localdir make check make install fi # of if [ $netcdf = 1 ] #======================================================================================= echo OK2 ioipsl=$ioipsl echo '##########################################################' echo 'Installing MODIPSL, the installation package manager for the ' echo 'IPSL models and tools' echo '##########################################################' if [ $netcdf = 0 -o $netcdf = 1 ] ; then ncdfdir=$MODEL/netcdf-4.0.1 else ncdfdir=$netcdf fi if [ $ioipsl = 1 ] ; then cd $MODEL/modipsl \rm -r lib/* cd util if [ $compilo = pgf90 ] ; then fmod='module ' elif [ $compilo = g95 ] ; then fmod='fmod=' elif [ $compilo = ifort ] ; then fmod='module ' else # gfortran fmod='I ' fi cp AA_make.gdef AA_make.orig F_C="$compilo -c " ; if [ $compilo = gfortran ] ; then F_C="$compilo -c -cpp " ; fi sed -e 's/^\#.*.g95.*.\#.*.$/\#/' AA_make.gdef > tmp sed -e "s:F_L = g95:F_L = $compilo:" -e "s:F_C = g95 -c:F_C = $F_C": \ -e 's/g95.*.w_w.*.(F_D)/g95 w_w = '"$OPTIMGCM"'/' \ -e 's:g95.*.NCDF_INC.*.$:g95 NCDF_INC= '"$ncdfdir"'/include:' \ -e 's:g95.*.NCDF_LIB.*.$:g95 NCDF_LIB= -L'"$ncdfdir"'/lib -lnetcdf:' \ -e "s:-fmod=:-$fmod:" -e 's/-fno-second-underscore//' \ -e 's:#-Q- g95 M_K = gmake:#-Q- g95 M_K = make:' \ tmp >| AA_make.gdef if [ "$use_shell" = "ksh" ] ; then if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] ; then ./ins_make -t g95 # We use lines for g95 even for the other compilers fi else # bash sed -e s:/bin/ksh:/bin/bash:g ins_make > ins_make.bash chmod u=rwx ins_make.bash if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] ; then ./ins_make.bash -t g95 # We use lines for g95 even for the other compilers else ./ins_make.bash fi fi # of if [ "$use_shell" = "ksh" ] echo '##########################################################' echo 'Compiling IOIPSL, the interface library with Netcdf' echo '##########################################################' cd $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/IOIPSL/src if [ "$use_shell" = "bash" ] ; then cp Makefile Makefile.ksh sed -e s:/bin/ksh:/bin/bash:g Makefile.ksh > Makefile fi if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] ; then # Build IOIPSL modules and library if [ $compilo = g95 ] ; then cp restcom.f90 restcom.f90.orig sed -e 's:cmode=or(NF90_NOCLOBBER,NF90_64BIT_OFFSET):cmode=NF90_NOCLOBBER:' restcom.f90.orig > restcom.f90 fi make clean make if [ $compilo = gfortran ] ; then # copy module files to lib cp -f *.mod ../../../lib fi # Build IOIPSL tools (ie: "rebuild", if present) if [ -f $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/IOIPSL/tools/rebuild ] ; then cd $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/IOIPSL/tools # adapt Makefile & rebuild script if in bash if [ "$use_shell" = "bash" ] ; then cp Makefile Makefile.ksh sed -e s:/bin/ksh:/bin/bash:g Makefile.ksh > Makefile cp rebuild rebuild.ksh sed -e 's:/bin/ksh:/bin/bash:g' \ -e 's:print -u2:echo:g' \ -e 's:print:echo:g' rebuild.ksh > rebuild fi make clean make fi fi # of if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] else # of if [ $ioipsl = 1 ] if [ ${hostname:0:5} = ada33 ] ; then cd $MODEL/modipsl cd util cp AA_make.gdef AA_make.orig sed -e 's/^\#.*.g95.*.\#.*.$/\#/' AA_make.gdef > tmp sed -e "s:F_L = g95:F_L = $compilo:" -e "s:F_C = g95 -c:F_C = $compilo -c": \ -e 's/g95.*.w_w.*.(F_D)/g95 w_w = '"$OPTIMGCM"'/' \ -e 's:g95.*.NCDF_INC.*.$:g95 NCDF_INC= -I/smplocal/pub/HDF5/1.8.9/seq/include -I/smplocal/pub/NetCDF/4.1.3/include:' \ -e 's:g95.*.NCDF_LIB.*.$:g95 NCDF_LIB= -L/smplocal/pub/NetCDF/4.1.3/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf:' \ -e "s:-fmod=:-$fmod:" -e 's/-fno-second-underscore//' \ -e 's:#-Q- g95 M_K = gmake:#-Q- g95 M_K = make:' \ tmp >| AA_make.gdef ./ins_make -t g95 # We use lines for g95 even for the other compilers # on Ada, IOIPSL is already installed in ~rpsl035/IOIPSL_PLUS # so link it to current settings cd $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/ \rm -r -f IOIPSL ln -s ~rpsl035/IOIPSL_PLUS IOIPSL cd .. ln -s ~rpsl035/IOIPSL_PLUS/modipsl/bin/* bin/ ln -s ~rpsl035/IOIPSL_PLUS/modipsl/lib/* lib/ fi # of if [ ${hostname:0:5} = ada33 ] fi # of if [ $ioipsl = 1 ] #============================================================================ veget_version=false if [ "$veget" = 1 ] ; then echo '########################################################' echo 'Compiling ORCHIDEE, the continental surfaces model ' echo '########################################################' cd $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE echo OKpwd ; pwd if [ -d src_parallel ] ; then liste_src="parallel parameters global stomate sechiba driver" veget_version=orchidee2.0 else # Obsolete, for ORCHIDEE_beton only liste_src="parameters stomate sechiba " # A trick to compile ORCHIDEE depending on if we are using real*4 or real*8 cd src_parameters ; \cp reqdprec.$real reqdprec.f90 ; cd .. veget_version=orchidee1.9 fi echo liste_strc $liste_src for d in $liste_src ; do src_d=src_$d echo src_d $src_d echo ls ; ls if [ ! -d $src_d ] ; then echo Problem orchidee : no $src_d ; exit ; fi cd $src_d ; \rm -f *.mod make ; make clean make ; if [ $compilo = gfortran ] ; then cp -f *.mod ../../../lib ; fi cd .. done fi # of if [ "$veget" = 1 ] #============================================================================ # Ehouarn: it may be directory LMDZ4 or LMDZ5 depending on tar file... if [ -d $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/LMDZ[45] ] ; then echo '##########################################################' echo 'Compiling LMDZ' echo '##########################################################' cd $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/LMDZ[45] else echo "ERROR: No LMDZ4 (or LMDZ5) directory !!!" exit fi #============================================================================ # Traitement momentanne a cause d'un bug dans makegcm cp create_make_gcm create_make_gcm.orig nl=`sed -n -e /PROGRAM/= create_make_gcm.orig | tail -1` sed -e "$nl s/ PROGRA/PROGRA/" create_make_gcm.orig >| create_make_gcm #mv -f tmp crea if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] ; then if [ $compilo = gfortran ] ; then sed \ -e 's:\#setenv NCDFINC.*.$:setenv NCDFINC '"$ncdfdir"'/include:' \ -e 's:\#setenv NCDFLIB.*.$:setenv NCDFLIB '"$ncdfdir"'/lib:' \ -e 's:setenv NCDFINC.*.$:setenv NCDFINC '"$ncdfdir"'/include:' \ -e 's:setenv NCDFLIB.*.$:setenv NCDFLIB '"$ncdfdir"'/lib:' \ -e 's/set FC_LINUX.*.$/set FC_LINUX='$compilo'/' \ -e 's/g95/gfortran/g' \ -e 's/-fmod=/-I/g' \ -e 's/-fno-second-underscore//' -e 's/-fstatic//' \ -e 's/-lparallel//' \ -e 's/-lnetcdff//g' \ -e 's/-lorglob//' \ -e 's/-ffixed-form//' -e 's/-ffree-form//' \ -e 's/set OPT_LINUX.*.$/set OPT_LINUX=\"'"$OPTIMGCM"\"'/' makegcm.orig >| makegcm elif [ $compilo = ifort ] ; then sed \ -e 's:\#setenv NCDFINC.*.$:setenv NCDFINC '"$ncdfdir"'/include:' \ -e 's:\#setenv NCDFLIB.*.$:setenv NCDFLIB '"$ncdfdir"'/lib:' \ -e 's:setenv NCDFINC.*.$:setenv NCDFINC '"$ncdfdir"'/include:' \ -e 's:setenv NCDFLIB.*.$:setenv NCDFLIB '"$ncdfdir"'/lib:' \ -e 's/set FC_LINUX.*.$/set FC_LINUX='$compilo'/' \ -e 's/g95/ifort/g' \ -e 's/-fmod=/-module /g' \ -e 's/-fno-second-underscore//' -e 's/-fstatic//' \ -e 's/-lparallel//' \ -e 's/-lnetcdff//g' \ -e 's/-lorglob//' \ -e 's/-ffixed-form//' -e 's/-ffree-form//' \ -e 's/set OPT_LINUX.*.$/set OPT_LINUX=\"'"$OPTIMGCM"\"'/' makegcm.orig >| makegcm else # g95 or pgf90 sed \ -e 's:\#setenv NCDFINC.*.$:setenv NCDFINC '"$ncdfdir"'/include:' \ -e 's:\#setenv NCDFLIB.*.$:setenv NCDFLIB '"$ncdfdir"'/lib:' \ -e 's:setenv NCDFINC.*.$:setenv NCDFINC '"$ncdfdir"'/include:' \ -e 's:setenv NCDFLIB.*.$:setenv NCDFLIB '"$ncdfdir"'/lib:' \ -e 's/set FC_LINUX.*.$/set FC_LINUX='$compilo'/' \ -e 's/-fno-second-underscore//' -e 's/-fstatic//' \ -e 's/-lparallel//' \ -e 's/-lnetcdff//g' \ -e 's/-lorglob//' \ -e 's/-ffixed-form//' -e 's/-ffree-form//' \ -e 's/set OPT_LINUX.*.$/set OPT_LINUX=\"'"$OPTIMGCM"\"'/' makegcm.orig >| makegcm fi else sed \ -e 's/-lparallel//' \ -e 's/-lorglob//' \ -e 's/-lsxorglob//' \ -e 's/-lsxparallel//' \ -e 's/-lsxioipsl/-lioipsl/g' \ makegcm.orig >| makegcm fi chmod +x makegcm ########################################################### # For those who want to use fcm to compile via : # makelmdz_fcm -arch local ..... ############################################################ if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] ; then # create local 'arch' files (if on Linux PC): cd arch # arch-local.path file echo "NETCDF_LIBDIR=\"-L${ncdfdir}/lib -lnetcdf\"" > arch-local.path echo "NETCDF_INCDIR=-I${ncdfdir}/include" >> arch-local.path echo 'IOIPSL_INCDIR=$LMDGCM/../../lib' >> arch-local.path echo 'IOIPSL_LIBDIR=$LMDGCM/../../lib' >> arch-local.path echo 'ORCH_INCDIR=$LMDGCM/../../lib' >> arch-local.path echo 'ORCH_LIBDIR=$LMDGCM/../../lib' >> arch-local.path # arch-local.fcm file (adapted from arch-linux-32bit.fcm) if [ $compilo = g95 ] ; then sed -e s:"%COMPILER pgf95":"%COMPILER g95":1 \ -e s:"%LINK pgf95":"%LINK g95":1 \ -e s:"%PROD_FFLAGS -fast":"%PROD_FFLAGS $OPTIM":1 \ -e s:"%DEV_FFLAGS -g -O1":"%DEV_FFLAGS -g -O1 -Wall":1 \ -e s:"%DEBUG_FFLAGS -g -O0 -Kieee -Ktrap=fp -Mbounds":"%DEBUG_FFLAGS -g -O0 -Wall -ftrace=full -fbounds-check -freal=nan":1 \ -e s:"%BASE_FFLAGS ":"%BASE_FFLAGS $OPTPREC":1 \ arch-linux-32bit.fcm > arch-local.fcm if [ $real = r8 ] ; then sed -e s:"%FPP_DEF ":"%FPP_DEF NC_DOUBLE":1 \ arch-local.fcm > arch-local.fcm.new mv -f arch-local.fcm.new arch-local.fcm fi elif [ $compilo = gfortran ] ; then sed -e s:"%COMPILER pgf95":"%COMPILER gfortran":1 \ -e s:"%LINK pgf95":"%LINK gfortran":1 \ -e s:"%PROD_FFLAGS -fast":"%PROD_FFLAGS $OPTIM":1 \ -e s:"%DEV_FFLAGS -g -O1":"%DEV_FFLAGS -Wall -fbounds-check":1 \ -e s:"%DEBUG_FFLAGS -g -O0 -Kieee -Ktrap=fp -Mbounds":"%DEBUG_FFLAGS -g3 -Wall -fbounds-check -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -O0 -fstack-protector-all":1 \ -e s:"%BASE_FFLAGS ":"%BASE_FFLAGS $OPTPREC":1 \ arch-linux-32bit.fcm > arch-local.fcm if [ $real = r8 ] ; then sed -e s:"%FPP_DEF ":"%FPP_DEF NC_DOUBLE":1 \ arch-local.fcm > arch-local.fcm.new mv -f arch-local.fcm.new arch-local.fcm fi elif [ $compilo = pgf90 ] ; then sed -e s:"-Wl,-Bstatic -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.2":" ":1 \ -e s:"%PROD_FFLAGS -fast":"%PROD_FFLAGS $OPTIM":1 \ -e s:"%BASE_FFLAGS ":"%BASE_FFLAGS $OPTPREC":1 \ arch-linux-32bit.fcm > arch-local.fcm if [ $real = r8 ] ; then sed -e s:"%FPP_DEF ":"%FPP_DEF NC_DOUBLE":1 \ arch-local.fcm > arch-local.fcm.new mv -f arch-local.fcm.new arch-local.fcm fi elif [ $compilo = ifort ] ; then sed -e s:"%COMPILER pgf95":"%COMPILER ifort":1 \ -e s:"%LINK pgf95":"%LINK ifort":1 \ -e s:"-Wl,-Bstatic -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.2":" ":1 \ -e s:"%PROD_FFLAGS -fast":"%PROD_FFLAGS $OPTIM":1 \ -e s:"%BASE_FFLAGS ":"%BASE_FFLAGS $OPTPREC":1 \ -e s:"%DEV_FFLAGS -g -O1":"%DEV_FFLAGS -p -g -O2 -traceback -fp-stack-check -ftrapuv -check":1 \ -e s:"%DEBUG_FFLAGS -g -O0 -Kieee -Ktrap=fp -Mbounds":"%DEBUG_FFLAGS -g -no-ftz -traceback -ftrapuv -fp-stack-check -check":1 \ arch-linux-32bit.fcm > arch-local.fcm if [ $real = r8 ] ; then sed -e s:"%FPP_DEF ":"%FPP_DEF NC_DOUBLE":1 \ arch-local.fcm > arch-local.fcm.new mv -f arch-local.fcm.new arch-local.fcm fi else echo Unexpected compiler $compilo ; exit fi # of if [ $compilo = g95 ] elif [ $compilo = pgf90 ] cd .. ### Adapt "bld.cfg" (add the shell): whereisthatshell=$(which ${use_shell}) echo "bld::tool::SHELL $whereisthatshell" >> bld.cfg fi # of if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] cd $MODEL/modipsl/modeles/LMDZ? ################################################################## # Compile LMDZ ################################################################## #ok_veget=false #if [ "$veget" = 1 ] ; then ok_veget=true ; fi if [ $compile_with_fcm = 1 ] ; then makelmdz=makelmdz_fcm ; else makelmdz=makelmdz ; fi if [ "$pclinux" = 1 ] ; then ./$makelmdz -d ${grid_resolution} -arch local -v $veget_version gcm else # we are on Ada ./$makelmdz -d ${grid_resolution} -arch X64_ADA -v $veget_version gcm fi if [ -f gcm.e ] || [ -f bin/gcm_${grid_resolution}_phylmd_seq_orch.e ] || [ -f bin/gcm_${grid_resolution}_phylmd_seq.e ] ; then echo '##########################################################' echo 'Compilation successfull !! ' echo '##########################################################' else echo 'Compilation failed !!' exit fi ################################################################## # Below, we run a benchmark test (if bench=0) ################################################################## if [ $bench = 0 ] ; then exit fi echo '##########################################################' echo ' Running a test run ' echo '##########################################################' \rm -r BENCH${grid_resolution} bench=bench_lmdz_${grid_resolution} wget http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/DistribG95/$bench.tar.gz gunzip $bench.tar.gz tar xvf $bench.tar if [ -f gcm.e ] ; then cp gcm.e BENCH${grid_resolution}/ elif [ -f bin/gcm_${grid_resolution}_phylmd_seq_orch.e ] ; then cp bin/gcm_${grid_resolution}_phylmd_seq_orch.e BENCH${grid_resolution}/gcm.e elif [ -f bin/gcm_${grid_resolution}_phylmd_seq.e ] ; then cp bin/gcm_${grid_resolution}_phylmd_seq.e BENCH${grid_resolution}/gcm.e else echo "No gcm.e found" exit fi cd BENCH${grid_resolution} ./bench.sh > bench.out 2>&1 echo '##########################################################' echo ' Bench results ' echo '##########################################################' cat ./bench.out echo '##########################################################' echo 'Simulation finished in' `pwd` echo 'You may re-run it with : cd ' `pwd` ' ; gcm.e' echo 'or ./bench.sh' echo '##########################################################'