#!/bin/bash # # This script creates the file "ECDYN.nc" for a given date # defined by year, month, day and hour between 0, 6, 12 or 18hGMT # using ERA5 data at IDRIS, spirit2, spirit1 or on your local machine using # data from spirit2, provided that you have an account on spirit2. # # You need to be in the UNIX group subipsl at IDRIS or in the # UNIX group ecmwf on spirit2, to access the data. # # This main script is calling 2 scripts: get_ERA.sh and create_ECDYN_ERA.sh # # get_ERA.sh extracts the data (u, v, ta, r, etc; see $VARS below) # from ERA reanalyses at the chosen date on your actual directory # # create_ECDYN_ERA.sh merges the data into ECDYN.nc, together with an ancien # CDSW field (see below) and renames different fields. # # "ECDYN.nc" also contains ST and CDSW (which could be in "ECPHY.nc"). # CDSW is not modified because we do not know what to put into it. # # NB: The field CDSW is coming from the file ECDYN_high_res.nc # available here : # https://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/pub/3DInputData/Init/ECDYN_high_res.nc # # This script was largely inspired by the script "create_ECDYN.sh" # available at "https://lmdz.lmd.jussieu.fr/utilisateurs/utilisation-de-lmdz" # written by Lionel GUEZ. # It was completely rewritten and parameterized as follows: # # 1/ getting data fields (script get_ERA.sh) was separated from # the merging part (script create_ECDYN_ERA.sh) # 2/ it allows to get any day and hour of a given year and month. # 3/ it allows to use ERA5 dataset # # Usage : # # ./ECDYN_ERA.sh $machine $year $month $day $hour # # For example, to create ECDYN.nc # on spirit2 for 1995 year, January 1st at 0h, # launch ./ECDYN_ERA.sh as below : # # ./ECDYN_ERA.sh spirit2 1995 01 01 0 # # Author: Ionela MUSAT, 1st April 2022 # echo $host may be spirit2 or IDRIS host=$1 year=$2 month=$3 day=$4 hour=$5 ana=ERA5 mesolog=`whoami` resol=GLOBAL_025 echo echo get the input data for ECDYN.nc for ${year}${month}${day} at ${hour}GMT echo VARS="u v ta r geopt stl1 sp" for var in $VARS; do case $var in ta) freq=hourly ddt=AN_PL suf=ap1e5 ndpd=24 ;; u|v|r) freq=4xdaily ddt=AN_PL suf=aphe5 ndpd=4 ;; geopt|stl1|sp) freq=hourly ddt=AN_SF suf=as1e5 ndpd=24 ;; esac ./get_ERA.sh ${ana} ${host} ${mesolog} ${resol} ${freq} ${ddt} ${suf} ${ndpd} ${year} ${month} ${day} ${hour} ${var} done echo echo merge input data into ECDYN.nc for ${year}${month}${day} at ${hour}GMT echo ./create_ECDYN_ERA.sh ${host} ${year} ${month} ${day} ${hour} exit